Read RAFE'S LAIR Online

Authors: Jessie Lynn

RAFE'S LAIR (11 page)

    "I will do nothing of the sort. What have you been able to find out?"

    "The vamp just left I think. I'm going to stick around for a little while longer to make sure he stays gone though. Ava just got out of her bath and is heading to bed." He was about to continue when Rafe s
tarted screaming at him through the phone so loud he had to pull the damn thing away from his ear.

    "You fucking goat I'll kill your sorry ass if you watched my mate taking her bath! You tell me where the fuck you are right goddamned now. I swear you ha
d better not have looked at her while she was naked!"

Rafe swore his head was about to explode. He couldn't even think about Ed being there while his Ava was gloriously naked and stretched out in a tub full of bubbles. He could just picture getting glimpse
s of her silky wet skin as she washed and enjoyed her bath. Seeing her pink tipped breast revealed as her bubbles popped slowly. Thinking about seeing her step out of the tub dripping wet when she was done made his mouth water. Her robe would stick to her body showing off all her curves when she wrapped it around her damp skin. He should be the one there watching her get ready for bed. He needed to see her sleeping peacefully. Fuck he was instantly rock hard yet again. He couldn't take much more of this.

  "Where the hell are you Ed?" Rafe asked the demon again. "Tell me right now."

Ed started laughing at the irate vampire screaming his fool head off. He could just imagine how red Rafe's face was. The dumb shit actually thought he would disrespect Ava like
that. Geez just for that he was going to give the fucker shit.

    "Rafe man your chick is so fucking hot. I can totally see why you want her. She was spectacular in that bath, all those bubbles floating all around her. Mmm damn fine dude. I think I'm gon
na slide into bed right next to her and listen to all the cute little sounds she makes while she sleeps."

Ed laughed harder when Rafe started screaming at him louder. Any minute now, he was going to hear an explosion go off and see a mushroom cloud over La
ir. That would be Rafe's head blowing off. He could just see Rafe perfectly. Ed heard commotion coming over the line and Rafe's screaming got quieter. He heard Dom come back over the line.

    "Ed do you have to antagonize him like this? He is suffering as it is, and you are making it much worse. We just got him to calm down and you go and rile him up again. Now the vampire is gone, so we should be expecting you back here in the next hour o
r so. Yes?"

its way too easy fucking with him about this so I can't resist. Yeah like I said gonna hang here to make sure and I'll head straight there in a few. Tell the raving lunatic I wouldn't intrude on his girl's privacy like that so he needs to chill the fuck out. See you guys in a few."

They disconnected the call and Ed went hunting to see where the stalker vamp was hiding out.

Ava shrugged out of her robe and threw it on the end of her bed. She slipped into bed and pulled the covers up. She was a little chilled since she was still slightly damp from her bath. She hated wearing a lot of clothes to bed, they were too restricting. She usually slept in a tank and boy shorts, and that meant when she wasn't covered up she was freezing. She stared up at the dark ceiling for what seemed like forever. She didn't even realize when she started drifting off and her dream started again.

                                  CHAPTER 18



      Rafe knew the instant his beautiful had fallen asleep and she started dreaming of him. He'd told everyone he needed to lie down for a little bit. He claimed it was the drugs they had given him. He really wanted to see if he could make Ava's dream less frightening for her. He was lying in his bed eyes closed focusing all his attention on her, trying to join her in her dream. Then he felt her and finally saw her.

She was curled up on her side covered up to her neck. He pictured himself lying there behind her. He could smell her sweet scent. He heard her whimper softly. She k
new he was there with her, she could feel him behind her now. He could feel her body heat wrapping around him as well. He reached out slowly trying not to scare her. She jumped and cried out when his fingers touched her hip. She immediately tensed up, but he continued to slowly slide his hand around to the front of her waist. He started talking to her softly.

    "Sshh beautiful. Easy baby just try to relax for me. Every thing's all right. Okay?" He cooed to her as he started pulling her against his chest.
She started struggling against him then trying to pull away. "No baby its okay I won't hurt you. Ava, beautiful, it's okay baby just let me hold you. I'll keep you safe baby. Come here, I have you now."

She only tensed more and started whimpering louder a
t that. Rafe could feel her start crying and he almost lost it and snatched her to him right then. His heart broke from feeling her in such pain; from feeling her fear beat against him. No, he couldn't let her keep feeling this way! He had to ease her somehow. Rafe couldn't make himself release his mate. He had his hand spread flat on her lower stomach and quickly slipped it under her shirt so he could feel her soft skin. He had to take a breath to steady himself the second there was no barrier between them and all he felt was her soft skin. Rafe had his Ava flush against him now. Damn she fit against him perfectly.

