Sally's Wolf (Motor City Vampires Book 3) (10 page)

(Sally’s Past)

ally awoke in Ebo's arms, their night together still fresh in her mind and body. She felt happy for the first time in a long time. She felt sad their one night was coming to an end and she wanted more; she craved more. Sally walked to the bathroom area and grabbed a silk robe, tying it around her waist. She came out and found Ebo had also risen and had put on his clothes.

“Good evening, Salihah,” he said as he kissed her on the head.

“Ebo, I know we said it would be one night...”

“It's okay. I am leaving right now,” he said as he held his finger up to her lips, silencing her. “Nothing more needs to be said. I will treasure our night together. Your obedience turned me on like crazy. If you ever need me, I will be here for you.”

Before Sally could protest to tell him she wanted him to stay and be hers, he was gone. And how in the world could he be there for her? She had no idea where he went–where he lived. She closed her eyes and felt for him. She could feel his happiness and contentment; she would be able to sense him for some time. She would have to be happy with that; she had nothing else and no choice.

Chapter 13

onnor took Sally's hand as he took her to the dock of a marina near where they had dinner on the Detroit River. He led her to a boat, but as she stared at it she thought boat was a major understatement. It was more like a yacht. She knew nothing about yachts, but this was very impressive. It was large, white, and shiny. He helped her get onto the boat. A man who introduced himself as Paul, the captain of the boat, greeted them.

“Connor, this is so—just so big, so massive.”

He looked quite happy with himself as he gave her a crooked smile. “I want to show you a good time. I have waited what seems like a long time for this; an actual date.” Connor led her to a second floor with a sitting area and a small bar. An older man with white hair and a wrinkled face smiled at them. His nametag said Bob. “Give me a beer and a blood wine spritzer for the lovely lady,” Connor said.

“Right up, boss man. Go have a seat, get comfortable, and I'll bring it to you,” Bob said to Connor.

Sally walked over and found a comfortable looking love seat with a small table for the drinks that were coming. Connor followed her but instead of sitting on one of the other chairs he sat right next to her on the love seat. She felt the heat of his leg against hers as he sat down. She felt her undead heart quicken at the feel of him against her skin. She looked up at him and wanted so badly for him to kiss her, to feel his expert lips against hers, to lose herself in his touch, and his scent was just so delicious and enticing. She felt her control about to falter when Bob brought their drinks and set them on the table.

“I'll be in the back, boss man. Just yell and I’ll come a running.”

As Bob disappeared in the back, Connor turned to face her and took her hand. “Let’s just sit and talk. No pressure; just get to know each other better; not as friends but as potential mates.”

Sally smiled at Connor nervously, still feeling the heat between them. “What would you like to know?” she asked as she took a sip from her drink. It was a very nice blood wine. She would definitely have to ask what brand it was and buy some for home.

“How were you turned?” Connor asked.

Sally's expression changed immediately. That was not a first date question. In her book that was like dragging out the exes on a first date—a definite no, no. “Connor, that is a very personal question, one I'm not ready to tell you yet. But I will tell you it wasn't by choice. When I was turned, I thought my soul was doomed, but now I am happy with what I am. I have made peace with it.”

Connor looked over at Sally and without another word his lips met hers. She leaned back into the love seat, allowing him to claim her lips. He fully took charge, pressing his body against hers. Her fangs extended as they kissed. It didn't faze him or slow him down one bit as he stroked her fangs with his tongue. Sally touched the hard muscles of his chest; she barely had enough willpower to push him away. What she really wanted to do was rip off his clothes and have her wicked way with him.

“I'm sorry, Connor. We need to stop. I want to, believe me. You’re so fucking sexy. I would love to sink my teeth into you; I just need this to slow down. It's been awhile since I dated anyone. If this is going to work, we need to get to know each other better first.”

Connor got up and walked around and growled a bit, which made her want him even more. He sat back down next to her. “I'm sorry, Sally; I seem to always lose control around you. Please don't hold this against me.”

“It's okay. I was more than willing. I just need to be sure before we take things further. There is so much we don't know about each other.”

“I know you’re right. I want this to last so we need to take control of ourselves until we know each other better.”

onnor held Sally's hand as they reached the porch of her house. He kept looking over at her, imagining her naked under him and silently berated himself. This was going to be so much harder than he thought it would be. The sexual tension was thick in the air. He leaned over and kissed her gently and stopped. She opened her eyes after the kiss and grabbed his shirt and brought him into another kiss. This time it was deep and more demanding. Her fangs extended without warning and his tongue stroked them, sending her body into a needy frenzy. She moaned as his tongue continued the delicious assault on her mouth. Sally pushed him away as soon as she felt his cock hardened against her.

