Read Obsession Online

Authors: Samantha Harrington

Obsession (16 page)

I need to make sure my final plans fall into place. I can’t risk anything going wrong I had the room all set up for him and the table where I would fuck her while he watched, I will get great satisfaction in watching whilst he is strung up, helpless, with his dick cut off knowing that the only fuck she would get before she died was me. That he would have to suffer watching her scream in pain while I used her body for my pleasure.

The wall where the shackles are waiting for him. Every act that he did to Conner I will do to him, on the table set up close to the wall. I have the biggest hard on at the thought of what will happen in this very room in a few short hours, I will not masturbate like a fucking teenager, over what I will get to do soon.

Of what, I will get to taste, with my own tongue.

Of what, I will get to watch, with my own eyes.

Of what, I will get to feel, with my own cock.

Of what, I will get to kill, with my own hands.



Yet again I find myself on the sofa in the living room with the bottle of Jack on the table, I must have passed out again. I haven’t been able to sleep in the bed without her. I can’t stand the thought of not having her in my arms. I had to drink myself unconscious, so that I could pass out without thoughts of what she could be going through invade my mind. I am trying but failing to hold it together, when everyone has turned in for the night I found the bottle of Jack and started drinking.

I rise off the couch and make my way to the bedroom, I need to shower and get ready, after all today is going to be one hell of a day, however it ends.

Stripping off I walk in to the ensuite bathroom and step into the shower. I rest my head against the wall, the hot spray beating down against my back. I just stand until I can’t take any more.

I finally emerge from the bedroom dressed in black trousers and a blue shirt, I can’t really be wearing combat gear that might just scream ‘I know what you’re up to’.

I see Malc and Anton in the kitchen as I make my way through to get some coffee. I’m going to need a hell of a lot of that before I leave.

My mother is reading the paper at the table and she glances my way. She seems to have aged about 20 years overnight. I can’t imagine how she must feel right now, she really bonded with Faith and Cami. To know that it’s my fault that she feels this way. That all her memories of Bella are being dragged to the surface… It’s like a twist of the knife hat’s been wedged in my heart since I found out Faith was gone

“Morning Damien.” My mother says in a sombre tone. I know what that tone means she is prepared for what could happen today. She knows how this story goes and that sometimes, not everything goes to plan. She was married to my father long enough to know what happens in times like this, but she knows when to question me and when to hold her tongue.

“Mother.” I know I should ask her how she’s holding up. It’s not that I don’t care, I’m just trying to keep a handle on my emotions. It’s hard enough as it is, not to shout and scream at everyone. I’m barely holding on, I just want to get on with it and go and get my girl.

“Are you ready for today?” Anton says to me. Am I ready? I don’t think you can ever be ready when the stakes are so high. One wrong move could bring the house down.

“I’ll be fine. What about you? Is everything in place?” I ask him wanting to take some of the heat away from me, I can feel everyone’s eyes on me.

“Yes we have the SUV stocked. We’ll follow you there at a distance so we can bide our time, then come in and get you. Just remember he has to think you’re alone and unarmed. Take your phone and everything you would normally take with you, and let him take them from you. That way he won’t think you’ve done any planning beforehand.” I nod in agreement.

I just hope everything goes to plan.

“Right one hour then we move out. Did you get back up sorted? I don’t really want to go in with just us. We don’t know how many goons he will have with him, or what her dad will be up to. I don’t trust that motherfucker.”

“I have two men joining us, they should be arriving at the house anytime now.” He said as he glancing down at his watch.

“I take it they can be trusted?”

“Of course they can, I handpicked these two myself they are ex-Special Forces, so these boys know exactly what they are doing.”

“Ok.” As I leave the kitchen I wonder back down the hall to my office, I need to do something, to take my mind off what’s going to happen next.


The drive to the warehouse is lonely and long, my heart is in my stomach the whole time. They follow behind me even though I can’t see them, I know they’re there. Watching, waiting for the right time to strike.

