Read Rise of the Phoenix (Return To Avalore #2) Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Fiction, #SF Romance, #Science-Fiction, #Paranormal Romace, #Erotic Romance, #Adult

Rise of the Phoenix (Return To Avalore #2) (22 page)

Both Evan and Drake responded at once.

The difference in Brienne’s body was instantaneous the moment Aiken sent his energy into her. The organisms vibrated in chaos, unsure what to do. Aiken infused light into Brienne’s body, starting at the top of her head and the tips of her toes simultaneously, quickly moving toward the trap they had set. Every part of her body shone with his light, giving her an ethereal look in the candlelit room.

The voices surrounding them swelled even though many of the women could no longer stand under the strain and exhaustion.

Aiken whipped through her body, herding the little organisms to where he wanted them.
“In three… two… one!”
Aiken blasted Brienne with energy just as Drake pulled out, leaving Evan to do his part.

Fiery pain lashed at him as millions of little sparks slammed into his light, sizzling and popping as they made contact. Fine tremors coursed through him as his body fought against the attack but he held firm. She had suffered through hours of their onslaught. He could take whatever they had to give him.

Only once they were certain that not a single microorganism survived did they release their energies and sever their connections to Brienne. Evan lingered after Drake and Aiken had released her, unable to break the tie just yet, needing to hold her to his spirit if only for a short time.

Pulling his energy, Evan’s anxious gaze swept over her, his heart sinking when she remained as still as before. “Why isn’t she waking? What did we miss?” His words echoed against the vaulted ceiling of the chamber.

Aiken observed Brienne for a moment before smiling at his brother. “She’s sleeping. Look at her breaths. They’re long and deep. Her face no longer shows signs of pain. Her color is returning. The small convulsions she’d been having are gone. Fighting for her life took everything out of her. She needs a lot of rest, but she’ll pull through.”

Evan’s breath caught in his throat. She was getting better. He could hardly believe it. He had been so afraid of losing her that he couldn’t see the changes taking place. He traced a gentle finger along her cheek, reveling in the small sigh that slipped past her lips as her head turned toward him.

Drake was already at Rhia’s side, taking her into his arms. “Now, Rhia.” The garbled tone caught Evan’s attention. Drake was keeping himself in check, but just. He had allowed them to heal Brienne first, but he wasn’t waiting any longer.

Evan didn’t want to leave Brienne’s side, but they still had work to do. Looking at her once more, Evan nodded and went to his sister.

“Sebastian, once this is done, you and Michael will help Aiken, so get ready.” It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help the others, but healing of this magnitude was draining, and the other women deserved the best of care. He would not allow mistakes due to lethargy.

Aiken had been right. The number of microorganisms invading Rhia was but a fraction of what Brienne had suffered. They were just as voracious, but the damage was minimal. The lacerations on her organs and tissues were more like scratches than the deep, angry gouges Brienne had endured.

By the time they were done, all five men were exhausted. Aiken sat on the floor, eyes closed and holding Mari’s hand. Drake stroked Rhia’s hair as she rested her head on his lap. He couldn’t hear Drake’s whispers, but his sister was smiling wide. Sebastian sat next to Chantelle, laughing at something she said, and Michael was helping Katie stand. Both looked shaky, but otherwise healthy.

All around them, the women of Avalore still chanted, hands held, and in various states of fatigue, their power vibrating in the air as they gave thanks to the Goddess above for the healing light she had provided. He had never seen anything quite like it.

The doors to the chamber opened with a rush of fresh air. When his father approached, tall and strong, Evan didn’t hesitate to hand the situation over to him. “Many of our women assisted in the healings today. They will need energy and care. If you don’t mind taking care of the details, I’ll take Brienne to our suite to recover.”

Before William could respond, Drake wordlessly walked past with Rhia in his arms, heading toward their personal chambers. He still looked sombre, but the fire burning in his eyes had cleared. Evan clapped him on the shoulder as he walked past. “Thanks, Drake.”

