Read One to Protect (One to Hold Book 3) Online

Authors: Tia Louise

Tags: #One to Hold

One to Protect (One to Hold Book 3) (6 page)

Patrick’s smile fades, and he looks down. No answer.

The truth of what’s going on beats painfully in my chest. The change must be clear on my face because in one quick move, his arms are around my shoulders, and I’m pulled into Patrick’s embrace.

“It’s going to be okay.” His voice is soothing, his hug warm. “I’ve got you covered until Derek gets here, and then he’ll take over.”

“I’m fine.” I push back and clear my throat. “Sloan doesn’t scare me anymore. Look.” Going to the closet, I open the door and reach inside, pulling out a wooden baseball bat. “Backup plan.”

His grin returns at the sight of it. “Think you could use it on him?”

I could use it on him.”

He walks over to me. Then he taps me on the nose with the tip of his finger. “Glad to hear it, because I have to drive to Raleigh today. I’m pretty certain you’ll be okay while I’m gone, but I feel a little better now.”

A line pierces my forehead. “What’s in Raleigh?”

“Not what, who. Toni Durango.”

“The stripper?” I’m right behind him as he heads to the door. “Elaine was right?”

He pauses before leaving. “No and yes. No, she’s not a stripper. She’s a former escort. And yes, Elaine knows. I’m hoping she’ll help us. Wish me luck.”

“Don’t get lucky!”

“Too late.”

My mouth drops open as I watch him climb in the waiting Charger and drive away. The sound of my phone buzzing snaps me out of it, and I see a text from Derek.

Sleep well?

I pick up the device and quickly type back.
Two house guests last night. You’ve got some explaining to do.

See you soon.

We exchange
I love you; I love you mores
, and it appears that’s as much information as I’m going to get. And it’s pissing me off.

Chapter 4: A Physical Reminder


Fucking Houston took longer than I planned.

Between filtering through their myriad of networks and users and their lax social media policy, half the computers had viruses and the other half had unnecessary virus protection added. I don’t finish the analysis until late Wednesday.

Nikki is sitting at the front desk waiting, perky as ever, when I present her with the package.

“Happy leap year.” Keeping the frustration out of my voice is difficult.

“What’s this, boss?”

Remembering my new leaf, I soften my tone. “I need you to mail that to our new Houston client. And I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Her dark brow arches.

“Take the rest of the week off. With pay.”

Instead of squealing, she leans back in her chair. “Is it that bad?”

I feel my own brow furrow in response. “What?”

“Look, I know you think I’m just a dumb blonde, but you’re wrong. Something’s going on, and it’s something with Melissa.”

For a split second, I almost lose it, but I recover fast—poker face back in place. “Melissa’s fine.”

“I know she’s fine. We text pretty regularly. But whatever has you so edgy is about her, and don’t try to tell me it isn’t.”

. The tension creeps up my back again.

Why didn’t I go solo after Stuart left? Patrick was a real test of my patience, but Nikki might push me over the cliff. I don’t need an office manager. I handle my own travel plans now, and half the time I even answer my own damn phone.

But Melissa likes her.

“I’m working on something,” I say, calming the adrenaline spike in my veins. “And I’m handling it. There’s no need to worry Melissa.”

Her blue eyes roam around my face searching for clues. Nikki has pretty much pissed me off since Day 1, but if she can keep her mouth shut now, I’ll let all of it go.

We face each other for a few, tense seconds before she nods. “I won’t say anything.”

“Thank you.”

“Only because I know how much you love her. You’ll do anything to protect her. Right?”

I can’t believe she even has to ask, but I guess some women see a lot more shitty guys than good ones. “Right. I won’t be back in this office until I’m sure she’s safe.”

Standing, she collects her coat, purse, and the package. Then she gives me a little salute. “Take as long as you need, boss. I’ll be on standby if you want someone here.”

And with that, she’s out the door. I lean against her desk, gauging my level of exhaustion. If I leave now, I’ll be in Wilmington by morning. If I fall asleep at the wheel, I won’t be any use to anybody. My phone buzzes, and when I see the face, I make my decision.

PM check in!
Melissa texts.
P&E are here. You home or work?

Just finished Houston, leaving work. Miss you.



Be careful driving. Love you.

Love you more.

The cottage is dark when I arrive at 6 a.m. Elaine is the only one with an early wake-up call, so it’s possible I can get into Melissa’s room before they’re up and stirring. Driving all night might not have been the most restful approach, but with the energy surging through my chest, I knew I wouldn’t get any sleep anyway. I’ll nap a few hours this morning and be ready to go without losing a day.

Dropping my duffel by the stainless fridge inside, I ease off my boots and place them one at a time by the door doing my best to keep quiet. Grabbing a water bottle, I head to Melissa’s bedroom, but I nearly slam it against the skull of a half-dressed Patrick. He’s right around the corner, holding a wooden baseball bat high, like he’s about to use my head for the winning homer in the World Series.

!” we both whisper-shout.

“What the fuck?” Patrick lowers the bat and breathes.

I recognize the energy surging through his muscles. It matches the rapid tweaking of my own, and I need a second to recover.

“You could’ve shot me a text,” he groans, dropping onto the couch. “Did you fucking drive all night?”

“Couldn’t sleep.” I clap his shoulder as I pass. “Glad to see you’re on your toes. You’re officially off guard duty.”

“Hey!” I pause, and he tosses me the bat. “Happy to help. I’m going back to bed.”

Catching his “weapon,” my brow lines. “Think you’ll be able to sleep?”

“Nope.” That grin spreads across his face. It’s the same one that used to tick me off because I knew it meant I’d be cleaning up his shit sooner rather than later.

“Just keep it down. I don’t need to hear you getting any.”

