Rebirth (Rogues Shifter Series) (17 page)

I jumped up on him and pushed him to the ground
, which only worked because I’d startled him. I lay across his legs and bared my neck to him, trying to make it obvious that I wanted him to feed from me. I was feeling strong and healthy, but I couldn’t protect us from weres. If he fed from me and I became weak, he could carry me to the car using his incredible vamp speed. If we did run into any other weres he could take care of them. It all made perfect sense to me.

“Jackie, I won’t feed from you, I promised.” I hissed at him and bit
his hand just enough to hurt. My green eyes pleaded with his blue ones and I sent to him mentally, “
Feed now

He sighed and nodded, “It makes sense. You’re right. I can protect us.” I licked his face. ”I won’t hurt you. I’m not taking blood. You’ll just fall asleep. I'll keep you safe, I promise.” He buried his face in my back and hugged me, then sat up and rested both of his hands
on my neck. My body vibrated with the first stirrings of ley line magic.

The sensation of energy being sucked
out of me mentally was not unpleasant. I floated as my diamond walls crumbled and washed away. Then came an uncomfortable feeling as my skin stretched and bones twisted, shifting back to human form. I was too tired and feeling too euphoric to care. As I was drifting away into sleep, I thought I heard him chuckle. My mind opened to him fully, all barriers dissolved.


Chapter Twenty-one

When I woke up, Garrett was driving back down the
road we’d originally traveled. I was feeling kind of fuzzy and tired but not too weak. I was dressed in his button down shirt which had been buttoned crookedly and fit me like a short dress covering all the necessary bits. Also it smelled strongly of him which made me smile to myself. He was dressed only in his jeans, so I enjoyed the view for a few minutes until he noticed that I was awake.

“I’m sorry about the shirt, but it was the fastest option.” He was grinning impishly and it finally occurred to me that he’d carried me back
to the car completely naked. I must have turned four shades of red. “Thank you for what you did. It was a smart strategic move. And try not to feel embarrassed. I’m 234 years old. I’ve carried a naked woman before.”

Well, that comment didn’t real
ly make me feel any better. I wondered who it was and if she'd been very beautiful. A tear trailed down my cheek as we pulled into the driveway of the house, and I wasn’t sure if it was from jealousy or embarrassment. Garrett parked and was instantly on my side of the car opening my door. He noticed the tear which had made it to my chin, pulling me up and kissing it away. “You’re the most beautiful naked woman I’ve ever carried. Tres belle,“ he said softly, kissing me on my right cheek. “You were very brave when the wolves came.”  He kissed me on my left cheek. “And hunting with you was brilliant, little cheetah.” He kissed my lips and I melted against him, my embarrassment forgotten.

The door of the cabin opened and Ethan st
ood there with Rob behind him. I pulled away from Garrett and smiled at them, but their expressions caused me to quickly glance down at my scantily clad body. I felt my face grow hot so I grabbed up my clothes from the car’s backseat and headed into the house, avoiding their eyes.

Not embarrassed in the least, Garrett had no problem switching into business m
ode. “I’d appreciate it if one of you could come with me. We have to cleanup a few dead weres who were stupid enough to attack us. One of you should stay with Jackie; she’s had a rough night.”

Rob looked at Ethan’s tightly wound face and said, “I’ll come with you. Ethan, make sure Jackie
’s alright and then get some sleep.” To Garrett he said, laughingly, “Can’t wait to hear this story!” They climbed into the Saab and drove off down the gravel driveway, Rob laughing even more loudly as they drove away.

When I got out of the shower I threw on pajamas and walked i
nto the bedroom to face Ethan. He was sitting up on his side of the bed, wearing PJ bottoms and a tee shirt, trying to look nonchalant. He pretended to be reading another mystery, but I could see tension in the way his jaw was clenched. I sat on the bed and said, “Ok, let’s get this over with,” not really knowing what to expect.

He lowered the book and asked in a soft voice. ”Did he hurt you? Did he force you to do something you didn’t want
to do? I’ll kill him if he did, vampire or no vampire.” His woodsy scent was strong and reassuring. There was anger and concern, but no jealousy in his words or body language.

