Read Ravished by Wolves Online

Authors: Nicole Ash

Ravished by Wolves (11 page)


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By the Gods ….
  The glimpse she had had before had done little to prepare her for the fully revealed article.  He was incredibly large, and although she had already felt the cock of a man thrusting inside her, it couldn’t possibly compare to the magnificent staff Loki possessed. 

He summoned her towards him with a flick of his right hand.  His chest was rising a bit more rapidly and she saw the painful need written across his face.  He wanted her desperately.  She knew the look.  Her mind reeled with what would happen next and she felt anxiety start to creep up her spine. 

He wants me.  He’ll take me, even if I don’t really want him to.
  The problem was, even if she had the ability to fight him on it, she somehow lacked the will.  Every fiber of her being cried out for release even now, and he had yet to so much as touch her.

She swallowed hard, not really knowing what she should do until it occurred to her that
demons were literal slaves to their sexuality. 
That’s it!
  She would use his own sexual allure against him.  Copulation will weaken him. 
Once he falls asleep, I could grab the keys and free Yipp!

Come on Celeste.  You can do this.
  She walked slowly towards him, swaying her hips as provocatively as she could.  She smoothed her hands over the tapering contours of her body, trying hard not to feel silly.  She could tell by his expression Loki didn’t find the display funny in the least, which went a long way toward reassuring her, and she decided to lay it on a little thicker. 

Careful you don’t fall into your own trap Celeste.
The thought was sobering. Her own desire pooled between her legs like a flame, making it hard to keep her wits about her.

She stopped directly in front of him and stretched her arms high above her head, faking a yawn as she arched her back a little so that her full large breasts lifted and stuck further out with the effort.  She looked at
Loki through half closed lids and watched him run his passion-glazed eyes over every inch of her flesh. 

It’s working! 

His big hand wrapped around his cock and he gave it a few strokes, growling low, before he suddenly sat up and grabbed Celeste by the waist.  She startled at the sudden movement, but before she could do more than gasp, he pulled her down into his lap, positioned her so that she sat with her back to his front and held her snugly against his chest. 

Oh shit, maybe it’s working too well!
  As huge as he was, would there be damage if he got too excited?  Too enthusiastic?  She started having visions that were anything but a turn on, but with his long, thick cock pressed firmly against her lower back it was starting to get a little difficult to think straight.  She could feel it throbbing, feel the juices leaking from its tip wet her skin.

“I will give you a morsel to eat if you please me Celeste.”  His hot breath caressed the sensitive skin behind her ear. 

Like this has anything to do with food!  Admittedly, she had been quite famished, but at the moment, food was the last thing on her mind. 
But he doesn’t need to know that.

He smoothed her hair over her shoulder and pressed his lips against her neck, placing small wet kisses on her throat and shoulder.  She moaned unconsciously as his large hand cupped her right breast and squeezed gently.  Her nipple perked, becoming painfully hard as he began rolling and pinching it between his thumb and forefinger.  He skimmed over her abdomen with his free hand, down across to the golden curls over her mound. 

She tensed as he ran his fingers through her soft bush, slid one digit lower and found her clit.  She cried out the moment he touched it, not expecting the jolt of pleasure the simple act gave her.  With two fingers he began a slow torturous circular stroking, which made her clit throb even harder.  The small amount of pressure sent tiny vibrations charging through her clit all the way to the inner walls of her passage.  Celeste could not help the squeals of pleasure that escaped from her lips.  His hand felt so good and she couldn’t help herself from wanting more and more.  She arched her back and spread her legs wider, giving him better access to her breasts and pussy.  He chuckled low.

“Mmm … sweet Celeste, you are pleasing me … but we are not quite there yet.”

Loki grabbed hold of Celeste’s ass and lifted her from between his legs, following his own movement with an effortless roll that quickly repositioned her so that she lay flat on her back with her thighs splayed wide, with him right between them.

