Read Rogue Wolf Online

Authors: Heather Long

Tags: #wolf, #strong, #heroes, #heroines, #shifters, #interracial, #wolves, #alpha

Rogue Wolf (18 page)

When she broke the kiss, he strained to take her mouth again, but she avoided him. Instead she kissed along his jaw, then nuzzled his throat. The light scrape of her teeth sent all his blood rushing south to stiffen his dick once more. She laved her tongue against his pulse and he gripped her hair. Would she mark him?

His wolf stilled within him, catching the scent of their prey and desire. Would they allow her to mark him? Disappointment feathered across his heart when she continued her downward trail of kisses. The light scrape of her teeth tensed his nipple, then she bit down hard enough to feel, though too gentle to draw blood, and he sucked in a breath. The continued downward slide brought her breasts across his cock, the friction becoming a slow form of torture.

When her kiss drifted over his abdomen, he knew her destination. Keeping his eyes mere slits, he glanced down to find her seeking his gaze. Though his fingers were still tangled in her hair and her hands braced against his thighs, she remained poised over his cock. She wanted permission. A quiet joy lit within him, and he murmured, “Yes,
. It would delight me, if you so desire.”

Her smile stretched her kiss-swollen lips, the beautiful expression erasing his concerns. Then she closed her fantastic mouth around the head of his cock, and Salvatore forgot how to breathe. She did not play games. The hard suction on the tip turned his spine molten and his world narrowed to the point where she touched him.

Long, laving sucks as she drew him deeper into her mouth. He dug his claws into the earth rather than take over and fuck into her mouth until she’d taken all of him. As though sensing his need, she sucked him deeper and his head touched the back of her throat. The faintest brush of her teeth against him as he thickened only intensified the pleasure. Grasping her hair, he said, “More
. Now.”

He thrust upward, guiding her head, and she took him. By the fourth stroke, his balls tightened and he fisted her hair and pulled her away, then tugged her to him. Flipping her onto her back, he angled his aching cock toward her pussy then growled, “Look at me.”

Lashes fluttered open to reveal dazed eyes, and he fought his need to possess and eased his way inside of her. The wild lust to claim surged along his spine, but she had to be sensitive. He hadn’t been anywhere near as gentle as he longed to be with her. When her legs wrapped around him, she drove him forward and he slammed home. Her groan met his and then he kissed her before he did something stupid—like claim her.

Thoughts shredded as he powered into her and her claws raked down his back. The slap of their bodies, their soft cries and harsh breaths all combined as he fought to angle his thrusts. When her pussy clamped down on him, he came in a violent rush and her howl rent the air. Collapsing, he buried his face at her throat and locked his mouth on the point where her pulse beat fiercely.

One bite. She would be his.

Closing his eyes, he refused the primal call and laved his tongue against her skin, tasting her—the salt on her flesh and the sweetness of Margo. Gradually, he became aware of her hands stroking over his hair, then down his back. She soothed the rage of his wolf fighting his control. Alpha, he would not be ruled by his beast, but the gentleness of her touch brought peace to his soul and, finally, he relaxed his jaw. Her heart beat the same cadence as his, the cradle of her thighs held him steady, and her caresses grounded him.

Boneless, he raised his head and listened to the night around them. The birds, which quieted during their lovemaking, began to sing again. Nothing that shouldn’t be there moved in the night, nothing would come near the woman nestled beneath him. “Thank you,
,” he murmured when she opened her eyes. Her smile captivated him and fascinated his wolf. Simple joy filled her expression and the world grew brighter for her.

“I think I should be thanking you.” Husky and warm, her voice poured over him like honey. Her breasts were crushed beneath his chest. Her hair clung to her skin, and his. Her legs fitted around him. She’d been made for him. Did she know how truly perfect she was?

Brushing his lips over hers, he enjoyed her sigh. “Then we shall thank each other.” For days, he’d addressed her touch hunger, getting her used to the feel of him, and yet, he marveled at holding her, feeling her beneath him and his appetite seemed to increase rather than be satisfied.

