Read Never Stopped Loving You Online

Authors: Keri Ford

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Never Stopped Loving You (16 page)

She knew better than to tease too much. It had been days since the orchard when she’d left him on his own. She leaned forward and licked the salty liquid from his tip. He moaned, his legs shifted and she pulled the head of his firm cock in her mouth, grinned at his swift cursing. At this rate, this would be a short shower.

She lowered over him, took him deep as she dared and covered the last bit of him with her hand. She sucked and released, squeezed and stroked with her hand to match the thrust of her mouth. The pulse of his hips shivered through her. Her thighs squeezed. She wanted him. Wanted him between her thighs with the thrust he used on her mouth.

Her name tore across his lips. “Kara.”

It was whispered sweet agony before his hand tangled in her wet hair. Curses flew from him and he encouraged her to suck him faster. She tightened her grip, wrapped her hand around his ass and let him set the pace of his long, firm cock sliding from her mouth and sinking back in. She pressed her tongue to the underside, felt his butt cheeks squeeze in her hand. Her jaws ached, but couldn’t compare to the aroused want between her own thighs.

She squeezed her legs together, seeking relief, but none was to be found. If she put her hand there, she’d have to take it away from him and she was not doing that. She’d had chances to touch herself enough. Touching Wade like this was a first.

Her name ripped from the back of his throat again. This time a cry came with it. She lifted her gaze as he slid back in and found him staring down at her.

“Shit,” was all he said as he thrust into her mouth again, his hand stilled in her hair.

She sucked him, continued her pace and kept her eyes locked on his through the last of his orgasm that left him shaking. The hand holding tight to her hair softened. Where he’d been forceful by pushing and pulling, he now caressed, finger-combed her hair through the length and held a hand out to her.

Warmth filled her cheeks at the unexpected gesture and she quickly blamed it on the hot water as he lifted her to standing and put her under the pounding spray. Her back was to him, his body cocooned around her. Hands wrapped around the front and thumbs caressed under her breasts.

Her nipples were sore with want. Tingles tightened them to buds, remembering how he’d pulled them in his mouth minutes ago. Restless need laced through her thighs and she wanted him now.

He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck, up to the sensitive spot behind her ear how she liked. “Do you think all the jam is off?”

She nodded. It had to be. She was drenched from head to toe and she wasn’t about to waste precious time on soap. Not when she was about to get sweaty. He reached forward and shut off the water. This was it. Anticipation spiraled through her and she followed him out of the shower and into his arms holding out a fluffy towel.

He wrapped her tight and rubbed her sides. “Thank you.”

She grinned for an answer, not wanting to toss out some cheesy line.

His mouth landed over hers again until her toes curled as tight as the string he had wrapped around her heart. He kissed her as he walked them out of the bathroom, then pulled away, spun her around to face his still-messy sheets. “I’d been hoping for a bed-making fairy.”

With a towel fastened around his waist, he crossed in front of her and sat in a desk chair, legs forward, hands behind his head. “I’m waiting.”

“I guess it would only be fair.”

“You got it.”

She moved until she was standing in front of him and dropped her towel. Weighted with water, it landed across the front of him and she walked ahead. With him watching her every move. While
was the naked one this time.

The hairs along her body pricked and tingled knowing he was back there, staring at her naked ass and doing not a damn thing else. Since he just wanted to sit back and watch, she was going to make this worth it and bent over to rip the covers off the bed. She tossed them aside in a pile and removed the sticky sheets next. She turned with them wadded against her side. “Should I put them in the wash now?”

“Only if you have a sexy maid costume to put on while you do it.”

She clicked her tongue in her mouth. “Damn, you know I almost brought my other purse where I keep my sexy maid outfit.”

He chuckled, the move flexing his abs. The sound, heavy and deep, drummed through her. “Maybe next time. Clean sheets are in the bottom drawer of the dresser.”