    "There's my beautiful. That's it come here baby. Ah, God I've needed to hold you again, to feel you so soft against me. Just breath for me A
va let me hold you a minute." He was whispering in her ear now. He slid his hand up her body until he felt her arms curled tightly against her chest. She was holding the blankets to her chest for dear life. When Rafe slowly started pulling them out of her hands, she wrapped her little hands tighter around the blankets crying out again.

    "NO! Please leave me alone! Don't hurt me again." Ava was crying harder now. She could feel her hot tears pouring down her face soaking her pillow. "Please not again. Don
't bite me again, it hurts so much."

She knew she was back in her dream, but this time it felt different. The man was being
gentler this time. He was talking to her softer, and was touching her more slowly. Still she knew what would happen. He would strip her and push her to her stomach. Then he would chain her hands above her head so she couldn't fight him off her. He would then cover her, fuck her from behind, and then bite into her neck hard forcing her to wake up from the pain.

    "Sshh no baby. No
, I won't hurt you, I promise. Come here let me show you Ava." Rafe said to her.

He really was going to lose it. Fuck, she was so scared, she was sobbing and shaking so hard. He had to stop this before she woke up screaming again. He couldn't reach her whe
n she was awake. Rafe lifted up on his elbow and pulled her to her back. That shocked her. She wasn't expecting him to change her dream like this.

    "Beautiful relax for me baby. See I won't hurt you." Rafe wiped her tears from her face with the tips of
his fingers. Sliding his hand along her tear stained face. He dipped his head lightly kissing each of her eyes. "Yeah that's it breath for me baby. Let me love you Ava just let me give you what you need."

Rafe kissed his way down her face to her lips. Ava
gasped when his lips lightly touched hers. "Ava, baby ah damn you taste so good. Open for me beautiful let me taste your soft lips." Rafe said against his mates lips. He angled his head and kissed her deeper.

Ava opened her mouth moaning when she felt her
dream lover kiss her harder. She felt him slip his tongue into her mouth stroking hers. This dream was different. This man was being so gentle with her. He sounded the same and he felt the same, but he was easing her into his touch. He wasn't just taking her, then hurting her. He continued kissing her as he slid his hand down and under her thigh pulling it up and out so he could slip his leg between hers. Then he slid his hand back up to her butt and back down. He kept caressing her back and forth. She felt his thigh make contact with her core and she arched into it.

    "Yes baby that's it. I have you. Let me make you feel good." He said to her.

He kissed his way down to her neck. When his lips made contact with her skin, she pushed her hands between them trying to push him away.

    "No! No! Stop get off me." She screamed trying to pound on his chest.

No! Ava was starting to panic again. Rafe couldn't lose her now. She had started to relax against him. He knew she was enjoying his touch. He had felt her panties grow damp against his thigh as she rubbed herself on him when he pushed his leg between hers. He still had a hold of her leg and he slid his hand up the back of her thigh pushing his fingertips under the lace of her panties. He stroked along the seam where her ass met her leg. He let his fingers trace her ass to just under her little pussy. He was teasing both of them now.

    "No baby, come back to me. I won't bite you Ava. Listen to me beautiful. I will not bite you. Do you understand me?" Rafe said
against her temple kissing her there. He felt her take a deep breath.

    "You, you won't bite me?" Ava asked him in the most frightened little voice he'd ever heard. And that broke his heart even more. He flinched at the sharp pain that went through him.

    "No baby. I promise you I will not bite you. I just want to make love to you beautiful." He kissed her eye lid, again feeling hot tears falling out of them. Taking a steading breath, he told her again. "I swear to you I will not bite you. I just want to hold you baby. I want to slide my dick inside you slowly until I feel you cum all over me. Will you let me do that Ava? Will you let me make love to you beautiful? Nice and slow just like you need me to."

Rafe felt his mate's breath catch and she whimper
ed beneath him. This time however her whimper wasn't one of fear, it was one of need. Yes! He growled deep at his triumph. That is what he needed to hear from her. Her little hands were clutching him closer now instead of trying to push him off her. He had to shake himself to keep from rushing too fast for her. He had to remind himself that she needed him to give her this pleasurable dream of him.

    "Answer me beautiful. Do you want me to make love to you? Do you want me to make you cum all over my dick a
s I slide inside your tight little pussy?" Rafe cooed in his mate’s ear.

Ava arched into her dream lover again. He had promised her he wouldn't bite her. She wanted to believe him. He felt so good on top of her. The weight of him so comforting to her. He h
ad moved so he was nestled between her legs now and she could feel how hard he was pressing against her core. He slid one of his hands under her ass as he flexed his hips into her and she cried out at the exquisite pleasure that caused.

    "Yes! Oh, God p
lease make love to me. I need you." Ava wrapped her arms around her lover’s neck holding on for dear life and she felt him growl as he started pulling her shirt off her.

