Read She Said Yes! Online

Authors: Shawna Jeanne

She Said Yes! (4 page)

Straddling her lover, Marianne climbed into Johnny’s lap and guided his hard shaft towards her pussy. Coated in lube, it slid effortlessly over her pubic mound and between her labia, where it prodded and poked at her clit. Marianne humped along it, letting Johnny’s dick slide up between her lips to peek from her kinked curls as she rode against it.

He had one hand on Ben’s dick, holding it as he worked the fat length, but now the other came up around behind her and cupped her ass. She felt Johnny’s fingers spread her cheeks, exploring her silky center. She was wet for him, her pussy slick with her juice, and when his fingers dipped in from behind, he left damp trails on her inner thighs and buttocks.

She rocked against his dick, pressing it against her cunt, stroking it harder, until she could raise up on her knees and ease it in between her legs, into her pussy, deep inside where it pressed against her G-spot and made her cry out with love and lust. “Harder, Johnny! God!”

He thrust up into her as he caressed her ass and continued to suck off Ben. As Marianne rode Johnny’s dick, Ben reached up and fondled her breast, pinching and squeezing the nipple erect. Leaning down, she covered his mouth with her own. He had an exotic flavor all his own, but she could taste Johnny on his tongue, and kissed him deeper, as if she might be able to kiss it away.

Then Johnny sat back, letting Ben’s cock slip free, and lay on the pillows, hands on Marianne’s hips to hold her steady as he fucked into her. She pressed her hands flat on his chest as she bounced above him. Every thrust sent shivers through her, his dick tapping just the right spot to elicit a flurry of little “uh, uh, uh” sounds from the back of her throat. She was close,
, so close, she was going to come, almost there, right there, almost,

Suddenly the bed was rocking, and it wasn’t from their motions—Ben was climbing around behind her, the box of condoms in hand. He fumbled one of the foil-wrapped medallions out of the package and unrolled it down over his still-hard dick, then squeezed a healthy dollop of lube along his length. All the lube, in fact—Marianne heard the tube sputter before he tossed it aside. Then she felt cool, wet hands on her back. She leaned forward, down over Johnny, presenting her ass to Ben. “What do you have in mind?” she purred.

“Turn over, sexy girl.”

The next time she rose up, Ben tugged her hips to show her what he wanted. She complied, managing to maneuver around without letting Johnny’s cock slip out of her pussy. Ben’s hands closed over her breasts as she settled back down. Over her shoulder, she asked Johnny, “How’s this?”

Johnny ran his hands around her waist and thumbed her clit, sending fresh waves of pleasure roiling through her. “Right there, baby, yeah.”

But Ben wasn’t finished yet. As Marianne lay back against Johnny, Ben raised Johnny’s knees and crawled between them. “Let me in on some of this,” he groaned, climbing onto Marianne.

His weight wasn’t unwelcome, pinning her between his hot body and Johnny’s. She felt a shudder pass through her lover as Ben’s dick eased into Johnny’s ass, inch by inch. In her ear, Johnny gasped, “Oh God, oh yes, oh yes, yes, yes,
, God, yes.” His thumb ground against her clit, his cock throbbing within her, shoving in farther as he took Ben in. “Yes!”

Ben’s mouth was drawn to Marianne’s nipples again as if magnetized. The three of them found a steady rhythm—slower than the heated pace Marianne and Johnny had set earlier, but this was an even measure, a controlled burn, a fan guaranteed to raise the fires of passion smoldering within the trio from embers to a roaring inferno. They moved in perfect unity, blending together as their bodies melded, three hearts finding one beat, one flowing pulse bringing them towards release.

Johnny came first, deep within Marianne. It triggered her own orgasm, which rippled like a string of pearls, one precious jewel at a time, each sending a shard of delight shattering through her. When Ben shot his load in Johnny’s ass, Johnny came again, and Marianne rode another climax, her voice crying out to join Ben’s and Johnny’s in eternal agreement.


* * * *

Later, Marianne hustled both her men into the bathroom. She wanted another shower, and this time she wouldn’t be alone. The three of them made the master bathroom seem to shrink, and the late hour and her long drive earlier conspired with her satiated post-coital bliss to make her drowsy. So she washed quickly—Johnny washed her hair while Ben sudsed her up, and she let the hot spray from the shower do the rest of the work. When she was clean, she left the boys to enjoy each other’s company in the tub and stepped out to finish getting ready for bed.

But first there were clean towels to put out so they’d have something to dry off with when they were finished, and clothing to collect—her underwear was still on the bathroom floor, and a trail of men’s clothes led down to the basement stairs, where her blouse and slacks lay discarded. She gathered them up and deposited everything in front of the washing machine. As much as she wanted to run a load now, she heard the shower upstairs still in full force and resisted the urge. She’d ask Johnny to do the laundry in the morning.

Ben’s clothes were tangled up in with theirs. She assumed he was staying the night.

In the kitchen, she finally helped herself to that mug of hot tea she’d been thinking about on the drive home. By the time she drank down the last drop, her eyes were getting harder and harder to keep open and her whole body wanted to crawl beneath the covers of her bed. A warmth spread throughout her—partly from the tea, but mostly from an afterglow still lingering after all the rigorous attentions Johnny and Ben had bestowed upon her. They’d have to work out the specifics in the morning, of course, but she couldn’t imagine ever settling for just one of them again, not now. She wanted both.

them both.

