Read My Sweet Degradation Online

Authors: J Phillips

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

My Sweet Degradation (6 page)

‘You accepted your punishment well and I can tell that you're a good girl deep down,' I said kindly. ‘Now, run along back to class and I don't expect to see you in my office for quite some time to come. Is that understood?'

You muttered some kind of inaudible affirmation before, turning on your heels, you left me to contemplate the inevitable downfall of my career.


Five days later and the school board still hadn't called to demand my resignation, nor had the authorities arrived to question my abuse of power. In fact, up until that moment when my secretary, Jane, buzzed through on the intercom, I'd heard absolutely nothing further from or about you whatsoever.

But my pulse certainly quickened and a sickening feeling of dread gripped my insides when Jane said your name.

‘What... what does she want?' I asked anxiously.

‘Well that's the strange thing, headmaster,' Jane said. ‘She says she's been naughty again and needs to report herself to you.'

‘Ah, w-well, um,' I stammered, trying to gather my thoughts and my composure at this unexpected but not unwelcome development.

‘Um, give me five minutes to finish what I'm doing, Jane, and then send her through. Oh, and Jane... you may as well go home early this afternoon; I might be quite some time with the young lady, as I suspect she's been a very naughty girl indeed.'



My Sweet Degradation


The story I'm about to share begins one sunny afternoon in late July when me and my brother were back home from university. Josh had recently graduated and was looking for a fulltime job, whereas I was simply kicking back and sponging off my folks for the summer holidays. On this particular day mum and dad had been invited out to their friends' for dinner, and as it was quite a drive away they'd decided to stay overnight.

Now, despite the fact that I was a twenty-year-old back then and Josh was twenty-two, we had been given strict instructions to behave ourselves and were permitted no more than one friend each to stay. I promptly invited Julie – an old girlfriend from schooldays – and Josh, two of his mates from university. I was mildly peeved that big brother had broken the rules without warning me in advance, especially as mum and dad still saw him as being the ‘sensible' one, but when his friends arrived somewhere around three o'clock that Saturday afternoon I must confess, I was rather pleased that he had cheated.

Josh's pals turned out to be extremely handsome young men. They all knew each other from the university rowing club, and both boys had bodies to make a good girl blush.

First off I was introduced to Christian, who was tall, blond and had what American's would call a ‘preppy' look about him. It was clear to see that he loved himself a little too much, but as he really was pretty damned gorgeous I was prepared to forgive him his cockiness. Next came Ben with his square-jawed good looks, piercing blue eyes and dark hair, clipper-cut short to the scalp. Ben's greatest weapon was a boyish smile that could be used to devastating effect whenever he chose to use it.

By the way I was dressed you wouldn't have thought I'd made any special effort in honour of our guests, as I was wearing little more than a short denim skirt and a tight, black, sleeveless tee. That said, I do like to make an impression and I'd made sure that I looked pretty damn hot – if I do say so myself – but in a subtle kind of a way.

While waiting for Julie to arrive we all got to know each other a little better over a couple of beers in the garden. As the drinks flowed and inhibitions fell away it was clear to see that I was having some kind of an effect on Josh's friends. Christian was confirming my initial suspicions by proving to be more than a little up himself, what with him being far too happy to regale me with his superior athletic and academic achievements, while making no effort to disguise the fact that his eyes would linger on the naked flesh at the top of my thighs or on the swell of my tits. If I'm honest, I was starting to think Christian was a bit of a dick, but all the same, I couldn't stop myself from enjoying his attentions.

Ben joined in the conversation whenever he could, and he too undressed me with his gaze, but perhaps a little less blatantly than his friend.

The afternoon was scorching hot, the sky a cloudless blue, and it wasn't long before the boys decided to strip out of their shirts. I'm sure they were just showing off, but you couldn't blame them as each had the kind of physique that belonged on the cover of a fitness magazine. As I was wearing a bikini top underneath, I too pulled off my T-shirt, not entirely oblivious to the grin and nudge our guests shared in response.

For some reason the attention I was receiving from his friends seemed to bring out a little grouchiness in Josh, and he kept asking what time Julie would be arriving. It wasn't long before he suggested he take the boys inside for a few frames of pool, knowing full well that I hated the game, but that didn't stop me from tagging along, and I even allowed sleazy Christian to show me how to improve my cue action as he leant over me from behind, pressing his fit body tight against my ass.

The drinking and flirting continued and I made sure that the boys had plenty to see as I bent low over the pool table, before screwing up my shot royally. It's nothing I'm particularly proud of, but I guess I've always been a bit of a tease, and I must admit it did give me a thrill to watch my brother's handsome friends ogling me.

Poor old Josh was playing really badly and getting more and more sullen, when thankfully the doorbell rang. It was Julie, and just as soon as I'd grabbed her a cold one, the introductions were made.

I've known Julie since forever, and fairly quickly I twigged that she wasn't her usual fun-loving self. Josh was hitting on her big style by way of compensation for the attention I was receiving, and despite the fact that I know she's had a massive crush on him since she was no more than nine-years-old, she wasn't even responding to him. So eventually I made our excuses and dragged her up to my bedroom.

Unsurprisingly I soon discovered it was man trouble and that Mark, her boyfriend, had been talking about ‘taking a break'. Now, I love Julie dearly, but this put a real dampener on the whole day. I'd been looking forward to flirting and having a little fun with the cute guys, and who knows, maybe even enjoying a drunken snog or two, but all Julie wanted to talk about was how she knew that Mark was wrong for her, but she didn't see how she could possibly live without him. There were even the inevitable tears after a couple more drinks, and I'm afraid I actually began to regret inviting her along.

