Read Rule (Roam Series, Book Five) Online

Authors: Kimberly Stedronsky

Rule (Roam Series, Book Five) (6 page)

With Logan and my parents at my side, I felt much more confident facing Will as he leaned against the railing.

“Eva, we’re proud of you for agreeing to go. As much as it… hurts,” West gathered Roam into his arms, pressing a kiss to her head, “We knew this was coming, and we knew you’d make the right decision.”

“Thanks,” I kept my eyes down, toying with the zipper on my sweatshirt. “But when he told me about Christopher being in danger, how was I supposed to say no?”

“That is our fault.” Roam flattened her hand over her stomach, lifting her eyes to West’s. “We were careless to forget that it is our child that brings their sun…
of our children, not just you, Eva.” She looked to Logan, and then back to me. “And…,”

“…and now Christopher’s life is in danger.”

“And yours, Eva.” West crossed his arms, looking between Will and me. “Will told me you agreed to go, but also of your conditions. I disagree. Putting yourself in that position will only start a war. I can’t allow it.”

“What do you mean,
you can’t allow it?
Do you know the sacrifices I’m making here? If I’m going over there, I expect nothing
than queen.”

“Eva,” my mother reached for my hand, and I allowed her to take it. “Being a queen is not glamorous. The responsibility… the sacrifice, is tremendous. If Will were to marry Gabrielle, you would be in her court, and their ward. You’d be protected, but out of the spotlight. Do you understand?”

Gabrielle… so that’s her name.
“I’m sure Gabrielle is nice and all, and I don’t expect them to stop seeing each other… privately,” I pulled my hand away from my mother’s, keeping my eyes fixed on my red toe-nail polish. “But I
will rule
there. I will have power, or I
won’t go.
I told you that last night,” I cast a thanks-for-tattling-on-me glare at Will. “Or at least I
I did.”

“Will has made it clear that he is willing to honor your wishes. He knows the enormous sacrifice that you’re making, and he feels that it’s only right to make one of his own. Your mother and I are asking you to reconsider.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I refuse. I will be in a position to control those people, or I won’t go.”

“Yeah, I know that look. She means it.” Logan dropped to a chair, sitting back. “You and Violet. Stubborn.”

“Only when I have to be.”

“I’ll marry her the
day after we arrive. I only ask for the opportunity to speak to my betrothed and break the engagement.”

I turned to Will, feeling guilty for the first time about my resolute demand. “Will, if you need more time…,”

“We do not have more time. Your parents will want to see you safely through, and then your father must get home to Christopher quickly thereafter. Logan has agreed to stay with Christopher until he returns.”

“What about… Mom?” I turned to her, and she smiled gently.

“I’m going to stay with you, Eva. We won’t leave you alone.”

“No!” I looked between her and my father, shaking my head adamantly. “Absolutely not! I won’t tear you apart, not after all you’ve done to be together. I’ll go on my own- I am more than capable of taking care of myself. You both have to protect Christopher.”

I turned to my father, watching his shoulders fall.

I stiffened.
“You knew I would demand to go alone. I will rule these people.”

He nodded, lifting his eyes to me.
“Of course I knew. You’re my daughter.”

I hurried into his open arms. “It’s not like a
marriage,” I pressed my face into his shoulder, inhaling deeply.
I’ll miss them so much.
“Just so I can be… queen.”

“I wish
for you to find love, Eva,” my mother wrapped her arms around us both, and I hugged her tightly. “You are a passionate person by nature. But you have to be discreet. If you fall in love with someone…,” she took a deep breath, and I could see the painful memories in her eyes. “An adulterous queen is not tolerated by the people or the kingdom.” Her voice threatened tears, and her hands shook.

“Knights in shining armor aren’t my thing,” I promised, finally blinking back the burning tears.
I don’t cry.
“I don’t need anyone but myself.”

“Someday,” Will agreed, and I lifted my face to his. “You’ll mature and your needs will change. At that point, I swear to support her… decisions… and allow her to be with whom she chooses.”

“Thank you,” Roam stood, walking to Will. “Please protect her. Please.”

“With my life.”

I listened to his words, my heart pounding in my ears.

Saying good-bye to Chris after my father’s ten minute summary of the prophecy and my role
launched him into a skeptical rant. “What?
Why didn’t you tell me all of this? I don’t believe it- I don’t believe
of it.”

“Hey,” I hugged him, fighting his strength as he tried to pull away. “Christopher, you know that
I love you
. Take care of Mom and Dad. Don’t let them miss me. The world is so much bigger than you’ll ever know,” I whispered into his ear, and finally, he let me hold onto him. “I’ll miss you, even though you drive me crazy. Logan will tell you more.”

“I love you, too,” he murmured before shoving away to rush to his bedroom.

“Time,” my father promised, ushering us into the car.

crawled into the backseat of the car, shifting uncomfortably next to Will.

“You’re sure you have normal things there… like toilet paper?”

He lifted his eyes, turning to me. “Well, Eva, we do use leaves. Sometimes, we tear the pages from books.”

Dropping my jaw, I turned quickly to my father in the driver’s seat. His shoulders shook silently.

.” I responded, under my breath, turning to face the window.

“I’m sorry. Yes, we have modern luxuries.”

“Is the clothing still the same?” My mother asked, and Will nodded.

“Mostly. Gowns are lighter now, due to the heat. Trousers are permitted on common women. My people are given the opportunity to express their individuality.”

“Shorts?” I asked. He turned back to me.

