SEAL's Deception (Take No Prisoners Book 8) (13 page)


en swung
toward the door leading into the cell block. Hopefully the cell block would contain fewer people. They could subdue them, sneak back through to the staircase and up into the hidden room. With only a short window of time to work with, they had to get out, grab Yasmin and leave the palace before the alarm went up announcing intruders had escaped from the warehouse into the main palace.

They wouldn’t get far once the alarm spread through the palace.

He pulled the door open and braced himself for a fight.

The corridor stood empty, but he could hear voices coming from one of the cells near the staircase.

He pressed a finger to his lips and motioned for the others to maintain their silence. Then he eased forward, passing one cell after the other until he arrived at the one that had voices coming from within.

A woman said something in Arabic. Even Ben’s rusty skills could translate the words.

Are you going to kill her?

Without a doubt, Ben knew who the “her” was. Taking a deep breath, he eased his head around the edge of the door and peered into the shadowy interior of one of the cells. Rashad kneeled over the crumpled body of a woman. He held a knife in his hand and pressed the tip against the woman’s throat.

Blood chilled in Ben’s veins. The person lying on the ground wore a thobe and had long, black hair and olive-toned skin.

His gut clenching, Ben pushed aside diplomacy and negotiation skills and went for brute force. He rushed into the room, grabbed Rashad by the back of his collar and yanked him off Yasmin, flinging him against the wall.

In the next moment, a screaming banshee, dressed in a black
launched herself into him, knocking him off his feet.

He crashed to the ground with a grunt and rolled to the side as the female landed beside him.

She pushed to her feet and rushed him again.

Not wanting to kill her, but not wanting to lose his life trying to save the life of an insane woman, he caught her, lifted her off the ground and flung her to the far wall. She hit the hard, stone wall and slid to the ground.

Ben glanced around for additional threats.

“We’re clear. Check our girl.” Irish stood on one side of Rashad, holding the man’s arm up behind his back in what Ben knew to be a painful position. Stingray stood guard over the woman in the black
, holding the containers of virus in his gloved hands.

Ben dropped to his haunches beside Yasmin and felt for a pulse. His pulse thundered through his system, pounding loudly against his eardrums. For a long moment, he didn’t feel the reassuring thumping of blood pumping through her veins. Then it was there. Th-thump. Th-thump.

He let go of the breath he’d been holding and brushed the hair from Yasmin’s face. “Hey, pretty lady, wake up.” He touched her shoulder gently, but she didn’t open her eyes. His gut knotted all over again. She could have a concussion or swelling on the brain. “We need to get her to a doctor. ASAP.” Ben gathered her into his arms and lifted her. He’d carry her all the way to the States if he had to, but he wasn’t going to let her die. Not here. Not now. In the few short days he’d known this woman, she’d touched him in a way he hadn’t known was possible. She couldn’t die now. He wanted her to continue touching him in that exact same way and more. And he wanted to touch her sweet body all over again. Preferably when she was conscious and moaning his name in passion, not pain.

“What now?” Stingray asked.

“How are we going to explain what happened here to the rest of the palace?” Irish swung Rashad out of the way of the exit.

Ben stepped out in the corridor and hit the lever that lowered the stairs to the hidden room. “I don’t care how we do it, but we’re getting Yasmin help. Now.”

hen Yasmin came to again
, she lay on a bed with a cool compress draped across her forehead. As the events of the day came back to her, she sat up straight, clapped a hand to her cheek and stared around the room. Her gaze landed on Nahla, kneeling on a cushion on the floor nearby.

When she saw Yasmin’s eyes were open, the older woman rose to her feet. “Ah, you are coming out of it.”

“Out of what?” Yasmin shifted and a stabbing pain ripped through her head. She shut her eyes and moaned.

“You have been asleep for over a day. Everyone has been worried about you.”

“A day?” Yasmin sat up, but her head spun and she lay back down. “Where’s Ben? Is he all right?”

“Your bodyguards are quite well and being treated like kings by Prince Khalid.” Nahla smiled. “They stopped a very bad thing from happening, and for that, I am grateful.”

Yasmin’s eyes widened and she dared to let her heart soar. Could it be true? Had the guys succeeded in finding the vials? “What very bad thing?”

“When they learned you were missing, they went in search of you. Not only did they help save you from certain death, they found a canister of deadly virus, one of our own had purchased as a weapon of mass destruction.”

A huge weight lifted as relief washed over Yasmin. She sank back against the mattress, a smile spreading across her face. They’d found the virus.

Nahla nodded once. “It is being destroyed, as we speak, in a special incinerator.”

Yasmin closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer of thanks to the heavens. “I’m glad. No one should have access to that kind of weapon. It is far too dangerous.”

“Agreed. And my son agrees. He is thankful your bodyguards saved you before Rashad and Sumbal could kill you.” Nahla smoothed a hand over Yasmin’s hair. “We heard of your attempt to escape. You are truly a fierce warrior princess, destined to be a great queen.”

