Panthers' Pleasure [Impulse 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

She lifted her legs, hoping to find Vilas’s shoulders. If she hiked her feet over them, surely he wouldn’t be able to resist her pussy. The moment she moved they both stopped what they were doing to her. Chantal whimpered.

“Who said you could move?” Rafe demanded.

“Enough!” she cried. “You said I could call a halt any time I felt like it, so that’s what I’m doing.”

“You don’t like our methods?” Rafe asked, sounding like he knew the answer to his own question, arrogant panther-person that he was.

“I need to come,” she wailed. “You promised me. ‘You’ll come and come, and then come some more,’ were your exact words, Vilas.”

“Yeah, I did say that, didn’t I?” She could hear the taunting smile in his voice. “I guess we’d better overlook her rebellion just this once, Rafe, given the circumstances.”

“Looks that way,” Rafe agreed. “We’ll get her trained up soon enough. We’ve got the rest of our lives to do it in.”

“I didn’t agree to—”


Vilas returned his tongue to her thighs but this time didn’t linger. It swirled its way toward her clit, tantalizingly close, as two fingers slid into her vagina. Chantal pushed against them, lifting her hips to force them deeper. Vilas’s tongue flicked across her clit and ignited scorching sparks of desire deep within her core.

“Yes!” she cried. “That’s it, Vilas. It feels so damned good.”

“No talking!” Rafe tapped the side of her thigh again. Then his mouth descended on one of her tits and bit playfully at the nipple. It was all it took to send her over the edge. She screamed the roof down when her climax hit like a minitornado, taking her completely by surprise. It was harder, deeper, and more intense than anything she’d ever known before. Her entire body convulsed as she rode Vilas’s fingers until he’d milked every last ounce of sensation from her body.

“Oh God!” She continued to tremble long after her climax subsided. “What the hell did you do to me?”

“Gave you what you asked for,” Rafe said, “even though you didn’t deserve it because you didn’t obey orders.”

“Sorry, master,” she said meekly.

His lips covered hers. “Ready for round two?” he asked when he eventually stopped fucking her mouth with his magical tongue.

“There’s more?”

“Baby,” Vilas’s voice said. “We’ve barely got started.”

The blindfold was removed and then her hands were released. “What did you touch my tits with?” she asked, blinking to readjust to the light.

Rafe showed her a fierce claw bulging from the tip of his index fingers. “Only this.”

“But, that ought to have scratched me to pieces. I thought you were using a feather, or something.”

“I knew you wouldn’t let me use this if you saw it. That’s why I blindfolded you.” He smiled at her, looking thoroughly pleased with himself.

“It’s called sensation play,” Vilas explained.

“I know how good it feels to have your nipples clawed. I love it when Vilas does it to me.”

“I don’t have claws to offer, but do you think you’d like it if I sucked your nipples?” she asked Rafe.

“Geez!” Vilas said, running a hand through his hair.

Rafe canted his hand and flashed a sexy smile that brought her pussy zinging back to life. “I reckon I could put up with it.”

Rafe extended one hand and pulled her to her feet like she weighed nothing at all. He was fully erect again, she noticed, as was Vilas. He sat on the settee she’d been tethered to and told her to straddle his legs.

“But that means—”

“Don’t question me, babe,” Rafe said, tapping her butt in admonishment. “Just do as I ask. I won’t penetrate you.”

Chantal got herself into position and enjoyed the feel of Rafe’s stiff rod pushing against her clit. She also got an up-close and personal view of his broad, muscular chest. Never one to look a gift panther in the face, she dropped her gaze and then her lips to his left nipple. She took a leaf out of his book and nipped at it. If she had claws she’d have used them, too, damn it. He groaned as she employed her teeth, lifting his hips so that his cock rubbed against her sensitized pussy. Encouraged, Chantal leaned forward and raised her ass in the air, the better to feel his erection where she wanted to feel it the most.

Well, almost the most.

She moved with Rafe and bit a little harder at his nipple. As she did so she was conscious of something cool hitting her ass. Shocked, she stopped moving.

“Shush, it’s okay,” Vilas said from behind her. “Don’t mind me. Carry on with what you were doing.”

The feel of Rafe’s prick pressing even harder against her sodden pussy reclaimed her attention. Fire lanced through her veins and she was dangerously close to another orgasm. She tried to think about something else, determined this time to hold it back for as long as she could. Then she felt something invade her anus and tensed.

“Relax for me, babe,” Vilas purred. “Let me investigate.”

Presumably he’d inserted a finger in her backside. No big deal. People did that sort of thing all the time. It was high time she found out for herself what all the fuss was about. Vilas caressed her ass with smooth sweeps of one large hand until she relaxed.

“That’s it, honey,” he said. “You’ve got two of my fingers right up your ass now. How does it feel?”

“It burns a little, but it’s okay.”

Rafe chuckled. “Only okay, buddy. You’re losing your touch.”

“Just wait until you have one of our cocks up your pussy and the other in your ass. Imagine how that will feel.”

“It’s not possible. You’re too big for me.”

“We’ll prepare you so that we won’t be, never fear,” Rafe said, increasing the pressure on her clit until she moaned. “That’s it, babe, thrash your head round for me and make all that hair tumble all over the place.”

Chantal forgot all about playing with Rafe’s nipples and simply gave herself over to pleasure. Tingling exhilaration spiraled through her, fragmenting her senses when Rafe gave one massive upward thrust that ignited the orgasm she’d been trying to delay. God alone knew what Vilas was doing to her ass, but whatever it was, the sensation was growing on her. She cried out as pleasure beckoned, release so tantalizingly close and yet seemingly just out of her reach.

“You’re so goddamned beautiful, Chantal. Come for us, baby,” Vilas coaxed.