His friend’s small nod was the only acknowledgement he would receive, the only one needed.

William stepped close, glancing down at the still sleeping woman on the dais. “You do not wish to have her go to the infirmary to heal with the others?” The sparkle in the older man’s eyes told him he already knew Evan wouldn’t allow her out of his sight.

“No, I’ll care for my mate myself. If I need anything more I’ll call Aiken to attend her there.”

William’s eyebrows rose and he smiled. “Your mate?” He chuckled, his eyes shining bright. “Very well, I’ll get acquainted with my new daughter later.”

With Brienne safely in his arms, Evan passed Richard and Markus in the grand hallway. He could always count on his brothers, and this time was no exception. Both were busy giving energy to those who had supplied the women, then the men, during the healings. Richard clapped on man on the shoulder, helping him to his feet with heartfelt thanks. Once again, humbled by the selfless acts of his people, he nodded to those who looked his way. In his time of need, they had gathered and come through for him, their only reward to see him happy.

Chapter 22

Brienne’s head pounded. No part of her didn’t ache. Her fogged mind tried to remember what had happened, tried to piece things together, but memories kept slipping away on a receding wave. A deep, bone-numbing chill gripped her, making her shiver and shake uncontrollably. Exhaustion beat at her, but she fought against it. She had to stay awake, had to rise above the fog. If she could get past it, she would be okay, but the effort to do more than breathe was beyond what her body could tolerate.

Beside her, radiant heat drew her, making her want to snuggle and bask in it forever, but her limbs, heavy as lead, would not budge. If only she could get warm again. A strong arm curled around her shoulder, helping her, bringing her in the direction she wanted to go, pulling her to his warmth. His scent surrounded her, invaded her lungs, and seeped into her pores.

This is where I need to be, where I belong.
With a soft sigh, the tension eased from her body, and she drifted back to sleep.

She couldn’t tell how long she had slept when a soft buzz entered her mind. Her heart pounded and her muscles seized at the intrusion. Instantly warmth slid over her, through her, calling her forward again, coaxing her from the safety she had found within.

The soft buzz slid into her mind again, familiar, comforting. She refused to be a prisoner, to hide behind fear. Expanding her mind, she allowed the intrusion. She braced herself for pain, lashing and cruel, but she knew his touch.
would never hurt her.

“Brienne, sweetheart, do you hear me?”
His voice slid into her, deep and soothing, caressing her mind with the softest touch.

Holding her breath, Brienne sought the path to him, rousing the dragon. Joy exploded from her core the moment it caught its mate’s scent. It was more than happiness, more than elation. Her entire being rejoiced.
“I hear you.”
She fought her way through the fog weighing her down, struggled to the surface. Wherever
was, she wanted to be. Her skin tingled and her eyelids fluttered. She was so close.

His voice cracked a bit, but his joy came at her in waves.
“Come to me now.”

The sun’s warm rays caressed her skin where it streamed through a window to take her chill. Sweet, fragrant flowers perfumed the air. Outside, she heard birds chirping and the sounds of people carrying conversations drifting on the warm breeze. The bed she lay on was soft, comfortable, not the hard cot she had called her own for the past three years. She was home. She was in Avalore.

When her eyes fluttered open, she had to blink back against the brightness of the room. Dark navy curtains blew in the breeze on either side of the open window adjacent to the bed.

A warm arm rested against her bare stomach beneath the pale blue linens covering her body. A small frisson rushed over her, but her body was warm. Turning her head to her left, her breath caught in her throat. Evan’s watchful gaze, filled with worry, scanned every inch of her face. Dark circles hung under his eyes.

“How are you feeling?” He whispered the words.

“I’m tired,” she said as she took a quick inventory of her body, “but otherwise okay. You?”