She tossed the dirty sheets by the door and, making sure she offered him a view, bent over without bending her knees and opened the drawer.

A loud groan hummed in the room and she grinned as she took her time pulling out the matching set of sheets. “Everything all right? You sound like you’ve stubbed your toe.”

“Fine.” His voice was harsh and deeper.

As she turned back, his gaze slowly walked up the front of her and he rubbed his chin. His length was hard, clearly outlined under the thin cotton towel barely covering anything on him. Somehow with her nipples tight and thighs heavy, she had to make a bed. After that, though, he was hers. Finally, hers. Or she assumed. She had thought he’d be hers in the shower, but that hadn’t been the case.

The center of her tingled from his remembered touch, how he’d stroked her deep. She squeezed her thighs and could nearly feel his hand between her legs, caressing. She shuddered and fitted the sheet on the bed as quickly as possible. The corners were wrapped around the edges and she reached for the flat sheet when he was suddenly behind her. The towel that had been at his waist was gone. There was just him wrapping her in his arms.

His skin was hot and his fingers gripped her everywhere as he pushed her toward the bed, then down on it. All his naked glory landed on top of her and she pulled him in close. His thighs pressed firm between hers. She stroked up his arms, the sinew of the shaped muscles bumped under her touch. For several moments, he rested on his elbows above her and simply stared.

The past didn’t matter. What she’d always wanted, the home, the family, was gone. Now there was Wade above her. Staring at her like she was the whole wide world and he didn’t want anything else. At least, that’s what she thought of him. He caressed the side of her face and curled her wet hair around his fingers.

She closed her eyes under the sweet touch, lost in the sensations of him treating her delicately in such an intimate position. Of course she had thought of what sex would be like with Wade. Had imagined so many damn times. Not once had she envisioned this.

Never had she dreamed of the care in his eyes and the gentleness of his touch as he leaned over and took her mouth. Soft at first. Teasing with nips on her lower lip, then sealing across her mouth. Sex with Wade wasn’t going to be some passing thing.

It was a treasure, one she’d hold close to her chest, tucked in the deepest part of her heart. No matter what happened tomorrow, she would always have this and nothing could take it away from her. There was not a regret big enough to guilt this away from her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him down. The heat of his kiss intensified. His touch curled the hairs along her nape, caused her to shake, and whether he knew it or not, his hips began a rocking motion. The firm ridge of him pressed against her, stroked her.

Already left wanting from the shower, she lifted into him, craving that touch deeper to her center. Wanting the maddening slow rock to be faster, to be stronger while filling her. His hands eased down her shoulders and arms. The tips of his fingers across the side of her waist until she could do nothing but be under him, seduced to his touch and whimper for more.

He gave it to her. Taking his time at first. Leaving a trail of kisses against her neck, along the curve of her shoulder and between her breasts. His day’s whiskers scraped against her sensitive skin and she pleaded with moans as he turned his face to her nipple.

The tight buds ached, knotted with pain that was desperate for relief. His lips touched her first and she pressed her chest to him, all but demanding he give more. His breath curled across her skin, then the wet heat of his mouth finally sucked her nipple in deep. His other hand palmed her breast and she cried out his name in the dark room.

The painful need that had been in her chest spiraled down to her center. A concentration of nerves waiting. He slid down her, the flat plane of his stomach atop her and gave her nothing to arch against, nothing to find a sliver of relief.

She grabbed his hair and pulled. Wanting him over her. Wanting his hard cock to drive between her thighs and leave her spinning in the wake of sensations.

“I’m going to know your taste first.” His voice was a whisper against her skin. A warm breeze against her sweat-damp belly as he lowered. “I want to feel you squeeze my tongue, swallow your release.”

She shuddered and he settled between her thighs. He licked her legs, bit at the turn of her hip before putting his mouth against her. Light exploded behind her eyes. She pushed against him, needing more of that, only to be denied.

