Rae, Beverly - Saving Mandy [Night Runner Werewolves 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) (7 page)

Her stomach tightened as both men worked their cocks inside her. Matching their pace, she pumped Nick and took Ranlon’s shaft in her hand. Silence, broken only by their quick breaths and soft moans, surrounded them. She let the myriad of emotions flow through her, not caring to understand the why or how of anything. She only cared that she was what they wanted. And she wanted them just as much.

The orgasm, powerful and overwhelming, broke free. Her body shuddered then trembled, darkness threatening to take her, but she held on. Jimmy’s groan mixed with Ranlon’s as the men, their bodies tightening and jerking, turned loose. Nick and William joined them, climaxing hard and fast. The men slumped around her, their harsh pants deeper versions of her own.

“Jimmy. Make her yours.”

She didn’t grasp the meaning behind Ranlon’s words. Looking to Jimmy for an answer, she watched as he put his weight on his hands and knees then crawled on top of her.

“We’re here for you, Mandy.”

Jimmy’s words didn’t make sense, but they touched her nonetheless. How long had she yearned to hear those words? “But why? You don’t even know me.”

Ranlon pressed a kiss to her palm in the same moment William touched her cheek. “Because you’re meant to be one of us. Like Sara and Cally.”

Jimmy caressed her with his hands and his eyes. “Do you want to become one of us?”

She nodded before she’d taken time to wonder at his question.

Tell me how.

“Are you sure?”

Please. Make me yours. But how?

Jimmy glanced at the other men then back at her. His amber-flecked eyes sparkled. “Like this.”

His face blurred then changed. Fangs erupted from Jimmy’s gums as he leaned closer, his breath blowing a wisp of her hair away from her forehead.

Mandy’s heart thudded in her chest even as she reached for him, welcoming him in his different form. She turned her head, offering her neck to him.

A roar ripped the air as Jimmy’s body was flung from hers. His friends howled their rage, their bodies evaporating until she could no longer see them. She struggled to sit up, but strange men, men who’d never come to her in her dreams, held her down, keeping her where they wanted her.

Decker moved out of the surrounding mist to stand at the edge of the bed, his body looming over her. His face contorted as fangs grew and fur spread over his nude body. “You’re mine. Not his.”


She fought against the men but was no match.

Jimmy. Where’s Jimmy?

“He’s gone.” Decker’s wolf face pulled back into an evil grin. “You’re mine, bitch. You always have been and you always will be.”

Saliva dripped from his mouth as he opened wide and howled. She screamed, yet no sound came out. Laughing, Decker bent over her and sank his fangs into her neck.

Mandy sat up, her heart racing, her eyes wide. The dreams had never been like that. She’d never awakened in fear. Had never felt anything but yearning to keep the dream going. She closed her eyes tight, just like she’d done so many times before, and tried to remember their faces. Yet she could remember only one.

But why had Decker entered her dream? And why in such a horrible way?


She trembled as she hurried out of bed toward the sound of Jimmy’s voice. Flinging the curtains aside, she found him, standing underneath her window and holding the reins of two horses. Relief flooded her, weakening her knees. She gripped the edge of the window and waved to him.

“Open your window!”

She flipped the latch and shoved the window open. “Why are you yelling under my window? Why not just knock on my door?” She wished he’d come earlier. Then maybe she wouldn’t have had the horrible dream.

He grinned, looking sheepish. “Sorry. I guess we’re used to being loud around here. Anyway, how fast can you get dressed?”

She ran a hand through her hair, suddenly wishing she’d taken a moment to brush her hair. “I haven’t even had a shower, much less breakfast.”

He motioned to the backpack strapped to the bigger horse. “Don’t worry about either of those things. I packed a breakfast for our ride.”

“Our ride?” She hadn’t been on a horse since she was a kid. “I don’t know. I’m not exactly the cowgirl type. Besides, I must look awful.”

“Aw, don’t worry. Rocky’s a gentle thing and he doesn’t spook easy.” He cocked his head to the side. “You look amazing this morning. Then again, you always look amazing.”

The compliment scored a hit, softening her heart. The man had a way with words. That was for sure.

“Plus, you’re going to want a shower after the ride anyway.”

Great. Not only would she start out looking like hell, she would stink afterwards. She started to refuse, but his longing expression tugged at her heartstrings. “Okay. Give me a few minutes.”

“No problem. The horses and I won’t budge an inch until we see your sweet smile.”

She spun around and headed for the bathroom. Once at the door, however, she froze to gawk at the room. “Holy cow.”

Bigger in size than most bathrooms, it held a massive whirlpool tub as well as an automated shower with rainfall showerheads. Beautiful gold trim accented granite countertops and mahogany cabinets. “This is the best bathroom I’ve ever seen.”

But she wasn’t the best she’d ever seen. Her hair sprouted from every angle on her head and smudges of mascara darkened the skin under her eyes. How could he tell her she looked good? Was his eyesight bad? Or, more likely, was he just being kind? She looked amazing, all right. Amazingly bad. No way was she letting him see her up close.

Throwing cabinets open, she found shampoo and the fluffy oversized towels. After a few moments of learning the system, she hopped into the shower and let the warm water flow over her.

She stood, transfixed, positive she was having another dream. The shower heads struck her from every side, massaging her muscles.

But she needed to hurry. Promising to take an hour-long shower once she returned, she rubbed her body and hair down with the towel and rushed to pull on some clothes. Her favorite jeans hugged her in all the right places and the green halter top clung to her still-damp skin. Luckily, she’d thought to pack her favorite pair of running shoes.

Dashing from the room, she hurried down the stairs while watching her step and almost ran headlong into Michael. She clung to the railing to help her stop in time.