Oh gods, what have I done?
  She was seized with momentary panic but as the steely hardness of his shaft rubbed against the swollen slit of her pussy, pleasure exploded through it.  His arms strained with bulging muscle as he held his body up and stared down at her.  Slowly, he began to roll his hips.  His cock slid along Celeste’s slick pussy lips, his head pressing firmer against her clit with each roll, causing an urgent need to build deep inside her, along with a growing fear of the pain such a large member would surely cause. 

“Sweet, sweet Celeste ….  ” He bent his head down and took her lips with a searing kiss.  His tongue delved into her mouth, licking and tasting every crevice it could reach.  Celeste met him with an urgent need that surprised even her, kissing him back feverishly as if she had never tasted anything sweeter.  And in truth, she had not.  He tasted like spice and honey and she greedily sucked on his tongue, getting her fill.

She whimpered her protest when he broke the heated kiss and began to lick and lightly bite his way down her body.  He stopped at each breast and licked the erect mauve colored nubs a few times before sucking each one into his hot mouth.  Celeste was finding it harder and harder to think rationally as he continued his way down… down, until he reached the soft tuft of curls between her legs.

“This pleases me.” He used his finger to trace the seam of her pussy, lightly brushing up and down, pressing firmly enough to part the outer lips without going far enough to quench any of her desire.  The pleasure caused her to thrash from side to side, agonizing need filling every fiber of her being as it finally struck her that he was the one doing the seducing.  Her breaths came out in short gasps as she groaned like a wounded animal. 
Bastard.  He’s … toying with me on purpose!

“P-please, Lo
… ahh Master … please I need … I need ….  ” She didn’t have a chance to finish her thought as she felt Loki’s slick tongue dive past her nether lips, deep into her being.  Waves of sensation pounded through her and she whimpered with pleasure while Loki sucked and licked.  She gasped in disappointment when he suddenly moved away, only to gasp in panicked shock a moment later when he pinned her to the ground under his weight. 

Oh shit, here it comes
  She felt the large, plum shaped head of his cock slip inside her tunnel.  She arched her back and sucked in her breath at the sudden invasion that was anything but the pain she had expected. 
So far.

She squeezed her eyes shut as he slowly pushed himself in and out, over and over again, gaining more depth with every stroke.  His cock stretched and filled her well past anything she would have thought she could handle, and yet there was no more than slight pain, overshadowed by intense pleasure.  His breathing quickened and he groaned against her ear. 

With a deep and resonating growl, he thrust hard, impaling her fully.  She cried out and dug her fingers into his back hard enough to draw blood.  His cock was lodged tightly inside her. 

“Ohhh.  Ohhh God!”  He began to move back and forth with short, shallow strokes.  Celeste let her head fall back and arched her neck as her pussy began to throb, as she felt herself on the verge of release.  His large cock pulsated within the snug confines of her sheath, her body shook with each hard stroke of his hips.  She mindlessly lifted her pelvis, inviting him to delve even deeper into her core. 

Loki growled, moving faster and faster, sinking his enormous cock as deep as he could go inside her.  She shuddered as he roared, as his cock swelled even larger and his cum shot inside like fire.  Release ignited violently through him, and Celeste’s was no less intense, leaving her gasping and breathless.

He collapsed atop her, his cock still buried deep, still throbbing as his seed filled her.  They lay in a heap of crimson and ivory flesh. 

By all the Gods ….

was the first to move.  He pulled himself out with a grunt and rolled off her to lie on his side, leaving a cold void where he’d been.  She continued to lie on her back and watched him.

“Are you thirsty?”

She started at the sound, both out of surprise at the offer and because his voice was far softer than she would have thought possible. 
Must have really weakened him
.  She smiled and congratulated herself, giving him a slight nod. 

He’ll fall asleep soon and I can get the keys.
  She examined his backside as he stood, admiring the play of muscle across his back as he left the tent. 

‘Celeste?  Celeste, are you there?’ Yipp’s voice rang through the blissful haze clouding her mind.

