She flies with her own wings (7 page)

He greets me with a passionate kiss.

“Hi babe, I don’t know what you do, but I can’t keep my hands off you.”

I lean against him, enjoy the warmth and his strong arms holding me. “How the hell are we going to survive a week?”

I feel his laugh in his chest. “No idea, phone sex?”

“It’s not the same,” I moan.

“We’ve still got one night together,” he grins.

“Tell me what you’re going to do to me,” I beg.

He pulls me closer and mumbles into my ear, “When we go in, I want you to go to the rest room, take off your panties, and bring them back to me.”

I shudder against him.

“When we get home, I’m putting my cock deep in your mouth, and you’ll suck it good. You’ll swallow my cum, every last drop. Then you’ll bend over, hold on to the bed post, and I’ll stick three fingers in that tight ass of yours. When I’m back in a week, you’ll be ready for your first ass fuck, babe.”

I shiver a little.

“I know you’re a little nervous about it, but you’ll do it for me,” and it’s not a question, but I nod anyway.

“I know, babe. When I’ve fucked you enough with my fingers, I’m going to stick my cock deep in your soaking wet pussy.” He pushes his hand under my skirt and feels me.

“Already wet for me.” He holds up his finger glistening with my juice and licks it.

“I’m going to stick my cock so very deep in you, and you’ll come, again and again, and you’ll scream my name. You’ll scream like you’ve never screamed before.”

He kisses me passionately and lets go. As we go into the restaurant, my knees feel like jelly. I go to the rest room and take off my soaked-through panties. I fold them up and give them to him when I reach the table. He smiles at me and puts them in his pocket.

“I ordered for you. I hope that’s okay.” He looks at me questioningly.

“I hate that,” I answer, “but let’s see how well you know me.”

“Oh a game,” he grins, “what do I get if I win?”

I hesitate. “Did you order a course or a menu?”

“A four-course menu.”

I think for a moment. “Okay, for each course you get right, I’ll grant you one wish.

“Something sexual?” he asks insinuatingly.


He leans back in his chair. “And for every wrong course?”

“You grant me a wish.”

“Deal, babe,” he grins winningly.

The waiter brings a Sauvignon Blanc to the table and pours two glasses. I taste it and love the fresh sparkling flavour.

“This wine is really good,” I say. “I thought Will was the wine expert.”

“I might know a thing or two.” He grins.

I’m excited about the first course. Will he know what I like?

When the waiter puts the plate in front of me, I know I’ve lost. Grilled octopus. I kick him lightly in the shin. He grins. He knows he’s won the first round. Ass.

I taste it, and I’m in seventh heaven. Amazing. A small moan escapes my mouth and Matt looks like a cat with all the cream. Asshole. He found the perfect food for me. I love octopus.

“This is so good. Want to try?” He nods, and I hold the fork to his lips as he takes the food in his mouth. He chews and I hear familiar noises.

“Perfect choice,” he grins at me.

Okay, the moment of truth. “What do you want?” I ask.

“Babe, we’ve agreed that we can wish for something, not that the other has to fullfill it, yeah?” Relieved, I nod. “I don’t want to talk you into something you don’t want.”

“Apart from anal.”

He grins. “If you don’t want it, we won’t do it but I know you like it.”

I nod. “Your fingers, at least. I can’t imagine how that huge cock of yours is going to fit in there,” I whisper.

He holds my hand. “It might be a bit uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get used to it fast, I promise.”

“Okay, what do you want for getting the first course right?”

“Think about it, you don’t have to do it.” I nod. “I want to whip you with a riding crop.”

I flinch. My eyes grow wide.

He says nothing and waits for my answer.

My thoughts are in turmoil and emotions running riot. Fear, anger, lust, aversion, attraction. Oh God, is Matt into S & M? What the hell have I gotten myself into? Why does he want to hurt me? And why is a small part of me turned on by this? I can see him reading every emotion which runs over my face, the rapid changes and confusion.

“I… you promised only ever with your hand,” I say at last.

“I know, and I’ll keep my promise. If you don’t want to, we won’t. But if you’re a teensy bit interested...” He rubs his thumbs over my hands.

“Do you want to hurt me?” I ask, shaking a little.

He looks at me, horrified. “Oh God, babe, never! I’d never hurt you.”

“Why do you want to then?”

He cups my face in his hands. “It’s not what you think. Look at me.” I raise my eyes to his. “It’s like spanking with my hand, it’ll intensify your lust.”

I must look doubtful.

“I spanked you the first time, right?” I nod. “You never thought before that you’d actually like it, right?” I nod again. “And last night, you came when I spanked your ass, right?”

Again, a nod. “It’s the same with a whip. It’ll take you to a place between lust and pain, but you’ll never have been so turned on. Babe, I want to take you to your limits and test them but not break them, trust me.”

I nod.

“So you want to try it?”

And to my astonishment, I nod again. “Matt?”

He grins at me so beautifully that my heart opens a little wider. “Yeah?”

“Are you into S & M?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “No, sure, I like spanking but that’s it. The whip’s my limit. You don’t need to worry about me asking for a cane in the second course and a leather strap in the third.” He smiles at me. “It might seem absurd because I seem to like being dominant in bed—something, by the way, I only do with you which is strange because normally I’m very relaxed—but I don’t want to control you. You’re a grown woman; you make your own choices. If you want my advice, I’ll give it to you and vice versa, I hope.”

At the risk of repeating myself: perfect. “Why do you think you’re more dominant with me?”

He gives me a questioning look. “I hope you don’t think I’m dominant with you all the time.”

I shake my head. “No,” I say. “I wouldn’t want it that way, either. But then I didn’t know it would turn me on, being told what to do in bed.” I smile. “Start telling me what to wear and what to say? Not going to happen.”