Later on we ordered pizza and all five of us sat down to watch a movie together. It was just some crappy action flick, but I was enjoying it all the same. About an hour in, however, Julie suddenly leapt to her feet and ran from the room.

I soon found her sobbing her heart out in the bathroom, and resisted the urge to roll my eyes when she sniffed that she was sorry, but one of the actors in the film reminded her of Mark. In the end, when she announced that she should probably not stay the night and would like to head home, I'm only mildly ashamed to confess that I made absolutely no effort to persuade her otherwise.

When I stuck my head around the door to tell Josh that Julie wasn't feeling great and that I was going to walk her home, there was very little in the way of protest and it was plain to see that none of the boys were going to miss her company a great deal either.

By the time I arrived home, an hour or so later, I immediately sensed that the dynamic among the little group had changed, and not for the better. When I'd left they were all charmingly tipsy, but now they'd moved beyond that and were clearly drunk. I, on the other hand, had pretty much sobered up entirely.

We listened to some music in the living room and I hung out for a little while longer, but what had earlier come across as engaging confidence from Christian was now nothing short of unappealing arrogance. Ben too was displaying a side to him that I'd not spotted before, making leery comments about my body that ordinarily I could easily handle, but I thought a little crude given that my brother – his supposed friend – was sat right there with us. Josh had foolishly opened a bottle of whisky, a drink I knew from past experiences he cannot handle, and was steadily getting even grumpier as the night progressed.

It was a muggy evening and the walk to and from Julie's had left me feeling a little sticky, so finally bored of their company, I announced that I was going to go take a shower.

‘Great, I'll be up in a minute to soap your, um, back!' Christian beamed, more to his friend than to me.

I just smiled sarcastically and replied, ‘Yeah sure... in your dreams,' before turning and leaving to the sound of self-satisfied high-fives and idiotic giggling.

As I stripped off and climbed beneath the stinging jets of water, I couldn't help but think about the boys. I was really beginning to dislike them and it bothered me that Josh considered them to be his friends. But there was no denying they were very good-looking young men, and my mind wandered back to their semi-naked bodies in the back garden earlier.

I soaped myself all over, feeling the tiny goose-bumps that had risen across my arms and how tight my nipples had become as my fingers brushed over them. Slipping a hand between my thighs I began to slowly rub back and forth, gasping and rolling my head back as my slippery caress hit home. Finally I decided it had been a pretty disastrous day all-in-all, and that I deserved a little fun of my own. Christian and Ben may have turned out to be complete assholes, but that didn't stop me from using my imagination to think of their bodies alone.

So, unhooking the showerhead, I brought it down between my thighs and altered the jet so that a soft stream of warm water gushed directly against my clit. It felt really good and I imagined myself left alone with them in the garden, and what they might do to me with a bottle of sun lotion and their wandering fingers, if only I let them.

I was completely lost in my fantasy when all of a sudden a heavy knocking fell against the bathroom door. I jumped with fright, dropping the showerhead in the process, before calling out an angry, ‘What?' by way of response, then watched as the door handle began to turn, but thankfully I'd remembered to lock it.

‘Um, it's me... Ben,' came the reply.

‘I'm having a shower, Ben. What the hell do you want?'

‘I... I was just looking for the toilet,' he said.

‘It's next door.' As if he didn't know.

‘Oh, um thanks,' he offered weakly, before all fell silent once more.

I have no doubt that the stupid boy actually thought I might simply invite him in to join me, and although the idea of his hands lathering my naked body all over was rather appealing, I'm just not that kind of a girl, and all he succeeded in doing was breaking the spell of my erotic daydream. So I quickly rinsed down and dried myself off.

Back in my bedroom I realised that I'd had enough of the drunken fools downstairs for one evening, and so I decided to go to bed. I quickly rifled through my drawers and found a cute little pair of pink shorts and a white cotton vest to slip on.

Now, looking back I suspect that deep down my intentions were never entirely innocent. I've already admitted that I enjoy flirting, and just because you don't like a person doesn't mean it's not fun to tease them a little, so I headed off to say a last goodnight to my brother and his guests.

I soon discovered they were no longer in the living room, however, and hearing the TV blaring away once more I headed back through to the den. As I entered I was greeted by the unmistakable fake grunts and groans of a porn movie in full swing, which very quickly turned into the cheering crowds at a football match as my brother surreptitiously changed channels.

Christian grinned crookedly and offered a lazy wolf-whistle as his eyes crawled drunkenly up and down my barely clothed body.

‘What are you watching?' I questioned with fake innocence, well aware of the truth.

‘What does it look like, brains?' Josh replied.

I turned to face him and scowled. ‘Look, I don't give a shit if you want to watch porn, you know, so you don't have to disguise it on my behalf. Anyway, I just came down to say I'm off to bed.'

‘Aw, don't go,' Ben drawled. ‘You can watch the movie with me. There's plenty of room on the sofa, right here.' He patted the leather cushion at his side and winked while I simply rolled my eyes in response to his sleaziness.

‘Look, if you're going to bed why don't you just fuck off,' Josh snapped, and I spun round to face him once more. It wasn't Josh's fault really; I shouldn't have flirted with his idiot friends, and it must have been very uncomfortable for him to see them leering so blatantly at his sister.

Then out of nowhere, as I stood facing directly away from our guests, I suddenly felt hands grab at my shorts before they were quickly whipped down my thighs to leave me standing naked from the waist down. There were raucous jeers and laughter as I quickly bent to pull them back up, before turning to glare at Christian and Ben. I don't suppose they saw anything more than my bare bum because of how I stood, but all the same, their sheer nerve made me seethe with rage.

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