Read Raber Wolf Pack Book One Online

Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #romance

Raber Wolf Pack Book One (5 page)

Another metal pole enters the cage, but this one isn’t electric. No, it’s scalding hot. So hot that the tip is flaming red and smoke billows from it. Holy shit. Is he going to touch me with that?

I jolt awake, sitting straight up in the bed. My heart is beating out of my chest and a fresh coat of sweat on my brow. I try to steady my breathing and get control of myself.

“Do you have to shake the damn bed all the time?” Ian asks, a snarl on his lips, and wipes his eyes.

I look at the clock; it’s almost seven in the morning. “I’m going to take a shower.” I rise from the bed and move swiftly, not even looking Ian’s direction.

‘Good. Can’t stand the smell of you.’

If I had a heart to break, that would have chipped more chunks away. Thank goodness, that is not a problem for me.

I let the spray of the shower soothe me as best as it can. Before getting out, I listen for Ian. ‘
Hey, baby. How about round two?’
His voice comes from a distance and I thank the Heavens he’s gone. I have nothing to do today, only sit here and wait for Alpha to summon me.

I do my morning routine and skip going down for breakfast. I’m overly tired from yesterday, after all. I brush my teeth, hair, and put on clothes. Alpha demands that I look a certain way at the meetings. Insists I look undoubtedly professional at all times, even though what he’s doing is not professional in the least. You’d think that shopping online with Alpha’s credit card would be a kick ass perk, but it’s not. Everything is about appearances. So, I shop.

Another reason I need to dress this way is my body. I’m much thinner than normal wolves. I lost every single one of the sexy curves I used to have, but I can’t keep anything down. It actually adds to the lie that my father gives the other packs for meetings considering I’m female. Females generally do not attend pack meetings. Alpha spins his web of shitty lies, saying that I’m very sick and need to be with my mate at all times. Since Ian is Alpha’s duty guard and is supposed to constantly be at my father’s side, it flies. I’m not sure how, but it’s worked so far.

I paint my toenails, read three chapters in a book, and play
Candy Crush
on my computer. You would think that since I have a computer that I could use it to get out of here. Nope. Alpha has an IT guy that monitors every site I go to, and if it is not on his approved list, my internet gets shut off for weeks. I’ve tried. Tried to get on a social networking site, even felt a spark of hope, but who am I kidding? By the time I typed in the site’s address, my computer was cut from the outside network. I didn’t try it again.

The door flies open, my eyes shooting up to it. I gasp, holding my chest as Alpha walks in, his bulky body and air of tension filling up my room.

“Tomorrow nine a.m. Be ready. Ian, Bud, and Jack are taking you to Lakeside Park. You are to stay inside the vehicle at all times, even when Ian and Bud get out to talk to the Beta. They’re taking the SUV and you are to sit in the back behind the tinted window. You get your looks quick and as soon as you get back, report to me,” he orders so fast, he doesn’t take a breath.

When he pauses, I realize that he’s done.
. “Yes, Alpha.”

“I mean it, Zara. I’ll put you back in that fucking cage if you even think of getting out of that SUV. You can’t hide from me. I will find you.”

Holy fucking shit. I gasp, realizing I need to breathe and somehow forgetting to do so. He hasn’t threatened me with that since I got out. He’s always said that as long as I do as I’m told, he would never put me back in there. Fear and panic spike and I do my best to cover it up, hoping I tame my face from expression.

“I will stay in the car, Alpha.”

“Tomorrow morning, be outside by eight thirty. I don’t want you to be late.” He shakes his head in frustration. “If this wasn’t so damn important and we didn’t need this information, I sure as shit wouldn’t let you out,” he growls. Does he think I don’t know this already?

“I will be ready, Alpha,” I say to his back and he slams the door so hard pictures shatter on the ground. Damn.

At eight thirty, I am on the step outside and ready to go. “Come on,” Ian grumbles as I follow him to the SUV. This time he doesn’t take my hand. Whatever. I have on four-inch heels for no other reason than to appear exactly as Alpha wants. My navy pencil skirt and cream chiffon blouse complete my look, but walking on the rocks in these shoes to the car is not fun. Still, I manage.

I climb into the back with Ian and put on my sunglasses. Not that I really need them since the windows are pretty much black, but it hides my eyes. Bud and Jack sit up front and I tune into all of the thoughts in the car.