Back upstairs, she heard the splash of water from the bathroom and Ben’s breathy cries as Johnny brought him to release a third time in the shower. With a smile, she pulled down the covers and slid beneath them, settling into what she considered her side of the bed. Before long, she heard the water cut off, finally, followed by muffled laughter as the guys toweled each other dry. Then the bed shook beneath another’s weight and warm arms eased around her waist. “Hey, baby,” Johnny breathed into her ear.

“Hmm.” Marianne rolled back against him, savoring the warmth of his body against hers. “Tell me something.”

He kissed her neck. “Anything.”

The bed moved again, this time as Ben found space on the other side of Johnny. Marianne was glad she’d opted for the queen size and hadn’t settled for the full when she treated herself to a new bedroom suite. Ben snuggled close to Johnny, one hand drifting over his hip to brush Marianne’s. When it found her, it moved up over her curves towards her chest. Marianne half-turned and Ben palmed her breast completely. With a smirk, Johnny admitted, “He’s gay but likes boobs.”

Ben squeezed her gently, and she felt her nipple stiffen beneath his touch. “Hey! Nothing wrong with that.”

“Some guys have big tits,” Marianne pointed out.

“Those guys are fat,” Ben scoffed. “I’m not fucking anyone bigger than me.”

Johnny turned to plant a quick kiss on the tip of Ben’s nose to silence him. “Quiet.” To Marianne, he asked, “You were saying?”

She settled into a more comfortable position against her lover—against
her lovers, actually, since now Ben had full access to both her breasts, and he rubbed and teased first one, then the other, until she felt a damp sweetness begin to bloom between her legs again. Looking at Johnny and Ben over his shoulder, she said, “This isn’t the first time you two have done this sort of thing, is it?”

Johnny ducked his head, embarrassed. Thin color darkened Ben’s cheeks. “Yes and no,” Johnny said. When Marianne raised one eyebrow, he explained. “We’ve had sex before—”

,” Ben clarified.

Johnny rolled his eyes, which made Marianne grin. “We’ve been friends forever. You know that. But Ben likes guys and I like girls. Still, I always sort of wondered what it’d be like, you know? And he—”

“I wanted to fuck his brains out,” Ben interrupted, giving Johnny’s ear a loud, wet kiss. “I mean, look at him. He’s hot as shit, didn’t I tell you that when we first met?”

Marianne giggled. She felt Johnny’s dick twitch against her thigh, so she slid a hand down between them to grasp it. “Oh hell, yeah.”

“One night in college,” Johnny continued, “we got a little drunk, I wanted to experiment, and one thing led to another, I guess. Next thing you know, we were friends with benefits. And, I don’t know, I kind of liked it.”

“Kind of?” Ben crowed, tweaking Marianne’s nipple hard. “
of? I believe your actual words were, ‘oh my fucking God, yes, yes,
!’ And you always come before I do,
. Sometimes I think you ‘kind of’ like it up the ass more than me.”

Marianne nodded. “You know, now that you mention it, he does like me to finger him when he’s about to get off…”

“Hey, hey!” Johnny kissed her on the lips to silence her. “No telling tales outside the bedroom.”

She gave him an innocent look as she playfully tugged on his cock. “But babe, we’re
the bedroom. Actually, if you want to be specific, we’re all

“And my dick’s been knocking at your back door all this time,” Ben added. “Don’t tell me you don’t like it.”

Johnny’s face flushed, but before he could answer, Marianne teased, “He’s half-hard already.”

.” Johnny frowned—no,
, which was too cute for words, and Marianne bit back another grin. “If you two are going to gang up on me, then this whole thing is off.”

“What thing?” Marianne matched his pout, going for the innocent look again.

Ben was the one who answered. “What he’s trying to say but hasn’t managed to get out yet is that yes, we’ve fooled around before, but we never dated because Johnny likes girls. He didn’t want a boyfriend. Well, not
a boyfriend. He always said if I could find him a girlfriend who was okay with…with
, then maybe, at some point, he’d get up the nerve to ask her if I could maybe join in.”

“And you found me,” Marianne said.

Ben nipped at Johnny’s ear. “But
got cold feet. Things were going so well with you two, he didn’t want to ruin it by asking if you’d be up for a threesome.”

Johnny ducked his head, embarrassed, but Marianne admitted, “Can I just tell you guys something? I really thought you were already sort of doing it on the side anyway. I mean, when I came in tonight and caught you two downstairs jerking off to gay porn? I wasn’t in the least surprised.”

Now Johnny looked at her. “Really?”

“It turned me on,” she said. “The thought of you two getting it on? I mean, shit.
Fifty Shades of Gray
is tame compared to some of the stuff I read online during my lunch break. Two hot guys going at it—”

“See?” Ben interrupted. “I told you she thinks I’m hot.”

“You’re both hot.” Marianne pressed her mouth to Johnny’s his lips with her tongue to give him a deep kiss, then turned to Ben and did the same. “And sexy. And mine. We can work out the logistics in the morning. But I promise you now—we
make this work.”




Shawna Jeanne writes romance featuring saucy women who know what they want and aren’t afraid to take control in the sack. For more information, visit her online at


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