He moved and sucked. Opened her with his fingers, but avoided that single most important part of her entire being. “Are you ready for it?”

“Yes,” rasped from her throat.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded, not exactly sure what he meant, but knew she’d take anything. Her skin was on fire. Mind lost to a world of feeling. His tongue pressed against that single spot again. Fingers delved deep and stroked. She shamelessly rode against his mouth, held his face right there between her thighs until it overwhelmed her. A tide of endless shuddering threaded through her limbs, came through every last nerve and vein in her.

She couldn’t hold him as she had, her legs weakened and fell apart. He remained, taking the last of her in his mouth until her breathing settled. Only light from the bathroom shone across the floor, enough to highlight his dark look while he took a silver packet from his bedside table.

He tore the package and want for him again warmed through her blood as he leaned over, settled the tip of him against her and thrust. She cried out as he filled her. Two bodies. One desperate, aching need to be satisfied. His body rocked along hers. His muscles were tight. She put her heels in the mattress and lifted her hips to meet his coming down.

She craved more. Squeezed her inner muscles around him to hold his already-full length tighter. She stroked up his firm arms and he slammed into her. He filled her again and again. Slick bodies crashed against one another.

He grunted and took her hands over her head. It forced her breasts up, changed the angle of his entrance and she was close. She held her eyes on his, not wanting to miss this. His thrusts continued as release burst. Left her helpless under him, crying out his name over and over. Hands trapped in his over her head and he didn’t relent, but pressed on and on.

His gaze stayed with her. His teeth bared and clenched. Eyes narrowed and he grunted. The fast, punishing thrusts softened. Slowed as his breath intensified. His fingers, interlaced around hers, relaxed, hands slid down her arms.

She wrapped her arms around his sweat-damp neck and brought him down against her. Had to have his strong warmth against her trembling body. Closed her eyes to the feel of his heart throbbing against her own at an equal pace.

He left little kisses against her temple. The backs of his fingers caressed her cheek as his breathing and heart beating against her chest slowed. “I’m going to get up.” His whisper was soft against the shell of her ear. “But you’re going to stay here.”

She glanced up at his face. She hadn’t really thought beyond having sex. “Yes.”

He nodded and pushed off her. The top sheet she hadn’t been able to put on the bed was on the floor and he flicked it out, dropped it over her. The cotton was cold, but a barrier against the ceiling fan sending cold air down over her. He tossed the blankets on next and then handed up the pillows, which she laid across the bed. He leaned back at her side and pointed at the bed. “Wait here.”

She snuggled her face against one of the pillows. “Waiting.”

He disappeared into the bathroom and she stayed put. This night was full of enough mistakes, what was one more? Not that she knew what he planned. She figured he was going to come back and they were going to do it again. Or staying put meant she was supposed to sleep in his bed. All night long.

Just add whatever was coming to the list of things that happened tonight that she’d deal with tomorrow. The bathroom light flicked off and he crossed the room. The moon was dim, but bright enough to highlight his movement as he leaned over the bed and crawled in on the other side. He scooted up behind her, cold at first, and then she settled back against his strength that quickly warmed.

He drew slow circles on her belly with his fingers and she relaxed to keep living in the fantasy she’d dreamed about so many times. She had several hours until tomorrow when the dream would lift and the real world would crash down.

Chapter Nineteen

Wade flipped a board around, found the sticky note attached, marking it as item
and grabbed the next piece. At least it was complex work, anything to keep his mind busy and off how he’d woken this morning, reached across his bed and found nothing but empty sheets. So much for falling asleep last night thinking he had it all figured out. He turned another board over, measured it and put it in the pile with the others. “Did you buy the most complex swing set you could find?”

Patrick tore open another box, checked the paperwork stuck on top and started sorting through those parts. “I didn’t pick nothing. This is all Tasha’s work.”

His brother, Tate, turned through the thirty-page instruction booklet. “Then Tasha should drag her ass out here and do this.”

