Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (9 page)

She studied his profile when they were sitting out on the dock, noticing the subtle differences in his appearance. His body was firm and deliciously tan all over. It was apparent his haircut was new
as well as the trim to his beard. He teased her the night before, saying that he’d kept it to surprise her with new delights. While she accepted his words and his new tickling beard and mustache, she also knew his face underneath would be pale compared to his sun-worshiped body. She had no hesitations when he started do pull her pants down her legs. She didn’t care that they were outside on the dock, just that he wanted her.

Thea felt a new rush when he slipped between her thighs and gave her a firsthand test of his new whiskers. He’d teased her clit with his tongue and took long licks of her pussy lips. When he slipped a finger in her pussy, she groaned, shifting to accept the intrusion. When he slid a second beside it
she came, the sunshine forcing pinpoint lights on the inside
of her closed lids. Dex had continued to lick and suck her, using his callused hand to capture her breast and pump it in unison with his tongue. When he pinched her nipple, she finally felt the tension leave her body.

By the time they were through, she’d been thoroughly sucked and fucked, but not by his cock, only by his lips and fingers. When she reached for him, he told her it was time to go inside. Thea figured he’d had enough of being outdoors in the elements and was glad to head back to the shelter of the old, familiar structure. She’d delighted in the experiment, realizing how much she’d missed this closeness with him and
most importantly, that they still connected on that level. Everything else would come with time. Her husband was home, and she was going to make sure he never left her again. Even if it meant gluing herself to his side as he had teased. Never again did she want to experience the ache she felt when he was gone from her life.

Dex had studied her openly several times since his return. When she’d fallen asleep in front of the fire yesterday, he’d watched her rhythmic breathing and thanked God for allowing him another chance to be with her. Another chance for their future to begin.

He noted the small lines forming beside her eyes and chose not to mention them to her. This morning he’d realized what was different. She’d matured. Gone was the twenty-something girl he had married. Beside him now was his wife, a woman who’d overcome the stress of his plane crash and his assumed death. But at what cost? The little he’d heard from Alex and his parents on his short stop home was enough to make him clench his fists. He took deep, controlled breaths to release his anger. Taken from her and from him was her innocence.

While Dex knew nobody could call Thea Wainwright innocent in most ways, only he’d been allowed access to her most private thoughts and emotions. Only Dex knew how the death of her mother had truly affected her. And now he knew the wistful air she used to carry had become burdened with the reality of his absence. She’d gone and grown up on him. He could only hope he’d matured enough to still be the man she wanted. The idea wasn’t new to him. He and Russ had discussed it many times, ad nauseam, during their exile. It was a reality he was willing to deal with, only now that it was here it was slightly frightening.

Dex understood that his Thea, this older version of her, would never look at life with such intense lightness. He knew she’d see the world around her in its stark realism. He’d tried to protect her from that and managed well, he thought. Only now he knew she’d seen it without him, and alone she’d survived. The small lines near her lips had been earned with every tear she’d shed.

Then she’d stirred beside him, her hand automatically reaching to him. When she felt him grasp her, she smiled in her sleep and drifted away again. Dex knew the next few weeks were going to be hard on both of them. His thoughts strayed to Russ and all they’d been through together, keeping each other alive and sane. He wondered how he’d balance Thea and Russ without jealousy. Could he ever tell her the truth about the rest of their time on the island together? Would she be revolted, or would she understand the loneliness and feeling of doom? Would she understand that after months of waiting he and Russ realized they might never be found and turned to each other for solace in a way he’d never have predicted? For now, he and Russ had a pact—no outsiders needed to know about their private time.

He’d been enamored with Thea and her body and how she loved him. So why was he wondering how Russ was adjusting? They’d often said once they got back to civilization their sexual activities would cease. He’d have Thea, and Russ would find his perfect woman. He hoped Russ did. Somehow he felt uncomfortable enjoying his wife when Russ was alone.

Dex knew he couldn’t bring him to the lake when Thea had mentioned it on the phone. They needed some time to decompress and reconnect on all levels. Yet when he thought about an extended vacation, his mind had Russ traveling with them. Would Thea accept Russ as a traveling companion of sorts? One who might have sexual benefits to her, too? It was as if he was being asked to choose between his wife and lover. Being rescued was his ultimate dream, but he knew it would come at a high cost, most likely Russell’s friendship.

He wanted to go some place cold with snow, anything but sunshine every day and nothing to gaze at but the blue ocean. He figured it would be a cathartic way for the three of them to trade stories and hopefully put their ordeal into perspective. With that, they could all go forward with their lives productively. The only question left was what to do about Lloyd, and that would have to wait until he could talk to the lawyers.

Chapter Five

“Are you back on the island?” Thea asked.

They’d stopped to watch the lake from the flat bo
lder that formed a retaining wall supporting the hill behind the house. It was kissed with the heat from the sun and welcomed them to rest a while.

