Russian Mobster’s Revenge (10 page)

“That’s not true.” Emily thought back to that horrible time eight years ago. “My parents died when my brother and I were still pretty young. My brother took care of me. He considers himself as much of a father figure as a brother. The problem with that is he gets a little bossy sometimes.”

“And you let him,” Samantha guessed.

“Until Ivan, I’d never had a reason to care either way.” Emily heaved a deep sigh and put her hands over her face. “I didn’t fight as hard as I could have.”

Samantha made a low noise. “You didn’t fight as hard then as you are now.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because right now you’re absolutely aware that Ivan could be just using you to get back at your brother. And yet you’re sitting in my office because you still believe there’s a tiny chance he might love you the way you do him.”

Emily whistled. “If that’s the way you do your FBI interrogations, I’m pretty confident you’re good at your job.”

“Which also means I’m not going to let you distract me from my point,” Samantha retorted. “Do you love Ivan?”


“Do you believe that you can convince him that love is more important than revenge?”

Emily squeezed her eyes shut. “Man, when you put it like that it sounds all sorts of stupid. But yes. I believe I can make Ivan see that love
more important than revenge.”

“I think you’re right,” Samantha confided. “I think he loves you. I also think he’s confused as hell about that and what it means for his plans.”

“So what do I do?” Emily asked, feeling almost desperate.

“You’re a woman,” Samantha pointed out. “You use what God gave you and convince that man he can’t live without you.”


Ivan stomped out of the elevator and strode through his apartment as though he were a man on a mission, which he was. He was on a mission to find out what in the hell Emily Volkov thought she was doing going to the FBI offices to talk to Samantha. Was the woman insane? Did she have no idea what that could cost them all?

Emily looked up when he stormed into the office. His dramatic entrance didn’t seem to bother her, though. She barely spared him a glance before returning her attention to the ledger on the desktop.

That was when he noticed that the usual stack of manila envelopes that should have been present after one of Jacob’s deliveries was gone. “Where the hell is my money?” he snapped.

She raised an eyebrow, silently chastising him for his grumpy behavior. “The money is in deposit envelopes, why?”

“You’re done with that?” He could barely get the words out. “It usually takes me until after dinner to get through that crap.”

“Oh I’m not saying it wasn’t a bit confusing at first, but once I figured out the numeric code it was fairly straightforward.” She shrugged. “I’m just reconciling the accounts now.”

“Oh.” He felt strangely deflated. Where was the righteous anger he’d been experiencing less than ten seconds ago? Emily had gone to see Samantha. Right? He sucked in a breath and held it in his lungs for a moment. “You had no right to go to Samantha’s office, Emily. That was very dangerous.”

“I cannot imagine how so. Nobody would have occasion to know anything about me in conjunction with you. It’s not like I wrote a memo on my concerns and passed it around the bureau field office.” She frowned, looking rather disgruntled. “You’re being very rude, you know.”

“Rude,” he muttered. “You prance into an FBI field office and now you’re complaining that I’m being rude about it.”

“I didn’t prance. I simply wanted Samantha’s opinion on a few matters.”

“Like?” He was having trouble believing that this Emily was the same Emily he’d known eight years before. “I don’t remember you being this irritating before.”

“Maybe that’s because I was more like a doormat than an active participant in my life.” Emily finally put down her pen and stood up. “Seriously, Ivan. Admit it. You thought you were going to intimidate me into coming here on some bullshit pretense about saving my brother. Then you would woo me back into your bed and boom! Your plan for revenge would be well on its way.”

“So why did you even come here if you know all of that?” he demanded. Ivan took a step toward her and put both hands on the desk. He leaned over until he could inhale her wonderful womanly scent. “Or should I be concerned about your ulterior motives? Do you have an agenda? Maybe you’re trying to sabotage my business to help your brother.”

She actually rolled her eyes. “First of all, Sergei doesn’t need my help. Secondly, I
have an agenda.”

“You do?”

“Yeah.” She stood up, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and kissed him square on the lips. Then she pulled back and smiled. “I wanted to get you into bed.”

