Nomads' Fall: Burning Bastards MC (18 page)




Knight woke up first, and saw he’d been sleeping for over an hour after Jolly left the room. He got off the bed and smacked Demon with a pillow, before leaving the room to find his clothes, and that evil little bitch. She had some nerve talking to them like that. They’d offered her things some of the club’s bitches would have jumped at the chance to have. The right to call themselves property of Demon and Knight wasn’t something to scoff at. It wasn’t like they’d ever offered the prestige to any other woman before. She obviously had no idea what she was turning down here.

He found the laundry room and pulled the clothes from the dryer, taking them to the wide leather couch. He sorted his from Demon’s and when he was pulling the static socks from the bottom of the pile, he saw a little G-string set of panties, and had to swallow.
Yeah, she was evil alright
. How dare she throw her underwear and tshirts in the same wash with him and Demon’s clothing.

Demon came into the room and saw what he was holding, “Fuck, man, what the hell happened between us telling her the good news, and her leaving the room?”

The sight of two heaping plates of breakfast food sitting on the counter that had long gone cold made them smile. Maybe it was her way of apologizing for being such a bitch about their offer. They nuked the food and ate every bite. They finished the coffee, but she still hadn’t shown her skinny little ass. They went looking through every room and not finding her, they went outside to check on things. Her mustang was missing from the barn. Since they weren’t going anywhere until they cleared the path between the road and their bikes, they grabbed a chainsaw and a plastic jug filled with a gallon of gasoline, before going to find where the bikes were trapped.

They borrowed the electric cart Gladys used around the campground to carry themselves and the equipment back to the road and down the hundred feet or so to the path where their bikes sat. There were several branches that had fallen in the storm and some of them required the men cut them and remove them from the path, before they could move forward. It was hotter than hell by the time they’d stripped the branches off the huge old tree, and the men were worn out from using muscles they’d forgotten they had.

“I don’t know about you, but my throat’s dryer than a popcorn fart, and I need something to drink before we tackle the rest of this mess.” Knight sat the chainsaw on the ground near the huge tree trunk. “That breakfast princess made for us is gone by now, I need food. This is work, and it feels good to be out here working, but damn, man, I’m going to have to hit the weight room more often.”

Demon sat on the four foot long, twelve inch thick branch he’d been attempting to move from the spot it had embedded into the dirt. “Yeah, my arms feel numb like they’re gonna fall off. I haven’t had a workout like this in forever. Aside from the obvious fact that we won’t have this thing cut up and out of the way before it gets dark, I need to hydrate and inhale some calories too. Let’s pack it up and come back in a couple of hours, do some damage, and then we can get the bikes out sometime in the morning. If we’re lucky maybe princess will cook something again.”

Knight looked at him and Demon shrugged, “I’ve been thinking about what she said. She’s right, we don’t
her, we
her, big fuckin' difference to some women.”

Jolly wasn’t at the house when they got back. She still wasn’t back when they finished for the night either. The house was dark inside, and nothing had been touched as far as they could tell. Concern overrode irritation. Where the hell was she?

Knight checked his phone, and found his battery was drained so dry the only thing the damn thing would do was briefly light up to tell him ‘Battery is Low’. Demon’s phone had met his temper yesterday when he had his hands on Fuller. The little fucker tried to kick him in the nuts to make him let go. Demon had moved out of his range, and got kicked in the pocket with his expensive phone inside. The damn fragile thing was done for. He looked at the worthless piece of plastic and threw it at the stone fireplace. He didn’t bother to watch it shatter.

They were stomping around trying to decide what to do. Knight had his hand on the door heading for the barn where he figured he could hotwire the truck, when they heard a phone ringing in the office. Demon rushed inside the small room and snatched up the receiver, “Yeah?”

Knight saw his friend slump onto the leather office chair and hang his head for a minute while he listened to whoever was on the other end of the line. “Yes, we’re starving, and Gladys is out of beer. Yeah, good, be careful.” He gently hung the plastic back in its cradle and got to his feet. He walked through the kitchen and out the back door. Knight followed him, wondering what was going on. Demon stopped at the woodpile where there were logs in various sizes stacked on one side, and a small shed that came close to losing its door to the giant redhead. He sat a log up on the old stump and whacked it with the splitting maul, before beginning to talk.

