Ramagos, Tonya - Running from Angel [Sunset Cowboys 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

“Please,” she panted, unable to stand the teasing any longer. She was dying from the inside out, burning with desires so vicious they hurt. She would beg if she must. She didn’t care. She couldn’t take this torment.

Jacob didn’t make her. He eased his cock inside her eager pussy, taking her slowly, finessing each rock-hard inch into her soaking channel. His cock was long and wide, stretching her, filling her with such glorious completion, all she could do was let her head fall back on Mitch’s chest and sigh.

“Yesss.” She hissed the word like a snake, drawing out the ‘s’ as Jacob drew out that first pleasure of initial penetration for what felt like amazing, titillating hours. She wished it could’ve lasted for hours.

Jacob buried his face in the side of her neck. “God, you feel good.” He’d stopped, his cock sheathed inside her channel until the bases of their bodies met. His breathing was labored, and his heart beat in a wild cacophony against her breasts. “Is this what you wanted, Angel?”

She couldn’t answer him. Ecstasy clogged her throat as her world narrowed to nothing more than him, Mitch, the pleasure of being between them, of finally having one of them buried deep inside her.

She didn’t ask for permission to touch. She slid her hands from his shoulders down his back to his buttocks, gripped them, and squeezed. His ass was as firm as the rest of him. She lifted her hips the small fraction she was able with him pinning her to the bed and to Mitch’s body. That small movement was enough to drive his dick another full inch inside her throbbing core.

Jacob’s head came up even as an animalistic growl rumbled from his throat. “Mitch, a little help here.”

“Sorry, darlin’, but you’ve been given all the liberties we can allow tonight.” Mitch’s hands left her breasts to glide between her body and Jacob’s. He didn’t go for her hands as she expected. Instead, he stopped at the juncture where her thighs and hips connected, spanned his hands on her flesh, and held her down.

Jacob eased his hips back, drawing his cock out several inches before thrusting back inside.

“Ah, God, yes.” The words sounded wrenched from her as his cock slid home and stopped once more. Her fingers dug into his ass, and she lifted her hips, testing Mitch’s hold. It was solid and unyielding. He rocked her, gyrated inside her, the base of his body rubbing her swollen clit. Still, she needed more. They said they wouldn’t be gentle, yet he was taking her slowly, easily, and it was driving her mad!

“Why do you keep trying to move, darlin’?” Amusement laced Mitch’s whispered question.

Because she needed to. Because she wanted Jacob’s cock slamming inside her channel. She didn’t want gentle, didn’t want slow. Christ, she wanted him to fuck her!

“It heightens the pleasure when you’re held down this way, doesn’t it? When you can’t move as he slides his cock in and out of that sweet pussy.”

It did. Despite her desperate yearning for Jacob to pound her to the edge of orgasmic insanity, she couldn’t deny that being unable to move anything but her hands on his ass, coupled with Mitch’s crude conversation, was sending her pleasure skyrocketing. She’d fantasized about being bound, about being tied down and at their mercy, but this…Being controlled by their bodies and hands alone was a far sweeter, more deliciously devastating torture.

“You want more, though, don’t you?” Mitch continued as Jacob eased his hips back, inched his cock inside her to the hilt once more.

“Yes.” She didn’t mean to whimper, but that’s how the word came out. Her throat tightened. Surely that couldn’t be tears starting to burn her eyes and blur her vision.

“What is it you really want, darlin’? Maybe if you tell Jacob, he’ll give it to you.”

“I want him, all of him,” she said breathlessly, realizing as the words left her that she didn’t feel she was truly getting all of him. Oh, his cock was fully inside her, and thank God there wasn’t more to it, because she wasn’t sure her body could take a larger cock. But she sensed he was holding back. Both of them were.

“That’s not good enough. Be more specific,” Mitch instructed. “Tell him exactly what you want. It’s your turn to talk dirty. Show us you’ve got it in you.”