Patrick chuckled. “Yeah, you tell her that and see how far you get. I asked if she was going to help this morning and she let me know there was a lot of work and time involved in tearing up some lettuce, slicing tomatoes and onions for hamburgers at lunch.”

Wade grinned. “I think they also have to form the meat out too. At least, that’s what I heard Whitney saying this morning on the way over.”

Tate shook his head. “If Whitney is doing the meat, then we should all run and grab something else from town.”

Wade laughed with Patrick and grabbed another board. That was the good thing about good friends, they had a habit of making him laugh when things were shitty. “I made the mistake of telling Whitney that. Then she unloaded on me about Kara disappearing because Kara had apparently volunteered to do the meat part.”

Tate’s brow was lifting as fast as Wade realized his mistake. “Why would Kara disappearing be your fault?”

Fuck. “I’m not sure.”

And that was truth enough. He’d tucked her to him. Felt her relax in his arms. Listened to her sleep for a little while, thinking they finally had something figured out. Sure it wasn’t how Kara had planned things to happen, but they had. And it was great. And it was proof that
were great. Kara evidently hadn’t thought the same and since he hadn’t spoken to her since last night, he had no clue what was running through that mind of hers. He’d worried she might have done something crazy like skip town, so on the way over, he’d made a point of driving past her house. Seeing her little blue car parked in the driveway had only given him a little piece of relief.

“Well?” Tate asked, but Wade wasn’t saying anything because he didn’t want to hear what was coming. The reminder that he shouldn’t get involved again. That “when was he going to learn?” And that “clearly she wasn’t trustworthy.” Yeah, yeah. Wade didn’t care. Knowing everything about her, he still wanted her. She just...needed time. Like she’d asked for. And if he’d not pushed her last night, he wouldn’t have this problem this morning.

There was no mistaking it. He had pushed her last night. He could have put a robe on before stepping in his room with her. Had even reached for it before opening the door but decided against it. When she stared at him, she often looked like she was picturing him naked. He figured what the hell and gave her the whole show.

, the bastard, and flipped through a few more pages of instructions. Tasha had no doubt filled him in on details, from having Kara pinned to his bed, him being naked and how Kara never reappeared to finish their poker game downstairs.

Tate glanced around and waited for an answer. Wade still didn’t give him one. Last night had been...everything he’d wanted. He’d had Kara in his arms. Discovered her shortened breaths combined with her flushed skin. How her insides gripped his cock when she was in the middle of an orgasm.

And then this morning, he’d learned all over again what it was like to wake up disappointed by her. He had no idea when she’d left him. Wasn’t even sure how. He wasn’t that heavy of a sleeper and he’d held her close to his chest to keep her there. Then again, he’d slept hard, relaxed, better than he had in a long time. Thinking you got your dreams handed to you on a platter had a way of doing that. After all these years, he didn’t have any plans of letting her go anytime soon.

Now to figure out how to keep her when he saw her again. Whenever that would be.

Tate completely stopped working and stared him down. But Wade wasn’t a teenager, partly afraid of his older brother anymore, and returned to sorting.

Which must have been about the time Tate turned his attention on Patrick and the man folded. “All I know is what Tasha told me. And that was, her and Whitney walked in on Wade and Kara in his bedroom.”


Patrick’s mouth was cracking into a smile. “And Wade was naked, covered in jam. And he was holding Kara down on his bed, smearing jam on her. And that’s all Tasha said before I asked her to stop.”

Tate turned to him. “What in the hell is going on in that house?”

Wade shook his head. “Nothing. It was nothing.”

“You did it, didn’t you?”

Wade didn’t say a thing. It was really none of Tate’s business. Kara’s past was in her past. Tate didn’t know a damn thing that was going on. Best Wade was hoping for was that things would end differently this time.

“Damn it, Wade.”

“Back off.”

“Uh-huh. Back off. You need to stay away from her. You know the trouble she caused last time. Zebra doesn’t change her strips that fast.”