“She’s fine, Gladys is staying another night with Georgie, and Jolly wasn’t sure if we would be here or not, so she wanted to know if we wanted her to bring home pizza.” That piece of wood fell aside and he continued to take his aggression out on the wood, “If I don’t get some of this out of my system, I will bust her ass the minute she walks in the door. The only thing that will accomplish is her having a beautiful red ass, and I’ll end up fucking her until she’s ready to admit she belongs to you and me.”

Knight sat down hard when Demon said that Jolly was fine. “When I saw her the first time, I could tell she’d been running from something, and it wasn’t something she wasn’t used to doing either. She was living on nerves, and her hair was chopped, you wouldn’t recognize her from the bloody mess she was that morning. I’d even say she’s gained a few pounds since then. The only thing that’s the same about her is those big old green eyes and the way my dick gets hard looking at her. It was damn confusing. Have you noticed how small her wrists are? They were just skin covering bones last time I saw her. She was a mouthy bitch, and protective, but she kicked that fucker Dorsey with her bare feet, and probably broke a few toes, but didn’t even flinch. It was fuckin’ hot to see her standing there like a wacked out zombie slut.”

He shook his head, “There wasn’t one damn thing about her that should’ve made my dick stir to life, but it did.”

Demon continued to take his irrational anger out on the wooden victims of the splitting maul.
It’s not just sex you dumb bastard, she has that special something, just like Knight said
. That didn’t mean he was going to promise the woman anything permanent. As long as it lasted, she’d have their protection, and enjoy as much sex as she could handle. When it ran its course, no harm no foul, everyone parted company and moved on with their lives.

That crack she’d made about not sleeping around to avoid becoming a fuck toy, easily discarded, was bullshit. He’d never tried to make a woman fall in love with him, he’d always been up front and enjoyed the exchange of sexual gratification. Why couldn’t Jolly understand that? If she wanted them to keep their dicks in their pants all she had to do was say so. Women were so damn complicated, it pissed him off. He didn’t like worrying about her today, she should have left a fucking note or something, and he planned to explain that to her, just not until he was calmer.

He and Knight had decided to try having an old lady a chance for a while. It wouldn’t be like marriage for crissakes, and not like they planned to have kids with her or anything.

Kids changed everything. He wouldn’t take the chance that his kid would be abandoned by him, that was for damn certain. Knight’s father, the mean old bastard that he was, at least he’d treated Demon like his own kid. When one of the boys got in trouble, both of them paid the price. For all his meanness and old school shit, the man had been the only constant adult male in Demon’s life. He’d been happy when his mother shacked up with the old man.

He heard the sound of the Mustang drive up, but ignored it. The pile of wood still hadn’t managed to calm his temper enough. He’d have blisters, but they’d be a reminder of how much trouble women caused. He worked steadily through the first stack and moved onto the second wearing his arms out. It was getting too dark for him to see what he was doing, and his body was totally wrecked, just as badly as his mind. His plan to take a hot shower and scarf something down his gullet was all he focused on as he headed to the house.

He walked into the kitchen, snagged a slice of cold pizza out of the cardboard box on the counter, and then going through the room, entering the hallway bathroom. The last bite was in his mouth before he opened the door, and almost choked at the sight of Jolly entering the shower enclosure.

She made a squeaking noise and quickly shut herself behind the sliding glass, but all that did was increase the sudden awareness that Demon was three feet away, and Knight had just worked her over with his words and big body.

She’d gotten home and carried the two large pizza boxes inside first, and after setting them on the counter, went back to the car to grab the beer and two bags of clothes she’d purchased for herself. Knight was waiting at the door, shirtless, and sober faced. He took the beer, and she kept going through the house to drop her bags into her bedroom.

