Red Zone: Boys of Fall (15 page)

“You’re taken,” Carter said.

“Yeah. Guess I am.”

“Well, then here’s my advice.”

“Great, can’t wait to hear it.”

Carter pointed at Oakley. “Don’t fuck it up.”

Oakley shook his head, laughing. “You kind of suck at this. Though what you said about making the person you love happy was pretty damn smart.”


Nolan Winters stood next to their table. He had clearly come to pick up Carter. Sadie must’ve called the guy.

Then Oakley realized she’d made two phone calls.

“Uh, hey guys.”

Joel walked over to the table. He looked like shit too. There was a bruise on his cheek and a cut above his left eyebrow. Oakley felt guilty about putting those marks there.

“What are you doin’ here?” Oakley asked.

“Sadie called me.”

Nolan managed to get Carter up from the table and out of the bar, while Joel continued to stand there.

Before Oakley could apologize, Joel jerked his head toward the back door. “Let’s go.”



Chapter Eight


Oakley stood, though it took some effort. He probably shouldn’t have had those tequila shots. He was a little unsteady.

He followed Joel to the bar.

“Hey, Sadie. Can you take a break for a few minutes?”

Sadie bit her lip at Joel’s request. This was it. Oakley knew what came next. Joel was going to get them alone and he was going to break it off. End it.

Just like that, all the alcohol he’d consumed evaporated as his heart lurched.

Sadie waved to a waitress, asking her to take over behind the bar. Then she lifted the hinged counter and followed them outside. The back alley behind Pitchers was deserted and only dimly lit. It was a cool October evening, the sky cloudy and the alley wet from the brief shower that had passed through earlier and killed the brutal heat of the morning. It was a dreary night. Perfect atmosphere for the hell that was about to descend.

“Listen—” Oakley started, hoping he could put off the inevitable.

“No. You listen. Or better yet, shut up.”

Before Oakley could reply, Joel shoved him against the back wall of the building and stepped closer.

Then Joel kissed him. Hard.

Joel held back nothing as he forced Oakley’s lips apart, his tongue stroking the inside of his mouth. Joel’s hands were in his hair, gripping it tightly, using that hold to turn Oakley’s head, so he could deepen the kiss.

Oakley’s libido shot into orbit when Joel shoved a leg between his, pressing his knee firmly against Oakley’s balls.

Oakley wasn’t given the opportunity to do more than merely accept what was being given. Joel had taken over and there was no denying he wanted this, wanted Oakley.

After several head-spinning minutes, Joel moved away, his lips only an inch or so from Oakley’s. Then he turned to look at Sadie.

“Come here,” Joel commanded.

Sadie moved toward them, but Oakley could see the reticence, the confusion. She’d expected the same thing Oakley had. Had anticipated Joel ending it all.

Joel tugged her into their embrace, the three of them closing their ranks, connected. Joel kissed Sadie as deeply as he’d just kissed Oakley. As their lips danced, Oakley placed soft kisses on her cheek and then Joel’s. When Sadie turned to Oakley, it was Joel’s lips that skirted along her face and then to Oakley’s neck.

“How long until closing time?” Oakley murmured when they broke apart for air.

Sadie grinned. “The second I get in there it’s going to be last call. I can have that place cleared in forty minutes.”

Joel groaned. “Make it thirty.”

They started kissing again, none of them willing to leave the cocoon they’d created for themselves. Sadie ran her hands along their chests as Joel stroked her breasts above her shirt. Meanwhile, Oakley gripped Joel’s ass cheek and squeezed.

“Too much more of this,” Joel said through gritted teeth, “and I’m going to fuck you both out here. Right now.”

“You say that like it’s a threat,” Sadie said with a light laugh.

“God.” Joel pushed away. “Hurry up and close this fucking bar, Sadie.”

She giggled as the three of them walked back inside. Joel and Oakley hovered near the back door, neither of them in a position to show themselves in public. Woody was hard enough to drive nails in concrete.

They leaned against opposite walls, hoping distance would help cool them off. It wasn’t working for Oakley. He’d probably have to hide back here until everyone left and Sadie locked the doors.

He looked at Joel, but for once in his talkative life, words failed him. Or perhaps it was more like he was afraid he’d pop the balloon he’d just received. He didn’t want to open his mouth and say something that would cause Joel to change his mind.

