Read Snack Online

Authors: Emme Burton

Snack (14 page)

Snack looks around the shop and tilts his head down to talk to me. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to sit in Baskin Robbins with all of our former classmates and their spawn. Let’s get out of here.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I can drive and lick.”

Wow, I think my Daiquiri Ice just melted in my hand. Not trying to be too anxious or obvious, I inquire, “More date?”

Snack takes a long, purposeful lick of his ice cream and swallows. “Much more date.”


We arrive in downtown Downers Grove, and Snack drives around looking for a parking place. It seems the old sports bar down the street has been transformed into a new bar/restaurant called Whiskey, Beer and Barbeque, and it has become very popular. It must be doing a brisk business tonight because parking in downtown DG is at a premium. We eventually give up on street parking and settle for a spot in the commuter lot on the other side of the train tracks. I assume we’re going to the new place.

We walk hand in hand back over the tracks and I realize I’m approaching my favorite place in the world—with my favorite person in the world. Once we reach the plaza, I stop. Snack keeps walking but when I stop, it pulls him back.

He turns and says nothing, but gives me an amazing smile and then pulls me in for a hug. I look over his shoulder and notice that SNACKS is closed. Usually, Collette would still be inside cleaning up. I suddenly become a bit concerned. I hope everything is OK.

“Snack!” I say suddenly. “How come the café is closed? Is everything OK? You haven’t gotten a call or text or anything, have you?”

Snack steps back to release me and bends his head forward so our foreheads are touching. “Calm down, Minnie. Everything is fine. I asked Mom to close a little early tonight. I wanted us to have the place and the loft to ourselves.”

“Oh.” I sigh. Then I realize why Snack wanted his mother to close the place early and let out a more knowing, “Oooooooh.”

Snack chuckles and kisses my forehead, and then my nose and each cheek until he finally finds my lips. And there it is. The kiss I’ve been waiting years for. A kiss in the cold with Snack in the shadow of the train station. My favorite place in the world. I cup his bearded jaw with my gloved hands. The kiss begins slow and sweet and builds to a hot frenetic tangle of lips and tongues. The moment is only made more special by the sound of the train passing through town and blaring its horn.

“Did you know this is my favorite place n the world?” I ask when we come up for air.

“No, I didn’t,” he answers, intrigue in his voice.

“It’s where I was standing when I first saw your parent’s place. It’s where I always feel just a little hopeful and have that fluttery feeling inside that something good is going to happen.”

Snack runs the back of his finger down my cheek. When he reaches my chin, he tips my face up and pins me with his heated gaze. “Don’t fight that feeling, Minnie.”

Although it’s my favorite place, I no longer want to be here. I want to be alone. With him. I grasp his hand tightly and pull him across the street.


SNACKS Café is dark except for some dim puddles of light throughout the store. I follow them to the back of the store and climb the stairs to the loft. Snack is somewhere behind me. He said I could come up and get comfortable since he had to lock up and reset the alarm.

Moonlight and streetlight mingle and filter through the windows into the loft.

Walking toward the kitchen, I spy a box of baked goods with the SNACKS logo on it. There’s a note on top of the box, but I can’t make out what it says.

“Stop! Stay right there. Don’t move,” Snack commands from across the room. I freeze. “You look like an angel in this light.”

I’m sure I flush fully. The room becomes hotter in a matter of seconds.

Snack strides toward me, pulling off his pea coat and beanie and flinging them onto the loveseat on his way over. I turn away from the counter to face him. He comes right up to me. So close but not touching. I’m completely under his spell, falling deeper into his gaze. Gently he slips my coat off my shoulders and down my arms. He gives me a quick peck on the lips as he drapes my coat across a barstool.

I let out a chuckle when Snack lifts me off the ground and sits me on the kitchen island.

He stands between my legs; his hands splayed out on the bar next to my thighs, essentially trapping me. Running my fingers over his beard and through his smooth thick blond hair, I pull him to me for a deep lingering kiss. I want to taste every inch of his mouth.

Never breaking our kiss, Snack unzips the long zipper of my boot. A moan slides from his lips. He does the same with the second one, and after yanking it from my foot, pulls me off the bar. I slowly transverse down his body, all of my body sliding down all of his. I’m met with a pleasant hardness against my abdomen and I gasp.