‘This had better fucking work.’

‘What a stupid fucking idea. Calling a Beta to meet about a meeting? What in the fuck is that about?’

‘You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…’
Bud sings. I’m guessing he’s not the one I should be listening to.

So, if they are meeting to set up a meeting with the Alpha, wouldn’t the other pack think something was up? I know that Alpha said they were young, but the other wolves aren’t stupid. Whose idiotic idea was this? Alpha’s? Heavens help us.

The drive is short as we pull up to Lakeside Park. Trees line the space, swishing in the breeze. Short grass covers the large field. It’s almost a hidden spot, but not so much. Jack parks the car as Ian turns to me with fiery anger blazing in his eyes.

“Stay in here and don’t make a fucking sound. Bud and I are going to go talk to these guys and we’ll be back quick, so do your shit so we can get out of here alive.”

Please. “Yes, Ian,” I reply as he shakes his head and exits the car. Where am I going to go, moron? I move an inch and Alpha will know. Then, I’ll be locked up. No thank you. If that happens, I’ll make sure I don’t come out of there alive. I will never be confined like that again.

Ian and Bud head through the small grassy clearing, moving quite a bit away. I can hear and see everything clearly as if they are right in front of me. They stand in the open space like little ducks about to be plucked off one at a time, looking all around them. I could only hope. Out of the surrounding woods, two males step through, but stay a good distance back.

One is lean, but muscular, with wide shoulders and light brown hair. The other is a shaggy blond who either likes his hair that long or is in need of a cut. He has the same build, but a bit more bulk behind it.

‘Well, well, well. They showed up after all,’
the brown-haired man thinks. ‘
What I want to know is, where are the rest of their fucking wolves? In the trees?’
He looks around, searching for threats. Does he already know? How is that possible?
‘Female and male in the truck.’

Shit. He smells us.

“All right, boys, let’s get this shit done.” The shaggy blond man speaks.

I study their faces, committing them to memory, all the while listening to each word, spoken or otherwise.

“Nice of you to show,” Ian snaps, and the other two men growl.

“What’s this about?”
Shaggy Blond asks, looking at both Ian and Bud with death in his gaze.

“Alpha wants a meeting. Four days from now in the Council room,”
Ian states.

‘Then why the fuck didn’t he just call Xavier like he did for this meeting?’
Shaggy Blond thinks, and then says aloud, “I’ll take it to my Alpha.”

“Good day,” Ian dismisses them and begins walking back to the car.

Suddenly, an electric current surges through me and I catch the faint scent of
Oh Heavens, it’s
. The one I thought was long gone and that I had no hope of finding. He’s dressed from head to toe in black. His hair is the same color, and cut short. Holy shit, I’ve never been so thankful for my sight being so damn keen.

My once-dead, shriveled heart begins to thump as this male turns my way, looking me straight in the eye as if there weren’t a black window blocking his view. Oh, his eyes are the most electric blue I’ve ever seen. I could so get lost in those beauties.

he growls and starts stalking—yes, stalking toward the car. Oh no. He’s going to get hurt. Ian and Bud are going to hurt him.

Fear spikes with panic and I’m confused at what to do, what to think. My wolf wakes right the hell up, stands on all fours, and shakes her silver coat out like she hasn’t been able to do in forever. ‘
he thinks again and my wolf whimpers, clawing to get out.

What do I do? I can’t let him get hurt. These guys will kill him, and if they don’t, my father will.

Is it worth the risk to be with my mate for one moment than to live a lifetime of regret?

Yes. It’s worth it. No regrets here, time is too precious.

Everything happens in a blur, lightning speed fast, but to my eyes it’s slow and steady. Ian and Bud shift, not taking their clothes off but allowing the change to tear them away from their bodies in shreds. The sexy man with black hair is still in human form, walking this way. Oh shit, they’re going to kill him. I pull the door handle, the need to protect him digs deep in my blackened soul, but the door won’t open. Damn, safety locks!

“Unlock it!” I scream at Jack, but he pays me no mind. Instead, he starts the car and my panic level reaches an all-time high. I can’t leave. I hit the window as fear hits me full-force.