Yasmin hated lying to this woman who’d been so kind and welcoming. “About that…”

“You should rest. Your bodyguards have been asking about you. I will inform them of your awakening.”

Her head still throbbing from banging it twice, Yasmin didn’t feel like arguing. She closed her eyes and slept.

Sunlight streamed across her face, warm and insistent. Yasmin blinked open her eyes and stared up at the ceiling, disoriented for a moment, wondering where she was. The events of the past few days flooded over her, and she sighed.

“That was a big sigh,” a female voice said.

Yasmin turned her head, the stabbing pain from the last time she’d woken having receded into a dull throb.

Erin sat on a cushion beside the bed, squinting through her swollen eyes. The bruises on her face were still bright blue and purple with a hint of yellow on the edges, already healing.

“Hey,” Yasmin said, surprised at how hoarse she sounded.

“I gave Nahla a break. She’s been with you since they brought you back to your room.”

“You don’t have to sit with me. I’m fine.
the one we should be waiting on.” Yasmin pushed to a sitting position, happy she didn’t feel like passing out or throwing up. “How are you?”

Erin grinned and winced, pressing a hand to her busted lip. “Fine, as long as I don’t smile. Actually, I’m better than fine. Khalid has been by my side for much of the past twenty-four hours. He was so upset by what happened, he held me for hours and wouldn’t let anyone else get close.”

Yasmin hugged Erin. “I’m happy for you.”

Erin ducked her head. “Khalid told his father he didn’t want to be king. He wants to be free to live his life as he sees fit. He’s granting Fatimah a divorce.”

Her heart contracting, Yasmin touched Erin’s arm. “How does Fatimah feel about it?”

“I never knew how unhappy she was. She’s going to university in England.” Erin leaned close. “And, if you ask me, I don’t think she will come back. I think she’s been reading forbidden romance novels and wants to fall in love with a handsome man.” She smiled again, winced and pressed a finger to her split lip.

“I’m happy for her,” Yasmin said. “But what about you? Did they find out who beat you?”

Erin’s brows drew together. “Sumbal put Rashad up to it. He wore a hood. I couldn’t see who it was beneath.” Her breath caught on a sob and she looked away, tears leaking from her eyes. “He said I was the reason Khalid and the king were ruining the country. I needed to leave Khalid. He would be better off without me. I was almost convinced, until Khalid came to my side.”

“Was Prince Bandar behind Sumbal’s attempt to kill me?”

“Prince Bandar swears he knew nothing about what Rashad and Sumbal were up to. He disavows any knowledge of how the virus came to be in the palace. Sumbal hasn’t spoken since she was taken away, and Rashad is in jail. He confessed to the purchase of the virus. He wanted to use it against non-Muslims.” Erin shook her head. “A virus doesn’t care what religion you are. It will attack anyone.”

The redhead pushed to her feet. “Enough about conspiracies and viruses. I have a surprise for you.” Erin left the room and returned a few minutes later. She held open the door and grinned. “I sneaked him in. He was determined to prove to himself you were really alive and well.”

Ben entered, a sexy smile curling his lips.

Yasmin smiled at the man who filled the room with his incredible height and breadth of shoulders.

“Oh, and thank you for going to Khalid about what happened to me.” Erin’s cheeks blossomed with pink. “He’s never been more loving and attentive. He wasn’t even disappointed to learn you weren’t Aliya.”

“And I was the one who told him you weren’t marrying him,” Ben said. “Erin’s right. The man seemed relieved. Had he heard what a hardass you are?”

Eyebrows raised, Erin glanced from Ben to Yasmin. “Do you want me to stay?”

“No!” Ben and Yasmin said as one.

Erin laughed. “Okay, okay. I get it. I’m leaving.” She walked out of the room and pulled the door closed.

Ben dropped to his knees beside the bed and took her hand in his. “So, the wedding is off. You’ll have to go to Plan B.”

“Plan B?”

“Back to square one, start dating other men.” Ben jabbed his thumb toward his chest. “Or, rather, another man. Me.”

“And why would I want to date a SEAL? You guys are never home, you’re always hanging out together and you break women’s hearts all over the world.”

Ben nodded. “Yeah, we do, don’t we?” He gave her a sweet smile. “I requested leave for when we fly back to London.” He lifted her hand and pressed it to his cheek, the stubble rough against her skin.

“You did?” she asked absently, her thoughts spinning around her hand where he massaged her fingers, heat pooling low in her belly. “What if I don’t want to go out with you?” Which was a big fat lie.

“Oh, you do,” he said. “Yeah, it’s crazy to think we can make a relationship work. Especially with our insane schedules and assignments, but I’m willing to do this if you are.”

