Plow (Brighten Sister’s Duet #1) (6 page)


he last week
I have spent every waking hour outside of work curled up in Brian’s arms. Every night we’ve slept together whether at my place or his. He’s insatiable but so am I. I’ve never needed someone so badly. He makes my entire body light up, and the things he can do with his tongue are sinful.

I’m sitting at work reworking the Governor’s calendar when my phone beeps. I look down to see Brian’s name, and I can’t help the cheesy grin that forms on my face.

Brian: What are you doing, beautiful?

Me: Beautiful, eh? That’s a new one.

Brian: Eh? Are you Canadian now too?

Me: Shut it. I miss you.

Brian: I miss your pussy.

Me: Nice.

Brian: Truth

Me: Mmm-hmm. You’re a pig.

Brian: Only when it comes to you. Speaking of coming, I want you. Now.

Me: I’m sure you do, but I’m at work and the Governor probably wouldn’t appreciate me fucking you senseless on the clock. I do have to work occasionally. LOL.

Brian: The Governor can kiss my ass

Me: Tonight?

Brian: Definitely. Can I feed you first? I was thinking Chinese and a movie? We can just chill at my place?

Me: Sounds like heaven. See you tonight! Xo

A picture message comes through. I open it to see a picture of Brian’s large cock. My pussy tightens in response. I want to lick the screen I’m so keyed up.

Me: Not fair.

Brian: Life rarely is. You like what you see, Princess?

Me: You have no idea.

Brian: Tell me.

Me: I want to sit on your cock right now.

Brian: You can have whatever you like. Bring it wet and ready. I’ll take care of you.

I tingle at the thought. I know just what he can do for me, and I want it.

Me: You can bet your ass I’ll be ready.

I put my phone down and smile. He does this to me. He makes me want to fuck like a dog in heat. Troy
did this to me.

As if I conjured the demon, Troy walks into my office. “Hey, Ney, how are things?” I groan at his intrusion.

The last person I want to be around when I feel like I could explode is Troy.

“It’s Courtney and things are wonderful if you must know. What do you need?”

“I’m looking for the bid from Urban Concept Design. I need to finalize some things.”

Hearing something pertaining to my Brian has me smiling yet again.

“Um, what are you smiling at?” Troy asks.

“Nothing.” I hand him the file and go back to my work, but he just stands there staring at me.

“I ended things with Andrea.”

“Why would I care, Troy? You and Andrea seemed perfect for each other.”

“I just wanted you to know that I miss you.” I roll my eyes and mock gag in disgust. I’m being petulant, but I can’t help it.

I stop and really look at him. He’s pathetic, but I don’t hate him anymore. Brian has me so tied up in him that anything that Troy did is in the past and forgotten.

“It’s over. I’ve moved on, and I realize how wrong we were. Let’s just be cordial and do our jobs, okay?”

He steps back as though I’ve slapped him. “I want you back, Courtney. I thought you would be happy.”

“This isn’t the place to discuss this, but if you must know, I’m seeing someone else. We. Are. Done.” I annunciate each word so that he gets the drift.

Without a word, he turns on his heel and stalks out of my office.

What a moron.

I grab my phone and pull up my conversation with Brian. It’s enough to turn my foul mood compliments of Troy around. I have a few more hours to kill before I can see my man, and I need to stretch my legs, so I get up and head to the restroom. Just as I’m about to pull open the door, a hand wraps around my arm and pulls me into the adjacent storage closet.

“What the—” I start to say, but someone from behind quickly silences me.

“Shhh. Don’t speak, Courtney.” His voice is husky, filled with need. It makes my body shiver with anticipation of what’s to come. My nipples harden uncomfortably and my pussy floods with wetness. I want to drop to the floor and suck his cock deep into my mouth until he floods my mouth with his cum.
That’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Just when I’m about to turn around and take him in my mouth, Brian kicks my legs apart and bends me at the hips, tipping my chest forward. I grab the shelves in front of me for support. My skirt lifts in this position, exposing me to him. The only thing keeping me covered is a thin piece of lace. I can feel his rock hard cock pushing against my ass.

“These are going to have to go,” he groans out as he rips my barely-there thong right off me. The snap of the elastic bites at my skin, but does nothing to dampen my desire.

I need him.

I need this.

The thrumming of my heart pounds through my body as I wait for him to touch me. Each pull of my breath makes me dizzy with desperation. He’s torturing me. A slow seductive dance that has me panting with the expectancy of his caress.

