Read Silent Vows Online

Authors: Catherine Bybee

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Time Travel, #Fiction

Silent Vows (13 page)


Silent Vows

Her touch was full of tenderness and, dare he say, love. Never had one woman’s touch meant so much. “Are you sure this is what you want, Myra?”

he asked, giving her one more chance to back out.

“When you touch me, I feel alive,” she confessed.

“This burning inside me is only sated when you touch me. I want this... I want you.”

His fingers burned a trail down her sleek frame.

Pausing at her hip, he waited for her to arch up. He didn’t have to wait long.

Smiling, he kissed the pulse in her neck and pressed his palm to the triangle at her legs, slowly slipping one finger into her tight, hot folds. Her moan reached new levels that brought a wave of satisfaction down Todd’s back. Her breath caught, her body went rigid, not in denial, but with the first throes of an orgasm hovering over her. She pushed against him, riding his hand. Myra stilled before she trembled and crested for the first time.

His devilish laugh of success played against her chest. “Amazing,” he whispered, dragging his lips back to hers.

“Please, Todd...” she groaned. As if she were unable to stop her body’s response from the spasms he gave her, she arched into him and moved. Her instinctive movements were his undoing. He opened his bedside table, ripped open the condom with his teeth, and slid it over his erection.

“What is that?” she asked.

“To protect you.”

She didn’t ask more, instead she stroked his length.

“Are you sure you’ll fit?”

Like a glove
. “Lets find out.” He moved his body until he hovered over her. Her legs fell to the side offering him everything. He clasped his fingers with hers, captured her eyes with one penetrating look. In complete awe of the strength of their joining, he 107

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watched her as he slipped inside.

Expecting her barrier, he eased himself inside with slow degrees. Her tight passage expanded, inviting him in. Her eyes widened as he sheathed his length fully inside her. She didn’t cry out in pain.

Thank God. He didn’t want her to hurt, which she must, he thought. He stilled his movements, swept his tongue into her mouth, and mimicked the act of making love.

Then she started to stir. Slow little movements of her hips arched to him, asking more of him. He moved slowly at first and watched her climb higher.

Her body closed around him, accepted every glorious inch of him. She whimpered as he drove them both closer to completion.

His movements quickened, along with their breathing, moisture pearled over their skin as they tumbled over each other, climbed toward the peak.

“Todd,” she cried as her frame stilled under his and her body clenched around him, gripping his seed from deep within to explode along with her.

In time, her mind drifted off the cloud he had put her on. Tangled in sheets ruffled and moist with the evidence of their passion, she was helpless to move even a finger. His leg laid over her, pinning her to the bed, and beneath him. The weight of it comforted and reassured her. His body fit so perfectly against hers. Snuggling closer to keep from being chilled, Myra smiled in her contentment.

“Is it always like that?” Myra asked against his chest.

“If it was, no one would ever get out of bed.”

She laughed, “I believe that was a compliment.”

His mouth smothered hers in a kiss that threatened her soul.

Breathless, he murmured, “A compliment it was, along with a request.”


Silent Vows

Her head fell back when his lips found the pulse beating in her neck. “Anything.”


“Aye, more.”


Catherine Bybee

Chapter Ten

The sun shines brighter in the month of December, with its rays closer to the surface of the Earth. Neither Todd nor Myra could be bothered with waking despite its mighty power. They both were content to stay in the bed they shared as long as hunger held off.

Someone else had a different idea.

Pounding on the front door startled them both, and had them reaching for their clothes.

Alarmed because of the previous night’s intruder, Todd reached for his weapon. When he heard a female voice calling Myra’s name, he set it back down.

“Myra! Come on, it’s cold out here, open up,”

Lizzy called while pounding on the locked door.

Todd tossed her his bathrobe that hung by his door then hurriedly tugged on his jeans. “What is she doing here?”

“I told her to pick me up this afternoon.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “She’s early.”

But when they looked at the clock they noticed the time read half past noon.

Myra tightened the belt around her waist, started for the door. Todd caught her, placed his lips to hers. “Good morning.”

