Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption) (6 page)

For some reason, he took exception to her generalization. “That’s not true, and if you had more experience with men than just Jimmy, you’d know better. Besides, I have a feeling you’d throw quite the hissy fit if I lumped all women together like that.”

Those gorgeous blue eyes glittered with mischief. “Because all women throw hissy fits?”

Well, hell, didn’t he walk right into that one. He gave a conceding sigh. “You’re good, I’ll give you that. I don’t think I’ve ever known a more frustrating woman…and I have two extremely headstrong sisters.”

“At least we’ve finally established that I
, indeed, a woman.”

Chase stood and carried his own plate to the sink. “And you say
sensitive? When did you become so touchy about gender word choices? Girl, woman, female—what’s the damn difference?”

Hannah snatched the plate from his hand and gave it a quick rinse before setting it on top of hers in the sink. She grabbed the bottle of wine and her glass, and then headed into the living room without a word.

Somewhat baffled, Chase waited a few seconds before following after her. He’d never known Hannah to be so moody. Happy, upbeat, a little on the shy side. They’d always shared a special bond…though his feelings for her crossed the line so long ago he couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it happened.

Hell…yes he could. The night of her prom when she’d come down the stairs in that strapless, skin tight, glacial blue number. She’d just turned seventeen, and he could remember clear as day how his heart started racing, and his face grew warm as he’d eyed her for the first time with lustful thoughts. Just thinking about that moment made him a little damn uncomfortable. He’d known Hannah since she was a baby, yet there he’d stood, ogling her like some horny little teenager, wanting her more than he’d ever wanted anything, unsure of who he’d hated more at that moment, her pimple-faced date, or himself.

Curled up in her favorite corner of the couch, Hannah sipped her wine as she busily flipped through the channels. Chase knew from experience that meant she’d taken offense to his last comment. And Lord help him if he reminded her that she’d, in fact, started the absurd conversation.

With a silent sigh, he sat down beside her as he weighed the pros and cons of apologizing versus simply changing the subject. He’d need to choose his words carefully for the rest of the night or risk her booting his ass out of there. Not that he’d leave her alone no matter how much she protested.

He settled on option number two. “So, how about that movie? Still up for one?”

Hannah met his gaze coolly, shrugged, and gestured toward the wooden DVD tower. “Go ahead and pick something. I’ve seen them all, so I’m good with whatever.”

Well, she was speaking to him—definitely a good sign. As he eyed the alphabetized rows of movies, Chase decided to go with a comedy. Hannah loved comedy more than anything, especially 80s era, and he happened to know a few that were guaranteed to flip her mood back around. He scanned the titles until…
ah, there we go. The perfect movie to put a smile back on that lovely face.
He popped it from its case and slipped it into the Blu-ray player.

Because she’d seen the movie a zillion times, Hannah chuckled as soon as the previews started. “
The Breakfast Club
. Good choice.”

Throwing caution to the wind, Chase plopped down beside her on the couch and grabbed the wine. After refilling both of their glasses, he settled into a more comfortable position with one arm propped over the back of the couch behind her, and both legs sprawled out in front of him. He resisted the urge to wrap his arm around her and pull her flush against his side, burrow his nose into that soft, velvet black mane.


They watched the movie, laughing, for a good hour before Hannah sat up and stretched. Chase couldn’t keep his eyes on the television screen no matter how hard he tried. The woman was spectacular. Yes,
, his inner voice silently teased. Hannah was one-hundred percent voluptuous woman, beautiful beyond compare, and he wanted her to the point of madness.

He’d managed to keep his distance over the years because she’d been involved, on and off, with that weasel, Jimmy. But the last few months, knowing she and the idiot were through…hell, he’d been fighting the urge to rush over here every day and profess his feelings, beg her to give him a chance…

Jesus…when had he become such a pathetic chicken shit? He shifted uncomfortably, tempted to reach between his legs and make sure his balls were still intact. Hell, they were together, they were alone, they’d each had a couple glasses of wine. When would a more perfect opportunity arise to—

When Hannah leaned into him and laid her head on his shoulder, Chase damn near dropped his glass. His pulse exploded into major thump-thump as she twined her arm with his and burrowed up against him. Praying she couldn’t feel the wild hammering of his heart, Chase cleared his throat and took a sip of his wine, fighting to get himself under control.

“You don’t mind if I snuggle against you, do you? I’m a little chilly.”

“’Course not, though I’d be happy to go get you a blanke—”

“Good. Mmm, you’re so warm.”

The sexiest sigh escaped her, sending Chase’s heart rate through the roof.
Get a hold of yourself
, he silently scolded, annoyed and a little damned embarrassed on his own behalf. At thirty-one years old, he’d had more than a handful of sexual partners, yet his body reacted as if he were fifteen and alone for the first time with a female. Mr. Woody, the traitorous bastard, strained the zipper of his jeans in protest, desperate for freedom.

The woman was making him crazy. Two seconds ago, he’d been contemplating making a move, and now…

Could Hannah be making a move on him? Chase took a deep breath and let it out slowly, striving for calm, cool, and collected. She’d certainly never been so bold with him before, though she’d sat next to him plenty of times, shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. But somehow, this felt different—flirty.



“The woman you’re interested in…is it serious?”

I’ve been in love with her since before she was old enough to vote.
“I don’t know.”

Hannah released her grip on his arm and sat up, twisting to face him. She arched a brow. “You don’t know?”

He let out a soft chuckle. Of course that sounded ridiculous. He couldn’t very well admit the woman he was interested in was
. “I’m just…a little uncomfortable talking about my love life.”

Or lack thereof
, his inner voice mocked.

