Read Single Player Online

Authors: Elia Winters

Single Player (9 page)

“You been thinking about me, Silas?” Matthew asked, his voice soft and low. “You want to come upstairs to my place?”

Silas felt his knees go weak at the quiet intensity in Matthew's voice. He nodded. “Yeah.”

Matthew smiled. Silas had seen many smiles on Matthew's face—smiles of mirth, happiness, and mischief—but this devilish, wicked smile was turning out to be his favorite. “That's what I wanted to hear.” He hesitated, as if deciding whether or not to act, but then stepped in closer and lowered his lips almost to Silas's. Then paused. Silas's heart beat a tattoo against his ribs, his lips already parted, mouth damp and waiting and needy. Matthew's eyes were open, boring into his with an intensity that bordered on the uncomfortable, lips so close that only a breath separated them. Silas wanted to pull him in, wanted to devour and be devoured, but he remained frozen as Matthew closed the distance. Their lips brushed with only a delicate, featherlight touch, and then Matthew stepped away and left Silas reeling for balance and desperate for more.

Matthew's look spoke of what was to come. He jerked his head toward the elevator. “Come upstairs.”

Matthew slid a key
card into the elevator slot, entered his floor number, and they began to glide effortlessly upward. The ride was interminable. Silas's body felt alive and charged with electricity and they'd barely even touched. Once the elevator stopped on the thirty-seventh floor, he followed Matthew out into the hallway, feeling drunk and dizzy and wanting.

Matthew's apartment was one of those new-wave urban loft setups. Silas had a minute to scan it when Matthew turned the lights on. He looked without really seeing, his attention much more on his body's needs than on the chic apartment setup right now. Matthew didn't give him much time to look around before he stepped into Silas's personal space and used one of the belt loops on the front of Silas's pants to tug him closer.

Matthew ran his free hand down Silas's side, and Silas could feel the warmth even through his clothing. Matthew's other hand still had a firm anchor on that belt loop. “I take it you don't do this often.”

Silas hesitated. “What makes you say that?” He hoped he didn't give off the air of inexperience.

Matthew took hold of Silas's hips with both hands, sliding his palms up under the waistband of his shirt. The contact of Matthew's warm palms on Silas's bare lower back made him shiver. “You have a pretty busy schedule. Seems like you'd have trouble making time for something as silly as sex.”

This encounter felt anything
silly to Silas, who was increasingly distracted by the contact of Matthew's hands against his skin. “I
pretty busy,” he managed to say. He reached up to Matthew's arms, pausing before running his hands up the other man's forearms to his biceps. Head swimming, he held on for balance.

Matthew bent his head and caught Silas's earlobe in his teeth, making Silas shiver all the way down. He moved from holding Silas's hips to wrapping his arms around him, one hand pressing between his shoulder blades as he mouthed down Silas's jawline. They hadn't even kissed yet, and Silas was out of breath, tipping his head back to give Matthew more access. This was all the same intensity of last week without the urgency. So much for blaming their chemistry on the danger of getting caught.

Matthew pulled his mouth away to look Silas directly in the eyes. “You know what I want to do to you?” He brushed their lips together, barely a kiss. “I want to bring you into the other room”—another brushing kiss—“and take you apart.” Matthew kissed him again, and this kiss lingered, openmouthed but light, a promise of more. “I've wanted to take you apart since last week.”

Oh god. Silas didn't even know what that meant, but it made him nervous, his heart rate quickening. Even so, his cock was hard, twitching in his pants with his heartbeat, desperate for more. With the only bravado he could muster, he said, “What makes you think you can take me apart? I'm a pretty put-together guy.” He knew it was bluster, since Matthew was making him come undone right now with nothing more than kisses and dirty talk. This time he initiated, leaning forward to press a harder, more insistent kiss against Matthew's lips.

Matthew took a fistful of Silas's hair and tipped his head back, and Silas whimpered and closed his eyes, the sensation so exquisite and overwhelming that he couldn't help it. Matthew paused, then released his hold on Silas's hair. “Oh, I think I'm up for the challenge.”

