Read Secured Mail Online

Authors: Kate Pearce

Secured Mail (23 page)

Sven wanted to scream when the queen withdrew her mouth, leaving his hot, wet cock exposed to the suddenly cold air. His shaft jerked upward, seeking the pleasure to be found in her mouth, desperate to come.

He struggled to look up as the queen went to stand by the king.

“Well done, My Queen.” Marcus made a low sound of approval as his fingers traced Douglass’ breast, found her nipple and squeezed. “Now we leave him for his female to decide his fate.”


Kate Pearce

He bowed in Sven’s direction.

“I suggest you think very carefully about your choices, Sven. This is your last opportunity to prove to your woman that you are eager to serve her properly and that you are prepared to humble yourself before her to earn her love.”

He took the queen’s hand and turned away. Sven stared after the other bodyguards as they followed the king out of the underground temple. Silence fell, broken only by the tinkling water and the faint echoes of movement above.

What in the god’s name was he supposed to do now? Wait for Thea to come and untie him? Would she even want to? She’d already saved his ass once this week. He tried to shift his weight, aware of the worn stone beneath his knees and the pulse thundering through his painfully erect cock. If she had any sense she’d simply laugh at him and walk away.

Time slid by, measured by each of his labored breaths and each heated throb of his trapped shaft. Sven remained hard and ready, the cock ring preventing his release. By Odin, he wanted her to come for him, so that he could shove his cock deep inside her until he gained his release and then start again until she screamed his name to the heavens. He wanted her—whatever she thought of him. A sliver of hope formed in his chest. By prostrating himself like this, by showing her that he could be bound and helpless and accept her domination, would she take him back?

He breathed out hard through his nose. By Thor, he hoped so. If the king could survive such exquisite sexual torture for the sake of his wife, Sven could to. He raised his head as a slight movement of perfumed air stirred his already overwrought senses.

Thea stood by the doorway, her gaze fixed on his body.

Oh my God.

Thea stared at Sven’s gleaming oiled torso. His wrists were shackled above his head displaying the taut muscles of his arms and his exquisite abs. She licked her lips, aware that she yearned to suck every perfumed inch of his skin until he begged for mercy. His cock stood high and proud away from his stomach, the thick gleam of pre-cum catching the lamplight.

She took her time circling him, saw the silver manacles around his ankles and the tight curve of his hip and buttocks. Strange to have him displayed for her like this, his strong voice silenced, his strength and movement restricted. She reached out to stroke his ass and his whole body quivered.

Damn, she sure hoped the king was right about this. He’d told her exactly what she needed to do to bring Sven to his senses. Of course, if Sven didn’t want her to see him helpless like this, she would lose him completely. But if he did? It was time for her to believe in herself and what she wanted rather than walking away. And oh, despite his earlier behavior, she wanted him bad. Taking all her courage in her hands, Thea walked back around to face Sven. His brown eyes followed her every move.


Secured Mail

She moved closer, touched the jeweled nipple clamps and the thick metal of his cock ring, ran her fingers around the edge of the leather ball gag until he tried desperately to move toward her.

Slowly she removed her clothes, watching as his breathing altered and his cock grew even wetter. She picked up one of the sex toys the king and queen had left for her on the ancient altar. Sven’s eyes widened as he registered what she held in her hand.

She showed him the small leather butt plug.

“The king told me that in the olden days, part of this ceremony involved me fucking you with this. It was seen as a sign of complete trust and submission. Would you let me put it in you?”

She waited, her breath coming unevenly from her throat as he stared at her. All he had to do was shake his head and it was all over.

He bowed his head, the picture of humble submission. Thea felt her body respond with a welling of cream and a persistent throb in her clit. She slid the leather plug between her own legs and coated it in her juices.

The oil coating Sven’s ass helped her lubricate him and slowly slide the leather butt plug home. He groaned deep in his throat as she moved it in and out of him, imitating a long, slow fuck. Eager to share his pleasure, she pressed her mound to the rounded end of the plug and circled her hips, enjoying the sensation on her already aroused clit. She slid one hand around his waist and played with the tip of his cock, sliding her finger in and out of the wet swollen slit until he bucked and writhed within his bonds.