Nothing could have shocked him more. But by then he was no longer thinking with his brain. His cock had taken over completely. Emily shoved the ledger out of the way and climbed up onto his desk. She was on her knees with her skirt rucked up to the tops of her thighs.

“Don’t look so surprised,” she said huskily. “Sometimes when a woman knows what she wants, she isn’t willing to take a chance of letting it slip through her fingers.”

He had no chance to respond. She flung her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Her tongue thrust its way between his lips and rubbed enticingly alongside his own. He couldn’t help but respond. Sliding his arms around her body, he angled his head and began battling her for dominance.

The ebb and flow of their kissing mimicked the erotic love play from the other night. Ivan’s cock grew hard and insistent behind his fly. Emily pressed herself against him and the tops of her thighs rubbed his crotch. He groaned, wanting more. In fact, he wanted everything. But the minute he had resolved to take what he wanted, Emily took him by surprise again.

She climbed down off the desk and knelt at his feet. Ivan tried to speak, but he was tongued tied watching her gaze up at him with a look of pure female lust on her face. Nobody had ever looked at him that way before. Then she unzipped the fly of his pants and drew his cock out into her hand.

Her touch was soft. A low groan escaped his lips as she stroked him so carefully from base to tip. Then as he watched, she put her lips on the tip of his head and gently sucked him into her mouth. The sensation was exquisite. Her clever tongue swirled around the sensitive flange and delved into the tiny hole at the end. Then she caved in her cheeks and sucked hard.

Blood rushed to his groin and Ivan had to grab the desk to keep his knees from buckling. She reached around and cupped his backside to pull him deeper into her mouth. The action sent his cock thrusting to the back of her throat. He felt her swallow and shivered as his balls drew up tight. A shot of heat left him panting and he knew he was going to come any second.

Ivan touched her head. “I’m close, sweetheart. You can back off and finish me with your hand if you like.”

Emily only sucked harder. Ivan cursed in Russian, his words jumbled as his brain fogged over with a haze of arousal. His hips thrusted reflexively as his orgasm hit hard and fast. Sliding his fingers into her loose hair, he held her head while he spilled his seed across her tongue. The sensation was incredible.

“Emily,” he groaned. “God, you’re killing me.”

She drew back, licking her lips. “Not yet, but give me time.”

Chapter Thirteen

“I’ve never done that before,” Emily confided to Ivan when they both snuggled naked into his bed.

“Then apparently you’re naturally talented,” he told her.

Ivan was rubbing idle circles on her back as she lay curled up against his side. The evening light outside the French doors was waning. They hadn’t eaten dinner, but Emily supposed that wasn’t important. This moment was all about doing exactly what Samantha had suggested. She had to make Ivan forget all about revenge and focus only on how good they were together.

“What are you thinking?” he asked quietly.

Emily threw her leg over his hips and moved so that she was astride his body. “I was just thinking that I want you very badly.”

“I see.”

She spread her thighs, moving her knees on either side of his body until her sex was splayed wide open across his shaft. He was beginning to harden right there beneath her. She could feel the blood rushing to his groin and see the heat of desire in his eyes.

Leaning over, she brushed her lips over his. “Do you want me, Ivan?”

.” He moaned the word, his eyes fluttering closed as she ground her wet pussy against his lengthening erection.

She felt the tip of him slide across the spread hood of her clit. Little pinpricks of hot pleasure lanced through her veins. She put her hands on his chest for balance and began to move more deeply. She arched her back and let her breasts jiggle and bounce as she rode him as though there were no other place in the world she wanted to be.

The wet sound of his shaft sliding through her pussy filled the room. Her folds felt swollen and almost achy. She moved harder, trying to get enough friction to push herself over the edge of climax. Finally she uttered a low sound of frustration. She needed more, but she didn’t quite know what. Fortunately, Ivan knew exactly how to help.


Ivan watched the expressions flit across Emily’s face—exhilaration, determination, and then frustration as two lines appeared between her eyebrows and she gave a high-pitched sound of arousal. He took hold of her hips, and in one fluid motion he rolled her beneath him on the bed.

