Read Secrets Uncovered Online

Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Secrets Uncovered (9 page)

She lifted her head and curled up next to him. “Sleep tight.”

Jeff hesitated, then gently pushed her over onto her other side so he could pull her back into his arms, with his cock brushing her butt. “Thank you, pet. Now I think I’d better show you my side of the protocol, eh?”

She twisted her head to look at him, and her expression was one of puzzlement. “Sir?”

“Relax and let me take care of you, pet.” Very carefully, he feathered his fingers over her nipples and waited for her sharp intake of breath. “Colour?”

“Very, very, exceptionally green, Sir.” Kath pressed her bottom into his body a little tighter. “So green it’s practically a new shade that’s just come out. Ahh come…Sir?” She ended on a rising note of query.

“Shh… This is for you now.” Jeff stroked her tummy and placed his hand over the slight swell. “Dear Bump, this is for your mama. So you sleep tight and let her be happy, eh?” He moved one hand very deliberately to touch the hood of her clit then stroked around the entrance to her channel.

Kath squirmed and her breath came in little pants. “Sh…shi… Oh blimey, do that and I’ll come.”

He pinched her clit very gently with his thumb and forefinger as his other finger continued to tease her pussy. “Then come, pet, this is for you to enjoy and embrace.”

She didn’t need anything else. Jeff had never seen Kath fall apart so fast or so completely. Subdued maybe, her mewls and squeaks were muted, but the sheen on her skin, and the way she shook and squirmed weren’t.

“Oh my, oh goodness, oh…” She babbled and sobbed as her movement slowly diminished. Jeff held her tightly, his fingers still stroking and caressing her nub and her pussy, until she groaned. “As much as I hate to say it, it’s ‘chief’ now, Sir. But merely for now, you understand?”

Jeff laughed and pressed a kiss on top of her head. He well knew how all of a sudden Kath’s body would cry enough whether it had been a straightforward vanilla act of making love or a full on flogging attached to the St. Andrew’s Cross. To differentiate that need for a cessation of play, as opposed to the hard limit, no way no more scenarios, they’d chosen chief as the stop word. He had no idea why and didn’t much care. It worked and that was all that mattered.

“Of course I understand. You were superb, pet, and I think that worked perfectly, don’t you?” In fact, he’d say more than perfectly. His cock was so hard and his balls so tight he’d almost come without trying. How the hell he hadn’t, he had to assume was down to years of iron will and self-control.


Before he had time to ask exactly what she meant, Kath wriggled round to face him.

“Except, Sir, for it to be perfect, I really think I need to return the favor. May I? I promise if I feel ill or your cum tastes like tripe, I’ll stop.” Tripe wasn’t something Kath had learned to like in her pregnancy. She stroked his tight shoulders and her hands kneaded at the tension there.

He thought about it. How could it hurt her or Bump? He had to trust the doctor. By God, if she didn’t let him come,
would hurt. It wasn’t Kath in a bratty sub mode, it was Kath as his caring, loving sub, who wanted to please him, her Master.

“If it pleases you, it pleases me,” he said finally, and was rewarded by the way her eyes lit up. She waited and Jeff understood this was something else to incorporate into their protocol.

“Pet, this isn’t an order or a necessity, but if you feel up to it, you can indicate your willingness after you’ve greeted me by licking the tip of my cock. And then you get into whichever position works best for you.”

Kath chuckled. “Don’t expect to have a dry head then.” She twisted round until her head was at cock level. “Oh, God, I’m so excited I’m shaking.”

He could see the shivers as they rippled over her skin. “I’ll be like you,” he warned. “I won’t last long, pet.”

“I hope not, then I might get to do it all over again later.” She took his cock in her mouth and sucked.

Red-hot heat raced through him, as fast as a wildfire and twice as potent. Jeff bit his lip and tried to control the way his pre-cum increased and his climax attacked his senses. He saw stars, and the world dissolved into a myriad of color. Kath nibbled from tip to base very carefully, then took his balls in her mouth and tugged.

He shot over the edge into oblivion, and was dimly aware of her drinking him until he was sated.

Could a man pass out from coming? Jeff had no idea, but he reckoned he’d been pretty damned close. As his breathing slowed, he was aware of Kath snuggled up against him as her hands played with the whorls of hair on his chest.

She looked up at him as he stroked her arms. “No nipples though. I’m being a good girl.”