Silas took Matthew's face between his hands and kissed him again, momentarily using the advantage of surprise to take the lead. Matthew opened his mouth in shock, stiffening, before he relaxed and kissed back. Silas only had the advantage for a moment, though, before Matthew was tugging him down the hallway, pausing for kisses every few feet until they reached his bedroom. Once in there, Matthew stepped away. The bedroom had its own balcony, and the open blinds revealed the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico beyond the city limits. Silas stared out into the brilliant red-gold sky before Matthew's hands were on him again and he lost track of himself.

When they parted, Matthew tugged at the hem of Silas's shirt, pulling it up and over his head. Silas kicked off his shoes, the insistence of Matthew's hands making him undress faster. When he reached for Matthew's shirt, the other man lifted his arms for Silas to help remove the garment. Interrupted by occasional kisses and touches, they stripped naked, and then Matthew backed him up to the bed and pushed him down.

Silas sat easily, more surprised than overpowered. From this vantage point, he could study Matthew through the golden light pouring in through the glass doors. He was lean and toned, his skin a rich dark amber all over. Silas's gaze fell to his cock, which was hard and thick and perfect. He hadn't gotten to see Matthew naked last weekend, because their tryst had taken place mostly in the dark, mostly dressed, with an urgency born out of trying not to get caught. No one was going to interrupt them here, though. Silas's initial anxiousness had faded, leaving a calm, focused interest much like when he was working on a particularly difficult problem for work. He could take his time now and enjoy what would likely be some fantastic sex without that terrifying, exhilarating loss of control like before. He felt more grounded in this moment.

Even as he was examining Matthew, Matthew was studying him, his eyes dark with lust. “Lie down,” he commanded.

Silas scooted to the middle of the bed, feeling ready to tease again. “Are you going to try and boss me around?”

“Why, are you into that?” Matthew smirked. “I've done a few things in my time.”

Silas thought of all the possibilities in that statement and blushed, making Matthew smile wider.

“I love watching white boys blush. You're pink all over.” Matthew climbed up onto the bed on his hands and knees, crawling over Silas and crowding him down onto his back. When Silas was lying down, Matthew sat back to look him up and down. His casual examination was hot. “Look at you. Fuck, you've been hiding such a good body.” He ran a hand up Silas's thigh, his thumb barely brushing the crease of his groin, and Silas felt his hips twitch in response.

“Thanks,” Silas responded. “You're pretty hot yourself.”

Matthew's grin was white teeth and amusement. “Yeah, thanks.” He steeled his face into a serious expression again, but his eyes were still sparkling. “Now, I think I was supposed to be taking you apart. You are welcome, of course, to try and keep yourself together.”

An electric jolt rushed down Silas's body. The dirty talk in the other room had been hot, but he was expecting things to progress right to sex now that they were in here. Matthew straddled Silas's legs and leaned down to kiss him, not on the mouth as he was expecting, but at the hollow of his throat, right below his Adam's apple. Silas sucked in a breath and swallowed, the action making him shiver.

“You know, I'm perfectly ready to fuck if you want to skip all this teasing.” Silas's voice sounded more hoarse than before.

Matthew was taking small bites of Silas's collarbone. “So you're the kind of guy who rushes things?”

Silas was having trouble breathing now. “Not rushing things, but no sense in dawdling. We both—” He inhaled sharply as Matthew bit particularly hard on the skin. “We both know what we want. And why do you keep biting me?” Matthew bit him again, this time on his chest below his collarbone, and Silas moaned.

“Because you obviously like it so much.” He did the same thing on the other side.

Silas couldn't even deny it, because each sharp twinge made his dick twitch and leak. Matthew kissed and nibbled his way down Silas's chest and over to a nipple. That made Silas gasp, his hips jerking up against Matthew's stomach. “Yeah, that's right,” Matthew said, lifting his head to watch Silas's response as he started twisting that nipple between his fingers. “You know how hot you looked last week, showing up all covered in hickeys? I wanted to take you back here and give you a dozen more.”

Breathing was still difficult, but now he was having trouble thinking, especially as Matthew drew his other nipple into his mouth and started sucking, his fingers still working the opposite side. Silas was moving, hips pressing upward, and he couldn't seem to stop it. This was . . . God, this was fantastic, but overwhelming, frightening, his body's responses out of his control. Everything felt out of his control, and mixed in with the fear was such intense arousal that he almost couldn't stand it.