“Fair enough. I’ve just never reacted to a girl the way I react to you. It’s like my body knew what yours wanted from the get-go. If you want me to fuck you hard, I’ll fuck you hard. If you want it gentle, I’ll do it. You don’t even have to tell me, I just kind of sense it. If that makes sense.” He looks a little unsure of himself. “Somehow I just knew you’d like it if I talked dirty to you or told you what to do. It wasn’t like that in my...previous encounters. Now you’ve managed to turn my world upside down in just five days. I’m having the best sex of my life, I have this open girl who’s made me discover things I never knew about myself. And I’ve never been so turned on as I’ve been with you. I wish my cock could always be in your pussy.”

I’m about to answer when the waiter brings our next course. Spaghetti Aglio e Olio with Bottarga. I look at him, amazed. I eat this whenever I’m here. I look at him suspiciously.

“Have you been stalking me?”

He bursts out laughing. “Does that mean I got the second course right?”

“How did you know? I mean, about what I like to eat?”

He shrugs. “I told you,” he says, “it’s like I just know what you like. Not just in bed, obviously.” He smiles at me, and all I can do is smile back. He’s so perfect! It’s worth repeating it over and over again, even though I might need to find a variety of words, so I’m not sounding like a broken record.

He’s ordered gnocchi with tomato sauce and Pecorino. When he sees me watching, he offers me a forkful. Delicious. He grins at me.

“I always order this pasta when I’m here,” I say, “but it’s good to know other things taste just as good. Would you like to try mine?”

He tries some and licks his lips. “Wow, that’s really good.” He looks impressed, so I offer him another forkful. That’s how we spend the rest of the course, feeding each other the most amazing food.

“Okay, Matt, what’s your second wish?” I ask.

He grins at me. “Let me think about this. Hmmm. I want to fuck you on the dining table tonight.”

Huh? We don’t exactly live alone. “What about Tom and Will?” I ask.

“If they’re there, they’re there. If not, they aren’t.”

What the hell is he saying? “So you want to take me on the dining table while Tom and Will could walk through at any time?”

He grins. “Exactly.”

“I don’t know, Matt. The thought of being watched doesn’t turn me on. It’s kind of mean.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Mean? How come?”

“Matt, we’re not exactly quiet, you make me scream. A lot. How those two have managed to get any sleep is a mystery and now this? Don’t you think it’s a bit in their faces? It doesn’t seem right, somehow.”

He takes my hand. “You don’t need to worry about them; they’re cool. If you knew what’s gone on in the past, your toes would curl.”

“Okay, I’m just not sure what you’re getting out of this. Are you hoping they’ll walk in on us?”

He shrugs. “It’s not about getting caught, although it wouldn’t bother me if we did. What I want is to have you on the table. It’s great fucking you in bed, but we need a bit of variety. I want to fuck you standing up, and I can’t do that in bed.”

It’s sounding good, but I can’t shake this feeling that I’d be hurting Will’s feelings. I haven’t forgotten the pain I saw in his eyes as I left this morning. I don’t want to hurt him any more than necessary. It’s already complicated because I want Matt and that must be difficult for Will.

“What’s up, Thea? Tell me.”

How am I supposed to explain this? “I’m not sure how to tell you without hurting your feelings,” I say.

He leans into me, worry in his eyes. “Just be honest with me, Thea.”

Thea, not babe. “I think Will’s into me.”

“You think?” he grins, immediately relaxing.

“You know?” I ask, shocked.

“Sure, he’s my best friend. We tell each other everything.” He takes my hand. “I know things were a little awkward between you two this morning. He told me. He’s afraid he went too far and that you can’t get past it. Babe, Will and Tom are my best friends for more than one reason but one of them is because they are really good guys. I’d be really happy if you would use the week I’m away to get to know the guys better.”

I nod. If it’s important to him that I get on well with his friends then that’s what I’ll do. Not that I think it’ll be that hard…

“There’s nothing to get past,” I murmur. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Well, he’s cut up about it, babe. Why don’t you send him a text so he can stop worrying?” He smiles at me. His smile could wake the dead. I’d do anything for this guy.


Hey, Will.  There’s nothing to forgive. Everything between us is cool, and I’m looking forward to the game :-)


“Thanks, babe.”

“Okay, but back to the point. How can you suggest banging right under his nose if you know he’s into me?”

He grins. “Did you get the feeling Will was hurt when I was finger-fucking you yesterday in front of him?”

I’d forgotten about that. I shake my head. He wasn’t, he was turned on but I can’t tell Matt that Will joined in.

“See? Don’t sweat it, perhaps he’ll watch.”

My cell beeps.


Thea, you have no idea how glad I am to hear that.  Thank you and enjoy your evening with Matt and don’t let him play the food-ordering game x



I stare at my phone. What’s he saying? What food-ordering game?

I look up at Matt, disbelieving.

“What’s up? Everything okay?” he looks worried, and I pass him my phone so he can read Will’s message.

He starts laughing and can’t stop.

“Matt, what does he mean?” I ask quietly.

He holds his hand up. “Okay, okay. I asked the waiter if he could remember what you ordered and liked because I knew you often eat here. He actually remembered.”

“You tricked me!” I say, disgusted. Just be sure, payback is a bitch.

He grins at me, impishly. “Sorry, babe. Couldn’t resist.”

“You bastard! I fell for it! I should be granting the waiter his sexual wishes; he’s the one who obviously knows what I like.”

He suddenly looks serious. “Don’t joke about that kind of thing, and I’ve already said I don’t want to hear that language from you.”

So it bothers him if I talk about sleeping with another man, but he’s not jealous of Will?

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