“Jesus, Min. If I get this hard just unzipping your boots, I’m in huge trouble!”

I can’t stop myself from giggling. “I didn’t know you were a foot man.”

“Foot man, ass man, breast man any part that’s attached to you!”

Last time we were in the loft I was freezing. Now, I’m about to combust.

I reach down to take off my sweater, but Snack grips my hands. “No, let me,”

He slowly, torturously, peels my sweater up and over my head. Where it went after that? Who knows? Who cares.

“Thank you. I… I was so hot.”

Snack kisses my neck and inhales right below my ear. “You
so hot.”

I shiver. How is it possible to be this hot and shiver at the same time. Only Snack could do this to me. I’ve never reacted to a man in this way—ever!

He continues to kiss and suck all the way down to my shoulder. He slips the straps of my camisole down and nips at my skin. Just the same as with my sweater, my camisole soon disappears. I’m standing in the middle of the loft half naked in my bare feet, bra, panties, and jeans with a man I’ve longed for forever.

Snack cups my breasts with both hands. His thumbs rake across my tight and tortured nipples. When he begins unbuttoning my jeans, my reserve fails and I start backing him up.

Toward the bed.

I need his clothes off and soon. My fingers can’t work fast enough to remove his navy blue button up. Snack steps back only long enough to slide his T-shirt off. My hands are immediately back on him, surveying every bulge and ripple of his muscled chest and firm abs. I’d like to get on my knees and lick them, but that would mean stopping what I’m doing. I make a note to myself do that later. After taking a tour of Snack’s naked torso, I reach down to unzip his jeans, but not before palming his erection. I felt it against my stomach, now I want to feel it in my hands. I can make out the stiff shaft and turgid head even with the barrier of his Levi’s.

Snack tips his head back and groans at my touch.

We tear at each other’s jeans. Snack walks us backward toward the bed. I trip as my jeans gather around my ankles, flopping around like a denim octopus. I drop onto his chest and he falls back on the bed. Perfect positioning. We both scream with laughter. Not exactly the coolest seduction on either of our parts.

Between chuckles and snorts, I confess, “I… I’m just so nervous. You’re so… God, you’re so beautiful, and I’m so…” I squeeze my eyes shut unsure how to face my self-doubt. “What if it’s not good?”

Snack shakes his head and smirks. “What are you talking about? You’re beautiful. The most beautiful thing in my world. Min, it’s going to be amazing!”

I run my hands over his chest again, stare at his lips, and then his eyes. “Stop reading my mind.”

“Make me.”

Both our jeans are off in moments, as are his boxer briefs and my panties. No more SWCO for us!

Snack wraps his large arm around my waist and, in a well-calculated twisting move, positions me horizontally on the bed underneath him. His mouth crashes down on mine and our tongues dance and swirl.

I writhe beneath him, thrusting, and gyrating against his thigh. Snack’s cock is insistent against me. I want him inside me so badly.

My want is only heightened when Snack’s lips leave mine and he dips his face toward my breasts. He looks back up at me quickly and arches an eyebrow, telegraphing his intent to tease me further. Again cupping and kneading my breasts, he breathes over them and I arch and groan. As I arch, Snack laves one of my nipples into his hot mouth and sucks deeply. So deeply I have to close my eyes and hyperextend my neck to handle the sensation. The excruciatingly painful pleasure shoots down to my clit, and I swear I feel it throb. Snack repeats this exquisite move again with my other breast. I claw at his back, non-verbally pleading with him to give me more. My hands slide down to his round, firm ass and I pull him toward my pelvis. I’m going to come and leave him far behind if this doesn’t happen soon.

“Oh, God, Minnie. I can’t wait any longer.”

“Good! Be… Because I can’t, either. Please, Snack. Marcus, Please!”

Snack pants. “Oh my God, you called me Marcus.”

“I’m serious, Snack.” I groan. “Now, please!”

Snack doesn’t need more encouragement. He positions his ample cock at my entrance and just as he’s about to thrust, I scream, “Wait! What about protection?”

