Read Relentless Online

Authors: Kaylea Cross

Relentless (16 page)

Neveah gave up all pretense of modesty and moaned aloud, letting her head fall back against the wall as his mouth moved over her jaw and down her neck beneath the collar of her blouse, unerringly finding the delicate spot where her neck joined her shoulder. He gently scraped his teeth over it, making her gasp, then soothed the slight sting with his tongue, warm and damp. She cried out, knees buckling, and grabbed hold of his arms. Her fingers locked around the bulging curves of his biceps.

He caught her easily, holding her tight in his arms for a moment to steady her, one of his thighs wedged between hers. A low cry escaped as she rocked her hips, rubbing her swollen flesh against the steely muscles beneath it. Instead of hurrying things along, Rhys drew the pads of his fingers down the front of her throat into the deep V-neck of the blouse, pausing over the upper swell of her breasts.

Breathless, she stared into his eyes as he caressed her bare skin above the low cut neckline, gauging her reaction. He followed the curve of her breast with languorous enjoyment while her nipple beaded in anticipation, aching for his touch. When his thumb finally grazed across it, she groaned in relief, arching her back to lean into his hand, seeking more. She shivered. “Rhys... ”

“Shhh.” Rubbing his thumb back and forth, stealing deep, soul-shattering kisses, he slid his other hand down her back to her hips. Squeezing through her pencil skirt, he swept over the back of one thigh and lifted it, curling it around his hip while he moved deeper between her legs and brought the hard length of his erection firmly against the spot that wept for him. Her head snapped back with a throttled moan as he rubbed there, the heavy throb in her body intensifying into a desperate, uncontrollable ache that frightened her. She'd never been this aroused in her life, and he hadn't even undressed her yet.

“Clothes,” she gasped, grabbing the taut cheeks of his ass to hold him against her, frustrated by the layers of cloth separating them. “Off.”

“Mmmm,” he murmured, running his fingers over the bare skin of her inner thigh, his other thumb still tormenting her nipple.

Oh, God, she needed much more than this, and she needed it right
. “Rhys... ” She was going to lose it if he didn't do something to ease the terrible ache between her thighs. The bed was too far away for her liking. Right here against the wall was fine.

His long fingers tugged at the buttons of her blouse, exposing the thin lace bra that encased her breasts. Shivering at the desire on his face, she watched him lower his head to nuzzle against lace and skin.

Without raising his head he pushed the blouse off her shoulders, then found the hooks at the back of her bra and undid them. The straps caressed her arms as it dropped to the floor. Biting her lip, Nev curled her spine in a shameless offering, bringing a flushed, taut nipple to his mouth. She heard his faint murmur of approval before he opened his mouth and took her inside, suckling so tenderly she automatically cradled the back of his head to hold him there. Tongues of pleasure forked through her body like lightning, making her writhe and whimper. She was so wet now. Hot enough to vaporize.

All on its own, her free hand slid over his taut waist and over his fly, finding the hard length of him and wrapping around it. She moaned at the feel of him filling her palm, dying to feel that part of him inside her. He moved into her hand with a rumble of enjoyment, turning his attention to her other nipple, one hand caressing the nape of her neck and the other trailing torturously up and down over her inner thigh, never moving up to where she wanted them no matter how she twisted and writhed.

Neveah was on fire, wet and ready for him, but he remained in complete control, driving her mad with need. When it came to sex, she always had to concentrate really hard to get aroused if she wanted a chance in hell at having an orgasm. With Rhys, it wasn't like that at all. She didn't have to think, and couldn't have if she'd wanted to. Her body was on autopilot, a setting she hadn't known she possessed. Everywhere he touched her sparkled, and those flickers coalesced into a glowing ball of heat in the pit of her belly and her throbbing core. This was sex on steroids.

But it wasn't just sex. The wild fluttering of her heart said so. And no matter what happened, she would have the memory of this night with him.

He continued to lavish attention on her breasts, pulling gently with his mouth, swirling his tongue over her electrified nipples. Growing frantic, she attacked his belt buckle and undid the button beneath it. The zipper made a soft buzzing sound above her panting breaths. Rhys didn't move, didn't stop what he was doing to her, content to let her open his pants and slide her hand into his boxer briefs to curl around the thick, hot length of his penis. He pulsed in her grip. Oh God, he was big, she thought giddily, her inner muscles clenching tight at the thought of him pushing into her. She couldn't fricking wait.