    "That's my girl. Let
’s get these clothes off you." Rafe said knowing he had her finally. He pulled her shirt off her as quickly as he could without being too rough and scare her again. Once he had her shirt off, he started kissing his way down her body till he reach her gorgeous breasts. He wrapped his hands around them lifting her nipples to his mouth. Licking first one hard little berry, then moving to the other before he went back to the first and sucked it into his mouth. Taking long slow pulls on it, he lightly flicked it with his tongue.

Rafe felt Ava's sharp little nails dig into
his scalp as she pushed her fingers through his hair to hold his head to her. He lifted up and gently blew warm air across the nub he had been enjoying. Loving her cry of pleasure as she lifted to him trying to get him to suck her nipple back into his mouth. He instead moved to the other nipple as he slid his hand down her body pulling her thigh higher on his back so he could angle her pussy tighter against his thrusts. She was wetter now. He could feel her heat growing as he stroked her with his dick. Her panties were soaked all the way through now and were only getting more saturated with every stroke he gave her.

    "Oh that's much better isn't it baby." Rafe said to Ava against her breast. He flicked each of her nipples one last time with his tongue, then started moving down her body.

Ava couldn't believe how good this felt. She didn't ever want this dream to stop. This version of her dream lover was wonderful. He was kissing his way down her body and he was in no hurry to finish this. In her other dreams he was always so rough toying with her till he was ready to fuck her. This man was making her need so strong, she didn't know how much more she could take. This version cared about whether she was afraid or not. She held onto his head running her fingers through his hair and loving the fact she was free to touch him as well. She needed to be able to hold onto something other than cold chains as he touched her. She needed to hold onto him so he could keep her grounded in this dream.

Rafe reached Ava's panties and lightly grazed the top with his tongue. He could smell her need stronger now. She was starting to get de
sperate for him. He teased her a little with his tongue licking her over her panties. He lifted up talking to her before he moved to keep her calm.

    "Ava let me get these panties off you baby. Lift up a little so I can slide them off for you. That's my
good girl."

Rafe slid the lace down her silky legs running the backs of his fingers down them as well. He loved the shiver that went through her body. Tossing the lace over his shoulder, he came back over her and settled back between her legs. She felt so
damn good spread out beneath him. He kissed her collar bone, then her shoulder, then her neck. She tensed once again and he lifted up to whisper in her ear.

    "Beautiful relax I won't hurt you remember." He kissed her temple and along her jaw back to her
lush mouth. "I feel how wet you are already baby." He said to her kissing the side of her mouth and sliding his dick along her slit. "I think you’re ready for me beautiful. What do you think Ava, you are aren't you? Do you want me inside you tell me baby."

Ava spread her legs wider and lifted into the exquisite heat of her dream lover. "Yes please. I need to cum, please let me cum." She was begging now, but she didn't care. This dream was wonderful and she wanted to see it through.

    "Of course beautiful, I'll let you cum all over me." Rafe said as he angled his hips and slowly pushed into his mate's tight wet heat. "Fuck!" Rafe buried his head in Ava's neck. She felt incredible, her wet little pussy was stretching around his painfully hard cock as he slowly forced his way inside her. He was fighting for control now. His fangs had descended down the minute he started filling his mate. His need to drink was riding him harder than ever. He couldn't drink from her though. He wouldn't drink from her. He had promised her and he would not let her down. He had to give her this pleasurable dream so she wouldn't be so afraid of him when he finally had her while she was awake.

    "Ava, yes baby that's it take me deep inside you. You feel so damn good beautiful. So f
ucking tight, so soft and wet all around me." Rafe was cooing to her again. He wanted so bad to graze his teeth across her neck, but he couldn't, he wouldn't dammit!

    "Oh God yes please fuck me. Please I need to cum!" Ava was crying out. He was so thick
inside her now. She could feel every inch of him sliding in and out of her, but it wasn't enough. She needed something, but she didn’t know what. "Please I need." What? She needed what?

    "I know baby I have you." Her dream lover pushed his hand under h
er ass and angled her hips higher causing him to brush along her clit on every downward thrust. Yes, that's what she needed! She arched her neck back and cried out at the pleasure building inside her. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his shoulders, her nails digging into his back holding him to her as he pushed her higher. She felt him growl into her neck, but this time she loved the feeling knowing he wouldn't hurt her. He'd promised her he wouldn't.

    "Ava cum for me baby. Let me feel you milk my di
ck.” Rafe said to her. He couldn't take much more of this, he'd cut his own damn tongue from forcing himself not to bite her. The taste of blood, her intoxicating scent, and her pussy rippling all around him were breaking his control completely. "Ava, baby cum now! Let go damn you!" He couldn't stop himself from opening his mouth and scraping his fangs lightly down her neck where her pulse was beating wildly. Just as he was about to lose it and bite her, she exploded beneath him, screaming out her pleasure. Her cries were music to his ears and gave him the strength to just hold her as she came undone for him.

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