Angel swallowed, her mouth feeling oddly wet and dry at the same time. Her face started to heat as embarrassment threatened to take control. She refused to let it. She licked her lips and focused her gaze on Jacob. He was watching her with an expression of pure hunger and anticipation. That look gave her the courage to follow Mitch’s command.

“Fuck me, Jake.” There was just enough sultry demand in her whisper to have the hunger taking paramount possession of his expression. “I want your cock deep inside me. I want you to slam it inside me hard and fast, and

Jacob pulled back, nearly withdrawing completely from her body, and rammed his dick into her in a single, deep, vicious thrust that had her clawing for purchase and screaming his name.

“Jake! Oh, yes,
!” He rocked her, pounding inside her with a speed and gusto that controlled her very being. She reveled in it as her body began to crash and convulse around him, beneath him, in Mitch’s arms.

The orgasm left her breathless, sated, and she let her hands drop from Jacob’s ass. Her eyes closed as her body shook from the intense pleasure still zinging through her. Absently, she felt Jacob pull away, felt Mitch start to shift her.

“No sleep for you yet, darlin’. I’m not as generous as Jacob.”

Angel opened her eyes as Mitch’s hands moved from her hips to the backs of her shoulders. Jacob was still there, kneeling back on his heels at the foot of the bed. He held his hands out for her. She put her hands in his and let him pull her to her knees. Mitch’s hands glided from her shoulders down her back, applying just enough pressure to have her bending slightly forward.

“Hold up,” Mitch instructed, his hands now finding her hips to pull her back again. “Sit on my cock, Angel. You’re gonna ride me now.”

It took a moment for his intentions to penetrate her sex-fogged mind. He wanted her to ride him. Yeah, she got that. But the position they put her in kept him behind her. “I’m backward,” she said in confusion.

“You’re exactly the way I want you. Put your hands on the bed between your legs and lower that sweet pussy on my cock.” Even as he spoke, he was using his hold on her hips to draw her body down.

He sheathed his cock inside her channel in one fluid, measured plunge. His cock wasn’t as long as Jacob’s, but it was almost impossibly wide. The backward position allowed his cock to stroke areas of her channel she hadn’t known existed, bringing her almost instantly to the brink. She hadn’t thought it possible to have so many orgasms in such a short time, but it seemed all it took was a touch from either of them to have her body ready for more.

She flattened her hands on the bed between her legs as he’d instructed and used it for leverage to lift her hips, to slam down on his cock once more. It surprised her that he would put her in a place that allowed her such control. Damned if she would argue. She used it to her advantage, riding him fast, taking his cock deep and marveling over the sensations of his shaft gliding along the semiwet walls of her core. Her pulse peaked in spasms of ecstasy, and her mind spun on a whirlwind of pleasure.

“Ah, yes, darlin’. That’s it.” Mitch growled, his hips bucking to meet her body, to piston his dick fantastically deep in her channel. “Sweet heaven, your pussy feels as good as it tastes. I won’t last long, Angel. I’m sorry for that because,
, you feel amazing. You’re so tight even after Jacob just fucked you.”

Angel’s body arched as she dug her knees into the mattress for even more leverage and rode his cock with a speed and fervor that had them both grunting and moaning with pleasure. He shifted behind her, folding himself around her and cupping one breast in his hand while he flattened his other hand at the base of her throat. He didn’t choke her as he pulled her against him, her back to his front, but the slight hint at asphyxiation sent a jolt of wicked pleasure-laced fear through her system. He used his hold on her to slow her riding, but his cock remained buried impossibly deep inside her pussy. In this new position, she could hardly move, hardly swallow, hardly think! He assumed control, holding her steady, lifting and slamming her down again, his cock driving inside her harder each time.

Mitch nuzzled his face in the bend of her neck, his teeth grazing her flesh before sucking her skin between them for a bite she knew would mark her. The realization sent a stream of white-hot electricity surging to her pussy. The sensations were so intense, they ruled her every muscle, every heartbeat, every breath.

“Mitch, I’m going to, yes!” She came loud and violently, bucking against his hold, riding his cock for all it was worth as spasms racked her body, and everything around her vanished in a deafening silence of exquisite sexual elation.

