Read Natasha's Legacy Online

Authors: Heather Greenis

Tags: #children, #kingdom, #princess, #castle, #gardening, #orphanage, #underprivileged

Natasha's Legacy (2 page)

“Alex's baby sister. It would be a shame not
to find a picture of the young, spunky one.”

Will opened the next book and began scanning
the names and faces. A half hour later, they still hadn’t found
anything useful. Will put his elbow on the table and rested his
chin on his palm. A slight scowl marred his face, showing his
boredom. Keeghan was pushing her luck keeping him in the room. Then
a huge smile broke free. He sat up straight. Keeghan looked over
his shoulder and saw a picture of a stunning brunette and the
Rose Alisha Venderkemp

“Wow. I think we found your friend’s baby
sister. Rose Alisha. I like the name Alisha. Give it some thought
for a daughter.”

“Alisha for a daughter, and Alexander for a
son. Perhaps we’ll have two daughters. Alisha and Alexandra.”
Keeghan glanced toward Will. He wasn’t paying attention to her, but
looking at the youngest Venderkemp.

“What an attractive family,” Will remarked.
“I’m not surprised the orphanage had volunteers. I would’ve
volunteered too.”

Keeghan covered her face with her hand,
muffling her chuckle, not wanting to get lectured by the librarian.
“Hey, if the orphanage exists today, you still could. I’m sure they
still require volunteers, although it’d be a
commute. Jump on a plane Friday night after
work, volunteer Saturday and Sunday, and take the red eye home for
work on Monday morning. I hate to burst your bubble, but you might
be a bit disappointed when you discover neither Hope nor Rose are
living in the building.”

“Ha, ha, ha. Aren’t you comical. I’ll keep my
fingers crossed that future Venderkemps are alive and well and
managing the orphanage.” Covering his mouth with his hand, he
opened his eyes even wider. “Oops, almost forgot. I already have a
beautiful bride.”

“You nut. Wouldn’t it be incredible if the
Venderkemp Orphanage is still in existence? The librarian would
know. I’d love to go see the building if it’s still standing.”
Little thrills of excitement tingled up her spine.

Will stifled a yawn, stretched, and then
rubbed his eyes. They were both exhausted from spending too much
time indoors.

“We should go back to the hotel, freshen up,
and go for a long walk. Tomorrow is another day. I’m not used to
sitting in one spot, staring at books all day.”

“Missing your golf clubs, are you?” Keeghan
closed her book and added it to a pile for Will to take to the
librarian. Getting to her feet, her legs and lower back were stiff
and her butt a bit tender from sitting. “Ugh,” she grumbled,
placing her hands on her lower back.

“You’re making old noises,” Will teased.

“Hush. You’re used to sitting with your
clients or walking the golf course. I’m used to shuffling on my
feet. I don’t think I have enough padding on my butt to sit on such
hard chairs.”

Will’s eyes shifted to her bottom. “Looks
perfect to me.”

“Take the books back,” she ordered.

Will was smiling as he grabbed the pile of

Walking to the counter, he enquired about the
local orphanage. The woman gave him directions before he and
Keeghan left the building.

Keeghan was grinning as they walked out of
the door. "I'm so glad that woman knows where the orphanage

“Me too. And she was able to give us decent
directions to boot.”

“I need to go for a walk and stretch. I don’t
want to go to the car yet.”

“Lead the way, Ms. Kinsdale.”

He hardly ever called her that, but knew she
hated the term Mrs. Kinsdale. That was her mother. It was the only
downfall to keeping her maiden name when they got married.

“I’d love another guided tour of the Picton
University grounds,” he continued.

Once outside, Keeghan glanced around and
admired the architecture.

“I always enjoyed walking the grounds of the
university in B.C. with the trees and manicured gardens, but these
buildings have more character due to their age.”

“Yup. Pretty impressive, aren’t they.”

They enjoyed a leisurely walk, returned to
the hotel for a relaxing dinner, and then went to bed early after
the exhausting day.