It felt good to touch him like this. To make him hers, to brand him as her perfect lover. Perhaps the king had been right and Sven needed this even more than she did.

His reaction to her touch left her in no doubt that he was enjoying the rough treatment, the restriction of his bonds and the ever-increasing ache of sexual arousal.

With that thought, Thea climaxed, her grip of Sven’s cock dangerously tight as she moaned her delight. Leaving the butt plug in place she moved back around to the front.

Sven’s body was coated in a fine sheen of sweat making the perfume in the oil fill the air and mingle with the scent of her arousal. He was breathing hard as if he’d been running.

Thea smiled at him.

“I like you like this, Sven. All mine, to do whatever I want to.” She studied his cock, licked at the steady flow of pre-cum. “Perhaps being trapped by a woman isn’t quite as bad as you thought?”

He shook his head, his eyes fierce above the gag. Thea licked her lips.

“Perhaps it’s good for you to realize that trusting me to take care of myself,” she flicked his cock, “and of you, doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t still a big, strong Valhallan male.”

She reached up and took off the nipple clamps, kissed each nipple and sucked them until he shuddered.


Kate Pearce

“Perhaps you’ve come to realize that having a woman who can take care of herself—and you, might even be a good thing?” She stepped back and sat cross-legged on the ground in front of him. She touched her breasts, squeezed her nipples until she was moaning and then slid her hand down between her legs.

“I can even make myself come.” She thumbed her clit, slipped three fingers into her wet, slippery channel and rocked into a familiar rhythm. She held Sven’s gaze, aware that she was behaving outrageously, but not caring in the slightest. If this was what it would take to completely enslave him, then she’d give it all she had. He was worth it.

She climaxed hard, and he closed his eyes as if he couldn’t bear to watch her enjoy herself without him. When she’d finished shuddering she got to her feet and wiped her wet hand over his tight abs. His nostrils flared as he inhaled her scent.

“Of course, it’s much better if you join in, but I can manage in a crisis.”

He nodded, his fierce concentration fixed on her face. She held his gaze.

“If I walked away now and left you unsatisfied, would you still be erect when I returned? Would you still want me?”

He nodded quickly, but she saw the flash of desperation in his eyes.


He swallowed hard, the muscles of his throat working convulsively and nodded again. She stared at him, realized he meant it, realized she had what she wanted within her grasp. With a sigh, she kissed the crown of his cock.

“I’ll see you later then.”

Despite his bonds, he made a stifled sound and a convulsive movement toward her before he stilled. She blew him a kiss and walked out into the darkened hallway beyond.

She’d left him.

She’d fucking walked away and left him with a raging hard-on and a plug up his ass. Sven stared at the open archway and willed her to come back. He needed to come more than he needed to breathe. Even his teeth ached in sympathy with his loaded balls. He stared down at his pulsing cock. Could he stay like this all night? Would she really do that to him?

He contemplated the water fountain which didn’t help, reminding him as it did of gushing foam and wet bone-shaking completion. Could he make himself come?

Experimentally he clenched his buttock muscles, felt the leather shift within him, moaned into the gag.

Possibly. But did he want to? Wasn’t it a point of honor that he should still be here, erect and ready to service his woman whenever she demanded it? Thea had to realize that he was giving in to her and that he was prepared to see her as an equal rather than as a poor weak female who needed protecting. By Thor, if she took the gag off he’d tell her anything she wanted to hear!


Secured Mail

His thoughts reverberated around his head. The king was right. His time in the temple had crystallized his intentions. There was no way that he was going to let another male, let alone a Valhallan male, take his woman. If she could accept him, pitiful male that he was, he could surely accept her. He frowned down at his cock. If he had to stay erect all night, he’d do it, if it brought Thea back to him.

“Shall I go back now?”

The king grinned at Thea.