He took his time, looking at her until he’d had his fill before he let out a long, deep sigh and closed his eyes. “I’m not sure I’ll survive this fright.” His body, rigid with tension, shuddered against her.

It took some effort, but she managed to turn onto her side to face him before draping her arm around his waist. When she saw the downward turn to his lips, she didn’t even try to stop herself from leaning closer and pressing her lips to his. She couldn’t stand to see him upset. With each breath she took, she was aware of her breasts touching his naked chest. “I don’t recall what happened, but I’m sorry to have frightened you.”

His eyes popped open at the delicate touch, his gaze smouldering, but he kept from looking down, kept from pressing closer. “You don’t remember what happened?”

She looked at his lips again, tempted to go in for another taste. “No.” She brought her fingertips up and down along his back in a feather-light caress. “Why am I naked?” Not that she objected, but she didn’t remember coming here, much less removing her clothes.

“I undressed you so I could bathe and take care of you.” His voice held no trace of remorse.

She should have been incensed that he would take such liberties while she was unable to consent, but instead her heart did a little flip and her pulse sped. “Thank you.” She couldn’t contain her grin as she asked her next question. “So, why are you naked?”

“I’m not naked. I have pants on. I didn’t want you to think I’d take advantage of you while you slept.” He took a deep breath. “I took my shirt off because you kept trying to get under it with your cold fingers.” Was he avoiding looking at her?

“Is that right?” She raised an eyebrow. She didn’t doubt it for a moment, but part of her wanted him to have done it for his own gratification as well.

“For the most part.” He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. For now, I just want you to rest and heal. I think I may need to have a tower built to keep you in so that this never happens again.”

Raising an eyebrow, she pushed against him. Not that it did much good being weak as she was. “Don’t think you can keep me under lock and key, Evan Mayfield. I’m not going to stand for it. I can’t just forget about my mission because you’re afraid for me.”

“Let’s just get you stronger, okay? I’m not sure I can handle the thought of you anywhere near a battle again.” His hand slid down her spine to stop just above her bottom before sliding back up to her shoulders.

“Fine. We can talk about it later.” Of all things they could be doing, arguing was at the bottom of her list. His spicy scent had her leaning forward and fighting the urge to lick him just to get a taste.

“Yes, now rest.” He closed his eyes again, but his body remained rigid next to her.

Biting her lower lip, she brought her hand from his back to stroke lazy circles on his hip.

“Brienne, Aiken will have my hide if I don’t let you rest. You’ve been through a lot and need to recuperate.”

She brought her hand to his abdomen, relishing the tightening of his muscles beneath her fingertips. “What I need is energy.” Unable to resist, she brought her tongue to his neck and gave a long, soft lick toward his jaw.

His breath hissed between his teeth. The twitch in the hard length pressing against her made her bolder. “Maybe I could convince you to share some?”

His hand slid down her spine again. “Sweetheart, I’ve given you energy many times over the past few days. What you need is rest.”

She nipped at his jaw, making him moan. Emboldened by his reaction, she nipped again before bringing her lips to rest over the spot where she had placed her mark. “I don’t think I was clear. Maybe you could share some of

He moaned again before gripping her hip and shifting so that they were flush against one another. “We’re not yet joined, little spitfire.” His half-hearted reproach didn’t deter her for a second.

“Hmm... you’re right. But under the circumstances, it would be forgivable seeing as you
my named mate, and no other would be hurt by the act.” Just talking about the ultimate share of energy between mates had heat pooling in her core.

“Why can’t I say no to you?”

Why in heavens name would he want to? Insecurity tried to rear its ugly head, but she refused to let it rise. No, this was something else. He hadn’t been reserved with her when they’d mated before the mission. She was almost certain that had she suggested this type of energy sharing he would have wholeheartedly agreed. So what was different now?

“Because you’re as desperate for it as I am?” She nipped at her mark again, dousing the sting with her tongue. She had to force herself not to hold her breath as she waited for his response.

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