One Night With the Billionaire: Book One (5 page)

“Is this good?” he asks, pressing his forehead against hers as her breathing picks up. “Fuck, you’re wet.”

“Y…yes,” Kaia stutters. “Don’t move. Just…just let me…” She loses her train of thought as she loses control of her hips, pleasure shooting its way through her as she comes with a shout.

Jason’s free hand plays with her nipple as he sucks on a spot right below her ear, and she’s so weightless, so blissed out that she feels like she could fly.

“Wow,” she finally breathes, when she has her wits about her. She pulls back and looks at Jason, who’s giving her a sly grin. Kaia doesn’t even want to think about how many orgasms he’s given women to be as good at it as he is, but she sure is grateful.

“There’s more where that came from.”

The tone of Jason’s voice makes Kaia’s heart skip a beat. “I’m looking forward to it. And,” she says, reaching down and sliding her palm against his rock-hard cock. “I’d like to repay the favor.”

He hums as he leans in for another kiss. “Can’t wait. There is one condition, though.”

That cuts through the post-orgasmic haze that Kaia’s been floating in, and it makes her stomach sink like it’s made of lead.

“Okay,” she says, drawing out the word expectantly. She’s just hoping that whatever it is doesn’t ruin him for her, because the orgasm she just had? She doesn’t want it to be her last with this man.

“I don’t do relationships. So this thing?” He motions between the two of us. “It’s just for tonight. If that’s not something you can deal with, then you can go home if you’d like. Or you can accompany me to dinner; that offer is still good.”

Kaia considers that. Of all the things Jason could’ve told her, it’s pretty much the least devastating. She’s not exactly surprised that someone who looks like he does would want to keep his options open.

She’s so drawn to this man that the thought of just one night with him leaves her feeling a little sad. But Kaia tries not to live her life with regrets, and she would regret going home alone tonight.

“What if I want to skip dinner, and get straight to the orgasms?”

Jason lets out a startled laugh. “That can be arranged.”

Kaia reaches down between them, and grips his cock through his pants. It’s a move that she can tell he wasn’t expecting, based on his surprised reaction. He actually growls at her as he leans in and drags her bottom lip between his teeth.

“Arrange it, then.”

Jason lifts Kaia off of the desk, then grabs his jacket from his chair.

“Come on,” he says, taking her hand and leading her out the door.

“Where are we going?” She can’t take him back to her place, and if he’s dead set on one-night stands, he probably doesn’t take women back to his.

“I have a room. The hotel isn’t far.”

The executive elevator is open and waiting for them. When the door closes, Kaia lifts up on her tip toes, and presses her mouth against Jason’s.

If she only has one night with him, she’s making every second count.


In an extravagant hotel room not too far from his office, Jason is sitting on the edge of a plush mattress, his fingers fisting into silky soft, high thread count sheets.

Kaia stands in front of him, naked. He tore her dress off somewhere in the foyer, plucked her bra from her gorgeous breasts shortly after, then ripped the delicate lace panties from her hips with little more than a flick of his wrist.

Kaia's hair is wild and wavy, completely undone from Jason's insistent fingers running through the strands. Her lips are swollen from his kisses, and he can see the path of red skin that bloomed in the wake of his mouth as he nipped and licked his way across her chest. Her nipples are taught and pink from his teasing, and he can't wait to get his mouth on them again.

Jason doesn't think he's ever seen anyone look as gorgeous as she does in this moment. He's still fully clothed—seems Kaia has a lot more restraint than he does—and his cock is aching for her.

"What do you want?" she asks with a sly grin, relishing in giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Jason expected this. He was looking forward to it, actually. He reaches out and caresses Kaia's hip.

"I want to come," he replies.

Unexpectedly, Kaia drops to her knees. He expects her to ask him how he wants it, but she doesn't. She just gets to work on unbuckling his belt.

Jason reclines, resting his elbows on the bed as he watches her in this unguarded moment. He takes the opportunity to notice the different colored blonde flecks in her hair, and the shiny lacquered red coating her fingernails. He imagines that color contrasting with his skin, the way it will look and feel when she's gripping his cock.

Her hair falls forward in a curtain, blocking his view of her face, so Jason reaches forward and pushes it back, draping it across her neck so it falls on the other side of her shoulder.

When Kaia has his pants undone, she shimmies them down just far enough to expose his erection, which is straining beneath the cotton of his boxer briefs. She traces it with her finger, then rubs it with her hand, winding him up.

“Should I touch you?” With a gentle pressure, she caresses him, and his hips buck up for more friction.

“Mmm,” Jason hums. He likes that, she can keep doing that.

She lowers her mouth to his groin, tracing the outline of his hard cock with the tip of her tongue. It’s immensely erotic, feeling the light tickle and hot breath through the cotton. She moves along his shaft, then there’s a little flick of her tongue as it traces the head.

He sits up, startling her, and possesses her mouth with his. It’s wet and needy, because he can’t wait, and he can’t get enough of her.

Jason kisses his way down Kaia’s neck, all the way to her breasts. He cups one of them in his hand, rubbing her nipple with the pad of his thumb, as he takes the other one in his mouth, laving his tongue across the pebbled skin. When he tugs it through his teeth, Kaia lets out a soft moan, then bunches the hair at the nape of his neck between her fingers.