A myriad of expressions crossed her face as she seemed to wage some inner war with herself. She nibbled her bottom lips as her gaze moved back and forth between his eyes and his lips. Suddenly, she hiked a leg over his lap and straddled him, effectively stealing his breath.

“Sheriff, are you going shy on me?”

Stunned, Chase’s hands settled uncertainly at her waist as he met her smiling gaze. “Dimples, are you flirting with me?” he countered.

“Maybe I am,” she teased, her voice dropping to a throaty whisper.

Ah, hell.
His hands tightened slightly on her hips as his pulse kicked into warp speed. His gaze dropped to her mouth—that luscious mouth—as she leaned in and softly brushed her lips against his: once, then again, with just a bit more pressure.

Chase’s eyes drifted shut as a low moan escaped him.

She pulled back a few inches and whispered, “You okay?” the humor in her voice unmistakable.

“Hannah…y-you don’t understand…”

“What don’t I understand?” Her warm breath feathered across his cheek.

Christ, fool, just say it! The only woman you’ve ever felt anything for is wrapped around you like a pretzel, yours for the taking, and all you can do is stutter like an idiot?

“I want you,” he finally admitted. Then quickly added, “But I don’t know if this is such a good idea.”

She pulled back and stared at him in confusion. “Why not? I want you. You just admitted you want me, too. We’re both adults. What exactly is the problem?”

“Christ, Dimples, I’ve know you since you were a baby!”

“And I’ve known you since you were a bed wetter!” she countered, laughter in her tone. “What does that have to do with anything? I mean, unless you still do, in which case I’ll need to put a mattress cover on my bed.”

Chase gave the beautiful witch a swat on the ass.

She yelped playfully and wiggled in his lap.

“I never wet the bed,” he insisted, though his face did grow warm over the lie.

“Please. Drew and Charlie teased you about it for years. The only reason they stopped is you kicked both their asses and threatened to feed them each a worm if they ever mentioned it again.”

“Damn, you have a good memory.”

“Yep. And I have a few other good qualities as well.” She leaned in next to his ear and whispered, “Which I’d be happy to show you—if you’d loosen up a bit.”

Chase went from semi-aroused to rock hard in an instant. Christ, he could hammer nails with the damn thing. “You’re killing me here, Hannah. And I never said it was a good quality.”

With a delighted laugh, she nuzzled his neck and purred, “I made you an excellent dinner, Sheriff, and now I fully expect you to put out.”

Stark need warred with indecision. God, how he wanted her…but he wasn’t entirely sure she was being serious. They’d known each other forever, and yet she’d never shown the slightest romantic interest in him.

Then again, he’d been hiding his feelings for her for years, so that really didn’t mean much.

He let out an awkward chuckle. “As an officer of the law, I’m pretty sure I could write you a citation on that one.”

“Go ahead. I’m pretty sure it would be worth it.”

Hannah cupped his face with both hands and quickly met his gaze. Then she captured his mouth in a searing kiss, taking him completely by surprise. Between the flirting and cuddling, he’d half wondered if she’d simply been having fun with him; maybe in an attempt to lessen the tension of both the robbery and everything that had happened since.

But as she slanted her mouth across his with a sexy little moan and flattened herself against his chest, his cock wasn’t the only body part to swell with hope.

Maybe this…thing between them wasn’t all one-sided after all. Maybe somewhere along the line Hannah’s feelings for him had crossed over from friendship to something more as well. The thought made him drunk with desire.

Giving in to temptation, Chase grasped her hips and pulled her flush against him. Her lips were soft, her mouth hot. He reveled in her touch, in the slow caress of her fingers as they traveled down his throat and back up through his hair, leaving a tingling path in their wake. She kissed him slowly, thoroughly, leaving no doubt as to her true feelings. No other woman had ever made him feel as wanted as Hannah with just one simple kiss.

Though ‘simple’ could hardly be used to describe the amazing woman in his arms.

Driven by deep longing, Chase threw caution to the wind and tightened his arms around her as the kiss morphed from exploratory to all-consuming. His heart beat wildly as all his dreams and fantasies came to life. Hannah wanted him! The thought alone was more powerful than any aphrodisiac he could have ever imagined.

A shrill ring pierced his passion-fogged brain. After the third ring of the telephone, Chase broke off the kiss with great reluctance and glared daggers in the general direction of the kitchen.

“Ignore it,” Hannah murmured as she tried to coax him back into the kiss. “They’ll leave a message.”

Chase gazed at her glistening, kiss-swollen lips, and that was all it took. He captured her face with desperate need, reclaiming her mouth. When it came to this particular woman, his self-control went right out the window.

The phone stopped ringing and the answering machine picked up.

“Hannah, it’s Drew. Pick up if you’re there.”

The last voice Chase wanted to hear at that moment blasted through the house as effectively as dumping a bucket of ice water over his head.

Chase and Hannah gazed at each other in shock, then both turned to stare toward the kitchen. Frustration gnawed at his gut—along with a healthy dose of self-recrimination.

“Come on, Hannah, you’ve got us scared to death here. I had to hear about what happened from Charlie, and I’m not exactly happy about that. Why the hell didn’t you call?”
Drew muttered a few choice words and started talking to someone else.
“No, she’s not answering. Probably trying to think up a good reason for lying to us.”

At that, Hannah rolled her eyes and scowled, suddenly looking very much like her brother. “See?” she said in a near whisper, as if they could hear her. “Like I’m still a little girl or something. And I didn’t lie, I just didn’t call.”

“A lie by omission is still a lie.” Chase cursed and then added, “We should’ve called them, dammit. I should have insisted.”

She arched a brow in challenge. “Yeah, because then I would have had no choice but to comply, right? And please. ‘A lie by omission is still a lie.’ Who even says shit like that?”

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