“Garrett and I were hunting together in the woods when we met three
werewolves who attacked us. He killed them but he was bleeding badly from a neck wound, so I let him feed off of me so we could make it back to the car and get home again. I fell asleep and transitioned back to human and he dressed me in his shirt while I was sleeping. That’s all.”

He shook his head. “I saw you kissing him. There’s definitely more.”

I looked down at my hands. “Well, on the drive to the forest, I told him about my dream and that I’d told you about my extra ability. Then we talked about how we—how we felt about each other and he claimed me as his mate. He doesn’t think he’s good for me but…”

I looked back up and Ethan’s incredulous expression stopped my explanation in its tracks. “He-is-a-vampire! What don’t you understand about that? He’s
good for you. He’s dangerous and violent, plus he has some ruthless enemies. Claiming you could put your life in danger.”

“He’s not a typical vampire. He doesn’t kill when he feeds. He cares about our team and our safety. Anyway, I’m pretty sure I love him, so you’re too late with the advice.” I smiled at him shee

“How does he feel about you?."

I giggled. "Oh, you know Garrett. He said he's drawn to me. But he doesn't go in for casual relationships, so claiming me is a big deal to him. Me too." I couldn't stop grinning.

Ethan narrowed his eyes in thought
. "I meant what I said about him hurting you. But If he’s really good to you and you love him, then I’m happy for you, Speedy."

I hit him with my pillow and we both laughed.
“We're safe with him. Thanks, for being such a good friend.” I turned off the light and closed my eyes, both of us drifting off to sleep like a couple of big kittens.


Chapter Twenty-two

Around noon Carly arrived with homemade fried chicken, mashed potatoes, string beans, corn and biscuits. We were in culinary heaven. This time she didn’t stay more than thirty minutes and she didn’t bring Samson.

Ethan and I ate lightly and then worked out together. We sparred and Ethan took it easy on me, then went for a run and I set a pace that he could match without too much trouble. After showering we watched the old horror movie, “The Wolf Man” with Lon Chaney, Jr., and laughed our asses off. We attacked Carly’s chicken one more time, managing to devour every delicious scrap. When Sinc arrived with Kyle, we were ready for whatever Rob or Garrett threw at us.

Rob walked in around 6:00 PM, his face sober. “Garrett is meeting with some of his were allies. There was some flak about what happened last night so he’ll try to join us as soon as he can.”

“His cousin Aaron?” I asked. “Is his pack like the weres we met last night?”

“Werewolves are as different as people. Those three were from the Pine Ridge Pack. That pack and the Brownlow Pack are causing all kinds of problems for the shifters in our area. Both pack lands are located near Gasquet which isn’t far from here. There’s always tension between the races, but these particular packs are out for shifter blood. They feel we don’t show them the proper respect. In other words, we don’t pay them off or send them our young women
or treat them like they’re the lords of the manor and we’re the peasants.

Garrett’s cousin Aaron is the pack leader of the Greenway Pack from southern Oregon. Plus he has close ties to Tony, the pack leader of the Danielson Pack from the Sacramento area. Those two packs help us out when we need them. We’ve reciprocated a few times too.”

Rob’s cell phone rang, so he excused himself and walked outside to take the call privately. Of course our hearing is exceptional so we all perked up, listening to Rob’s side of the conversation.

“Hey Aaron, what’s up? He should have been there an hour ago…no I watched him get in the car and drive off. .. I really have no idea…I think we have to…Okay, we’ll work on that from this end. Call you in thirty.” He shut his phone and turned to us looking worried. “Garrett never made it to the meeting. We’re tracking him from his start off point so get your stuff together; we’re leaving in five minutes.”

I ran into the bedroom and
threw on loose sweats. Rob might want me to shift to track Garrett. The shirt Garrett had dressed me in was in my top drawer, so I pulled it out and buried my nose in it, hoping that his scent would give me a jolt of courage. I stuffed it in my backpack along with two water bottles. Ethan knocked and opened the door.

