Read Naked Treats Online

Authors: Pepper Anthony

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love story, #contemporary, #food, #evernight, #pepper anthony

Naked Treats (5 page)

Just a few feet to one side, a large, gilt-framed
mirror hung in the entry next to the coat rack. He eased her body
around ninety degrees until their reflection shone back at them.
The wildly sexy image set him on fire.

There was Rose’s voluptuous form, clothed only in the
scrap of lace, pale and lovely in the low light. He saw his own
face above her shoulder, his fingers moving on her breasts,
cupping, caressing. He watched the involuntary movement of her hips
as she pushed into him. Touching her was even better than he had

But the expression on her face as her eyes stared
into his was the best thing of all. Her lids were heavy with
arousal, small white teeth trapping her ripe lower lip. Her breath
came in short bursts, breasts rising and falling wantonly beneath
his palms. She moved her hands restively over her belly and thighs
like an exotic dancer, intriguing and inviting him to touch her
more intimately. He swallowed hard and lowered his gaze.

He snaked one hand down her abdomen and over the
apron. The lace was slightly scratchy. He palmed her mound, moving
in a slow circle, watching their reflection as he lifted the bottom
of the apron a little higher with each pass. Finally, the dark
triangle of curls peeked out from underneath, decorating her plump
mons and hidden cleft. He hesitated then, his eyes meeting hers
again in the mirror, seeking some sign that she wanted this as much
as he did.


Rose stared into his eyes and then back at her own
naked reflection. The whole situation seemed so surreal. One moment
she had been almost hysterical about Mikey, ready to run home, and
in the next she found herself responding like a slut to Zack
Cranston’s touch. Somehow that gesture of his, that small kindness
of finding out about Mikey for her, had shredded her defenses,
leaving her completely, unexpectedly open to his approach.

He pushed her apron up, baring her, and all she could
think about was how long it was taking him to touch her aching
pussy. As she watched, she felt his other hand tickle at the small
of her back, untying the bow, and then the apron dropped away. Now
she was completely naked.

“Open your legs, Rose.” His fierce whisper seared her

Still watching herself, she widened her stance for
him, her stilettos finding purchase in the thick carpet. His warm
fingers delved between her thighs, probing her gently. Incredible
sensations flooded her as he touched and stroked her folds then
reached deeper. Her body’s eager response glistened on his

“Umm. So wet, so sexy,” he rumbled in her ear.

She moaned, unable to take her eyes from the mirror.
Fascinated, she saw his skilled fingers disappearing once more
between her legs, questing more boldly now, parting her folds to
find her clit. When his nails scraped across it, she gasped.
Exquisite spirals of arousal coursed through her, making her whole
pussy clench, her nipples ache.

“You know how hot you look right now, Rose?” The hand
that had been teasing her nipple joined the other hand at her
pussy, spreading her labia apart for the mirror. Even in the low
light, her swollen clit was obvious as it peeked out, begging for
more of his attention. She flushed shamelessly at the sight of her
most intimate parts put on full display. There was no way she could
deny Zack Cranston’s effect on her.

No one had ever touched her like this before. No one
had ever forced her to admit to this primitive side of herself. She
was used to maintaining a certain sense of propriety, even in the
bedroom. Now, her quivering body mocked her with its brazen bloom
of stark desire.

As if he could read her thoughts, Zack said, “Tell me
out loud what you want me to do to you.”

She swallowed hard, the words she longed to say
sticking in her throat. Could she admit to the depraved images
playing through her mind, the primal urges bubbling up from inside
her? Would he understand her wanting to be swept up, her slighter,
feminine body acquiescing to his more powerful male strength? Or
would he ridicule her desire to submit to him?

And if he did understand what she couldn’t seem to
put into words, could she let herself be used by him the way she
secretly longed to be?

As she hesitated, his forefinger flicked at her
exposed clit, making the decision almost involuntary.

“Take me,” she whispered, her voice ragged. She would
ride the flood of these sensations without stopping to think about
the consequences. She would give herself to the moment and trust
this man, this compassionate stranger, to take her where she longed
to go.

