Read RockMySenses Online

Authors: Lisa Carlisle

RockMySenses (19 page)

He dropped the sponge to squeeze the fleshy cheeks. “You
know how much I love this, don’t you?”

“I’ve been getting the idea,” I managed through short

He picked up the sponge and resumed washing from my feet, up
over my calves and shin, around my kneecap, and then behind my knee. By now my
pussy was quivering with anticipation, hotter and wetter than the water
pounding on my breasts and torso. At last he moved up over my legs, between my
thighs, and I ceased to breathe.

“Let’s make sure you’re nice and clean,” he murmured,
kneeling before my pussy. He ran the loofah over me, back and forth between the
creases. “We wouldn’t want you leaving here a dirty girl.”

My voice came out ragged. “Oh, Mike, I’m feeling very dirty
right now.”

Only inches away, his warm breath heated me and I grasped at
the slippery wet tiles. Mike stood and I sighed in protest. He unhooked the
shower nozzle and used it to wash the suds from me, beginning with my hair,
running down over my breasts until my nipples were hard as quartz. He washed
the suds away, leaving a fiery trail under my heated skin. When he angled the
stream of water into my folds, the hot jets pulsing on my clit almost undid me

“I want you.” I panted. “I need you.”

Mike hung up the nozzle and sank again before me. Gripping
my hips in his large hands, he traced spirals on my inner thighs, working his
way higher. By the time he reached my silky flesh, I was in a state where I
could barely form words. He finally speared me with his exquisite tongue and I
clung to him, digging my fingers into his back. Words burst forth. “Oh God, Mike.



She tasted so good, the clean scent of my Ivory soap still
lingering on her skin.

And she was alive.

The thought of losing her last night drove me to the brink
of madness. I knew I would do anything for this woman. Kill anyone who tried to
hurt her. There was nobody else for me. She was now my sun and moon.

A voice told me she was still fragile. She needed to rest.
But the more she clung to me, asking for more, the less resolve I had. When her
sweet-smelling pussy was before me, I had none left. I had to taste her.

She ran her fingers through my hair as the hot water flowed
down her body and on mine. She leaned back against the wall and raised one leg
onto the side of the bath to invite me in deeper. I cradled her hips as I held
her in a protective grip. Savored every inch of her, every moment of being with
her. I prolonged the sensual experience as long as I could, taking her to the
brink of an orgasm and then easing back.

By the time my tongue brought a heavy onslaught to her sweet
clit, she was panting and saying things I couldn’t understand. Except one. “I
love you, Mike.”

She loved me.

Nothing else mattered to me right now but that. Not coming
to grips with my new identity as part-gargoyle, not the upcoming tour with the
band, none of it. I’d give everything up just to have her by my side, safe.

She exploded on my tongue, driving me almost to come myself.
As her waves of pleasure ebbed, I stood up. I turned her against the wall and
pressed my cock into her silky crevice.

“Are you okay like this?”

“Yes,” she hissed, spreading her hands wider on the blue

As much as I wanted to bury myself full force into her, I
couldn’t forget she still might be fragile. “I can stop if you need to go lie

She turned her head back, flashing a heated stare from under
her hooded lids. Water dripped from her dark lashes and her blue eyes glowed
with desire. With her hands still gripping the tiles, blonde hair dripping wet,
and her fine ass inviting me in, this was the sexiest fucking pose I’d ever

“If you don’t fuck me right now,” she demanded in a
desperate tone, “I will lose my damn mind!”

The bathroom had grown hot with steam and our caged heat. My
body was on fire. Even hotter than the scalding water pulsing off my back.

“One more second, babe. Condom.” Hopping out of the tub, I
threw open the medicine cabinet and sheathed myself while dripping all over the
mat. The seconds away from her heated body were agonizing, but when I returned,
the view was worth the discomfort. She bent forward, lifting a leg and bracing
herself on the wall. I was already so rock hard this invitation fueled a primal
response to drive in. I positioned myself behind her smoking ass. Gripping her
shoulders, I eased in as she moaned in pleasure. Surrounded by her tight heat,
I dropped my head back in ecstasy. I could die right now with no regrets, a
happy man.