Her eyes opened in surprise, but when he put one palm beneath her thigh and lifted her leg she seemed to guess his intention. She spread her thighs farther apart and welcomed him as he probed her hot core with the tip of his cock.

There was no being gentle this time. He plunged his cock into her heat and reveled in the way her body yielded to his. Pulling back, he thrust in once again. He continued this rhythm until there was nothing but the sound of his flesh slapping against hers and their mingled moans of need. The scent of sex overwhelmed his senses. He caught a hint of her wild feminine spice overlaid with his own masculine smell, and the combination made him drunk with lust.

His balls grew tight, burning as he pounded Emily’s sweet body. She arched her back and met him stroke for stroke. Her nails scored his chest and dug into his shoulders as she fought to pull him closer. He adjusted his grip on her bottom and angled his cock deeper. Each stroke sent the tip of him careening against the sweet spot so deep inside her body. He felt the length of his erection bottom out inside her until there was no part of her that he had not filled. In that moment, she belonged to him completely.

“Ivan!” she shouted.

He felt her tighten around him. The friction was so great that he could hardly move. Biting his lip, he pushed against the seizing of her inner muscles and was rewarded when she climaxed in a rush of warm cream and gasps of feminine delight.

Her cries were like beautiful music. He lowered his mouth to hers and slid his tongue inside her mouth as he continued to pound her pussy. She wound her fingers into his hair and tugged at the roots as though she might scalp him. Her hunger was like a drug. He felt himself slipping perilously close to the edge, but he wanted to feel her orgasm once more.

Reaching between them, he found the place where their bodies were joined and gently pressed his fingertip against her clit. She stiffened, biting his lip as she did. The intensity of the sensation made her bow her back as a harsh climax overtook her almost instantly.

She gasped and panted as the undulating waves of her release caused her to squeeze Ivan so tightly that he could hardly move. His cock pulsed suddenly before he ejaculated deep into her body. He convulsed against her. Wrapping his arms around Emily, he poured everything he had inside her and felt the most incredible sensation of bliss.

“Emily,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You really are going to be the death of me.”

“Not to use a cliché, but what a way to go, huh?” Her peals of laughter filled the darkening room and put a genuine smile on Ivan’s face.


Ivan could not help but grin when Emily giggled. She was sitting on the center island in his kitchen, watching him cook. Her bare bottom hung below the hem of one of his dress shirts and her eyes were sparkling with humor. It was a beautiful sight.

“You’ve always enjoyed cooking, haven’t you?” she asked.

“I always liked to cook,” he began thoughtfully, “but it wasn’t until I moved here and started playing around with the industrial-grade appliances that I realized just how much I enjoy being in the kitchen.”

“I can boil water.” She made a little moue with her mouth. “Not much else, though. Although I
work a microwave.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Thank God, I wouldn’t want you to starve.”

“So this is grilled cheese, right?” She cocked her head to one side. “What’s so special about that?”

Ivan chose not to be insulted by her comment. “You’ll just have to taste it and find out.”

He flipped the sandwich once more to make sure the bread was perfectly toasted. Then he slid it smoothly from pan to plate. There was just enough steam coming off the sandwich to heighten the aroma of perfectly blended cheeses. His mouth was already watering as he gestured for her to take the first bite.

Her position on the countertop really showed off her legs. They were taut and muscular and he was having difficulty thinking about anything but what it felt like to have them wrapped around his waist. Unfortunately, he was only wearing an old pair of sweats, which would do nothing to hide his arousal. He moved closer to the counter and tried to keep his mind occupied.

Emily reached down and picked up the sandwich. “It’s hot!”

“Yes. So don’t burn your tongue on the cheese.”

She took a little nibble and then moaned with delight. “Ivan, this is incredible! How much cheese did you use?”

“Five kinds,” he said triumphantly. “It’s my own combination.”

Taking a bigger bite this time, she raised her eyebrow at him. She finished chewing and wrinkled her nose at him. “Where’s yours?”

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