“Whoa. Slow down. You almost wiped out your breakfast.” He held up the tray, calling her attention to a plate of pancakes dripping in syrup and butter, a large glass of orange juice, and a smaller plate of bacon and sausage. A single sunflower lay on top of a white napkin.

“My breakfast?” Her stomach rumbled at the sight.

“Yeah and it sounds like you need this.” He pivoted, heading back to the kitchen. “I guess the breakfast-in-bed idea is shot, though, so I’ll just put this on the kitchen table.”

“No. Wait.”

His dark eyes found hers and, for a moment, she wanted nothing more than to please him. She might have still been staring at him if Ranlon and Nick hadn’t burst through the kitchen door, breaking her focus.

“Hey, she’s up.”

Ranlon grinned, moving to her side and slipping an arm around her waist. His grip made her wonder how his touch would feel on another, more sensitive part of her body. She inhaled, drawing in his musky scent. Although his scent was different from Jimmy’s, it had the same underlying edge of wildness she found enticing.

She took them in, the three of them perfect examples of sexy men with their broad shoulders that led to lean hips and strong legs. Yet each was different, possessing a quality of his own. A rush of yearning swept through her. What if, like in her dreams, she could have men like these make love to her? She swallowed, her pussy clenching with need.

Nick slapped Michael on the back. “See? I told you we were taking too long to get her food.”

“Yeah, well, if you hadn’t burned the first batch of pancakes we would’ve gotten it ready sooner.” Michael motioned toward the kitchen. “Ready to eat, Mandy?”

“You did all this for me?” She glanced from one man to the next. What was it about these guys that made her heart pound faster?

“Sure. We want you to feel welcome here.”

She fought back the tears at Ranlon’s words. He’d made the statement sound casual, but to her, it meant so much more.

“So that’s what’s taking you so long.”

Jimmy’s appearance had them swiveling toward the front door. The same desire she had for the other men rushed through her, but harder, faster. If she had to choose just one, it would be Jimmy. But who said she had to choose? Wow. She giggled, intrigued by the possibility.

Surprised by her wicked thoughts, she strode over to Jimmy and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, we’re the ones who fixed you breakfast.”

Jimmy laughed at Nick’s protest and took her hand. “Didn’t you notice me filling containers with food? I’m taking Mandy on a picnic breakfast.”

“Then we won’t need this. Here.” Michael gave the tray to Nick, pushing it against his chest.

“No, you won’t.” Jimmy hooked her hand around his elbow. “Ready to do this?”

Having more than one man pay attention to her was a first. A first she could get used to. “Ready.”

* * * *

She’d never thought of
as a beautiful place before coming to the Matheson Ranch. Gazing over the flat land toward the sloping hills beyond, she had to rethink her opinion. Or maybe it was the company that had her sighing at the tumbleweeds and thickets of brush. She wrapped her arms around her knees, content to sit on the Southwestern-style blanket Jimmy had spread out for the picnic and watch the fluffy white clouds roll by.

“Did you get enough to eat?”

She chuckled and shot him a funny look. “Are you kidding me? Pancakes, strawberries, bacon, sausage, melon, and even champagne? You brought enough food to feed a small army much less fill me up. But thank you. This was great.” She smiled at him, reaching out to touch his hand. “You’re very thoughtful. All of you have made me feel very…accepted.” Where had she come up with that word? Yet, she had to admit, the word fit.

“But I’m the most thoughtful one of all, right?”

Who could resist him? He combined the qualities of a hot man with a lighthearted boyishness she found endearing and very sexy. “Yes, you are. But don’t tell the others, okay? I wouldn’t want their feelings hurt.”

He scoffed then shook his head. “Feelings? What feelings? They’re just a bunch of animals.”

Why did everyone refer to them as animals? “Maybe so. But they’re a pretty great bunch of animals, if you ask me.”

He drank the last of his champagne, his hazel eyes growing warm. “Yeah. They really are. But I’ll deny that I ever said so.”

He leaned closer, rubbing his shoulder against hers. The familiar zing of excitement spiraled inside her stomach. Licking her lips to wet them, she bowed her head then gazed at him through lowered eyelashes.

Shifting to face her, he hooked his finger under her chin and lifted her face. She forgot about the land around them, forgot about the other men. Nothing existed except Jimmy.

Light danced in his eyes as he moved closer and pressed his mouth to hers. Tender at first, he swept the tip of his tongue between her lips. She moaned, a small sound she barely heard, then met his kiss with more force when he cupped his hand behind her neck.

He nibbled at the corner of her mouth then flicked his tongue over the spot as though he’d harmed her. Pulling her close, he slid his tongue inside her mouth and moaned. The sound and warmth of his moan entered her, and she drank it in, reveling at his tastes.

He lowered her to the blanket, his lips never leaving hers. Skimming his hand under her top, he pushed her bra aside and cupped her breast. She arched, urging him to do more than use his hand. She looked into the sky and tunneled her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.

“You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined.”

Had he imagined her? Or someone like her? But it didn’t matter. What mattered was that she was with him now.

She gasped as he slid his tongue over her breast then sucked in her nipple. Whipping his tongue around the taut bud, he sent flares of delight spreading outward from the tip of her breast. Echoing flares erupted between her legs, and she let her bent leg fall to the side.


Jimmy jerked away from her, his eyes scanning the area behind them. Several bushes grouped together to form a dense thicket.

“What’s the matter?”

He cupped his hand over her mouth, shook his head, then pulled her to a sitting position. Motioning for her to keep her voice low, he whispered, “Get dressed and listen.”

She did, straining her ears to hear what he obviously heard. At last, she shook her head.

Keeping his voice low, he stood, taking her with him. “I want you to get on your horse and start back the way we came.”

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