“Lay off, Tate, it was years ago. She’s different.”

“Is she? You’re just asking for it by being with her.”

Wade didn’t see her coming and it was too late for Tate to escape by the time Whitney had Tate by the ear, turned around and bent over. “That is my best friend you’re talking about.”

“Whitney, damn it.”

She gave him a hard jerk on his ear. “I mean it, Tate. Lay off. I’m not going to put up with it. You don’t know Kara. You didn’t know her then.”

“I know enough.”

She gave another tug. “I didn’t know you were so perfect. Let me guess, it doesn’t count if you don’t get caught? Is that how it works?”

Oh, damn. Wade stepped forward and separated the two before Whitney went any further. He pointed at his sister. “Inside.”

Her eyes narrowed, and for some reason, she lowered her head and did what he said. Wade looked at Tate. “If you can’t support Kara being back, keep your opinion out of it. You know Momma would have knocked you on your ass for that comment harder than Whitney had. And Whitney is right. You have no room to talk.”

Tate’s jaw was tight and then he shook his head. “I don’t want to see you sprawled across my couch again, Wade. That’s all.”

Wade nodded. “I’ll be fine. She feels guilty enough, reminding her of it would be cruel. Just forget about what happened before. It was a long time ago.”

Tate returned to the parts all over the ground. “If that’s what you want.”

“It is.” And he was trying his damnedest to do the same.

“Just doesn’t look so good when she’s already disappeared again.”

“It’s fine. She’s taking some time.” He was pretty sure of that.

Wade faced toward the house again to return to the pile he was sorting when the back door opened. His heart caught in his throat, lungs stopped working as Kara stepped out with three drinks trapped between her hands.

She wore cargo shorts and a strappy blue shirt. Hair was up, the tip of her ponytail brushed her shoulders as she walked. He just stood there and watched her get close. Watched the sway of her hips and turn of her thighs. He knew all her intimate spots now. What those curves felt like against his hands, his mouth and slapping against his body.

Only a few feet away and her gaze lowered to the drinks in her hand and then to Patrick and Tate. “Tasha asked if I’d run these out here.”

Patrick flashed her a big smile as he took one. “That’s my woman.”

Tate kept his mouth shut as he took one and then she turned to Wade. He grabbed the last one from her hands and pulled up the top. “Glad you made it.”

She nodded, but kept her eyes downcast and focused somewhere on the ground. He wasn’t what he’d call happy. “I told Whitney and Tasha yesterday I’d be here. I promised to do the hamburgers.”

“Whitney will be glad. This morning she thought she’d have to deal with it.” He nodded and stepped to the side, drawing her with him and keeping his voice low. “Since you disappeared this morning.”

She frowned and finally looked up at his face. “I didn’t disappear, I went home to change clothes and clean up the house a little.”

“You snuck out.”

That frown didn’t exactly turn upside down, but she was no longer sad-looking, that was for damn sure. Not with those slightly sucked-in cheeks and narrowed eyes. “I didn’t sneak anywhere. It wasn’t quite daylight when I woke up, so I tried to be quiet and let y’all sleep because I knew today would be a long day.”

He lifted a shoulder. “Could have left a note.”

She breathed out hard. Something was definitely on her mind, but she kept her jaws tightly bit together before she turned on her heel and marched back to the house.

When he turned back, Tate was watching him. He didn’t say anything, thank goodness, but the shake of his head said it all. Yeah, Wade was taking a risk. But it was worth it. It absolutely had to be worth it. He couldn’t consider the possibility it wasn’t.

Patrick flipped through the instruction book. “Who thinks we can have this swing set together in two hours?”

Wade looked at the parts and the book of instructions and laughed, thankful for Patrick’s distraction. “I doubt it, but we can try.”

Tate shook his head. “No faith.”