“We’ll find him. He’s a big bad vampire, he’ll be fine. Top of the food chain, remember?” I nodded and looked at him gratefully. Ethan and I piled into Rob’s SUV while Kyle and Sinc followed in Sinc’s convertible. We drove to a lovely home nestled among maple trees and wildflower gardens. This was Garrett’s house. This was where he spent his days, resting, and his nights when he wasn’t with us. As we headed off from there, Rob told me that the property had been owned by Garrett’s shifter family and that h
e’d had this house built on it.

We drove the road he would have taken to Aaron’s meeting. While Rob and Et
han kept their eyes on the side of the road looking for clues, I reached down and tapped into the lines, then stretched my mental fingers and tried to touch his mind. As we passed a narrow turnoff, I felt a distant twitch, so I directed Rob to follow that road, not letting on that I was connecting to Garrett mentally. Finally we found the Saab on a small dirt side road almost hidden from the secondary road by thick brush.

I jumped out of Rob’s SUV while it was coming to a stop and ran to the car. Rob immediately got on the phone to alert Aaron that we
’d found the Saab. Sinc was searching her phone’s data base for nearby security cameras that may have caught something on video. Ethan was working with Kyle, pulling weapons out of two duffel bags that had been thrown into the trunk.

I opened the driver’s side door and saw that there was blood on the seat and the steering wheel, not a lot but enough to scare the crap out of me. I stumbled to the other side of the car and got into the passenger’s seat sucking in a few short breaths. The tang of Garrett’s blood was sha
rp and there were other scents—weres and maybe something else. Yes, definitely something else. I felt a residual warmth which I indentified as coming from using the ley lines, and the smell of magic was strong, although it had a sour, spoiled scent. Most disturbing was the scent of burned flesh. I gagged and got out of the car in a hurry.

Rob poked his head in the window to look around then turned to me with a questioning glance as I leaned back against the hood. "I smell burned skin and Garrett's blood and definitely ley line magic." I couldn't stop myself from shuddering. “If they wanted to kill him, how would they do it?” I wanted to be prepared for the worst, even though I knew that he was still alive. How I knew I couldn’t say, but in my heart I felt that if he was truly dead, I would know that too.

Rob walked around the car to stand next to me. “Beheading is the surest way. The sun would take a couple of hours to kill him because he’s over 200 years old. Fire is a sure but horrible death

“I sme
ll a metal. Silver?”

“Silver i
s used to restrain vampires, weres and shifters. It burns our skin and can poison our blood, but even a silver bullet to the brain wouldn't kill him, unless he was in a horribly weakened state. A wooden stake through the heart is a Hollywood myth. Their hearts no longer beat and the wood has no effect. Neither does holy water. Vampires have souls just like the rest of us. Tell me what else you smell.”

“There were werewolve
s, like the ones who attacked us before. They smelled like they never washed, and there was another scent, something or someone who used the ley lines, I think. Their magic smelled kind of rotten.”

“A black witch or a sorcerer, probably
using blood magic.” He sighed and his shoulders slumped.

I reached out and touched his hand, whispering, “I know that he’s still alive, I can t
ell.” He looked up quickly and after a few seconds, nodded.

“Are you connected to each other?” Rob sounded hopeful.

“Sometimes we are. I'm learning to use the lines. I’m going to find him.” I walked away and mumbled more to myself than Rob. “Those shits are all going to pay.”

I heard a car drive up and three people got out.  The driver, Aaron, looked a lot like his cousin with the same lovely eyes and warm smile. His body was stockier and more muscular and he was probably an inch or two taller, making him Rob’s height. He was dressed casually in jeans, sneakers and a tee shirt. Sandy blond hair poked out of his baseball cap with a stray lock blowing over his forehead in the steady breeze. Rob only introduced him to Ethan and me, since Kyle and Sinc had worked with him in the past, apparently. He held out his hand and said, “We’ll find him. I'm always bailing Garret
t out of these kinds of messes.” He chuckled and I managed to smile, appreciating his attempt to cheer us up.

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