He tried to speak, making sense of this in words, but they came out breathless. “That's . . . oh, that's different.”

“Yeah? Not much of a nipple guy before?” Matthew propped himself up on his elbows to look down into Silas's face, which he watched as he twisted both nipples hard at the same time. The sensation was fierce and sharp and glorious, and Silas arched up into Matthew's touch. “That's right,” Matthew crooned. “Oh, you're so hot right now like this. Coming undone for me and I haven't even touched your cock yet.”

That's what Silas wanted, of course, his body desperate for more than the occasional stimulation he got when he pressed up against Matthew. And Matthew knew it, too, must have known it, because he was taking his sweet time with this. Silas wasn't going to survive.

Matthew moved back up Silas's body and kissed him, aligning their hips so he could press their cocks against each other. The contact made Silas gasp into Matthew's mouth. Suddenly, he wanted everything, right now. He gripped Matthew's shoulders for stability. Matthew moved against him more, a few gentle strokes, before breaking the kiss. Silas opened his eyes as Matthew grabbed something off the nightstand and straddled his upper thighs, getting into position there. When he saw Silas watching, he smirked, then opened the bottle of lube he'd retrieved and drizzled a cool, slick stream over Silas's aching erection. Then he locked eyes with Silas and held his gaze as he wrapped his hand around the length and gave it one slow stroke.

Silas opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Matthew began stroking Silas's dick in slow slides, taking his time, and Silas was speechless. His body was focused entirely on
God, yes, this,
and it was so good, he couldn't articulate the pleasure.

“What do you want, Silas?” Matthew asked, his voice low and husky, and damn, the man could seduce him with just that tone. “You want me to get you off, just like this?” He reached down with the other hand and cupped Silas's sac, fondling it as he continued stroking with the other hand. “Do you want to fuck me?” A shudder ran down Silas's body as he struggled to control himself. He wasn't close to coming, not yet, but his responses seemed extreme and he couldn't seem to stop trembling. Matthew paused in his stroking. “You've got to tell me.”

Silas licked his lips, composing himself as best as he could. “What do

Matthew grinned. “Honestly? I want you to fuck me. I want you to try and keep it together while you're pounding me.” He stroked Silas again. “What do you say to that?”

Silas gripped the bedsheets, because good god, he hadn't expected that at all. All he could imagine now was that hot, tight press of muscle around his cock. “Yes. Yes, please.”


That “yes” was the
sweetest thing ever, coming from this strung-out, desperate, gorgeous man fucking into his hand. Matthew didn't even know if Silas liked to top, but he personally enjoyed both, and he was especially going to enjoy Silas trying to hold back as he got completely overwhelmed. He moved off of Silas and stretched out next to him, taking the lube to prepare himself. With one leg bent on the bed, he reached down and back, gently stroking around the edge with a lubed finger before pressing inside. Silas watched him, lips parted, rolling onto his side to get a better look.

“You like to watch?” Matthew gave him a lascivious look. He was so fun to tease.

Without Matthew's hands on him, Silas seemed to be doing much better at composing himself. “It's more interesting than just lying here.” Apparently that composure extended to wisecracks. Matthew was just getting a sense of Silas's sense of humor, which he hadn't seen nearly enough of yet. It was refreshing to see that the guy actually
a sense of humor.

“Yeah, I bet.” Matthew focused on his task, the slow opening stretch, stroking his cock with his free hand to keep his erection while he did so. After a moment, Silas's hand replaced Matthew's around his dick, already lube-slicked. Oh fuck. He wasn't tentative anymore, not like the first night when he'd been figuring Matthew out. Now he stroked sure and firm, rubbing his thumb over the tip each time, and Matthew strangled a groan as he pressed two fingers inside himself.

Silas squeezed Matthew's cock a bit harder, causing him to buck up. Surprised, Matthew looked over at his partner, who was watching him intently, eyes dark with lust. Silas rolled the tip of Matthew's cock between his thumb and forefinger, stimulating the sensitive underside, and Matthew exhaled with a quiet moan. Damn, that felt good.

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