Yasmin bit her lip and studied him. Her mouth worked without engaging her brain. “I’m in.” Gut instinct had made the decision, and her heart couldn’t be happier. She smiled and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “I might even swing a transfer from my London office back to the States. That’s how in I am. Now, kiss me before I change my mind.” Not that she would. This was a man who could put up with her lifestyle. A man who wouldn’t ask her to change. A man who was honest, loyal and so very caring.

Yeah, she was in it for the long haul, and she couldn’t wait to get to some place where she could make love to this man all night long.

“I’m ready to go back to London, now,” she said, pulling down his head so she could kiss him.

He claimed her lips, tracing the seam with the tip of his tongue. She opened to him, and he slid into her mouth and caressed her in a long, slow, wet glide.

Sweet heaven, she wanted him inside her. Now. “Do we have to wait until we get back to London?” she whispered.

“Hell no, we don’t.” Ben slipped onto the bed beside her and skimmed a hand down the front of her nightgown. “We might go to jail for this. Are you concerned?”

She grabbed his hand and guided it to the juncture of her thighs. “Only one concern.”

“Just one?”

“Yeah. You’re wearing too many clothes. How long does it take to get a SEAL naked?”


en rolled
over in the king-sized bed he’d had moved into his apartment in Little Creek, Virginia, his eyes closed, his hands reaching for Yasmin. When he didn’t find smooth, soft skin, he moved farther over. “Damned bed is too big,” he groused and opened his eyes. “Can’t find my woman.”

“Because I’m not in the bed, you big goof.” A naked Yasmin entered the bedroom, carrying a tray with coffee mugs and what smelled like eggs and toast. “I was hungry, so I made breakfast.

His already hardening cock sprang to complete attention, jutting toward the ceiling. Ben leaned up against the headboard and crossed his arms behind his head. “About time I got you trained.”

Yasmin’s brows rose up her forehead. “Watch it, frogman. You don’t want hot coffee spilled on your privates. And don’t get used to this. I prefer when you bring
breakfast in bed. It’s much more interesting.”

Ben grinned and held out his hands for the tray. He set the tray on the nightstand, freeing his hands and hers for better things to come. “So you liked whipped cream with your waffles?”

Yasmin’s smile spread across her face as she climbed into the bed beside him. “On my waffles and practically everywhere else you could find a place to put it. She reached for the can of whipped cream on the tray. “I thought it would go good with the coffee.”

His hand beat hers to the can and he held it out of her reach. “Me first.”

She pouted, something new she’d picked up since she’d moved into his apartment. She said she’d learned it from one of the porn movies she found in his bottom drawer—a leftover from his bachelor days. “I had the perfect spot for a dollop of cream.” She tilted her head, eyeing his distended cock. “I promise to lick it all off.” Yasmin curled her fingers around his shaft and ran her hand down its length. “What did you have in mind?”

Ben thought he’d come right then, but he held tight, knowing this was only the beginning. If he wanted to make her as hot as he was, he had to make it last. "I had this in mind." He leaned over and squirted a creamy puff onto her nipple. The he sucked it and her nipple into his mouth and flicked her breast clean. God, she tasted better than the whipped cream.

Ben raised his head to capture her lips, sliding his tongue the length of hers until he had to break it off to breathe. “No regrets about leaving your posh London office?” he said against her mouth.

Yasmin snorted softly. “Hardly. Now I can have my waffles with whipped cream, and then have you for desert.” She pushed him onto his back, slung her leg over his hips and straddled him. “Frogman, if you don’t mind, I’d rather skip breakfast and get straight to the desert.”

Ben grinned and reached into the nightstand for one of the many condoms he kept handy for just such an occasion. “By all means, I can’t keep the lady waiting.”

“Damn right. I actually have to go to work today. And so do you. Vacation is over.” She ripped the package open and rolled the protection over his rock-hard dick and then rose up on her knees, positioning herself over him. “But not before we rock the bedsprings. A girl can’t get too much exercise. They say you can burn more calories having sex than walking a mile.”

“I’m willing to test the theory.”

“Good. Because otherwise, I’d have to sweeten you up with whipped cream until you came…around to my way of thinking.”

“Enough talk. How about a little more action?” He gripped her hips in his hands and brought her down over him, sliding his cloaked staff into her slick channel.

Yasmin tipped her head backward and moaned. “Oh yes. Saving your ass in that bar in London turned out to be…” she sucked in a strangled breath as he moved inside her, “a damned good decision.” She lowered herself all the way down, taking him fully into her.

Ben moaned. “You saved my ass? I think it was the other way around.”

“You want to do it the other way around?” She rose up his shaft.

His fingers tightened on her hips. “No. I want you right where you are.”

“I could stay like this forever.” She leaned her hands on his chest. “Think you could handle that?”

Ben’s heart swelled and his dick got even harder. “Baby, I know I could. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, and I want to keep you for as long as you’ll let me. But—” He pulled her down until he could slide his lips across hers. “With your appetite, we’d better stock up on condoms.”

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