“It’s not enough,” she wailed. “I need you to fuck me.”

“Can’t be done, angel,” Rafe said, his voice clouded with regret. “You know that.”

“Yes, but…argh, that’s it. I’m coming for you now.”

“Feel my cock on your pussy,” Rafe urged, slamming it against her clit. “Feel what it does to you.”

“You wish it was us inside you, don’t you, sugar,” Vilas purred from behind her. “You’d give anything right now to have us both.”

Chantal didn’t have enough spare breath to answer him. Anyway, what would be the point? They wouldn’t penetrate her unless she agreed to be their mate, and it was way too soon to consider their crazy proposal. Even so, the temptation to commit herself to them right now was overwhelming. Somehow she managed to resist, knowing they’d be aware she’d reached her decision for all the wrong reasons. Or, at that precise moment, for reasons that felt pretty damned right.

To avoid weakening, Chantal closed her eyes, riding the wave of her orgasm as Vilas’s fingers explored her ass, creating a burning sensation that fused with her climax and pushed her completely over the edge. Release ripped its way through her body and she abandoned herself to it without inhibition, cresting the wave and clinging desperately until she could no longer prevent it from fading.

She collapsed against Rafe’s chest in a sweaty heap afterward, breathing in the musky scent of his male arousal. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, almost chastely.

“Better?” he asked.

“No. It was good, but there was definitely something missing.”

“Like our cocks?” Vilas suggested with a sexy wink, seating himself beside Rafe and taking Chantal’s feet in his lap. “You know what you have to do about that.”

“I almost did, but it would have been for the wrong reasons.”

“We wouldn’t have accepted you as our mate, not then,” Vilas said.

“This is getting dangerously out of control.” Rafe growled. “We never should have started this.”

“But you did, and you’re both erect again.” Chantal slanted a flirtatious smile. “You do seem to be very…er, responsive.”

It was Vilas who growled this time. “Talk about something else.”

“I just wondered if you’d like me to help you out, that’s all.”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Rafe asked, obviously trying not to groan.

“Just trying to make myself useful,” she said sweetly.

“There’s no need,” Rafe said.

“Speak for yourself,” Vilas said in an injured voice.

Rafe patted Chantal’s butt and tipped her off their laps. “We’ll get over it. While we get ourselves under control, I suggest you get yourself a shower. We can then go down and have dinner in the restaurant. It’s date night, the start of our courting ritual.”

“Aren’t I supposed to work for a living?”

Vilas chuckled. “Oh, you will, never fear.”

Chantal placed her hands on her hips and tried to look severe. They were playing games with her, but hadn’t bothered to acquaint her with the rules first. Getting on her high horse when completely naked wasn’t, she deduced from their amused expressions, easily achieved.

“I love it when you get mad, babe,” Vilas said, blowing her a kiss.

Rafe winked. “Dress yourself up for us, darlin’.”

Chapter Seven


Rafe and Vilas watched the sway of Chantal’s slender hips as she left the room. The way her cute ass moved so provocatively had them both growling with renewed desire.

“Well,” Rafe said, pushing a hand through his hair. “That’s put any lingering doubts about her suitability as our mate well and truly to rest.”

“She was well worth waiting for,” Vilas agreed. “How long do you think it will take her to accept us as her mates?”

Rafe held out a warning hand. “We can’t rush her, which is why we probably shouldn’t have done what we just did to her. I hadn’t intended to let things get to that stage, but—”

“But when she asked to see us fucking each other, it was only ever gonna end one way.” Vilas grinned. “Admit it, man, from the moment you first saw her and knew she was the one for us, you’ve been as anxious to get your paws on that gorgeous body of hers as I have.”

“Right, that was always gonna be a problem, but I had it under control.”

Vilas let out a derisive purr. “Yeah, right!”

“I just hadn’t anticipated her asking us to give her a show. As soon as we did, the sexy witch switched roles with us.” Rafe threw his head back and growled. “I don’t know about you, but I never really felt we were in proper control there. She always had the upper hand.”

“She was curious because she’d never seen two men fucking before. Ask me, she hasn’t seen or done much of anything in the sack.”


“She enjoyed herself, though,” Vilas said, rubbing the top of his head against Rafe’s thigh. “Both watching and participating. That has to count for something. I don’t reckon that rat Jack ever made her feel half so good about herself, even

The hair on the back of Rafe’s neck stood on end. “I don’t want to think about anyone else penetrating our mate.”

“Me neither.” Vilas extended his claws and raked them through the space in front of him, as though attacking an invisible foe. “I was just saying.”

“Once she’s ours, there’s a whole load of stuff we can get her to do, and she’ll love it. I don’t think she realizes just how sensual she actually is. But we mustn’t try and persuade her
by taking her to bed. She needs to get a better handle on what we do here. How much more rewarding it can be than living completely in the human world.”

“True, but Chantal has low self-esteem, the poor baby, so we owe it to her to make her see just how much she actually has going for her.” Vilas grinned. “And if that means driving her crazy by giving her orgasms in all sorts of inventive ways that don’t involve penetration, then—”

“Seems to me,” Rafe said, rolling his eyes at Vilas’s one-tracked mind, “that her brother has been the mainstay of her adult life.”

“So we have to find him for her, and then offer to set her free if she wants to go back to her life with him.”

“Right, but like I just said, in the meantime we need to give her a taste of what family life is like here in Impulse. She needs to experience belonging and being cherished just for being herself before she can make an informed decision.”

“Yeah, I see what you’re getting at.” Vilas stretched out on a settee and extended his claws again to deal with a pesky itch on his belly. “Ah, that’s better.” His claws disappeared. “If she wants a dose of community living, where everyone looks out for everyone else, she’s definitely come to the right place. Should we get some of the others to explain how things actually work?”

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