He spun her around, his hands rough on her hips, and
backed her up hard against the mirror. She squirmed against the
cold glass, panting, gasping. His mouth moved on hers, crushing and
punishing her lips, forcing them open. His tongue thrust in. He
ground his hips into hers, his cock like stone behind his pants as
it prodded her mound. Shocked, she struggled to catch her

“Like this, Rose?” Warm breath feathered along her

She moaned brokenly in response. She felt one of his
hands gather her wrists together, dragging them over her head,
pinning her to the mirror as he deepened the ruthless kiss. A
sweet, unfamiliar sense of helplessness washed over Rose. A whimper
escaped from her lips. His free hand began to explore again, this
time with almost insolent assurance. Her nipple burned as he worked
it between his finger tips, pinching and plucking.

And then that hand left her breast and dove down,
sliding over her belly again, invading the place between her
thighs, which she held once more clamped primly together.

“Spread your legs for me.” His command sent shivers
of apprehension and pleasure down her spine. She felt helpless to
disobey. She let her thighs part, giving him room to reach in. The
fingers that probed now were anything but gentle. She cried out as
he thrust them inside, deep and sure. At the same time his mouth
moved over hers again, his tongue mimicking the invasive motion of
his fingers.

Her knees buckled, but the press of his body held her
in place.

She turned her head, straining to evade his kisses.
“Please, Zack—”

“I know what you want, Rose.” He kissed her lightly
now, persuasively, at the edge of her mouth, his words warm and
damp against her face. “Perfect Rose, always in control, always the
one to make the rules. I know you want to let go.”

“Yes,” she sobbed. How did he know her better than
she knew herself?

His fingers stroked faster in her pussy, smooth and
relentless, bringing her right to the edge of orgasm before she
realized what was happening. She sobbed out again as her muscles
tensed tighter and tighter, so achingly close to delicious release.
As his tongue moved in her mouth she latched on and began to suck
it. He laughed deep in his throat.

“Let go, baby,” he crooned in her ear, “just let go.”
As she teetered on the brink, he pulled his fingers from inside her
and touched her throbbing clit, rubbing and tugging the swollen bud
without mercy. Exquisite pleasure stabbed and circled. At last she
came, her body bucking against his fingers, her heartbeat pounding
like drums. Amazing sensations rolled over her in heated waves. She
was blind to time and place. When they ceased, she was vaguely
aware that his arms had encircled her, offering support.

“Beautiful.” He tipped her chin up, forcing her to
look deep into his eyes. “Beautiful.”



Chapter Six


As Rose sagged against him, Zack lifted her into his
arms and started down the hallway to the master bedroom. She lay
dazed against his chest, her eyes half-closed, completely sated by
the maelstrom of sensation produced by her orgasm.

He smiled down at her fondly. He’d learned a helluva
lot about his gorgeous personal chef in the last fifteen minutes.
None of it surprised him. He’d sensed from the beginning that there
was a lot more to her than the efficient, businesslike woman who
cooked his breakfast in the nude twice a month. She might have
adopted her standoffish demeanor as a business practice, yes, but
it was also an elaborate ruse. Rose craved permission to unleash
her less inhibited side. He’d known strong women like her before,
bound and determined to keep a death grip on every circumstance of
their lives. That Rose had younger siblings depending on her just
upped those stakes.

But she’d cracked more easily than he had imagined
she would, probably because of her immediate fears for her brother,
and the relief his call to Phil brought her. Perhaps it hadn’t been
fair of him to take advantage of her fragile emotional state, but
he wasn’t sorry. Hell no. He was getting something he’d wanted for

And she’d get more of what she wanted too. He’d be
only too happy to make sure of that.

He kicked open the door to his room and strode to the
bed, laying her on the plush coverlet, then he turned on the lamp
beside the bed. The sudden light seemed to snap her out of her

“Oh!” She jerked up, making a fruitless effort to
cover her breasts and crotch.

He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned toward her,
his hand stroking her cheek.