The clean, musky scent of his skin filled her nose, his erection kicking in her grip as she stroked him, up and down, swirling her hand over the swollen head until it grew slick.

His fingers moved, shifting up to lightly graze the soft lace covering her slick folds. She gasped, lids fluttering down, biting her lip as he caressed higher, higher. When he touched her clitoris through her thong she let out a sob and clung tighter. Rhys raised his head, leaving her taut nipple gleaming in the soft moonlight, and met her gaze. The breath caught in her throat at the raging inferno there.

His expression was so intense she couldn't breathe, his deep blue eyes burning hers. His jaw was clenched, the muscles across his shoulders bunched as he struggled to hold onto control. He was as revved up as she was, but still so gentle, so careful with her.

Staring down at him, her lips trembled. “Please,” she whispered unsteadily. “I need you inside me.”

In the half-light, something flared in the depths of his eyes like the blue flame of a match strike. He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her to straddle him. Raising her up, he pinned her flat against the wall while he caught her mouth in a ravenous kiss, tongue sliding, plunging deep, then withdrawing to play with hers. His hand slid up her skirt to her panties and smoothed them down her legs where it joined the rest of her clothes. When he reached for the zipper on her skirt, Nev whimpered into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his heavy shoulders, clinging tightly with her legs, rubbing that terrible ache against his erection.

Yes, now. Hurry.

The skirt hit the floor, then he pulled one arm out from around her and reached behind him. A moment later she heard the distinctive crinkle and rip of a condom being torn open and nearly sobbed in relief. She couldn't let go to help him, and her legs were already shaking with the strain of keeping her weight balanced.

Hanging on tight, she sucked in a breath when the head of his erection nudged the folds of her sex. The hard arm around her hips tightened as he positioned himself, sliding back and forth over her slippery, engorged folds and clit. When he finally lodged in the right spot she moaned a little, the incredible heat of him adding to the fire inside.

Seeking relief from the mysterious ache he'd created, she eased down, taking more of him into her. Her nails sank into his shoulders. God, he was big.

Kissing her hard and deep, Rhys wrapped his other arm around her shoulders to cushion her back from the cold wall and pushed slowly, inexorably upward, burying himself inside her.

Nev tore her mouth away from his at the unyielding breadth of him. “Oh...
,” she breathed, trying to lever away from him with her hands.

He froze. Raising his head, he met her shocked gaze and lifted one hand to brush a wave of hair away from her cheek. His gentle fingers were cool against her flushed skin. “Hurt?”

Did it? Maybe. She wasn't sure yet. “Just— just wait... ” She couldn't decide if the burning ache was painful or intensely pleasurable. The thick intrusion stretched her to her limit, making her feel impaled. She wriggled around to find a more comfortable position, but had nowhere to go, and no leverage to push away with.

As though sensing her plight, Rhys reached one arm back and dragged the couch toward them with a muffled scrape. Then he took her ankles and guided her feet to the top of the backrest. With the smooth, cool leather giving her purchase, Nev immediately extended her legs to relieve the incredible pressure of him wedged so deep inside her.

“All right?” he whispered, watching her eyes.

She nodded and licked her lips, dizzy with pleasure. Her arms curled around his wide shoulders, holding him close.

Oh a sigh, Rhys wrapped both arms around her back and burrowed in tight, resting his face in the hollow of her throat. The fact that he was staying so still to let her body adjust while holding her in a full length cuddle made tears burn her eyes.

She took several deep breaths and tried to relax, allowing her internal muscles a few moments to adapt to his invasion. Despite her efforts to stay motionless, they squeezed and fluttered around him, intensifying that pleasurable ache where his erection rubbed against what she surmised must be the G-spot she'd never found until now. When one of his hands slid between them to stroke her clitoris, she sighed and melted.

Heart pounding, she moved experimentally, just a tiny rocking motion, and moaned aloud at the incredible sensation it wrought. Her eyes flew open in shock.

He raised his head and stared at her, his muscular body held perfectly still. Waiting. Watching her reaction.