“It’s okay, Oak. I’m not running from this anymore.”

Leave it to his best friend to take one look at him and know what he was thinking. “You’re all in?”

Joel nodded, but Oakley sensed the hesitation.

“I’m not going lie and say I’m not a little bit nervous about what comes next.”

Sex. He was worried about the sex. Oakley recalled what Carter had said about a straight guy being willing to have sex with a man he loved. While there was definitely a strong attraction and a powerful pull, Joel had never considered sleeping with a guy before now. The rest wouldn’t come naturally. There were still some barriers in place and it would take time to scale those walls. “It’s okay, Joel. We can ease into that. There’s no rush.”

Joel looked back toward the bar, where Sadie was cleaning up like a mad woman. Oakley started to chuckle, but the serious look on Joel’s face stopped him.

“I don’t want to mess this up. Any of it.”

Oakley understood. He’d felt the same way since the beginning. Joel had gone along for the ride, convinced from the start there were limits. Now that Joel had rejected any restrictions and admitted to his feelings, he could see exactly how much there was to lose.

“So we’ll slow things down, watch our step. I got your back, bro. And you got mine. We can figure it out together.”

“I don’t think we have as much time as you think,” Joel said, his gaze still glued to Sadie. “She’s like a caged bird. I keep thinking we’re going to leave that door open for one second and she’s going to fly away.”

“No.” Oakley refused to believe that. He couldn’t. Not when he was so close to getting everything he’d ever wanted. “We’ll convince her to stay.”

Joel gave him a crooked grin, but Oakley got the sense it was meant to comfort him, that Joel didn’t really believe they’d succeed.

After a few minutes, they were decent enough to walk back into the bar and help Sadie clean up. It took closer to an hour, but finally, Sadie was able to lock the door and they were alone.

They wasted no time. Oakley grabbed Sadie and kissed her hard, Joel’s words still troubling him.

After several minutes, she was the first to pull away. Oakley started to tug her back, but she shook her head and looked at Joel. Then, she walked over to the closest chair and sat down. She wanted to watch.

Oakley had promised they would take things slowly—and he meant that—but he’d waited too long for this moment. He gripped Joel’s shirt by the front and pulled him close, kissing him.

Joel wasn’t a passive lover, not with Sadie and—thank God—not with him. He cupped Oakley’s face with his large, calloused palms and deepened the kiss.

Oakley released Joel’s shirt, his hand drifting down. He stroked Joel’s erection through the thick denim of his jeans. Joel sucked in a loud breath. Oakley wondered if his friend would shove his hand away when Joel released his face.

Then Oakley’s eyes drifted closed as Joel covered his hand and pressed Oakley’s fingers harder against his cock.

“Open my pants, Oak.”

Like Sadie, Oakley was a goner whenever Joel issued his commands in that deep, sexy tone.

He unbuttoned Joel’s jeans and slid the zipper down. They both went commando. Oakley was glad for that easy access now as Joel’s cock sprang free.

Oakley wrapped his fist around Joel, stroking him. He’d seen his cock every night for weeks as they fell into bed with Sadie. He had longed to touch it, to hold it. To…

To hell with slow.

Oakley dropped to his knees. He could feel Sadie’s gaze on them, watching their every move. It made the moment even more intense, hotter.

Joel didn’t move away, didn’t resist as Oakley opened his mouth and took the head of his cock inside.

He heard a quiet gasp from Sadie. Oakley hated that she was so far away. He released Joel and looked at her. “Come here.”

She stood and walked over to them. “I thought…”

Joel pulled her close for a kiss. “This only works if it’s all of us.”

Oakley felt the same way. He loved Joel and he was truly attracted to him, but without Sadie, there would be no them. Not like this.

Oakley tightened his grip on the base of Joel’s cock, prompting his friend to groan. Sadie glanced down and smiled. Then she dropped to her knees next to Oakley.

Oakley kissed her briefly, grinning when Sadie bent closer and ran her tongue along Joel’s cock.

“Jesus,” Joel muttered. “You two are trying to kill me.”

For several minutes, he and Sadie took turns with Joel’s cock—licking, sucking, even nipping at it—each trying to push their lover over the edge. Joel had a grip on each of them, one hand in Oakley’s hair, the other in Sadie’s. Each time one of them did something he liked, his fingers tightened. Oakley’s scalp stung from the pressure, but the pain didn’t make him want to stop. It made him want more.