She could get used to that, she thought, his 110

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smile and morning growth of beard. The casual caress of a lover’s hand reminded her with only a touch, of the night they had shared. “Good afternoon,” she corrected.

She pushed past him when Lizzy’s knocking continued.

Myra opened the door, Liz’s frown slowly turned into a knowing grin. “Well now... What do we have here?” She stepped into the house.

Blood shot to Myra’s face, glowing red at the embarrassment of being discovered.

Liz laughed, tossed her purse on the coffee table, only to pick up Myra’s bra and let it dangle from her fingertips.

Myra snatched the evidence out of her hand just as Todd rounded the corner shrugging into his shirt.

“I see you’re right on time,” he said, completely unaware of the crimson that flooded Myra’s neck.

“Apparently I’m early.”

“Oh, God.” The gasp from Myra had them both showing pity on her.

Liz couldn’t contain her mirth and laughed.

“Why don’t you go make us some coffee, handsome,”

she told Todd. “We girls need to catch up.”

Liz circled around Myra, hiding her smile.

“Maybe you should go and get dressed.”

Thankful for the reprieve, Myra practically ran from the room. She tossed on the clothes she wore the night before and joined Liz back in the living room.

“So?” Liz wasn’t exactly subtle in her questioning. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”

Head down, Myra said, “We, ahh...”

“Yeah, I figured ‘you, ahh...’”

Myra peered up into a face of acceptance and not of scolding, not of judgment. In fact, she saw the face of a sister. “Oh, my God, Lizzy. I had no idea. Tara told me making love was wonderful, but I never 111

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imagined it was going to be like that.”

Liz laughed, keeping her voice low when she asked, “Do you love him?”

Myra opened her mouth and nothing came out.

Did she? Could she? “I can’t love him, Lizzy. I can’t stay here.”

“Women always hold some love for their first.

It’s against our nature not to. So, how was it?”

Myra hid her face behind the tips of her fingers, smiling into them, and then launched into details women always told, but men seldom knew.

Giggling emanated from his living room, under hushed tones. Todd smiled into his coffee and took the time to reflect on the changes in Myra’s and his relationship.

They had taken ‘playing house’ to a new level, but what surprised him was his lack of concern over the matter.

The intruder from the night before kept his mind from wandering back to the picture of Myra naked and aroused in his bed.

Myra’s theory of the man being a part of some ancient ploy to take her virginity was only conceivable if he believed her story. He tried not to, but found himself losing the battle.

Since they’d slept together, the intruder should move on now if Myra’s theory was correct. But how would their late night visitor know he and Myra had been intimate?

Worse, what if he was simply a stalker attracted to her, waiting for an opportunity to find her alone?

Todd didn’t like any of the scenarios he came up with. He really hated the thought of her leaving the safety of his home and moving in with Liz. Well, that at least was easily fixed.

The two women clammed up the minute he set foot into the room. Todd handed a cup of coffee to 112

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Myra, ignored her shy glance, and said, “My ears were burning, hope you don’t mind if I join you?”

He snuggled in beside her on the sofa, and lazily placed his arm over her shoulders.

“Hey, mom?” A boy’s voice yelled from beyond the front door, before he took the liberty to open it.

“In here,” Liz called out, directing her son.

Simon McAlister, at eleven years old, stood five feet five. His lanky body was stretched further by the skinny jeans he wore. His hair was unfashionably long for most boys his age. Todd noticed the skateboard hanging from Simon’s hand and immediately understood his hair fit the intended image.

He hurried in the room and nodded toward Todd and Myra. “Hey.”

Todd smiled, seeing himself at that age. “Hey,”

he gave back.

“Simon, this is Myra MacCoinnich and Officer Todd Blakely.”

“Just Todd is fine.”

“Hey.” Simon glanced between them both, shrugged his shoulders.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Simon. ‘Tis a pleasure to finally meet you,” Myra said.

“My mom said you know where Tara is. Is that true?”


“You’re going to take us to see her, right?”

Myra glanced at Todd, then back to Simon. “I am.” “Cool.” With that business out of the way, Simon moved on to much more important matters. “Hey, Mom, I found this on the driveway.” He held up a cell phone and waved it for her to see. “It was just laying there. Can I keep it?”