* * *



Keeghan’s Dream

Thrilled when she saw Alexander sitting under
the tree, she knew the saga would continue. With William beside
her, she reached for her husband’s hand and walked toward their
friend. Constable dashed a few feet ahead, her tongue lolling out
in welcome. Studying Alex’s features, he appeared to be five or ten
years older than she recalled from the books in the library.

“Alexander, this
the story of your own life,” she squealed.

“Alex broke his engagement with Elaine,”
Alexander reminded them.

“I have so many questions…,” Keeghan

The large screen appeared, showing Alex in
the orphanage, working with the children. Afraid of missing an
important detail of the story, Keeghan settled on the blanket
between Alexander and Will. They watched and listened as the story
continued to unfold.




Chapter Two


It took weeks to gain even a slight amount of
confidence, but slowly, Alex began communicating with school chums
again. Returning their telephone calls and chatting with them, it
was reassuring to know they were very supportive of his decision to
break off the engagement.

Richard, Rose’s friend spent a great deal of
time at the orphanage that summer. Alex cherished his time with
Richard and their friendship quickly grew into a close bond. They
played with the children and Alex joined Rose and Richard for long
walks around the property. Rose continually pointed out attractive
volunteers, but Alex ignored her suggestions. “I’ve made two
mistakes. I will not make a third,” he reminded her during a

“Your heart must be yearning for a

“That will stop. I will find fulfilment
dedicating my time and energy to the orphanage.”

“Augh,” Rose grumbled in a tone louder than

Rose received her acceptance letter and that
fall began her first year at Picton University while Richard
returned for his final year. Alex’s sister enjoyed the social
aspect of school, meeting new friends and spending time with her
beau when they weren’t in class.

Momma and Poppa were concerned when her
grades slipped, but Rose assured them her professors were pleased
with her efforts.



* * *



Shortly before mid-term exams, Rose noticed
Elaine walking out of a classroom. Determined to cause pain to the
woman who hurt her brother, she devised a plan to show Elaine’s
true character. Enlisting Richard’s assistance, she spoke of her
plan while they walked home from school.

The following day, Rose waited with Richard
outside a classroom. When Elaine walked out, Richard smiled. This
was Rose’s indication to begin.

“Papa Stewart’s company has been awarded
another large contract. Once again, Stewart Donovan Engineering
will be the talk of the town.”

“Your papa is a talented man, Rose. My poppa
says the businessmen in the city rave about his company. To this
day they speak of the hotel he constructed.”

Alex was working in the office when Rose
returned home after school and bounced into the office. Far too
giddy, he had no opportunity to greet her before she began
describing the conversation she and Richard staged. The fact Rose
came up with the elaborate scheme didn’t surprise Alex, but
Richard’s involvement did. Alex listened only half paying
attention, sceptical.

“You’ve both wasted your time and energy. It
has been over six months since our breakup. Elaine has too much
pride to contact me.”

“We’ll see,” Rose responded. “I’d wager money
I’m right and you’re wrong.”

Rose, Richard and Alex were placing the last
of the dinner plates in the cupboard when the ring of the telephone
reached them.

“I believe that’s a personal telephone call
for you, Alex,” Rose announced.

“Nay. There has been an accident. A child
will be arriving momentarily.”

Rose dashed out of the room toward the office
with Richard a few paces behind. Alex placed the last pile of
plates in the cupboard and walked out of the kitchen and into the
lobby. Richard was standing outside the office, waiting for Rose.
Looking into the room, Rose placed the telephone receiver on the
desk. She skipped out of the room with a smug smile on her

“It’s Elaine. She’s asking to speak to you,
my dearest brother.”

Alex glared at her, fury building inside him.
The only reason Elaine had for contacting him after all this time
would be to reconcile. A great deal of pain remained in his empty
heart, but he would never let Elaine know. Without an option,
thanks to his sister’s meddling, Alex took a deep breath and
entered the office, closing the door.


* * *



“I can hear him.”

Coming down the main staircase with Adam,
Rose's voice reached Hope’s ears. Taking two more steps, she
noticed Rose with her ear to the office door.