That’s when Jason completely loses control.

He stands, shedding his pants and his underwear with one quick movement. He’s a little clumsy about it, which makes Kaia giggle. A giggle that, in turn, makes Jason want to kiss the sense out of her, so he does just that.

“I want…” he says, before he loses all train of thought. She’s gripping his cock, and her thumb is sliding across the wetness at the tip, making him lose his mind.

“That feel good?”

Jason closes his eyes in pleasure, and manages a nod. “Yeah. Feels good. Feels amazing.”

Kaia pushes up on her tiptoes, and sucks on a spot right next to Jason’s Adam’s apple. Somehow her lips on his skin manages to heighten every single sensation.

“I want inside of you,” he manages. “I want to be inside of you now.”

He can feel the smile that curves her lips, and before he has time to register the absence of her touch, she’s wrapping her fingers around the placket of his shirt, and pulling. The buttons give way, one by one.

Panic pushes through the foggy haze in his mind, because he hasn’t had time to tell her about his scars, hasn’t had time to prepare her for what she’s going to see. As handsome as his face is, he never quite gets over the look that flits across women’s faces when they see the rest of him isn’t so perfect.

He steels himself as Kaia peels back his shirt, letting it fall over his shoulders and off of his arms. The lights are dim in the room, but she’ll see, there’s no way she won’t.

The trepidation or surprise that Jason expects never comes. Instead, Kaia rakes her nails across his abs, making him flex, and a smile crosses her face.

“Your body is
I don’t think I’ve ever touched muscles like these. Not with my hand, and certainly not with my mouth, which I’m going to be using a lot of tonight, I can tell. I hope you’re ready for that.”

He’s had these brutal scars since he was fifteen years old, long before he’d ever shared his body with a woman. And not once in the years since has someone
noticed them. Or, if he dares to let himself imagine this is the case where Kaia is concerned—not

“I’m ready.” He is. He’s more than ready. And there’s a lightness in the air that he hasn’t felt in years. It makes him giddy. So giddy that he playfully tosses Kaia onto the bed. He pulls a condom out of his pants pocket, then crawls toward her on his hands and knees, like a hunter after his prey.


Kaia watches Jason as he puts on the condom, his beautiful body on display. Even though he did a lot to hide it, he seemed to be a little anxious about her seeing him. She felt the scars when she was kissing him, could make out the topography of them under his shirt. She knew to expect something, and she could tell by Jason’s furrowed brow that he thought he was hideous.

She’d never voice this aloud, but Kaia thought there was an elegance to the way they dotted and swept across his torso. Focusing on the abstract beauty of them was an easy way to distract herself from thinking about what he’d gone through to get them. Jason didn’t seem like a person who would like to be pitied, so Kaia absolutely was not going to pity him.

She wanted him inside of her too badly to do that.

Jason plants one hand next to Kaia’s head, then leans down and kisses her. She wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer. The tip of his cock brushes against the wetness between her legs, and she bucks her hips, hoping for more.

“Anxious, are we?” Jason teases.

Kaia is breathless. “I’ve been anxious since I left my apartment.”

Jason raises his brow. “Why’s that?”

“You know why.”

“Say it,” he says, that commanding tone in his voice again. All the playfulness that was in his eyes earlier is gone, replaced by this focused intensity. “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

Kaia licks her lips. She’s not usually one for dirty talk, but she seems to be willing to do a lot of things she’s not used to as far as he’s concerned.

“I want you to fuck me. Hard.” She also wants it soft and slow, but she’s not sure she should ask for that. She figures there’s time. Later.

Jason doesn’t waste a second. He cradles himself between Kaia’s legs, and slides inside, giving her a moment to adjust to the size of him.

“Christ,” he says, burying his head in the curve of her neck. “You feel so good.” His hips snap into hers as he gets his bearings, then raises his head and looks at her. “So fucking good.”

Kaia wraps her arms around Jason’s shoulders, hanging on for dear life. She asked for it hard and fast, and that’s exactly what he’s giving her. Their skin slaps together as they kiss frantically, pleasure coiling up inside of her. She’s not going to last long like this, and she doesn’t think he is, either. There’s too much anticipation in the air, too much want…

“Touch yourself, Kaia.”

The sound of her name on his lips as he moves inside of her makes her crazy with want.

Do it
,” he commands. “Rub your clit

Kaia slides a hand between their bodies, and does as he asks, sparks thrumming through her veins, igniting every nerve inside of her body.

She bites her lower lip, not wanting to embarrass herself, as her pleasure spikes higher and higher. She’s losing the thread, unraveling…

“I want to hear you,” he says, voice low and rumbly. “Don’t hold back.”

She looks up at him, still unsure about doing what he asks for whatever reason, even though she’s hurtling toward an orgasm as he pistons inside of her.

to yell, she just…

Jason stills, his hand cupping her cheek. “You told me you wanted to make every second of tonight count,” he says, chest heaving. “And I won’t know how much harder I need to make you come a second time, if I don’t have a starting point.”

Oh god
. The promise of
leaves her breathless.

“Give me a starting point,” he says, as he starts steadily rocking into her. “Let me hear you.”

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