I pumped into her slowly, filling her to the hilt and
pulling nearly all the way out. She drove back against me, encouraging me back
in. The more I fucked her, the more my need spiraled out of control. I drove
into her as if possessed. To fuck her, claim her, be with her. I reached around
to touch her sensitive clit. She cried out as her muscles clenched around me,
pulsating as she came on my shaft. The exquisite grip shot sensations of mind-numbing
pleasure through me. I pummeled into her, driving away all else except her and
exploding with a fiery climax.

“I want you, Allana,” I said as I fell into the crevice
between her shoulder and head. My lips touched her skin, finding the two bumps
that inflamed a need to protect her forever. “Only you.”


Allana spent most of the next few weeks at my place. We’d
promised we’d take it slow at first, but any free time spent away from her
seemed wasted. She was still so busy with her studio, but relaxed now that she
didn’t have to run back and forth between the gym and the studio. With people
signing up for classes and private sessions, she wasn’t as stressed about
financial matters, and she had enough interest in class times to warrant hiring
another instructor.

Between all my time with work, Allana, and preparing for the
tour, I had little time to explore my gargoyle side. But I did visit my
grandfather more often, learning about the history and characteristics of
gargoyles. Papa regaled me with tales of his youth, stories he may have seldom
mentioned since starting a family in the U.S., but as he told them, he had the
boyish look of someone a quarter of his age.

When he revealed himself in gargoyle form, it took me
several minutes to recover. Hearing stories was one thing. It took my brain
much longer to process seeing my grandfather transform into a gargoyle.

After I recovered from the shock, I resumed my questions.
“Do we live as long as humans?”

“Typically much longer,” he said. “Except when we bond with
a human. Who wants to live past the death of the one we love? Many gargoyles
die soon after losing their human lover.”

“The gargoyle Danton mentioned something about a gargoyle
oath. Do you know about that?”

Papa had a twinkle in his eye as he gazed off into the
distance. “I do. Your grandmother and I took it when we were young. We promised
to love each other for eternity, I vowed to protect her with all my being, and
was able to live in human form.”

“Sounds like a sort of marriage rite?”

“Oh no,” he said with a chuckle. “Marriages can be
dissolved. An oath is permanent.”

I pictured Allana. It was far too early in our relationship
to pressure her with any more permanent options. But I had no doubt she was the
one, and maybe one day we could take a step forward when we were both ready.
“Is that something I would ever be able to do? I mean, I’m only part gargoyle
and I’m already in human form.”

Papa fixed his gaze on me. “You’ve proven you’re far more
than that.” He shrugged. “And you’ve found the one for you, the woman you’ve
bonded with. If and when that day comes when you’d like to try, I’d be happy to
help you seal your connection with the oath.”

“Thanks, Papa.” I squeezed his shoulder. “It’s too soon, but
I appreciate all you’ve shared with me.”

One day I brought Danton over to introduce him to Papa.

“I thought you two would like to meet,” I said. “After all,
it’s not too common to have Old World European gargoyles living in the U.S.”

Papa laughed. “Not as uncommon as you might think.”

Danton smiled in agreement. Then they locked arms in a
greeting, Danton’s right arm on Papa’s left shoulder and the same with Papa’s
hand on Danton’s shoulder.

While they discussed the days in the old country, mentioning
gargoyles they both might know, I sat back on the couch watching them, letting
them have time to reminisce. Who would have guessed this was my world, my

When they began to discuss what my transformation meant, I
piped in, “I haven’t changed since that night.”

Papa said, “You changed that night to protect the woman you
love. If you feel the need to do so again, it may happen.”

Danton added, “My magic has been growing and I am able to
help my brothers bridge over with ease. If you’d like me to try it on you, I

“Can you help me sprout wings?” I teased. When Danton’s
brows furrowed with confusion, I added, “Just kidding. I’m jealous that I
didn’t have the chance to fly like you when it happened.”

“Ah yes,” Danton replied. “I don’t know how to help there,
but I can try to find out.”