Answering him with another kiss, she began to move against him and he indulged himself, licking, kissing and nipping. He slid along her to play with her breasts, sucking on the nipples until they flushed a deeper red to her bronze skin. He nibbled a path over her belly and then sank to taste her pussy. It took longer to stun her senses and drive her back to the edge, but he was relentless. By the time she cried out, quivering and weak, he rose to thrust into her. Too sensitive by half, they were both shuddering as she took him inside.

They found their rhythm with ease. Awareness of her stormed through him, feeding his need to hold her. The orgasm melting his spine lacked the earlier violence, but carried a sweeter edge and when they collapsed together, he rolled onto his back and cradled her to his chest. Exhaustion pulled at him, but he maintained his vigilance. Margo was boneless, her even breaths telling him she’d fallen asleep.

Tracing the lines of her face with his fingertips, he wondered at the tenderness within him. His pack and his family were the only ones he ever experienced such gentleness for and, even with them, he’d needed to temper his feelings with firmness. His pack needed him to care for them, to protect them and his family needed his steadiness and strength.

Wanting Margo was something altogether different. He
her and she needed him. The night air continued to cool and, though he had no objections to sleeping in the open, he wouldn’t allow her to get cold. With great reluctance, he eased from her body and disentangled her legs. Scooping her into his arms, he rose to his feet. The unfamiliar trembling in his muscles shocked and pleased him in turn. She’d taken everything he had and gave him more than he could have imagined in return.

Loving Margo would be a challenge, one he wanted for every day. He’d ruled alone for decades. She would fill all those empty places he hadn’t even realized he possessed. Striding across the yard, he carried her toward the house. The moon was high. They’d spent hours pleasuring each other. Grass clung to his legs, and her knees were crisscrossed with the marks of having been used.

He carried her up the stairs to the bedroom. The bleach scent no longer burned, though it was there. Fresh night air blew in through the windows. The mattress smelled barely-used—a guest room, perhaps—and he settled Margo against the cool fabric. She mumbled a complaint and Salvatore cupped her cheek.

If she were awake, she’d hate him for it, but he wanted her to sleep. Fatigued or not, he pulled on the power that was his, the power of his pack, and it filled him. “Sleep,” he told her, command in the single syllable, then added, “You are safe, my Margo. Sleep well.”

Her nose wrinkled, defying him even in her slumber. The corners of his mouth pulled into a grin, one he wasn’t as familiar with anymore. Her insolence pleased him more than he thought possible. He stroked her damp hair away from her face, petting her until her soft sigh told him she’d tumbled deeper into slumber. Yes, loving Margo would challenge him every day. Their battles would be epic, but then so would their reconciliation and lovemaking. Her submission would be something she granted when he’d earned it, as she had in the yard. He would savor every moment, then begin again. Reluctant to leave her even to fetch their things, he pressed another kiss to her forehead.

“Run when you’re ready,
bella mia
,” he murmured. “I will be there to catch you.”



It was midday according to his internal clock when Margo shifted restlessly against him. One moment she slept, encased in his arms, and the next she was on her feet. Keeping his eyes mostly closed, he watched her from beneath his lashes. A flush spread over her skin and heated her face. She touched her lips, then glanced at him. The raw hunger in her gaze pleased him, but he remained where he was.

His mate-to-be was in far too delicate a state and his own control fragile where she was concerned. If he confronted her, she’d bolt and he’d pursue. It was the way of things. Wanting her to choose him first, to invite him to chase, to desire his claiming was more important, her happiness more vital to him than pride or fleeting desire. If she were worth having—and she was—then she was worth waiting for.

From panic to calm, Margo took one deep breath then another. The power of her self-control continued to amaze him. Once she was his, she would never need to rein herself in so tightly again. He wanted to taste all of her passion, hunger, and ferocity. Running her fingers through her tangled hair, she paced away from the bed and toward the bathroom. He’d stowed their bags there the night before, knowing very well which one held her toiletries.

Not content to wait for her to emerge, he rose from the bed. The water started in the bathroom and he eased the door open to see her standing under the hot spray. Thankfully, whoever shut off their utilities hadn’t gotten that far or maybe it was the furnace he’d made sure was tended the night before. Either way, he didn’t care.

Though she didn’t turn her face from the water, tension lined her muscles. She knew he was there. Space was one thing, distance another.