Sated and boneless, she went limp in his embrace. Dimly, she felt him pick her up and lower her to lie on her side. She heard Jacob speak, thought Mitch said something, too, but whatever words were said got lost in oblivion as she drifted to sleep.

“She definitely threw a rod through the engine block.” Jacob wiped his hands on a shop rag as he back stepped from Angel’s car. “That engine is toast.” He could fix it. One call would put him in touch with a reputable junkyard outside Sunset that likely had just the engine he needed to replace Angel’s.

Mitch braced his hands on the fender and shook his head as he stared under the open hood. “It doesn’t add up.”

Jacob tossed the shop rag on a nearby work table and hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans. “What doesn’t add up?”

“The jury is still out on her being the same woman we
we rescued that day at the mall. She appears to have changed. I know certain parts of her did. I watched everything she did for months after and, yeah, she exhibited the strength to get on her feet and rebuild her life.” He puffed out a breath and straightened. “The woman I kept watch over, the women we took to bed last night, isn’t the type of woman who would let something as simple as routine maintenance on her favorite car go undone.”

“You’re thinking someone messed with her car?” Jacob let the suggestion ping-pong in his mind for a long moment. A rod connecting the piston to the crankshaft didn’t normally fly off and go through the engine block for no reason. The top two contributing factors came down to neglect in changing the oil or an oil leak that caused the level to drop dangerously low. He had yet to find a leak of any kind. “If she’s kept up with the maintenance that would mean someone had to put something in the oil.”

“It’s not out of the realm of possibilities.” Mitch shrugged and raked a hand through his hair. “You know the hell she went through. You know how devious that son of a bitch she was with tried to be. He was a swing away from putting her in the hospital when we stepped in that day. She got a restraining order, and he stayed away physically, but…”

“But he still could’ve gotten to her car,” Jacob finished.

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“I would.”

Both men turned to find Angel stepping through the wide-open doors of the barn. Seeing her once again wearing his shirt reminded Jacob he had neglected to get her overnight bag from the trunk like he had told her he would. Then again, he decided as he let his gaze roam her delectable body, maybe he subconsciously forgot on purpose.

Her feet were bare, as were her legs right up to the fringes of denim hanging from her cutoff shorts. She had tied the bottom of the shirt into a knot at her waist, and her hair fell in long, mussed waves over her shoulders. She looked sleepy, rumpled, and sexy as hell, and damn he wanted her.

“Good morning. Sleep well?” He knew she did. He had lain beside her for hours after she passed out, watching her, unable to believe he finally had her in his bed. Mitch slept well, too, he’d noted, probably for the first time in fifteen months. As for himself, Jacob eventually gave in to his own exhaustion only to wake every hour with the simple, clawing need to be sure Angel still lay beside him.

“Like a baby.” She smiled, and that tilt to her lips held every ounce of sensuality and promise he had felt from her last night. “I gotta say it sucked waking up alone, though.”

It sucked leaving her alone. If Jacob allowed himself to spend the day as he really wanted, he would have stayed there with her all day. Responsibility, questions, and a dread he couldn’t quite shake had pushed his ass out of bed and brought him to this barn.

“I had some things to see to around the ranch, and I told you I would have a look at your car first thing.”

“Were you right? I mean, about the whole rod-and-engine thing?”

“Yeah. The engine is gonna have to be replaced.”

Angel squeezed her eyes shut and sighed. “But you can fix it, right?”

“I’ll start calling around for another engine as soon as I get back to the house.” He paused, watching her as her eyes slowly opened, as her attention focused on him. “It’ll take a few days at least.”

“I’m in no hurry.” She held his gaze, heat and a brazen satisfaction swirling in her eyes. Hell, if he didn’t know better, he would almost swear she rigged her own rod to sling off the piston so she would be stranded here.

The look put to rest any lingering doubts and dread he woke with that morning. She didn’t intend to leave any time soon. If he got his way, she would never leave the Shelton ranch again.

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