Report from the Interior (31 page)


… it was the sight of a roomful of teenagers dancing to the music that kept you watching …


… the selected stories of O. Henry, and for a time you reveled in those brittle, ingenious tales with their surprise endings and narrative jolts …


… now that
Doctor Zhivago
had been translated into English, you went out and bought a copy for yourself … confident that this was most assuredly literature of the first rank …


… Carey and his wife, Louise, are sunning themselves on the deck of a cabin cruiser.


… Dr. Bramson … no longer smiling and confident …


… Carey sitting in what appears to be the largest armchair in the world.


… you are amazed … by the immensity of the telephone receiver he holds in his hand …


On October seventeenth, he is down to thirty-six and a half inches and weighs fifty-two pounds.


Because he is living in a dollhouse. Because he is no more than three inches tall.


… reduced to the size of a mouse …


… a thumb-sized man running for his life …


… making do with whatever objects and nourishment are at hand in that dank suburban basement …


… a man stripped bare, thrown back on himself …

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