“Good morning,
bella mia

The water gliding over her curves drew him like a magnet. His cock stirred and fresh passion flowed in his veins. How would she greet him? With retreat? Or… “Want to join me?”

Grinning at her invitation, he didn’t hesitate. The steaming water struck his skin as he slid in behind her. Wrapping his arms around her middle, he pulled her against his chest as he stood under the spray. She gifted him with relaxation and a sigh. Desire for her bloomed in his chest. He’d had her repeatedly, yet he still hungered for more.

“Salvatore.” The note of worry in her husky tone penetrated the lust hazing his mind and he zeroed in on her.

“What’s wrong,

“A lot.”

Tension fisted his heart. “Tell me, and I will fix it.”

Her laughter answered his declaration. While her humor was infinitely preferable to her apprehension, he hesitated to share it. “You are so Alpha. Point you at a problem, and you want to fix it.”

“Yes,” he agreed, finding no flaw in her accusation. “I am Alpha, and I will fix what needs to be fixed.”

With a groan, she leaned away from him to reach for the soap. He settled against the tile because she wanted to tell him something and if he continued touching her they wouldn’t be having a conversation. “Yes, I know. I don’t want to annoy you, but what happened last night can’t happen again.”

So, she intended to run by denying them? He didn’t think so. “Why is that,
bella mia

“You can’t keep doing that either.” Instead of looking at him, she lathered the soap and scrubbed her body. He wanted to brush her hands aside and do it for her, but he settled for folding his arms and stroking her with his gaze. Her skin prickled, goosebumps racing over the flesh despite the hot steam. No, she was very aware of him.

“What is it that I cannot keep doing?” His wolf crouched, studying her through his eyes. They wanted to know exactly what threat she wanted to present, so they could eliminate it.

“Calling me yours.”

He chuckled. “But you are mine,
.” Or would be very soon. He was a patient, patient hunter. He could wait out her fears.

“Salvatore.” She turned and her sober expression erased his good mood. “I can’t be.”

Not growling, he raised his eyebrows. “Why is that,
bella mia

“I told you, I’m an Enforcer, which means I’m also a Lone Wolf. I am subject to the same rules and laws governing all Lone Wolves. No alliances. No mating.” The sadness on the last word was all that held his temper in check.

“And if you violate the law? Then you are no longer a Lone Wolf, but
wolf. Think I would not protect you and keep what is mine safe?”

She ducked her head under the water and stole her gaze away. Instead of answering him, she reached for the shampoo then began to lather her hair. Still, he waited because her lack of an answer was in and of itself an answer.

Finally, she said, “You don’t understand. I gave an oath when I became an Enforcer. Swore to uphold the laws, to protect the packs. Taking what I want, it makes me a rogue.” Her sorrow stung his temper, and he considered her words carefully.

“What aren’t you telling me?” Needing the connection of touch, he took over scrubbing her hair. Her sigh of acquiescence told him she’d needed it as well.

“I smell like you,” she said, and he gave into the urge to hold her. Turning her so she could tip her face to the water, he stroked the shampoo free.

“I know.” He smiled at her when she opened her eyes. “I am proud to wear your scent.”

Tears shimmered across her eyes and she blinked once. If he had not been gazing at her so intently, he might have missed them.

“Margo, tell me what is wrong.
.” He didn’t pretend to keep the command in check.

“Nothing you can fix,” she said pressing her hand to his chest. “This is mine to deal with. My oath. My punishment.”

Focusing on the last word, he rumbled a warning growl. “No one will punish you.”

“You have no say in this, Salvatore. I could wish you did, but you don’t. I gave my oath. We enforce the laws and I have broken so many…maybe it’s time I faced the truth with my fellow Enforcers. It will be theirs to decide.” When she would have reached for the soap, he caged her up to the wall.

“Tell me now, Margo. What punishment will they exact upon you for being my lover?” He didn’t say mate. Not yet. She hadn’t chosen him. “What punishment?”

“To be an Enforcer is to protect the laws and the packs, all of them. Their needs, their safety, it comes even before my own. You are not one of them, you are a foreigner and you are here because Mason allowed you entrance. My task is to protect you and keep the packs safe from your influence…” Her gaze dropped and he nudged her chin up, forcing her eyes to meet his.

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