“She’s eavesdropping on a conversation in the
office,” Hope whispered to Adam.
Step away, Rose.
Take Richard to another room.

“I’m not accustomed to hearing Alex use that
tone,” Rose told Richard. “He’s confirming the Donovan name.”

“Rose Alisha Venderkemp,” Richard scolded.
“Your brother deserves privacy.”

Rose put her finger to her lips. “Now he’s
saying neither of us achieved grades to warrant a scholarship.”

“Rose?” Hope questioned.

“Shh,” she responded, a scowl creasing her

Richard turned and looked toward Hope and
Adam. “Alex’s speaking with Elaine on the telephone,” Richard
informed them.

“Shh,” Rose grumbled.

“I disagree.” Alex’s voice was loud. “Our
relationship lacked
. You

Hope turned her attention to Adam. “Oh my,”
she whispered, then placed her hands over her mouth.

“There were many assumptions.” Alex’s voice
rose angrily. “I don’t recall buying a ring, proposing, or
discussing a living arrangement.”

“I’m a proud sister.” Rose gave a gloating

“Agh,” Adam groaned, putting his hands on his

Hope stepped toward her daughter, reached for
her arm, and pulled her away from the doorway. “Rose Alisha, we’re
eavesdropping on a private conversation. Your poppa and I will
speak with you in private about this.”



* * *



Alex opened the door to see his parents
standing with Rose and Richard.
My voice got
loud. Too loud.
He closed his eyes for a moment.
This is silly. What’s done is done.
opened his eyes and looked at his sister.

“Rose, your instincts were correct. Elaine
was seeking confirmation of our heritage. I found myself thankful
she was not aware of Momma’s…,” Alex stopped himself and looked
toward Richard.
My sister’s beau is aware of Papa
Stewart’s business, but is he aware of their connection to the
Strathroys? Who our nana was?

Rose shrugged her shoulders when Richard
glanced her way, but not a word was spoken. Not wishing to discuss
it any further, Alex walked into the playroom, avoiding his family.
The second the door closed, a light went off in his head. “What in
heaven’s name was I thinking,” he grumbled quietly. Alex stared at
the ceiling. “I discussed and confirm Papa Stewart’s business?” He
turned around and walked into the lobby.

Quiet, he heard the hum of voices in the
office. Tapping lightly on the door, he opened it and went in. His
grandfather and Izabella were sitting on the chairs with his father
and mother leaning against the wall, talking.

“I have made a grave error.” He closed the
door. “I spoke of Papa’s business to Elaine.”

The room went dead silent, magnifying his
guilty conscience. His stomach did somersaults. The connection
between the orphanage, Papa Stewart’s business, and his nana’s
heritage had been discussed many times over the years, but never
publicly. Alex and Rose had been warned the knowledge of their
heritage would be detrimental to the funding of the orphanage from
public donations.

Tom was the only person outside the family
who knew Papa Stewart owned a successful business. People would
cease donating and stop adopting children from their business if
the truth was revealed. It would break Alex’s heart if the
orphanage were forced to shut its doors to needy children. It would
break his father’s heart.

“I don’t believe Elaine will speak of this,”
Izabella responded, breaking the silence. “In the mind of her
family, she wasn’t marrying a man able to support her financially.
Revealing the truth exposes the lack of communication and her lack
of judgment. It would be plain to everyone, Elaine didn’t know the
man she was planning to marry. That would be embarrassing and
beneath her.”

“That assumes she uses common sense,” his
papa reminded her.

“With this evening to think and sleep,”
Izabella continued, “I’m confident she will remain silent on the
topic. If Alex and Elaine were to reconcile—”

“Reconcile?” he questioned, finding the
notion preposterous. “I would be a fool. Elaine isn’t capable of
change. As long as I’m shy, Elaine will attempt to dictate my life.
That will
happen,” Alex assured
them, looking at each member of his family.



* * *



Two days later, Alex was sitting in the
office at his mother’s desk. Hearing commotion from outside, he
looked up as Tom looked out the window.

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