Shaking himself from his thoughts
he turned to her, his hand reaching to her cheek. Her eyes closed as he made contact with her skin, a long
low sigh coming from her.

“No. Actually, I was thinking about us going skiing or at least to the mountains as soon as we can. I’d like to take Russ
too, if you don’t mind. It seems wrong to leave him behind.”

“Of course we will bring Russell. You kept each other alive for two years. That’s a bond I wouldn’t want to impose on. Besides, I’d like to hear his side of life on the island.”

“My aqua queen,” he whispered, folding her against his chest. His term of endearment brought tears to her eyes
but she forced them back. Only one single tear managed to escape, rolling down her cheek, his eyes watching its de
cent while his tongue lapped it up before it hit his fingers. “Someplace cold with mountains to stare at. I figure since we three are directly involved, we should probably decompress together. We’ll find some old house with lots of room for us to get lost in.”

“Are you experiencing separation anxiety from Russ?” While she teased
her question was valid.

“Not really, but all our lives will change again, Thea. What we had together as a couple will go on
but it will be different, just by the nature of our separation. Your relationship with Russ will change
too. Everyone will start spending time differently
and rightly so. I figured it would give us all a chance to answer all the questions that we’ve had and will have in a safe and comfortable environment.”

Thea wondered what he meant but was too afraid to ask at the moment. With time, she decided
it would all work out.

“I think I understand, at least about the snow part. But you’ve thought this through, you and Russ. You’ve had the one luxury of knowing that you were still alive. You’re right to say our relationships will change, it’s only natural. I suppose I didn’t put it into that perspective while I was mourning.” Thea pulled back from him, her hands going to cover h
mouth. “Oh, Dex, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“It’s okay, Queenie. I would be worse off if you didn’t notice me gone!” His eyes lit, and she smiled. “I know we’re both a little tense—no, that’s not right. I know I’m a little nervous. I know it’s silly
my wife, the one woman on this earth that I’ve ever loved, ever will love, but I’m afraid to smother you with all the emotions I’m feeling. Can you understand that?”

Thea wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him up to kneel beside her.
“I do understand
I didn’t want to be smothering to you either. I want to touch you, make sure you’re real
but I hesitate.”

Dexter’s hands pulled her closer to him.

Never worry you touch me too much, Queenie. I’ll never get tired of knowing you’re with
my reach.” Her hand
moved over his and pulled them down her body, pausing over her breasts, her fingers closing over his, tightening his grasp. Moments later, she pulled back, reaching to the hem of her sweater to tug it over her head and off. Lying back on the warm rock, she lifted her arms to him. Dexter paused only to pull off the sweatshirt he’d been wearing before lowering himself to meet her. It was the ultimate moment for her, to feel the heat of his skin against hers. Thea was beginning to accept Dex really was with her. That she wouldn’t wake from yet another nightmare to find this wasn’t reality. He locked h
hands in his, drawing them above her head just as his lips closed around her nipple. Thea groaned and lifted her chest to meet him. “God, Dex that’s amazing. I’ve missed you in so many ways.”

Dex lifted his head and smiled at her. “I know Thea, trust me
I know how you feel. Now lie back and let me have you.” He nipped at her other nipple before sucking it between his lips. “I’ve dreamt about your raspberry nipples for two years.” Dex moved back to her other side, the pull of his lips shooting through her body and landing directly in her clit.

“You’ll make me come, Dex,” she whispered. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” Thea knew she was writhing under him, her fingers locking around his tighter as she rubbed against his hard cock. “Make me come
and then I’ll suck you off.” There was no more conversation, just the pull of his mouth against her skin. She bucked upward, loving the feel of him against her. She knew he felt each stroke of her body as she felt his. Dex held her hands tighter and began to thrust his hips as if he was inside her. It was enough to push her over the edge
and she came
clutching his hands while he nipped at her nipples and rubbed his cock against her clit.

Thea relaxed back on the rock and sighed. “Thank you.”

Dex continued to suck her nipples
but the intensity was gone. “You’re welcome.”

“Drop your pants and come up here where I can reach you.”

“Greedy little thing, aren’t you,” he teased. Dex let go of her hands and she dropped them to his back, making lazy circles on his skin with her nails. “That feels amazing.”

“Come up here where I can reach your cock and I’ll make you feel even better.”

Dex rolled to the side and dropped his arm over his eyes to shield them from the sun. Thea didn’t wait, she scooted down and quickly undid his pants, his erection her reward. Capturing the head with her lips, she licked the droplets of pre-cum sucking her breasts had caused. Then she nipped at the underneath of his length before taking him into her mouth, making long passes up and down. She repeated the process over and over, one hand holding the base of his cock while the other teased his balls. When he started to jolt upward to meet her lips
she’d lightly bit
his cock, reminding him she was in charge.

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