“I’m good,” I raised my hands to stop him. Although I was
fascinated by the ability to transform into a creature better able to protect
my loved ones, I didn’t want to be a guinea pig when it came to gargoyle magic
and transformation. Who knows what kind of freak accident could happen if
Danton tried to change me into a creature with wings? I was still learning
about my gargoyle nature and didn’t have to rush headlong into an experience I
still didn’t fully understand.


Band practice kept me busier than ever. We prepared to go on
tour in late spring, but rather than being thrilled about the idea of
California girls the way I dreamed of in the past, I dreaded having to spend
three weeks on the opposite coast as Allana.

“Just fly her out,” Nico said. “Lily’s going to come for a
week in the middle of the tour. Ally should come with her.”

“I already tried to convince her,” I replied, “but she just
opened a business. It’s not easy for her to close up for a few days and fly
across the country.”

* * * * *

As the weeks went by and the tour approached, my anxiety
grew. I realized how much I cared for her, even such a short absence would make
me miss her like crazy.

After her morning classes on a Sunday, Allana invited me to
come to the studio for the private lesson she’d promised. We had our mats side
by side on the new wood floor. She led me through an opening sequence, helping
me maintain correct breathing and posture.

“Now we’re going to move into downward facing dog,” she
instructed. She bent over and said, “Look at where my hands and feet are
positioned. See how my body is aligned.”

All I could focus on was her sweet ass in the air and what
else we could be doing in this position. I stood up and said, “That’s it.
Private lesson is over.”

“What?” Her blue eyes widened with her question.

I scooped her up and threw her over my shoulder, slapping
her playfully on her ass cheeks. “I admit I’m the worst student who’s ever
attended your class, but I can’t concentrate on yoga with you in yoga pants
with your luscious ass before me.”

She giggled. “Where are you taking me?”

“Home. Back to bed.”

Home. With her. It sounded right. She belonged there.

Too bad she’d never agree to it.

Despite my raging hard-on, an idea flashed into my head.
Time to set a plan in motion.

The next Sunday afternoon, I invited her over for a
midafternoon lunch after she was finished at the studio. Chicken marsala was
the one dish I could rock and her
s between mouthfuls indicated she

“You didn’t lie. This is amazing,” she said.

After we were finished eating, I took her hand. “Come on. I
have a surprise.”

I drove us to Gloucester, to the animal shelter where Allana
volunteered. Lily had told me only after drilling me about my intentions.

Allana peered at me with confusion. “What are we doing

“Getting you a puppy,” I announced.

Her blue eyes widened, the excited look that always sent
blood rushing to my cock. “What? My landlord doesn’t allow dogs.”

“I know, but since I own my house, I can have one at mine.
Your dog can live there. You’ll be happy since you can have an animal like
you’ve always wanted. And I’ll be happy since I’ll get to see more of you at my

She stared at me. “A pet’s a huge responsibility, not one to
be taken lightly.”

“I know. I had dogs growing up. I loved them. I could never
have one with my schedule, but between the two of us, we’ll be around to take
care of him. Or her.”

“But you’re going on tour,” she said. “For three whole

The hitch in her voice gave me hope that she’d miss me as
much as I’d miss her. “Move in with me. Or stay at my place as often as you
Mi casa
.” I reached into my pocket and handed her a key. “
Es tu

She stared at the silver object in her hand and I feared I’d
overplayed my hand. When she peered up at me, her eyes shone with tears. Now I
was certain I’d fucked up. She was crying and was going to tell me she couldn’t
do this.

“You’re sure about this?” she asked.

“Yes. I love you, Allana. I want to be with you whenever I
can. The idea of the tour is killing me. I just want to get it over with and
come back to you.”

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

“You want me to move in with you and bring my pets?
Including a new dog?”

“Yes. If I’m pushing you too hard, tell me to back off.”

“Of course not.” She threw her arms around my neck and kissed
me with unrestrained joy. Her unbridled affection was one of the many things I
loved about her. “Tell you what. Why don’t we keep this idea open for when you
return from your tour? I’ve been practically living at your place anyway. It
would just be a matter of giving some notice to my roommate and moving my
stuff—and my pets—in.”

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