North Pole City Tales 03 - Vixen's Valor (6 page)

“It’s all right. I shouldn’t have left you alone for so long. I got caught up by other guests.” He gave Vixen’s cheek a kiss and started ushering him away from the scepter. “Come. My uncle will be very sore if he discovers someone’s been here.”

Vixen stopped in his tracks and smiled sweetly. “Can you tell me about the scepter?”

“I don’t think that would be a very good idea,” Vale replied, once again moving Vixen toward the wall he assumed was the secret door. Vixen had stumbled across one of the King of Frost’s secrets. He couldn’t simply walk away not knowing.

“All right.” Vixen did his best to sound and look most disappointed. Just as he’d hoped, Vale let out a resigned sigh and led Vixen back to the scepter.

“You must promise me you shall remain utterly discrete about what you’ve seen and what I tell you. No one has laid eyes on this since the Frost War.” Vale went pensive before speaking. “I’ve never trusted anyone with this secret.”

“I promise not to tell a soul.”

“Back in the beginning, when the world was but snow and ice, the King of Frost fell in love with an Alfeim princess whom he cherished with all his heart. On their wedding day, he bestowed upon her a special gift: the Scepter of Vetrokfesta.”

“It’s stunning.” Vixen studied the scepter in awe. It was striking, bold yet delicate, much like their queen had been.

“It’s also very powerful.”

“Powerful?” Vixen asked. It didn’t look very powerful. Could something that pretty contain such magic?

“Yes. As the Frost Queen possessed no magic herself, the King of Frost devised a way for her always to be under his protection even when he was away bringing winter to the world. The scepter contains the power of Frost. It not only calls upon the king’s power but can undo his magic as well.”

“Isn’t that dangerous? What if it fell into the wrong hands?” No wonder the king had it tucked away in a secret room.

“My uncle hasn’t remained the King of Frost this long due to his charm. Only an elf directly connected to the king may wield the staff’s power. Anyone who isn’t connected to the Frost family will be consumed by its magic. There’s no telling what the scepter will do to them.”

Well that sounded frightful. A chill went through him, and Vixen was ready to leave. He allowed Vale to escort him out of the room, feeling as if eyes were watching him. It was silly, but he couldn’t shake the feeling. There was something rather worrisome of an object with such power simply sitting there. He took comfort in the fact no one had laid eyes on it since the war. As they headed for the ballroom, Vixen gave a shiver, and Vale stopped to rub his arms.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes, just felt a little chill.” It was as if the corridor had grown colder, and suddenly the thought of heading into the ballroom with all those strangers didn’t appeal to him. Beside him Vale felt warm and vibrant. “Vale?”

“Yes, darling?”

“Could we go somewhere warm… and private?”

Vale seemed taken aback by the request, but when Vixen pressed himself closer, his eyes pleading, Vale gave him a nod.

“Of course. Shall I fetch us a sleigh, or would you like the wind to take us?”

“I’ve never travelled by wind before.” He couldn’t help his excitement as Vale walked him out onto one of the grand balconies. He wrapped his arms tightly around Vixen and smiled.

“Hold on tight.”

Vixen did as asked, captivated by Vale’s transformation once again, his eyes frosting over white along with a portion of his hair. The wind whipped and howled around them until there was nothing but a flurry of white. It was as if they’d been swept up in a snowy tornado. The floor beneath their feet disappeared, and Vixen tightened his hold on Vale, feeling a rush go through him, one similar to the kind he received when he took off in his biplane. There were so many new sensations he was discovering within himself, all brought about by the handsome elf embracing him. The butterflies in his stomach fluttered madly in anticipation of what might come next.

Chapter Five


returned beneath Vixen’s feet, and the white surrounding them vanished, leaving them on another balcony slightly smaller than the one they’d just been on. With a smile, Vale walked to the doors and opened them, the pale blue curtains blowing in the breeze. He held his hand out, which Vixen took with pleasure, and they walked into the room.

“This is stunning!” Vixen took in the magnificent sight around him. The bedroom itself was bigger than his entire apartment at the Rein Dear Estates. It was regally decorated in an antique Baroque style using hues of icy blue, gold, and white. The velvet tufted chairs and davenport were pale blue, their frames white and gold.

To one side was a colossal four-poster canopy bed with blue gossamer curtains hanging from the bed’s top. It looked exceptionally cozy with scores of silk pillows, fur blankets, and throws.