“It’s all right, Rose. So you let go. I gave you
permission. I made you let go, if you will. How did it feel?”

Her gaze dropped to her lap, her cheeks coloring.

“I’ve never done anything like that before.”


She looked up from under her lashes, silent and

“It looked to me like you enjoyed yourself. Here,
smell.” He held his fingers beneath her nose. “That’s how delicious
your pussy smells when you’re turned on.”

Her blush deepened. She twisted around and tried to
scoot off the other side of the bed. He reached out and grabbed her
wrist, pulled her back down, then quickly pinned her naked body
beneath his. He adjusted his position so that he sat above her, his
knees on either side of her hips. She writhed under him. He held
her wrists firmly to the pillow on either side of head.

“For God’s sake, Mr. Cranston, let me go. Let me

“I will, Rose. But you lie still and talk to me

“There’s nothing to say.” She continued to flail
about. Her sensuous movements, the way her breasts bobbed and
jiggled, even her heightened coloring, were making him
crazy-turned-on. The inviting scent of her arousal still hung over
them, too, reminding him how much he longed to taste that hot, wet
pussy of hers.

Instead, he bent over her and pressed his mouth to
hers. She turned her head away. So he kissed her throat, her jaw
line, the smooth little spot next to her ear. Finally, her
breathing began to slow and she looked sideways at him.

“What?” she finally demanded. “What do you think you
need to say?”

Her eyes flashed, her nostrils flared. He was getting
more turned on than ever.

“There’s no reason to feel embarrassed, Rose. You
obviously needed to lose a little control.”

She started to wriggle around again.

“Thank you,
, for that brilliant
insight. Now let me up.”

“Not yet. I want you to admit to me that you wanted


“And you liked it, didn’t you, Rose?”

“No.” She wouldn’t look at him now, her jaw

“No? Are you sure? You don’t like it when I play with
your nipple like this?” He lowered his head and sucked the rosy tip
of one breast into his mouth, nibbling until she squirmed. She made
a desperate little mewing sound, struggling to break free of his
grasp. He moved to her other nipple, treating it to the same
teasing torture. Slowly, he aroused her again. A single tear slid
from the corner of one eye.

“Please stop.”

“I’ll stop, if that’s what you really want me to do,
Rose.” He sat back and let go of her wrists. But he captured her
face in his hands then bent and kissed her deeply, letting her feel
all his pent-up passion for her. Soon, she gave a harsh cry and
began to kiss him back. He slid his hands to her breasts and
fondled them, tormenting the taut tips. Her fists relaxed on his
back, stroking over his shirt.

“I want you,” he murmured against her hair. “I want
you right here in my bed, Rose, under me. I want to be inside your
warm, sexy body.”

She went still and stared up at him. Their gazes

“Just for tonight?” she finally said.

A jagged pain arrowed to his gut.

“If that’s all you’ll give me, I’ll take that.”

“You know I can’t cook for you any longer,

“I’ll pay you triple.”

“Don’t! Get this. I can’t cook for you after

There was that pain again. He didn’t want to think
about Sunday morning without her. But it was already too late. Even
if he rolled off her right now, he knew she would dress and leave
and never come back. “All right.”

Then she knotted her fingers into his lapels and
pulled him down to her mouth, kissing him with heated fervor.
Keeping her lips on his, she began to work his shirt buttons loose.
Just the light scrabble of her fingertips on his chest sent
delicious thrills over his whole body. Zack pulled his shirt open
and then down off his arms, reveling in the feel of her bare
breasts against him.

After a moment he undid his belt buckle. Her fingers
were already at his fly. Then he felt her hand reach in and close
on his hard cock. His whole body flinched.

“Oh God!”

She began to stroke him, working the sensitive rim at
the head of his cock as if she had always known exactly how to
drive him crazy. Heat rushed through him. Next thing he knew she
reached deep inside his slacks, cupping his balls. He groaned.

“I need to be inside you, Rose.”


Somehow he pulled off his slacks and pushed them
away, jerked down his boxers. Blindly he reached for the drawer in
the nightstand and grabbed a packet, tore it open.

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