Finally, after what seems like forever, soft fingers graze the indent my panties left behind and then he trails them up to my core, teasing his finger at my entrance. With his other hand, he pulls my hair back, his mouth trailing soft kisses all the way down to the crook of my neck. I can feel my nipples harden uncomfortably.

I’m wanton for his touch, frantic for more.

“What do you need, Princess? You need me? You want my cock?” I don’t speak, not able to form any coherent words. “I’m going to fuck you now, and you’re not going to make a sound. You understand?” I push my body back towards, grinding my ass against him harder silently agreeing to his terms. The sound of him unbuckling his belt makes me grow wetter. I know what’s coming, and my inside walls pulse and ache to be filled. Just as I think I can’t take much more, his hard cock thrusts inside me in one forceful move and I bite down on my lower lip to stifle the moan threatening to expel.


Then out.


Then out.

As he slams inside me, the intensity grows, but it’s when he slowly drags his cock out that I start to explode. I teeter on the brink of an eruption, and just as I start to quiver and shake, his hand snakes around and pinches my clit sending me plummeting over the edge, my pussy tightening and squeezing around his thick shaft.

Two things happen at this point: I achieve my orgasm, and I realize I have lost my heart to this man.


! I hear someone,” Courtney says, barely audible.

“Do you care?”

“Of course I care!” she hisses. “This is my damn job, and I’m playing with fire acting like a damn teenager.”

“Court, relax. This part of the building has been empty most of the day.”

“Not. Helping.”

I chuckle at her exasperation. “Baby, I want round two.”

She flips around and shoves my shoulder. “You need to control yourself. I mean it, Brian. No more. This is too risky. I work for the Governor of New York. I need to grow up, and you’re going to help me.”

“I’ll help you all right,” I say, squeezing her to me.

She sighs and leans back into me. “How are we going to get out of her without being seen?”

“Easy. I’ll go first. If someone is out there, I’ll take the heat.”

“Oh God.”

“Calm down. I’m going now.”

“Wait. I’m not ready yet,” she pleads.

“Court, now. No more excuses.” I edge her towards the door with my hand at the small of her back.

Turning the knob I slowly push the door open. I peek my head out and look left and then right down the hallway. Clear. Stepping out and shutting the door I think I’m in the clear when I hear a voice behind me.

“Did you just come out of the closet?”

I stiffen. That voice.
It’s the douche from the other day at the Governors’ mansion. I put on my neutral face and turn to face him. “Yeah, man. I thought it was the door to the Governors’ assistant’s office. What’s her name? Um…Courtney?”

He eyes me skeptically, but after a few painful seconds, he shakes his head and points two doors down to where I know Courtney’s office is located.

“Ah, thanks, man,” I say. “Do you happen to know where the restrooms are?”

“Down the hall to the left.” He points.

I’m running out of things to say to get him to move along. Thankfully, God hasn’t forsaken me.

“Troy, can you help me grab a couple boxes from the supply room?” some leggy brunette purrs from another doorway.

Troy looks at her and decides she’s more important than seeing what I’m up to. Leggy brunette walks towards the stairwell and Troy follows behind like a lap dog.

Thank fuck.

When the coast is clear, I tap on the door and Courtney strolls out as if she had just come from anywhere other than a supply closet.

She straightens her skirt, adjusts her blouse and walks towards her office without a word. I stand there staring at her ass as she walks away from me. She takes two steps before she looks back with a quirked eyebrow.

“Well, are you coming?”

I smirk. “Just did, babe, but I’m all for a second go around.”

She narrows her eyes, and I know she's shooting daggers at my head in her mind, but she stays quiet. I wink but decide to play nice and follow her to conduct our business. When we get back to her office, she shuts the door behind us and begins her freak out.

“Oh my God! Was that Troy? WAS THAT TROY? I am so dead. He knows. I know he knows something is off. He wouldn’t just stand there like that without saying anything. What did he say? Does he know? How could—”

I put up my hand to stop her barrage of questions. “Whoa, slow the fuck down. Nobody knows anything. Breathe, Courtney. It’s going to be all right. Boy wonder is clueless.”

She bites on her lower lip. “We better pray you’re right or else I’ll be on my way to the unemployment line with a great big scarlet letter across more than just my forehead! I’ll be blackballed.”