“Let me see that.” She held out her hand and issued another order. “Close the door, you’re letting 113

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all the heat out.” Liz turned the phone over and opened it. “Yours?” she asked, handing it to Todd.

He examined the phone. “No.”

“Where did you find it?” Todd asked Liz’s son.

“By the garage door. By the way, your garbage cans are all knocked over out there. Want me to clean them up?”

Liz shot a surprised look over her shoulder, as did Todd. What kid offered to do chores for a stranger?

“Five bucks.” Simon held out his hand and let one of his dimples show.

“Simon!” Liz scolded.

“Smart kid.” Todd reached into his wallet pulled out a five.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I hate cleaning up after the neighborhood dogs.”

Happily, Simon scrambled out to make quick work of his chore

“He’s saving for a new skateboard. Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be.” Todd looked at the phone.

“It’s his isn’t it?” Myra’s face paled, her smile faded.


“Whose?” Liz asked.

Todd went into the contacts function of the phone to see whose numbers were there. It was empty. He noticed the low battery and decided to wait to find out what information the phone might hold about its owner.

Todd stood and placed the phone on his fireplace mantle. “It wasn’t dogs that knocked over the trash last night.” He took the time to explain what happened to Lizzy.

“Do you know who it could have been?” Liz asked.


Silent Vows

“Grainna had many followers in this time. It could be anyone.”

“I’ve been thinking,” Todd told both women. “In light of the situation, maybe it would be best for Myra to stay here, at least until we find out who this guy is.”

“Do you think he’ll come back?”

“We have to assume he hasn’t gotten what he wanted. Perps always return to the scene if their business is unfinished.”

“I hadn’t thought of that. I don’t want to bring any problems to you and Simon.”

“I’m sorry Myra but—”

“Don’t, you needn’t explain. I understand.” She turned to Todd. “Are you sure you don’t mind me staying here a while longer?”

A wicked grin crested his face. “It’s a sacrifice I have to make.”

Liz rolled her eyes back, “Oh, puleeesse.”


Michael watched from a distance so the Druid wouldn’t see him. Wouldn’t sense his presence. Only when people surrounded her could he risk probing her mind. She was too powerful and locked out any ability he might have had to eavesdrop on her thoughts.

She would have given Grainna her destiny. But he screwed up. He shouldn’t have left the night he tried to keep them apart, but he had, and in turn he gave them the time they needed to consummate their bond. It was evident by the way the man held her, how his hand sometimes dipped too low on her hip, the way only lovers would touch.

When Grainna returned and discovered what had happened, he’d barely survive her anger. He knew her return was imminent. She didn’t forgive without dispensing pain and consequence.

But he would endure her wrath, for power was 115

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the sweetest of rewards, and the powers he had gained at Grainna’s hands were many. She needed him. So no matter what her punishment may be, it wouldn’t be death. Her reward for bringing her pure Druid blood, virgin or not, would bring him closer to his ultimate goal. So he waited, watched and planned.


Todd’s days were filled with shopping, something he seldom did. Myra had the strangest things on her list. Books on plumbing, herbal medicine and gardening, were just the beginning.

After the check cleared for the candlesticks, she purchased bolts of material with matching thread and more needles than one would need for a lifetime.

She bought packets of seeds for several types of plants, fruits and vegetables. Jars of vitamins, Ibuprofen, and antibiotic creams were purchased in bulk. Reams of paper and boxes of pens made the growing stack bulge. She had acquired every possible item on her list and more. Some things Lizzy suggested, others he did.

Every day Myra prepared for the eventuality of her leaving. They didn’t talk about when, but he knew it wouldn’t be long.

Their passion filled evenings fell into a pattern, leaving him with less than a handful of hours of sleep. He should have been left tired and worn out, instead, his body and mind were more alive than ever. Dinner out was going to be a surprise. Todd made reservations for all of them, keeping the destination to himself. His only hint was the evening’s entertainment would be a history lesson for Liz and Simon.

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