“Now that's a kiss,” she said, out of breath as she disappeared into the house, shutting the door carefully after her.

Connor stood on the porch, stunned. The heat of the kiss still lingered on his lips. His cock was hard and ached for her. He knew he was in for a night of cold showers.

akarai led Mary into a little community of huts. The men were mostly bare-chested with animal furs and leather covering the lower half. Women had simple dresses from what looked like leather and simple beads as decorations.

“Is this from before you got turned?” Mary asked as they walked.

“Yes, but only a few years.”

They walked for a while longer. Dakarai stopped and looked at a woman down by a garden where she worked and laughed with some other women. Mary noticed her immediately; she had a simple beauty to her. She looked happy as she worked in the garden.

“She was my betrothal; we were to be married after she turned sixteen. I was turned before that happened. She was the daughter of the chief of the village; I was just a simple hunter, but I got lucky. Her father liked me and allowed it, anyway.”

“I'm sorry. Did you love her?” Mary asked holding his hand, trying to comfort him. He looked at her again; not with longing but with sadness.

“We liked each other, love would have come later. I think about what could have been sometimes—the children we could have had.”

“Can we talk to her? I don't know how this thing works. Can we, you know, interact?”

“We could, but there is someone else I would much rather introduce you to.”

“You have piqued my interest, Dakarai. Lead the way.”

Mary and Dakarai walked together for a little while until they reached a small hut, just like all the huts in the village, in the outskirts of town. An older woman poked her head out the hole in the side that served as a window and gave them an excited smile.

“My little Dakar,” she said as soon as she came out, extending her arms to him.

Dakarai gave her a hug. “Hi, mom”

Chapter 14

rian walked into
. He’d had a nice run at Vampire speed, only slowing down a block away, making sure not to be seen. He nodded to Pierre, the doorman, and walked inside to the booming thumping music. He walked past the oblivious humans and went straight back to the blood bar. It was the part of the bar reserved for the Vampires, with a more relaxed atmosphere, purposely kept that way to relax the human blood donors and the paid blood whores. The music was softer and the light a little brighter, almost like a coffee house and not so much a bar. The color scheme was still reds and blacks to go with the rest of the bar. There were several tables with people having drinks like any other bar. There were also comfy couches and Vampires and humans, some kissing, some just relaxing and having intimate conversations. He walked over to an area where the blood whores were lounging around. He saw one and knew she was just the type Maurice would like. Brian walked up to the short, plump blonde. She had what would be considered a fashionable body type for the 1800's, very much a voluptuous hourglass figure. She smiled as Brian walked over to her.

“Hey cutie pie. Need a drink?” she asked as she leaned into him. Her ass pressed into his cock. He wasn't turned on, but her blood smelled sweet and he knew Maurice would love her.

''My master would like your services; he's nearby in a limo. You will be generously compensated,” he stated without emotion.

“How generous, but I don't like to leave the building.”

Brian pulled out several bills from his pocket and handed them to her. She looked at the money, counted it, and her eyes got very wide.

“Hey, for this kind of money you can have a lot more than blood.”

“I won’t be the one you’re feeding. You will be feeding my Sire. I will take you to his limo where you will spend the remainder of the night with him. At dawn, I will take you home. While you are with him, you will not be harmed, but must be obedient.”

She looked at the money and at Brian and smiled. “I need $600 more at the end of the night. This will cover any extras he may want to indulge in. I won’t say no to any pervy thing he might ask for within reason,” she purred.

“Follow me then.” She obediently followed him out of the bar. At that moment, a taxi pulled up. “Come on,” he said as they got into the cab.

ary was suddenly pulled out of Dakarai's past back to the present. She felt dizzy and out of breath. She felt his arms around her, holding her; he was whispering in her ear, telling her it would be better in a moment. She looked at Dakarai. He was so beautiful and she was insanely jealous of his tan skin. She looked at his lips and wondered what it would be like to kiss him. She hadn't kissed a man since Maurice and she was more than ready to give it a try.

Dakarai cursed to himself as he turned away from Mary. She was a temptress without even trying. She was so beautiful, perfect and demure, just the kind of woman that appealed to him. “So, Mary, tell me: where are you from originally?”

Mary smiled, thinking about the country of her birth. “France originally, though I haven't thought about my beginnings in a long time.”

“Tell me more about France, about your life there,” Dakarai probed.

“Well, I was in an upper class family and was engaged to be married. His name was Maurice. He was lower class but I didn't care. I loved him, anyway. One day he disappeared and I was devastated and depressed. I went to the barn to end it, to kill myself, and I almost succeeded, but Enri, a vampire, came along and turned me to save my life.”

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