Three frustrating, infuriating hours later and they had the frame of half the swing set. And the three of them leaning over the booklet of instructions to figure out the next part. Wade shook his head. “If you ever ask me to build something like this again, I will personally kick your ass.”

Patrick shook his head. “Tasha and I are going to be having words.”

“Words about what?” Tasha came up behind them.

Patrick spun around so fast, it’s a wonder his head didn’t fly off. “About how much I love you.”

“Uh-huh. Well, love of my life, lunch is ready. Kara is throwing on the burgers, so by the time y’all clean up, it should be hot and ready.” She glanced to the swing set. “Are y’all even to the halfway point yet?”

Patrick’s face was turning red and Tate chuckled. “Taking our time. Making sure we get it right. Don’t want the kids to fall off and break something.”

Patrick’s youngest kid, Gabe, bounced by. Thankfully, this one had been kept inside and out of the way so his fingers wouldn’t get smashed. “Momma, are they done yet?”

Dustin, the oldest, had been outside, helping by holding boards in place while they screwed one together. The blond-headed kid flashed a big grin. “Not yet. And Wade said shit four times.”

“Watch your mouth, Dustin, and don’t repeat people.” Tasha’s narrowed eyes landed on Wade.

He cleared his throat. “I said pits. That this was board was pit...ted.”

Tasha shook her head. “You better get to the house and get food in your mouth before digging yourself any deeper.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Her rubbed the top of the little tattletale’s head as he went by and headed for the house. Or not to the house, but to the grill to the side of the back door, where Kara stood placing burgers on the grill.

She pulled her hands back, sticking them in the rag hanging from her front pocket. She wasn’t so fast that he didn’t see her shaking hands.

The rest of the group was approaching, so he only smiled. “Smells good.”


“Your grandma’s burger recipe? I smell something in there.”

She flashed him a smile. “Actually, this one is your mom’s.”

Tate stopped. “You’re making Mom’s burgers?”

The shake in her hands was clean up to her elbows now. “Y-yes. She showed me years ago, but I found her cookbook in the top of the pantry. Good thing or I probably would have forgotten one of the spices.”

Tate breathed in deep. “I haven’t had Mom’s burgers in years.”

Wade put his hand to her back for support, he guessed. Really he basically just wanted to touch her. “You were always in the kitchen when Mom was.”

She nodded and glanced between them both. “She taught me a lot. I enjoyed it.”

Tate nodded. “I guess I remember you being in there making pancakes when you were little.” He rubbed the back of his head with a deep breath. “You were probably, hell, seven or eight?”

“Tate said hell, Momma!” Gabe skipped by and on Tasha’s way past, she popped Tate across the back of the head.

He flinched. “You didn’t get Wade and he said way more!”

She shook her head at the door. “You were standing right there when I got on to him for it! You should have remembered.”

“That’s not even fair.” Tate followed her inside and it left them alone on the porch.

But not for long as Kara was already turning the burgers and it wouldn’t take a minute for everyone to wash up and be back outside on the patio to eat. “Are we going to talk about this?”

“Talk about what?”


She flashed him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I told you I just ran home for a little bit.”

“Before daylight. Admit it, you snuck out of the house, dropped off the face of the earth for a few hours and wouldn’t answer your phone when I called.”

She poked at the grill with the corner of the spatula. “What do you want from me, Wade?”

“An explanation would be nice. An honest one.”

She rubbed her hands through her rag again. “You know why I left. If I had stayed, this morning would have been...”


She lowered her gaze. “Awkward.”

“Only if you let it.”

“I don’t know how this is going to work.” Voices from inside drew near. She glanced to the door and back to him. “Last night was great, yes. It was wonderful. I don’t regret it happening, but today is a new day and I have a lot to figure out. I told you I wanted us to go slow and last night I just...I just got caught up and couldn’t stop when I knew I should.”

He rubbed up and down her arms. “Don’t worry so much.”

She shook her head. “Easy for you to say.”

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