He points back at me as he heads down the hall. “Right back atcha.”

Shaking my head, I turn Melissa’s bedroom door handle as softly as possible. Unlike my younger partner, I don’t plan to wake her this early. I know the pregnancy makes her tired, and I’ll be content to be beside her. It’ll be the first good rest I’ve had in four days, knowing she’s with me and safe.

She’s curled in her familiar sleeping position, and I can’t help a smile as the warmth of love fills me. I will never get tired of watching this woman sleep.

Jeans off, I whip the thin, navy sweater I’m wearing over my head and slip into her king-sized bed. She doesn’t even stir, and I’m happy she feels so secure with Patrick in the house. He might have been a pain in my ass in the past, but he’s more than made up for it with this assignment.

Easing closer to her, I lift her long, dark waves off the pillow and replace them with my head. She makes a soft noise and stirs, but she doesn’t wake. My arm goes above her, and our bodies are so close, I can feel the warmth radiating from her ivory skin.

Wrapping a dark curl around my finger, the tension slowly drains from my body. Being with her is enough. She’s home and comfort and warmth and all the good things I thought I’d never have again. She’s my future and my desire and my love, and the notion that some dickwad might try to hurt this woman, might threaten what I cherish…

She sighs and scoots closer to me, still asleep. The idea that she knows I’m here is incredibly satisfying. My own eyes are heavy, and I lower my head.

In three breaths, I’m out.

It’s dark, and I sense his presence. He’s hiding like the coward he is, waiting for me to let my guard down so he can strike, so he can try to hurt her again.

Sensations of being back in battle engage my reflexes. I can’t see the enemy, but that doesn’t mean he can’t see me. I have to move forward, keeping the one I’m charged to protect covered by my side.

A noise, and I know where he is. My fists are clenched. This time I’m not sure I’ll have the presence of mind to stop until he’s eliminated. Permanently.

Energy is building in my core, preparing for a fight… And the scene changes.

Softest velvet touches my skin. Whispers like a butterfly’s wings feather over my cheeks and the sensation moves to my brow. Now it’s on my temple, causing my eyes to blink open.

I’m in Melissa’s pale green room. Sloan’s gone, and the butterfly wings are her hair falling in my face as her delicate lips cover me with kisses.

One swift movement, and she’s on her back with a shriek and a laugh. I want to cover her mouth with mine, but first I’d like to swish with some water—or preferably mouthwash. Instead I opt for devouring her slim neck.

Her fingers thread into the sides of my hair. “What time did you get in?” Her voice is breathy and high, as I follow a trail with my lips along her collarbone.

“Just before six. I tried not to wake you.” My mouth is moving up into her hair, behind her ear. She smells like roses mixed with the ocean, and I inhale deeply as she makes one of those little noises I love.

“Patrick said he almost batted you into next week.” A laugh moves through her torso.

“He did a fantastic job.” I kiss her jaw, pulling little bits of skin between my teeth, tasting her. She’s delicious. “I’m giving him a bonus. Something major. A Rolex.”

She’s squirming, trying to catch my lips with hers, and I lift up long enough to grab the water bottle and take a quick hit, swishing it around and then diving back into her arms. She pushes my shoulders, flipping me onto my back and straddling my waist as she forces my lips apart, finding my tongue.

She’s wearing a skirt, and the way she’s sitting, I can tell she’s not wearing panties. Fuck me. Her heat is flush on my bare stomach, and between that, her hands in my hair, and her mouth moving mine, my morning wood has turned into a full-fledged tree—one of those giant redwoods.

“You’re overdressed.” I pull up the sweater she’s wearing, and my brow collapses with appreciation when I discover she’s also braless.

Her breasts are firm and round and a few sizes bigger these days.

Holding them, I massage my thumbs over the dark circles before pulling a beaded nipple into my mouth. She lets out a moan, and the chances are great I’ll last about as long as a teenage boy once I’m inside her.

Melissa is not helping the situation. She slides down my stomach and jerks my boxer briefs to my hips. The beast is unleashed, and she covers it with that hot velvet mouth.

“Fuck.” I arch back and try to think of baseball. Cold showers. House fires…

Her small hand pumping my shaft. Warm lips caressing my tip then moving lower, followed by the slow sweep of her tongue.

In a move fast enough to rival Superman, I catch her under the arms and pull her up and over. I’m inside, sinking deep into her slippery-wet body, in less than two seconds.

“Derek!” She cries and holds on, but I can’t stop.

She’s lying on her back, but I’m on my knees leaning into her, needing to be as deep inside her as possible. Her moans drive me crazy as I grip her ass, pulling her against me.
Harder, faster…
My stomach tightens as the explosion builds. A ragged groan scrapes my throat as the orgasm blazes through me, shaking me to the core. It’s so good, I have to hold her a few moments to recover.

Releasing my grip on her backside, I lean on the headboard as I catch my breath. These last several weeks, I’ve been doing my best to avoid putting pressure on her abdomen, where the baby is, but she’s crawling up, lips following the lines on my stomach, kissing her way up my chest until she wraps her arms around my neck.

“You’re so sexy when you let go.” Her voice is a husky whisper, and when I open my eyes, her beautiful mouth is inches from mine. I can’t resist kissing it.

“You didn’t finish. I’m sorry.”

Her blue eyes narrow, making her look even more like the sex kitten she is right now. “I guess you have to make it up to me then.”

I manage a weak laugh. “You might have to give me a minute.”

She makes a teasing pout that melts into a smile she presses against my lips. Her breasts touch my chest, and it’s possible I might have a little something left.

My hands roam down her sides, exploring her curves. She’s still up, but I move lower, kissing the sexy crease at the bottom of one breast, inhaling the scent of her body. Fresh-air flowers.

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