“Sit your ass down. I’m taking you home,” Jack barks before putting the car into reverse. The sexy man is still coming our way and just as Ian goes to pounce, the male changes into the most spectacular black wolf I’ve ever seen. On the tips of his toes is a light brushing of silver fur, but other than that, he’s pure black. He turns around to them, baring his teeth and snarling.

Shit. I scream more for Jack to stop, but he doesn’t listen. He keeps going, but my wolf takes over all reason as my clothes tear from my body and my teeth bite into Jack’s throat. Blood gushes in my mouth and for the first time in a long damn time, I feel it. I feel the one little thing that I never thought I would feel again.


The car continues to move and fuck, I don’t have hands to grab the wheel. Ready or not. With a mental shake, I jump with all my might and crash through the windshield. Glass sprays everywhere, no doubt cutting me in places. I land with a hard thump on my paws to the pavement.

You stupid motherfucker!’
This comes from the sexy wolf’s thoughts as he faces off with Ian.

‘I’m going to fucking kill you!’
Ian thinks, but it’s Bud who pounces.

Sexy wolf has no hesitation. He jumps right up to Bud latching on to his throat midair and ripping it from his body. Bud falls to the ground, still in wolf-form.

the black wolf growls as he spits out Bud’s flesh, his eyes landing on me. Ian takes the opportunity to latch on to my mate’s hindquarters hard, no doubt drawing blood and leaving gashes. My mate doesn’t whine or yelp at the pain that I’m sure he’s feeling. Instead, he turns to look at Ian and shakes him off like a gnat. Then he pounces.

Loud barking, growling, and snarling ensues as the other two guys, now in their wolf-forms, pull Ian off of my mate. Holy shit. I make a deep guttural noise in my throat and my mate’s eyes dart to mine then back at his prey.

Ian backs up and continues to do so until he’s almost to the trees. Shaggy wolf and brown wolf block him in and my mate eyes him like a stray fawn away from his mother. My heart pumps rapidly as they face off. There is no way that Ian will go down without a fight and from the look of sexy wolf, he’s ready for it.

Sure enough, Ian sees his problem and jumps first, and my mate meets him up in the air. They collide, falling to the ground in a heap of teeth and claws. Growls and howls echo off the trees. The other two wolves sit on their haunches and watch, ready to back up the sexy wolf but allowing him to take charge. He is definitely the alpha of their pack.

I slowly walk up to where they’re fighting and my mate pushes Ian into shaggy wolf.

What in the fuck do you think you are doing? Get back!’
my mate orders and I tilt my head.

‘Finish him,’
I reply and it’s his turn to pause. He doesn’t waste a moment. He snarls and attacks with so much strength I know that Ian and Bud never stood a chance.

My mate opens his mouth and bites down hard on Ian’s throat. As his blood gushes, splattering on the ground, Ian’s eyes stay on me.

is the last thing he thinks before his body convulses and he dies.

My sexy wolf starts playing with Ian like a toy, no doubt pissed as all hell, but I have too much at stake here. At any moment, Alpha will feel the severing connection of the pack link with those three wolves and he’ll send everyone to this spot. We have to get the hell out of here now.

I listen, first trying to pick up my father, but can only hear the wolves in front of me.

‘What in the fuck is going on?’
Shaggy wolf thinks. He must not scent me as sexy’s mate yet.

‘This shit is fucked up!’
Brown wolf thinks.

my mate thinks.

I shake my head, letting the breeze flow through my fur. Damn, it feels good. Shit. Focus. Sorry, girl. I push my wolf back, kicking and yelping, and shift back to human form. Shaggy wolf and brown wolf growl and snarl at me, their teeth snapping open and shut. Okay, so turning into a naked woman in front of these wolves obviously was not such a good idea. For a brief moment, I totally forgot I smell of Ian. This is not good. They still think I’m Ian’s mate. My wolf claws and I hold her back.

“I’m not here to hurt you.” I hold my hands out in a surrender gesture, but that doesn’t placate them. I can see understand that. Right now, I am the enemy, a member of the pack that tried to take out their Alpha. They can’t smell the connection between my true mate and me. It’s masked. But I do, and it’s so thick in the air, like fog in a night sky. Damn it.

My mate darts away from Ian’s body and runs full on, coming straight for me. I panic at first. ‘
He thinks, jumping in front of me and turning on his brothers. ‘
Back the fuck off!’
he barks at them through their pack link.

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