“A very good girl, pet, and I’ll remember. Now let me go and get some damp cloths and towels to tidy us both up and then shall we try and sleep?”


He eased himself away, loath to move but knowing it was necessary. Neither of them wanted sticky bodies and a sticky sheet in the morning. Though he’d bet she’d be asleep before he got back to the bed.

He was correct. She hadn’t moved and her gentle breath hardly stirred the sheet over her. Jeff took a damp flannel and gently wiped her pussy with it. She mumbled in her sleep but didn’t open her eyes. That was more like the Kath he remembered. They’d often joked she could sleep anywhere and through anything.

It took mere seconds to dry her, take the flannel and throw it into the sink and hang the towel up, before he went back to bed and tucked himself behind her once more.

“‘Slovely,” Kath slurred and moved her ass against him. “We need you like this…” Her voice trailed off again and, happy she was content, Jeff closed his eyes and was asleep in seconds.

When he woke up, he was convinced Kath hadn’t stirred an inch, except to push closer, and he hadn’t moved back. His morning hard-on was squashed between them like a banana in a sandwich. He edged away slowly as he did his best not to waken Kath. If he could, he’d prefer to get her weak tea and dry toast all ready before she did her daily dash to the loo.

“Do we have a morning protocol as well?” The voice was sleep filled and the yawn obvious. “Good morning, Sir.”

Jeff slipped out and stood by the bed ready to do his morning hair holding, forehead cooling, task. Kath stretched and sat up. He waited for her hand to go over her mouth and the sprint to the loo.

And waited. Kath moved her head from side to side. “Er, well…” She gave a nervous laugh. “I think this is another no need to be nice to the loo pan day.” Slowly she got out of bed and stood up. “Yep, I don’t want to throw up and I do want a fried egg sarnie. Hey, maybe that could be our morning protocol. No upchuckie get a chuckie eggie?”

Jeff rolled his eyes, pleased she could joke about it. “I’d forgotten that expression,” he said. “And no, too many eggs are bad for you.”

Kath pouted. “Spoilsport.”

It was so obvious she was hamming it up, Jeff gave a gentle tug to her hair. “Yep, every time. However, today you can go to work on an egg as the old TV ad said. Is it our accounts today?”

Kath dipped her head in acknowledgment. She was a qualified accountant who took care of all that side of the work for the club, and worked for several other firms as well. “Yeah, and I’m going to get a walk in as well. I feel ready to stretch my legs again. Not jogging, but a wee donder around the gardens will blow the cobwebs away. Can you come?”

“Why not?”


* * * *


It set the tone for the days to come. The weather was good, with blue skies and a gentle breeze. Not too hot, and perfect for walking. Each morning Kath woke up and didn’t do her three second dash, they ate a leisurely breakfast—not always an egg, although Kath admitted they seemed to be her fad of the time. Then they walked for an hour before starting work. Without any conscious decision, Kath had reduced her working hours. It was either that or fall asleep and miss out on their evening protocol. And that, she freely admitted, wasn’t something she wanted to happen. Her bump grew as fast as her appetite, until even Jeff remarked on it.

“Two? Or an excess of Mars bars and chuckie eggs?”

“I wonder.” Kath pulled a lightweight jumper over her head. “Well, the scan is in a couple of weeks, and we’ll find out then.” She shook her head to untangle her hair before pulling it into a messy ponytail. Jeff’s face clouded for a second, and Kath wondered why. Then she understood. They both knew that in a day or so it was the magic thirteen weeks.

“I think, if you’re okay with it, that maybe we’ll wait until we’ve seen the scan before we make love ‘in depth’.” She waggled her fingers to show she used the euphemism to lighten the atmosphere. It worked. He narrowed his eyes, then let his breath out in a whoosh.

“Whether you’re saying that for me or for both of us, I don’t know, but yes, I’d prefer that.”

“It’s for all of us,” Kath said firmly. “You, me, Bump or Bumps. After all, I’m loving our protocol, so I’m happy to carry on as we are for now. But just you wait.”

The kiss he gave her, combined with his hands on her ass, was almost enough to make her get onto her knees and beg for more. By the time Jeff moved back and rubbed her tummy with his usual “Hello, Bump,” she was breathless and horny.

“Ah, um…”

“Walk time, pet.” Jeff gave her bum a gentle pat. “I have a surprise for you this afternoon, if you’re a good girl.”