She hadn’t made it out of the room before Knight had her flat on her back on the bed. He’d had her bent over with her jeans around her ankles and his fingers in her snatch before she even considered protesting. “You’ve been a bad princess, leaving us with no idea where you were going or when you’d be back. Our woman should know better than that shit, and by the time we’re done tonight, she will.”

Jolly felt a thrill at his macho bullshit attitude. Having him manhandle her like he did outraged her and sent shivers to that inner slut that’d been reminding her of being filled with Demon’s cock every time she moved her legs today. While she shopped for new underwear, and new jeans, she’d seen a pair of four inch heels that appealed to that slut in a very dirty way. It’d been a couple of years since she’d indulged in sexy shoes, and it’d been hard to resist those shoes today. Her panties were soaked by the time she’d gotten back to the campground.

She expected Knight to slam his cock inside her once he found out she was wet and ready before he’d even touched her, but he surprised her by finger fucking her needy flesh first. Her token protest of, “I’m not your woman,” had gotten her a sharp slap on the ass. All that did was amp up her excitement.

“Now see? You should have kept your mouth shut and not said that to me, because now I’m going to have to show you that you are my woman, and when Demon works the worry for you out of his system, he’ll show you the error of your thoughts too.” He added a third finger to the first two and she thrilled at the feeling of fullness.

“Are you ready to have your first lesson in being my woman?” Her whimper told him all he needed to know, that and the way her ass pushed back on his thigh as his fingers stroked through her tender flesh. He set his cock at the tight entrance ring of muscle guarding her channel. “Push back on this, princess, let’s see if you enjoy being fucked from behind as much as you enjoyed it flat on your back. Damn, woman, I thought my fingers widened you more than this.” His prick was being held tight within her heat, and he slowly penetrated her soft flesh, but the urge to fuck her raw was riding him, so he began short jabs and slaps on her ass cheeks.

“You will be ours, you will be respectful, and you will like it our way.” He could finally slide his full length inside. He took advantage of the wet slide to double the speed and strength of his thrusts. From her squeals and the way she was panting for breaths, he knew she liked it so he slammed home even harder.

Jolly couldn’t argue with him right this minute, she’d worry about his demands later. Right now, she felt her body tightening up, building into the orgasm she’d been craving all day. Those sharp stings on her ass only made her want to spread her legs wider and take him even deeper, but her jeans were around her ankles and he was, holy fuck, she felt his wet thumb press on her butthole distracting her from that needed orgasm for a moment. “What do you think, oh god, fuck me, yeah, just like that.”

The thumb was momentarily forgotten while he reached down under her bent hips and pinched her clit. She hurt her own ears from the pitch of her scream as her body electrified, the heat washed over her face and neck and traveled down her body. That thumb slid all the way into her asshole and she felt every time he flexed his thick digit. It only added to her pleasure. She felt the heat of his cum being pumped deep inside and as her tunnel clamped and released his prick, she could feel the pulse of his release. Knowing she was responsible for the jerking way he was now moving inside her body increased her pleasure, and she broke into a million pieces. Nothing had ever come close to the way these men made her feel,

He pulled his thumb from her ass, and stepped back so his prick had room to exit its warm cocoon. He used both hands to massage the cheeks of her ass, and gave them a squeeze. “One of these days, you’re going to have Demon in your cunt and me in this sweet ass of yours, and you’re going to love it.”

Thirty minutes later, they’d eaten one of the pizzas and she handed her car keys over to him when he asked to borrow her car. “Just be careful with my baby. Or I’ll be forced to learn to drive a bike and take your hog in trade.” The look he’d given her was priceless.

The steady thunking sound of Demon’s labors had a cadence about the rhythm, and she grinned as she made her way to the bedroom for fresh sleepwear and into the bathroom. “I don’t know but I get told, biker’s cocks are made of gold.” The silly lyrics made her giggle and laugh. She stripped out of her clothing, and stepped into the shower enclosure just as the door opened, and Demon stepped in the open doorway. She quickly pulled the glass slider closed and stood under the hot spray of water.

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