“This floor of the palace is mine, my brother’s is below, and my father has the first floor. The kitchen, breakfast room, libraries, and other rooms are located on the ground floor. I can give you a tour if you’d like?”

With a naughty smile, Vixen sat on the edge of the plush mattress, his legs slowly kicking back and forth and his gaze on Vale. “Perhaps in a while.” A thrill rushed up Vixen’s spine at the heat coming into those silvery gray eyes. Vale crossed the distance between them and dropped to one knee before him, his eyes never leaving Vixen’s as he reached for one boot. He quickly caught himself.

“May I?”

“Please do,” Vixen purred.

Vale removed one boot and laid it carefully to one side, then removed the other followed by Vixen’s socks. His strong hands slid up Vixen’s breeches until he reached his waist. With a sultry smile, he pulled Vixen forward and up off the bed. Vixen could hear his heart pounding in his ears, but he remained silent, enthralled by this bold side of the bashful lieutenant.

Vale snapped his fingers, and a breeze blew in past the open balcony doors and their curtains to the Victrola on the far end of the room. The needle rose and gently lowered to its new location. A sweeping ballad played, and Vixen smiled down at Vale. He swayed in time to the music as Vale stood and slipped Vixen’s frockcoat off his shoulders. Vixen watched enthralled as it floated off to the davenport. His waistcoat and shirt soon followed.

“You’re enchanting,” Vale said quietly, his lips hovering over Vixen’s.

Unable to wait any longer, Vixen went about undressing Vale with more speed and far less delicacy until the two were stripped bare and in each other’s arms.

“I’m sorry. Patience isn’t one of my virtues. Come to think of it, I don’t think I possess any,” Vixen said with a small laugh.

“Nonsense.” Vale put his fingers beneath Vixen’s chin and lifted his face so he could look into his eyes. “You have a great many virtues.” He danced with Vixen, turning him in time to the music and pulling him over to the bed where Vixen climbed up. He lay on his back, smiling as Vale settled in beside him and rained kisses over his face. He spoke softly, emphasizing each word with a kiss. “Kindness. Compassion. Generosity.”


“Yes, you. You and your Rein Dear brothers help build all those gingerbread homes for less fortunate elves. I witnessed it with my very eyes. That fledgling elf? Nick? You’re his hero. Then there’s the Big Flight, where you bring joy to all those children across the globe.”

“But that’s just part of my job.” He wished he possessed all those virtues Vale said he had. Knowing Vale truly believed as such formed a lump in Vixen’s throat. Why did Vale think so highly of him? Few others did.

“Being a Rein Dear is more than a job. It’s who you are. Mayor Kringle chooses only very special elves to become Rein Dear. The whole of North Pole City depends on you. Kringle’s magic flows through you. Where would we all be without you?”

“I hadn’t thought of that.” Was it possible he took his position for granted? He’d been a Rein Dear pilot for so long that he’d forgotten it hadn’t always been his title. How many elves would give their immortality to be in his shoes?

“Have I upset you?”

Vixen blinked up at Vale. “No. You’re absolutely right. It is more than a job.” Every elf in North Pole City had a part to play. Together they brought Christmas to the world. And Vixen held a prestigious position. Without the Rein Dears, what would happen to Christmas? And he did feel good when he and his Rein Dear brothers went out to help all those elves. Every time an elfling or tiny sugarplum fairy giggled with glee at meeting him or their innocent eyes widened in awe, he felt his heart swell. Not everyone thought he was a floozy. Some thought he was a hero.



“Kiss me.” Vixen wrapped his arms around Vale and gave himself over like he’d never done before. The weight of Vale on him was delicious, and he arched his back, his legs wrapping around Vale’s as he writhed with need. Vale kissed him sweetly at first until Vixen parted his lips and Vale’s tongue slipped inside.

A fierce heat washed over Vixen from the top of his head down to the tips of his toes. If it weren’t for the fact Vale was a winter elf, he would have thought Vale was setting him ablaze. Vixen moaned and dug his fingers into Vale’s shoulders, needing more. Seeming to sense his every desire, Vale released his lips and travelled down his body, his lips leaving trails of scorching kisses in their wake. His tongue poked out to taste Vixen’s skin, and a deep groan escaped the Rein Dear, his fingers slipping into Vale’s dark locks.