“You’ve only been away from him for an hour. Don’t you think he needs to suffer more?”

Thea bit her lip and pictured Sven’s oiled body, the thick strength of his cock and the total turn-on of his complete submission to her. She got up from the couch and walked across to the window. The other bodyguards waited with the king, their relaxed presence reassuring and comforting. Outside, the two suns had set, leaving the palace bathed in the eerie purple light reflected from the desert.

“I’ve enjoyed making him suffer, but I’d kind of like to see it through to the end, now.”

The king came to stand beside her, his expression sober. “You know what you have to do?” Thea nodded. “Then off you go.”

Thea squeezed the king’s massive biceps. “Thank you, Sire.”

“You are more than welcome.” The king bowed. “I hope you’ll still believe that when you’re stuck with Sven for the rest of your life.”

She smiled at him even as her feet took her toward the door.

“If he gets too uppity, I’ll just bring him back to the temple.”

The king winked. “That’s exactly what the queen says to me.”

Thea found her way to the lower levels and paused in the hallway leading to the ancient temple. The only sound was the gushing of the ancient fountain and her breathing. Now came the tricky part. She had to unleash her tiger and see whether he intended to devour her or allow her to pet him a little more.

Sven looked up as she entered, his gaze alert, his cock stiff and ready for her.

Despite her nerves, Thea gave him her most sensual smile.

“Are you still here?”

He blinked slowly, the only sign of his interest in the subtle tightening of his muscles.

“I’m glad you stayed around.”

She walked behind him, took out the butt plug and dropped it to the floor. The silver manacles around his ankles came apart smoothly. Now came the difficult part.

Thea used the stone steps to climb up to Sven’s level and release his wrists. His groan of 133

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relief was audible even behind the gag. She got down as quickly as she could and guided him down to the marbled floor.

Before she could speak, he fell to his knees in front of her, head bowed, gaze on the floor. Thea tried to breathe and found it almost impossible as she contemplated his lithe form. Her fingers shook as she bent down to untie the gag and drew it away from his face. She touched his thick red hair, now damp with sweat, and pushed it away from his forehead. He still said nothing, his breathing as harried and uneven as hers.

“Do you acknowledge that I am your equal?”

He cleared his throat, his voice husky with misuse. “Aye, my lady. I was a fool.”

She caught his face in her hands and stared into his brown eyes. “I’m quite capable of taking care of myself but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you or what you can offer me.”

He swallowed hard. “My strength is your strength, my weakness your weakness. I understand that now. I even desire it.”

She nodded slowly, realized she was crying when one of her tears hit his upturned face. With a moan of need, she kissed his mouth and outlined his lips with her tongue.

His response was slow and careful as if he cherished every second of her touch.

“I am yours to command, my lady.”

She knelt until she was level with him and reached for his cock. His breath hissed out as she wrapped her hand around his shaft.

“By Odin, my lady. I crave your touch more than I crave the air I breathe.”

She studied his cock, bent her head and took the swollen crown into her mouth. His groan of relief echoed around the cavernous chamber as she moved her fingers in counterpoint to the pressure of her mouth. It took but a moment to have him coming hot and deep between her lips, each spurt sucked eagerly down her throat, each cry of completion music to her ears.

He collapsed against her, his whole body shivering and bucking as she swiftly removed his cock ring, his shaft continued to pulse in her palm as if eager for more.

After a long moment, he took her hand and kissed it, his gaze serious and intent.

“I pledge you my life, Ms. Thea Cooper, my protection when you need it and I offer my love and support when you don’t.”

She covered his hand with hers. “And I offer you the same.”

His rare smile transformed his face. “Then we shall indeed make a formidable team.

Much like your 49ers.”

She pulled him to his feet and encouraged him to drape his arm around her shoulders. He sagged against her and she almost staggered under his massive weight.

“We’ll be okay, Sven. We love each other and that’s a great place to start.”

His knees buckled and he fell to the floor, bringing Thea down on top of him. His slow grin made her body melt against him. He slid a hand into her hair and brought her 134

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