“I’m always a good girl. Give me a hint, eh?”

Jeff lifted his fleece from the hall coat stand. “No, and oh shit.” His phone had begun to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and glared at it as if it was the phone’s fault for disturbing them. Which in one way it was, Kath thought as he barked into it, “Yes?”

His face darkened, and Kath knew what his next words would be.

“Okay, yes, set it up.” He finished his call and put the phone back into his pocket.

“Don’t say it, you can’t walk with me?”

“Seems not. Sorry, love, but there’s a new Dom having a crisis of confidence, and David wants me to go with him to chat to him. He’s good, but green, and can’t believe he’s as capable as he is.”

“Then you have to go.” Kath stood on tiptoe to kiss him. “I’ll be fine.”

Jeff stared at her for a second then nodded. “I know you will. However I’d much prefer being with you.”

“I’d prefer it as well, but life interferes sometimes.” She leaned against him and felt his heartbeat reassuring her and giving her comfort. Why she needed it, Kath had no idea, but she shivered. Of course he noticed.

“Goose walked over my grave, I’m fine, honestly, just disappointed. And I have my surprise to look forward to, eh? Off you go and do your boss man reassuring or kicking ass role, whichever’s needed, and I’ll do my fill my lungs, stretch my legs and show Bump his heritage stuff.”

“Yeah, okay, but take it as read I’m gutted. I like our walks.”

So did Kath, but she knew sometimes other things took precedence. This was one of those times. She picked up her phone and waved it at him. “I have this, and I promise I won’t go into the dead area.” There was a large part of their land where it was impossible to get phone reception. “In fact, I’ll do the first part of our walk and take the short cut back by the stream. It shortens the walk by half and misses out the boggy bit. Good luck or whatever. I’ve switched my office phone answerphone on, and I’ll pick anything up when I get back. I won’t be more than the hour, I promise.” He still looked doubtful and Kath ran her hands down his arms. “I promise I’ll be careful, Sir.” She wrinkled her nose. “After all, there’s no point in misbehaving if I can’t be punished.”

Jeff laughed and tweaked her nose. “Brat. There’s other ways of punishment, you know. No chocolate, or no books.”

“Argh, you wouldn’t?” Kath was taken aback. Her two favorite things. Only the twinkle in his eye stopped her from protesting any more. “I promise I’ll behave, Sir.”

“I thought you might. Go on, enjoy your walk, and all being well, we can go together again tomorrow.”


* * * *


As she strode across the lawn toward the fields, Kath wondered, not for the first time, why they didn’t have a dog. Now with a baby in the offing it wouldn’t be fair to get a puppy, but more than once in the past they’d discussed having a dog. For some reason or other they’d never made the ‘yes, let’s go for it decision’. It hadn’t bothered her before, but at that moment, Kath would have loved the companionship.

She shivered slightly again, wondering why she had a sudden feeling of disquiet. She’d never have thought of herself as particularly ‘fey’ but now she almost turned back. The itchy prickles up and down her spine weren’t the sort she liked. It was her own sense of the ridiculous that stopped her. She was going to walk along well-trodden tracks not far from the house, and not for long. She’d come to rely on this exercise, especially as she and Jeff seemed to be back on an even keel. The time they walked gave them a chance to talk over their hopes and fears, and they did. Kath was amazed how much they’d both opened up. They now seemed closer than ever, and it showed in every aspect of their lives. Even down to arguing in a silly, friendly way about baby names, the color of the walls in the new subs’ paradise and what shade of leather would be best for the new set of floggers Jeff was making. It was almost as if their blow up had been forgotten—almost. Kath knew it was still in the back of her mind, and guessed Jeff was the same. Even though they’d gotten over that blip, who was to say there wouldn’t be another one? She didn’t kid herself that all would be plain sailing during her pregnancy. Somehow Kath thought the further she progressed, the more paranoid Jeff would become.

Ah well, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Kath sniggered to herself. She really was becoming cliché-ridden.

The sun came out from behind a cloud, and the shadows it created danced across the trees and grass. The lawn had been cut the day before and the sweet scent of the clippings was in the air. A thin spiral of smoke from behind the outhouses and barns was a reminder that someone worked hard to keep the grounds neat and tidy. She’d found it was only when she walked across the estate that she got a sense of how big it was.

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