I have the case of money with me, it’s beside me on the front seat and I realise I have to play this just right or else, I risk blowing this whole plan. I need him to think he is in control of everything.

It still gets to me that the piece of shit is in my building, talk about rubbing salt in a wound. This is going to end today, I will make sure of it. I just need Jake to believe that I know nothing and take me inside. That way I can make sure she is ok before the guys arrive.

I finally turn down the dirt road that leads to the warehouse; the car must find every pothole leading down towards the little car park at the side of the building.

Pulling the car to a stop, I don’t see anyone around. I’m on edge, the hair on my neck standing on end in anticipating what is going to happen.

I turn off the engine and step out of the car, grabbing the case as I open the door. I look around and walk towards the doors, I still can’t see anyone around. I’m at a loss but if Anthon said they’re here. Then this is where they will be. I pull open the door and step inside the building, the door slams shut behind me.

As I walk further inside, the smell of death is in the air and I pull my hand up to cover my nose from the smell. I see the empty warehouse devoid of anything other than white painted brick walls the drying blood stains on the wall and floor, I wince inwardly wondering whose blood it is.

My heart races faster as I walk further into the room and then it shatters at the sight before me. Faith is bound and gagged kneeling in the middle of the room with her head downcast. I look at her and I want to run to her. Scoop her up into my arms and carry her away from all of this, but out of the corner of my eye I spot someone hiding in the shadows. Waiting for me to make a wrong move. So I do the next best thing I can do to give her a little reassurance that I am here, and that I have come to get her out.

“Faith, baby. Look at me” I say and I wait in silence listening to the wild thumping of my heart, hoping that she is not too traumatized.

They say everybody reacts differently to traumatic events, some people will have physical symptoms as well as emotional, or some will just have the emotional ones. I don’t care what coping methods she has because I will not give up on her. I will fight till the end to bring her back to me. I will repair her fragile mind, heal her broken body, and cherish her beautiful soul. I just want her to be here with me, in this room understanding what’s going on right now, so that she knows that I am here with her until this is over.

Her head slowly rises when she registers the sound of my voice. I can feel my mouth go dry and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Her emerald green eyes lock with mine and it takes me an age to recover from the vision before me. Dried blood is smeared across her perfect face, the dark circles under her eyes and the dry blood mattes her hair. I feel my anger rise at the vision before me, but as I look deeper into her eyes, I notice that she’s not broken, I see the determination and restrained anger burning in her eyes. I walk a little closer to her slowly not wanting to cause any extra problems. My strides are slow and cautious, I feel bare not having any weapon on me, but I can’t risk it, not where she is concerned.

“That’s far enough Damien” I hear Jakes voice and my blood boils. I turn slowly to face him. 

“Hello Jake, I was beginning to wonder where you were.” He steps out of the shadows and stands behind Faith. I see the gun tucked into its holster and the glint of the knife sheathed in his belt.

“Well now, what is it that you think you know Damien that I am behind this whole problem? You caused this, not me.”

“All I know is that you are here and I can’t see Darren anywhere.”

“Oh that’s right, no you won’t see him now. I shot him right in front of her and you know something? She didn’t even blink as the shot rang out and his blood splattered across the floor.”

I whip my eyes back to my girl and she nods her head at me to confirm what he is saying is truth and my heart sinks.

“So what do you want Jake? If you killed Darren then there must be something that you want?” I already know before he speaks that he is out for blood and revenge. I can see it in his eyes, in the way his body is hard and on edge ready to fight. There will be no reasoning with him. The madness takes over that feeling of compulsion and drives you to finish what you have started.

“Oh I know what I want and it’s you dead. But first I am going to take the one thing you love most in this world and break it. Believe me when I say, I will break her, then I will take pleasure in knowing it will break you watching her. The last thing you will hear while you are breathing is her screams filling the air, as I fill her body.”

I go to move but I am grabbed by both arms and dragged towards the back wall where I saw chains hanging. Now I know their purpose. He knows it’s the only thing that might stop me getting to Faith.