“Shorts?” he repeated, confused.

“You know… like pants, only they stop here.” I drew a line across my thigh. He watched my finger trace the cut-off hem of my short, denim skirt, and the muscles in his neck tightened as he turned to look out the window.

“Absolutely not.”

“I wish I could have seen your mother, just one more time.” Roam turned back to us from the passenger’s seat.

“She spoke of her love for you on the night before she passed.”

I listened, turning to Will.
His mother just died?

“I’m sorry
for your loss,” I said quietly, reaching for his hand.

He allowed me to hold his fingers in mine for a moment, and then pulled away. “Thank you, Eva.”

I spent the plane ride drafting good-bye texts to Emma and Liam and several other friends. I explained that my father was sending me to study art in France, and I’d be gone for the remainder of the year.

… and their lives.

“I don’t even think Liam will care.”

“I don’t like the way he t
reats you,” my mother responded, focused on the window. Will and my father sat two rows behind us.

“Yeah.” I dismissed her comment, irritated that I hadn’t heard from him since last night.
Well, your goal was to fuck him over. Congratulations.

“Are you
sure you want this?
” She turned to me, her eyes, so like mine, filled with alarm. “I know you want to protect the people…,”

“I don’t give a crap about the people, Mom, honestly. I just want Chris
topher to be safe.” I lowered my voice, speaking vehemently. “Will told me there are insurgents, and they may be planning to try to kill Chris. I won’t allow that to happen. I also can’t sit around as a ‘ward of the court’ or whatever and protect Christopher- or myself. I will rule there, and I’ll make sure anyone who tries to cross me goes down. Off with their heads… or to the Pit of Despair, or whatever,” I thought of one of my mother’s favorite movies,
The Princess Bride.
She smiled softly.

“Just remember… to allow yourself to make friends. Don’t isolate yourself in anger. And Eva…,” she gave Will and my father a sideways glance before turning back to me. “Don’t resent Will. He’s worked to protect you for his entire reign. He’s allowed his kingdom to burn, giving you time to grow up. He is a loving king.”

“I don’t resent him. He’s… nice,” I admitted, glancing back at him as well.
He’s nice to look at,
I corrected, smirking inwardly.

“And respect him. He meant to marry this girl. Don’t create expectations for him that you know he can’t
… fulfill.”

“I don’t get what you’re saying.”

“Don’t try to seduce him, Eva,” she said, bluntly. “You’re beautiful, and young, and you’ll be his wife-
in name.
Let him make his own choices, too.”

“He doesn’t think very much of me, mom,” I argued, echoing his words from last night. “No problem there.”

“He will.” She turned back to the window. “You’re…

Hearing my mother’s sincere compliment warmed my heart. I rested my head on her shoulder, and she turned to kiss my forehead.

I love you so much,
” I whispered, reaching for her wringing hands. “I’m sorry for the awful things you… went through… there. Will told me last night.”

“The worst thing that could ever happen to me is losing you again,” she sniffed at her tears, gripping my fingers. “
I love you, sweetheart, I can’t lose you.

Once we landed in Pittsburgh, my dad rented a car to drive to Johnstown. After the sleepless night, I felt my eyes growing heavy and leaned against the headrest. Every time my stomach would churn nervously, I’d stare outside at the fall foliage, focusing on developing my plan.

I have to use magic again, like I did when I made Logan immortal… I

Find Grandfather, have him teach me.

“You are exhausted.”

I turned to Will, listening to my dad jump from song to song on the
satellite radio. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Are you anxious?”

“Anxious as in scared out of my mind? Kind of.” I sighed shakily and turned back to stare at the window.

“What can I do to make this more comfortable for you?”

The even tone of his voice was magnetic. I turned my face to his, shrugging.

“Just… don’t throw me to the wolves, okay? Just stay with me, please. I don’t know anyone but you and my grandfather… and I don’t really even
my grandfather, and…,”

“Eva,” he drew me to his side, and I stiffened. “Come here.” I relented, resting my cheek against his warm shoulder. He lifted his arm and pulled me close, brushing my hair away from
his mouth as he spoke. “No harm will come to you- I’ll see to that.
You are safe with me, little one.

I was usually hypersensitive about any refer
ence to my height; I had always longed to be as tall as my mother.

Somehow, I
don’t mind his words.

“I can defend myself… but I am a people person, you know, I need friends,” I murmured, closing my eyes. “And don’t tell my dad this, but I really don’t pay much attention to history.”

“No surprise there,” my dad voiced from the front seat, settling on the Temptations
My Girl
and reaching behind his back. I curled my fingers in his, and he squeezed. This was
song, and he held my hand whenever it played.

Will smiled. “My kingdom carries many traditions, very similar to those in medieval history in this world. However, my father brought much technology and progression in his reign…
borrowing ideas from this world and bringing them to ours. Though he was a cruel king, we are thankful for the innovations he provided.”

.” I tried to keep my eyes open, but the lulling sway of the rented Chevy Cavalier tempted me to sleep.

Sometime later, I felt the car slow to a stop. Opening my eyes, I saw Will’s face above mine; he was speaking to my parents from the back seat. His hand absently threaded through my curls as he spoke, and I realized my head rested against his thigh on the make-shift pillow he’d created from his coat.

So handsome.
I allowed myself a minute to stare before sitting up, listening to the articulate tone of his deep voice.
He’s just as much a victim in all of this as I am... but he has a kingdom to protect.
I thought of his fiancé, and how devastated she would be when he ended their engagement.

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