Then Sadie moved back a little bit, handing the reins to Oakley. He lost no time grabbing them. He opened his mouth wider, taking Joel so deep, the head of his cock brushed the back of his throat. This wasn’t Oakley’s first rodeo. He’d mastered deep-throating in high school.

Joel groaned louder when Oakley swallowed the head. However, Oakley started to choke when Sadie’s hand found
cock, squeezing it tightly through his jeans.

Oakley released Joel with a gasp. “God, Sade.”

Joel must have caught a glimpse of their girl’s game because he chuckled. “Now you can feel my pain.”

So many hands and mouths. Oakley couldn’t understand why anyone would choose to live with just one lover. He feared there was no way he could return to coupledom. Not when three was so fucking much better.

Sadie unzipped his jeans, her hand reaching beneath the denim to grip Oakley’s cock. She lifted her head slightly, silently telling Oakley to start sucking again. He would never cease to be amazed by the power exchanges the three of them shared—each of them willing to submit to another’s dominance.

He took Joel back into his mouth, working the hard flesh in earnest now. Sadie stroked Oakley’s cock in time with the rhythm he created. He was in charge of her speed, her depth. His mouth was the remote control. It was the most incredible sensation of his life.

Oakley hoped Joel could hold off for just a moment more because he was so close. Jesus, Sadie’s hand could be registered as a lethal weapon.

Through it all, Joel was anything but passive. He continued to pull their hair as he wove a litany of dirty, beautiful words around them. For a quiet guy, Joel had an arsenal of sexy shit to say, his deep-voiced, commanding tone only adding to Oakley’s need to come. Soon.

“Deeper, Oak. God, man. So fucking good. Suck it harder.”

Oakley responded.

“Tighten your grip, Sadie. You make Oakley come before me and I’ll throw you over a table and eat that sweet pussy of yours until you scream.”

Sadie responded, clearly interested in the promised prize, and Oakley jerked, his rhythm thrown off as his balls filled. He wasn’t going to make it much longer.

One more pull from Sadie’s hand, one more pass of Joel’s cock—deep in his throat—and Oakley erupted.

Joel grasped his head, holding him still as jets of come spurted from Oakley’s dick, covering Joel’s shoes and the bottoms of his jeans. Through it all, he still had Joel’s cock in his mouth, the thick flesh muting his cries, his moans.

As the climax waned, Joel took over. Oakley had been a fool to think he’d ever had any control of this moment. It had been Joel and Sadie all along.

Joel used his grip to tug Oakley’s mouth off his erection until just the head of his dick remained. Then he pulled him back roughly. Oakley let his friend fuck his mouth, opened his lips and gave Joel everything he had left to give. He was being used. And he loved it.

Sadie remained on her knees beside them, watching. After only a moment, she lifted her gaze to Joel. “Come in his mouth,” she whispered, her voice revealing exactly how much she was enjoying this show.

If Oakley was helpless to resist his lovers, it seemed Sadie had that same power over Joel. Within seconds, Joel came, his thrusts shorter, harder and punctuated by each drop of come that slid down Oakley’s throat.

Joel pulled out of his mouth with a pop and Oakley’s ass fell back on his feet, his strength drained.

At least it was.

Until Joel zipped up his pants, lifted Sadie from the floor and placed her on the table nearest them. He had her jeans and shoes off within seconds. Then he grabbed a chair and sat down for the feast.

Oakley found himself crawling closer, wanting a better view. He suddenly understood the soft mews Sadie had made while watching Oakley give Joel the blowjob. It was as if Oakley could feel what Sadie was experiencing when Joel stabbed her sweet opening with his tongue.

Though neither of them had touched her before this moment, Sadie was close. Oakley could see it, could hear it.

Sadie’s pussy was covered in her juices and her back arched toward Joel’s mouth, needing more.

“So sexy, Sadie,” Oakley said, recalling the effect of Joel’s dirty talk on both of them earlier. “You’re so wet, baby. Dripping. I bet you want Joel to suck on that pretty little clit, don’t you?”

Joel moved in response to Sadie’s cry of desire, dragging his tongue out of her, his lips closing around the sensitive nub.

Sadie jerked roughly. “God. Yes!”

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