“You’re going to have to give me more than that Jake who is your brother?” He looks at me as if I have just punched him, like I should know who he is. I hear the clink off the lock as my arms are chained above my head making sure I can’t escape.

“Conner was my brother and you killed him because of that slut.”

“That rapist scumbag deserved what he got, I don’t regret it and I would gladly do it again. It’s one less sick fuck walking the streets of this city, I would say I performed a service, don’t you think?” I see his face go red at my words, his hand curls into a fist. I see it coming as his fist connects with my jaw and I taste the tang of metal in my mouth and I chuckle a little.

“Feel better now do we?” I say to him knowing that I’m winding him up but wanting to keep the attention on me. I know Anton & Malc will be here soon.

“You know, when I found out what you had done, I knew that I wanted to kill you. I just had to find my way in and I did. It was almost too easy, so when I came in and offered Darren a way out, protection, he didn’t care what I wanted. He was my puppet, all I had to do was pull the strings.”

I need to goad him more he is still too calm and the ball is in his court. I need to change that

“So you had to go through someone else, to get to me because what? You’re not man enough to come right out and face me? No you had to be a snake and slither back and forward between everybody. Like the coward that you really are.”

“Oh I planned this to perfection, down to every last detail. Don’t you worry it will be over soon enough, well for you anyway. I will make her suffer. I finally know how to break her. Knowing you will watch as I take her.

He starts walking back towards where she is still kneeling on the floor. She doesn’t make a sound nothing, not even when he pulls her up by the hair, removes her gag and slams his dirty mouth hard against hers, I watch in horror as his grip on her hair gets tighter, he snaps her head back hard thrusting his tongue inside her mouth.



I watch as he drives down that path towards the warehouse. We’re blind as to what is going on. I could feel the anger swimming through my veins, not only did this
have my best friend walking in there alone and unarmed, but he had my girl too. I know Damien can look after himself but I am itching for this fight.

The thought of him touching Camilla. It fucks me up. There is just something about her that gets to me on a deeper level. I don’t want to fuck her and be done, I want to get to know her but she won’t even entertain the thought. You can see how much she hates this world and I can’t say I blame her, but this is all I know and it’s all I will ever know.

My dad is standing by my side, we are beside the two SUV’s with the guys my dad bought in to help us. I’ve never seen Damien this unhinged. I don’t begrudge him happiness, God only knows he deserves it after everything that has happened with his sister and his father. He changed after that, became more cold and distant. Until Faith. She seemed to be able to get through to that heart of stone, even though nobody else could.

As we wait, I check my gun and check it again. I’m going to need to get through this. Who knows what is waiting for us in there.

We have gone over everything that we need to do, all we can do now is wait to make our move. Jake won’t have a clue what has hit him. He won’t walk away from this, I’ll make sure of it.

“Right boys it’s time to roll out.” I hear my dad’s voice. About fucking time! We head down the path, we can’t drive down, they’d hear the engines and we want the element of surprise to last as long as we can.

The walk down the path is quick, I keep my eyes peeled and my gun raised scanning to see if anyone is around. The warehouse comes up quickly in front of us and I don’t see anyone outside. I share a look with my dad and he takes one guy with him to scope out the outside of the building. I take the other man with me so we can make our way inside as quickly as possible. I quietly open the door and step inside the warehouse and I see the events unfolding before my eyes I am under strict orders not to kill Jake, Damien wants that pleasure, but what I’m seeing right now would give me just cause to do it.

Damien is chained to the wall but he is fighting against the restraints. Jake has his mouth on Faith and I balk at the sight, his grip is strong on her head but she is not crying, not fighting. I guess she’s learnt as much about him as we have, just the thought makes my blood run cold. I don’t see Camilla in this room. You would think that I would breathe a little easier but I don’t, my heart speeds up because I don’t know what has happened to her or where she is.  

There are two guards are on either side of the wall where Damien is being held. I look to my dad wondering how we are going to do this and he just nods at me and with that one look I know it’s show time, I make sure the safety is switched off and I get ready to do my thing.

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