“Vale, please,” Vixen gasped, his desire bubbling up inside him.

“As you wish.” Vale moved between his legs, and Vixen clutched fistfuls of Vale’s hair as he felt that delicious mouth on him. His tongue drew circles around the head of Vixen’s erection before he was swallowed down to the root. Vixen was speechless. He certainly hadn’t expected the lieutenant to be so passionate or such an expert. Vixen was reduced to a quivering mess, making tiny noises, moans, and grunts as Vale lavished attention on him. Just when he thought he couldn’t take anymore, Vale pulled back. He moved up to kiss Vixen, stifling his gasp when Vixen found himself being stretched by a slick finger, followed by a second. Vale’s kiss grew deeper, his tongue slipping inside Vixen’s mouth as he explored every crevice. Then Vixen felt that wonderful sensation of being full as Vale entered him little by little until he was settled against Vixen. Slowly Vale moved against him. He pulled back just enough to look down into Vixen’s eyes and caress his jaw.

Their breaths mingled as they moved together, and Vixen took himself in hand, drawing in a sharp intake of breath when Vale picked up his pace, driving himself deep into Vixen before pulling himself almost completely out.

“Vale….” Vixen threw his head back. He couldn’t help his smile at the way all the curtains floated around them like blankets of falling snow. The blankets intertwined with their limbs fluttered in the breeze brought about by Vale’s spiraling desire. Vixen held on tight to Vale with one hand, the other bringing him close to his release. The wind picked up, sweeping through the room, the snow bursting in and falling from the ceiling as if they were inside a giant snow globe. Yet Vixen felt nothing but warmth, and he knew it was Vale keeping him that way. His climax spiraled, and Vixen cried out, tumbling over the edge of ecstasy with Vale diving in after him, his hoarse cry muffled against Vixen’s neck. The wind soon receded, along with the snow, and Vixen wrapped his arms round Vale. Holding him close to him. Vale pulled out and rolled them over, kissing the tip of Vixen’s nose, and they snuggled close together. Vale smiled sleepily at him, and Vixen brushed his lover’s hair away from his eyes. He gave Vale’s lips a tender kiss, and soon the brave lieutenant drifted off.

Vixen watched the slumbering elf, taking note of his slightly parted lips and the strong lines of his jaw. His hair was tousled, giving him a roguish look, and his fair complexion was still flushed. The handsome elf wasn’t at all what Vixen had been expecting. He’d expected long, awkward silences, stilted conversations, and unbearable stuffiness, but Vale had provided none of those things. In fact, he was charming and sweet and made Vixen laugh, and when he touched Vixen—even in the most innocent of gestures—he felt it resonate through his entire body. No one in the whole of his life had ever made him feel this way. More frightful a thought was how with every passing day, Vixen was less concerned with Vale’s position and all he had to offer and more concerned with having Vale at his side. How was this possible?

Disturbed by his thoughts, Vixen carefully rolled off the bed. He found a royal blue robe hanging off a silver hook behind a door and silently removed it. Making certain not to make a sound, he slipped into the large, plush robe and tied it tightly around him. It was wonderfully warm and smelled of Vale. Realizing he had a sappy smile on his face, he quickly frowned and walked out onto the balcony. The view outside was breathtaking. The beautiful garden below was filled with snow-covered trees, flowers, and shrubs shaped into animals, along with several ice sculptures. There were rows and rows of twinkling white lights surrounding the garden and hanging over the maze in the center. A sleigh that looked as if it had been used often and loved had been converted into a place to sit. Vixen watched the snow fall, and a lovely sense of peace washed over him.

He felt Vale before he even heard him. Strong arms in a thick white robe wrapped around Vixen, pulling him back against a broad chest and enveloping him in warmth. How could a spirit of winter be so warm? Vixen snuggled back and sighed.

“Having trouble sleeping?” Vale asked gently.

Vixen nodded, unable to bring himself to voice his concerns, especially since he wasn’t entirely certain what they were. The guilt was eating at him, and he’d never been one to keep things bottled up inside for long, though a fair amount of courage would be needed for what he had to say. He turned in Vale’s arms and gazed into his eyes. The affection in them made it more difficult, but he pushed through. He couldn’t walk away, not now, but he couldn’t stay unless Vale knew the truth.

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