Oh, God, he
. Knew exactly what he was doing to her, because she could read it in his glittering navy eyes. He wasn't moving solely out of consideration, but so that she could have whatever time she needed to explore the sensations.

Any control she had in this position was an illusion, of course. He was orchestrating this whole thing. Not that it made any difference to her body or her heart, for that matter. The damned thing rolled over in her chest as she gazed down into his eyes.

Trembling, she rocked her hips, helpless to stop herself. The pleasure magnified again, each short slide up and down his thick erection rubbing over the hot glow hidden inside her. Her body was full. So deliciously full. The ache grew stronger, melding with the intense pleasure. Strengthening it. Making her mindless. “Oh God, Rhys... ” Her eyelids slid closed, lips parting in breathless ecstasy.

She'd read about this. She'd even heard about it from her girlfriends, but until this very moment she hadn't believed it was possible for sex to feel this good. It almost scared her, it was so amazing. Her body clamored at her to move harder, faster, greedy for more and the cataclysmic release she sensed was building. A whimper of need escaped her. God, she needed

Both Rhys's hold and gaze never faltered as she rode him, at first slowly, then with increasing abandon. Her rhythm grew faster, more demanding. Each movement coiled the new sensations tighter and tighter. His thumb caressed slow and sure between her thighs. She was panting now, uncaring of how frantic she was or that he watched her, focused solely on the building orgasm that already eclipsed anything she'd experienced.

Through it all he remained silent, staring into her eyes, holding her rock steady, supporting her weight and allowing her to move how she wanted. The only signs of his intense arousal were his tightening expression and the muscles in his back and shoulders bunching under her grasping hands.

A long, throaty moan came out of her as the intensity of the growing orgasm increased. “Oh,
... ”

Rhys's lips touched her jaw briefly, trailing soft kisses over her skin before he pulled back to watch her face. The intimacy between them in the shadowy, hushed room was as tangible as the sensations coursing through her awed body. She couldn't look away from him. The rapt hunger on his face pushed her even higher. Helpless, she stared back while the pleasure rose, and then rose some more. He was so thick, so hard inside her. That glorious ache built, as hot as the pleasure, and his fingers were stroking her trembling clit... Her voice wobbled. “Rhys... ”
Please let it be good for him, too.

As she watched, his head snapped back on a strangled roar, the muscles in his neck and shoulders outlined in sharp relief from fighting to hold back and not move. He was heart-stoppingly gorgeous, every inch of him erotic perfection. Her body clamped down on him, the forerunners of ecstasy spiraling up, up.

She shuddered and closed her eyes, letting the orgasm take her, writhing and crying out in his strong grip as she died a little in his arms. The incredible pulses hadn't even begun to fade when he buried his face in her hair and thrust upward hard, once, twice, three times before arching and groaning with his own release. She held him close through the maelstrom, and when he finally stilled, wrapped her arms as far around him as she could. Gasping, she laid her head against his damp shoulder. She could barely breathe.

The room was so quiet now, disturbed only by their heavy breathing. Nev closed her eyes and savored the peace of the moment, shocked that her body was capable of experiencing such intense pleasure. She stroked her hands over his back and shoulders, up his neck to his head and trailed her fingers over his baby-soft skull-trim. Her skin was flushed and dewy, muscles filled with a heavy languor she now recognized as post-coital glow. So
what all those books were talking about. She smiled against his cheek, kissed him there.

Rhys raised his head. “Okay?”

Her smile widened. “Oh, yeah.”

He gave her that endearing crooked grin and hooked an arm behind him to help lower her feet to the floor. Her legs were so tired they wobbled under her, so Rhys gently disengaged from her body. He swung her up into his arms like she weighed no more than a child. Holding her securely, he carried her over to the king-sized bed. Pulling the covers back, he laid her down and tucked her in before heading to the bathroom.

Nev watched him walk away with a dreamy sigh, admiring the flex of muscle along his spine and buttocks and the incredible power of his long legs. The tattoo on his right shoulder blade lay unmarred amidst the burn scars covering most of his upper back. She stared at the half infinity symbol and upraised dagger, the mirror image to what Ben had on his left shoulder. One half of a whole. The eternal bond they shared as twins.

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