‘Yeah … I’m here.’

‘What’s happened?  Are you well?  Did he hurt you Celly?’

‘I’m fine Yipp.  You still sound a bit groggy, though.  How are you feeling?  Thank the Gods I found you in time.  I was so worried ….  ’ Celeste rolled over on her belly and concentrated on her link to Yipp.

‘I heard noises.  Did he hurt you?  I’ll kill him if he did.’  Celeste blushed at that. 

‘It was nothing.’

‘Nothing?  What do you mean nothing! 
I heard you cry out! Why didn’t you just leave when I told you to?  Now we are both caught!’ Yipp’s irritation with her was evident.

‘He didn’t hurt me and how could I possibly leave you to die?  Have you forgotten our bond?  Besides I have a plan.’  She could sense Yipp’s uncertainty and it didn’t settle well with her.  ‘You’re just going to have to trust me.  Have I ever let you down?  No, don’t answer that.’

‘I’d call getting yourself caught instead of running away a pretty big letdown.’

‘Yipp!  Now’s not the time for that.’

‘Fine.  So, what’s this plan of yours?  How in the world do you plan to defeat the red devil?’ Yipp’s aggravation with his situation came through in waves, along with his despair, and it was hard to keep her own emotions separate from his. 

‘I have seen him and he is just like any human man.  He wants to copulate with me.  So I … decided to use his sexual desire against him.  He will no doubt collapse from our love making and then I will be able to steal the key and free you.  Then we will escape!’

There was a long pause before Yipp spoke to her again. 

‘You are going to have sex with him to exhaust him so you can steal the key to free me so we can escape?  This is your brilliant plan?  Aarggg.  Celly have you gone completely insane?  He’s a

‘I know he’s a
demon.  That’s why the plan is sure to work!’ She retorted, a bit frustrated with Yipp’s reaction to what she considered a perfectly reasonable plan.

‘You really don’t have a clue do you?’

‘Now hold on just a minute—’ 

Yipp ignored her and continued without so much as a pause ‘Are we speaking of the same
demon?  You know, the big red guy with the permanent scowl?  Celly, he’s not a damned faun who frolics through the forest picking scented lilacs and singing frilly songs to impress the wood nymphs.  He’s a
  His kind is very dangerous!  You have to get out of there while you still can!’  The uncharacteristic gravity of his thoughts made Celeste’s chest tighten painfully. 

‘Yipp, you don’t understand!  How could I possibly leave without you?  I can’t!  He’ll be back in
a few moments and I know my plan will work!’

Celeste could sense more than hear Yipp’s long suffering sigh and she found it more than a little annoying that he had so little faith in her. 

I can do this!
Celeste felt indignant that Yipp didn’t believe in her, but she was damned sure of herself. She may not have slept with a lot of men, but she hadn’t met one yet that didn’t collapse after a few love-making sessions. They all grew sleepy afterward. Granted, most of them were that way after the very first time and had no energy left for seconds, but as weak as Loki had seemed she felt sure it wouldn’t take but one more go to put him out.

Then we can escape.

’No, Celeste you don’t understand.  That demon you plan on fucking to sleep is not what you think.  His kind are feared for good reason ….  And you can’t out-fuck a Demon!’

‘Yipp—’ She felt him break the link with her.  ‘Damn it Yipp!  Don’t do this!  I won’t leave without you!  I won’t!  The plan will work.  It has to work,’ she screamed internally, but there was no response at all from her familiar.

It was so unlike Yipp to sound that frightened.  She tried to link again with him, but all she got was silence.  Since she still sensed his presence and felt no imminent danger around him, she decided he had just succumbed to exhaustion and passed out again. 

That, or he’s just ignoring me out of spite. 
Which was a distinct possibility.  He never liked it when she tried to assert herself. In all the years they had been together, he never once considered that she had the right to tell him what to do. It was her own fault, according to her Master. She was supposed to control Yipp — he was her familiar.

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