Snack freezes in his nearly there position and looks at me with bugged eyes. “Oh shit! I haven’t needed one in so long.”

Why? Because he hasn’t had sex or because he was married?

“You don’t have one?

Shaking his head in frustration.“Nooooo!”

I lift his head with both hands and smile. “Not to worry, I do!”

“Thank the Lord, because we were going to have to resort to some Ziploc bag MacGyver prophylactic situation if you didn’t! There’s no way I can stop now!”

The thought of Snack’s homemade birth control device is hilarious! I roll out from underneath him and reach over the side of the bed for my jeans. Years of watching my brothers’ sexcapades has taught me to have one of these bad boys at the ready. You never know, but in the case of tonight’s date, I sort of suspected.

I sit up and Snack kneels back on his heels. I’m presented with his gorgeous, hard, twitching cock, which I quickly sheath with the condom. This is taking far too long. As I cloak his beast, Snack slides a finger between my slickness and then his thumb joins, circling and applying pressure to my already engorged clit.

I lean back, letting him continue the delicious foreplay for a bit longer, but then I pour my need out by locking my eyes on his. Snack responds by covering me with his whole body and thrusting his throbbing erection with one long movement. We both moan at his arrival. I’ve waited forever for this and it’s finally happened. Snack and I are finally having sex. No, not just sex. We are making love. Knowingly Snack doesn’t move. He just stays very still.

Then looking down for a long moment he softly and deeply says, “Hi!”

I giggle which causes a pleasant contraction below and then say, “Hi!” back. I’ve never laughed so much during sex before. It’s a pretty great feeling.

And then the laughing ends. I rock into Snack with slow, rhythmic thrusts, contracting my inner most sensitive muscles with each one.

“Jeez, Minnie, you are on fire.”

“Mmhmm.” My powers of speech are failing. I can feel my orgasm building. It will not take long. I’m chanting something that sounds like “Please, please, please, please” as Snacks kisses up my neck to just under my ear.

“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll get you there.” Snack meets me gyration for gyration and just as I peak and grab at the sheets, he stills and we both cry out in a deep guttural unintelligible release of emotion.

After a few long exhalations, Snack pulls out of me and I wince at the loss, immediately missing his closeness. Snack reaches around in bed and then I feel him wiping me between my legs. I can only guess he grabbed a piece of clothing from somewhere. I yawn and smile at him. His face is calm and happy in the warm glow from the ambient light.

“Why didn’t we do that sooner?” I yawn into his chest.

“So many reasons,” Snack whispers into my hair. “Reasons that, for the life of me, I can’t recall clearly. I’m kicking myself for making us wait so long.”

“We won’t wait long again,” I say hopefully.

Snack laughs. “No, we won’t!”

Snack kisses me on the forehead and pulls me under his arm so my head is resting between his chest and shoulder. Snack gently covers me with the duvet.

Sleep comes easily.

Chapter 15: 2005 – Five Year High School Reunion

People deliver platitudes like, “Always say I love you” to your spouse and children when you leave. How about the person who ignores you? Like my mother. How about the person you work really hard to like? Like Charlotte. How about the person you love, but really can’t bear to be around? Like Snack? Yeah, how about Snack? I told him I loved him and look how well that worked out.

We saw each other briefly throughout college the few times I actually allowed myself to go home to Downers Grove during Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. We talked about our separate lives but never a life together, not anymore. I don’t know why we didn’t go there. We just didn’t.

I kept our conversations civil and shallow because talking about anything too deep would surely send me into a love-fog, and I was determined to stay clear and focused when it came to Snack. I just couldn’t get past the way he broke up with me. Broke me. Although I deep down I still loved him, would always love him, he couldn’t be mine. We had our time, but we were kids and the circumstances of our relationship were wrong. All wrong. There was a strained push-pull whenever we were in each other’s presence.

Clip told me Snack had plenty of girls in college. I dated a few guys. Although, he never asked and I never told, Snack knew that I was no longer a virgin.

I completed four years at Middlebury, graduating with a degree in English that focused primarily on narrative journalism. Then I spent a year traveling and writing in Europe thanks to a gift from my Mimi. It was then—away from the states and well away from my family and Snack—that I finally gave myself to someone

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