I bring her into my chest in a tight embrace. Stroking her hair, I whisper, “It’s going to be all right, Courtney. I won’t let
bad happen to you. Ever.” I pull her away so that she can see my face. I smile to reassure her that everything will be all right. “So let’s get these papers signed so I can get out of here and plan my hot date for tonight.”

“You have a hot date?” she says with a hint of a smile in her words.

“The hottest. I need to impress this one. I think I want to keep her for a while.”

She slaps my shoulder. “A
? You better have longer plans than that. I’m not into updating my online dating profile. Too much work.”

I laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind, but for now, I have a woman to please.”

“You more than please her, Brian. I’m sure of that.”

I lean down and capture her mouth with my own. It’s a tender kiss unlike every other we’ve shared today. This isn’t hurried or frantic. I could have this girl in my arms for the rest of my life and not get sick of her. I know it’s too much too soon, so I shake those thoughts away, but they are real, and she is branding herself to me every second I spend with her.


o what do
you have there?” I step on my tiptoes to try to get a peek into the large brown paper bag Brian is holding. Unfortunately, I can’t see anything from this angle, but it smells divine.

He laces his fingers through mine and leads me through my foyer, down the hallway, and into the kitchen. “Chinese, of course. Only the best for my girl.” He winks as he places the bag on the counter and turns to face me.

His girl?
Am I his girl? Yes, I am, and I love it. The idea of being his, or belonging to him, makes my insides all fuzzy. I can feel my cheeks getting warm as a giant smile breaks out across my face.

“What are you smiling about over there?”

“Your girl?” I muse.

“Damn straight. You have a problem with that?”


“Good, cause you’re mine now, and I don’t plan on letting you go.” He wraps his arms around my middle and pulls me toward him. Our chests collide as he tilts my chin to look up into his eyes. “Seriously though, Courtney. This? You and Me…”

Looking up, I crash my lips against his. Snaking my arms around his neck, I jump up and encase him with my legs.

“None of that right now,” he groans through kisses, and I nip at his lower lip. He lets out a moan that makes my whole body quiver. His evident arousal presses against me as he lowers my body back to the ground. “Not until after I feed you.”

“I know what I want for dinner,” I say as my fingers dip into the waistband of his jeans.

“Courtney,” he chides, and I break out into laughter.

“Okay, okay. After dinner.” I pout my lips at him and turn to grab the plates. His large hand connects with my bottom as I make my way past him.

Once the table is set, we pull out the containers of Chinese food and start digging in. “This is amazing. Thanks for picking up dinner. I worked way too late to have cooked anything.”

“Something happen?”

“No, typical stuff. Meetings running late, you know the drill.” I reach my chopsticks across the table to grab a dumpling and plop it in my mouth.

“Do you like working for the Governor?”

I shrug. “Sometimes, I guess. I mean—”

“You should do it,” he blurts out.

“Do what?”

“Start that girly spa thing of yours.” A laugh escapes my mouth as I peer up at him. Our gaze meets and I can see he really cares. My heart swells one second but plummets the next.

“I can’t. It’s too late.”

He shakes his head in disagreement. “It’s never too late to do what you love. I wanted to be an architect, but my parents died, and my brother was too young to help out with the lawn care business.”

“See? You aren’t doing what you love.”

“But I am. I may have tabled my dream for a few years, but later I took night classes to get my degree in landscape architecture. I get to do both. It’s the perfect combination. If you have dreams, you have to go for them, Court.” He leans into me, kissing my shoulder once.

I let my lips quirk up into a smile. “We’ll see. Tell me some more about your brother?”

“Oh God, not much to tell. He has no responsibility, answers to no one. He’s hard headed.” He grins.

“Sounds like someone else I know.” I roll my eyes at the comparison.

“We are nothing alike. I just wish he’d get his head out of his ass and do the right thing for once in his life. Instead, all he wants to do is dick around and drink.” Brian reaches out and fills his plate with some more food. “So enough about me. Tiffany… is the one in nursing school?”

I can feel my face split into a large smile. “Yeah, that’s her. We’re really close. She’s my best friend. You would love her. She’s funny as hell and absolutely gorgeous.”

“So she takes after her big sister.”

I smile widely. “No, she’s so much more.”

He gives me a questioning look that unnerves me. “
are amazing, Courtney. I can’t wait to meet her one day.”

Yep, it’s official. I love this man.

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