Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense (4 page)

“Hey, it’s me. Call me when you get this.” He was still on the bike, obviously. She had a little time though and waited patiently, pondering what she was about to do. It could either be the biggest mistake of her life, or the answer to her prayers.


ane shifted
in the hard chair, staring at the pictures on the wall of the elegant restaurant Zare brought her too. Tasteful black and white pictures of life in the Bayou decorated the dark wood walls. Jane had never been in a place where tasteful decorations adorned the walls. Plastic sea life and shrimp-nets maybe, but never dim lighting, candles, and artistic pictures. Was this what he had to offer her? An elegant life interspersed with rough and rowdy fun?

She could feel her pulse rising as she thought about what she was doing and looked at the man she’d just agreed to marry. He was handsome, if broody, and very dark. His hair was black, even his eyes were black, his skin tanned to a golden brown. His eyes came up to meet hers and she felt her desires rising as his already dark eyes somehow became even darker, his arousal obvious in the way he gazed at her. He looked hungry.

“Ahem. Well, Zare.” She stumbled to a halt, unsure of what to say now that she’d agreed to be his wife. He’d bowed his head and gave her a simple thank you. But what else did she expect? His undying gratitude? She was the one that was gaining the most here, not him. “Um, so why do you need a wife?”

Jane’s eyes widened as the question came out before she could stop it. It didn’t really matter to her but it did, somehow it did matter.

“My clan. You’ll understand later, after we’re married. I can’t reveal much to you at the moment but after we’re married I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I’m the head of our group, not just the bikers, but the clan, our family. I really can’t go into it at the moment but I will soon enough. They want me to marry, I will marry.”

“Right, that didn’t really help. But I guess it doesn’t matter, so long as I’m not breaking the law.” She gave a confused smile and took a sip of her wine. Was she breaking the law by not marrying for love? What was the law on marriage anyway?

“There’s nothing illegal about it, I’m not marrying you to avoid jail or anything along those lines, I’m just trying to appease my clan. Now, what about the wedding? The clan will demand a party at the very least, we can do that at my house, I have the room and the setting for that, but do you want a civil or religious wedding?”

“Civil, I’m not religious at all. I, um, well, who’s paying for it all? All of my money goes to bills and Charlie’s care.” Jane’s cheeks flamed as she felt a small rush of embarrassment.

“Why are you turning red? Don’t you know that’s one of the reasons I chose you? Your strength and determination, you’re willingness to do what it takes for those you love. While you are certainly a beautiful and sensual woman your strength of character far outweighs your physical appearance.” He spoke quietly, firmly, and without contempt.

Jane looked at him and felt her cheeks flaming hotter, was she really all of those things? And sensual? Where did that come from?

“Thank you. I’ve just never thought of myself that way, I suppose. All of those things you said, that just doesn’t seem to be me.” She fiddled with her glass and looked away.

“But it is you, Jane. You’ve shown that over the time you’ve been working at the bar. By now most have given into the temptation for easy money or have turned to drugs to get through their days. You didn’t.”

“I suppose you’re right then. How odd that I’ve never really thought about it.”

You’ve been too busy for self-reflection I’d imagine.” Zare said with blunt honesty.

“This wedding then? It will be big?” She sounded nervous.

“Don’t all women want huge weddings with great big giant gowns?” He teased, knowing she wasn’t the type for that sort of thing.

“Oh hell no! All those people staring at me, the pressure to surprise, to give the audience what they want? No, not at all. And some of the dresses I’ve seen? I don’t see how women sit down and stand up without a crane to lift them! No, that’s too much hassle. A simple civil union, maybe in a garden somewhere, with a few family and close friends is about as much as I can tolerate.”

“And the honeymoon?” He asked, a flash sparkling in his gaze, a teasing tone edging into his voice.

“Um. Well.” She stuttered to a stop.

“There’s that blush again.” He teased further.

“Stop!” She protested, grinning at him. “Do we have to do that part? I don’t want to leave Charlie for too long. I can’t, not really. I wouldn’t enjoy myself. I’d be too worried over him.”

Zare sobered instantly. He tilted his head as if considering.

“Yes, of course, you’re right. When he’s better we’ll consider it.”

Jane could see it was something he hadn’t considered and wondered about that oversight. He’d seemed to be so observant about everything else but hadn’t considered Charlie being too ill for her to leave him. How could he overlook that?

“May I ask when you’ll start taking care of Charlie’s medical bills? I hate to sound business-like but he’s not responding to the latest treatment. He needs this new treatment the doctor’s spoken about.” Jane’s words cut off and she looked away. He took her hand across the table and squeezed it reassuringly.

“There’s no need to fear discussing anything with me, Jane. I know we’ve agreed to this wedding for our own reasons but I would like to make it a real marriage someday. Believe in me, trust in me, I will care for both of you as my own. Charlie’s new treatment is happening as we speak. I called the hospital earlier and spoke with them about payment and a care plan. Doctor Evans has been instructed to follow your instructions and wishes. He’s already been taken care of.”

Jane felt tears filling her eyes, her joy and gratitude overwhelming. She almost sobbed in happiness.

“Thank you.” That was all she could manage for the moment and held a large linen napkin to her eyes. In that moment she was grateful for the dim candlelight. She could hide in the shadows.

“You’re welcome. Now, do you want dessert or do we drive back to see your Charlie?”

“Charlie, please. I’d like to check on him.”

Zare paid the bill and soon they sped away in a very expensive sports car that Jane couldn’t identify but loved. The tan leather seats seemed to envelope her in luxury and comfort. She looked at the car, at the seemingly simple man across from her and began to wonder. Were the rumors true? Was he a drug dealer? He had money, that was certain, but the kind of money to pay for Charlie’s treatment and a car like this? That was more than just dealing drugs. A lot more.

Jane felt a shiver go down her spine and pushed the thoughts away. If it kept Charlie alive she didn’t care what Zare was involved in. Not one bit. That might be selfish but she didn’t care, Charlie was all that mattered.

are took
Jane home and went back to his office, a building off the highway, down a long dirt road. For over three hundred years his family owned the property, property that passed from one generation to the next. It was Zare’s turn. As the only child of his father he’d inherited the property, the wealth, and the upkeep of the clan.

Over the generations the clan had grown larger, then smaller, fluctuating throughout time. The members of the clan, those that had made the change, lived much longer than the average person, sometimes living up to two or even three centuries before their bodies started to age rapidly before death. Zare was, in fact, 20 years older than the mid-30s that his body displayed, closer to fifty-five than thirty-five. His birth certificate and the deeds to the property reflected his body’s age, not his actual age. Having clan members in local government offices helped in that regard.

Keeping a low profile and still running the family business took some effort and Zare was in charge of making sure every member of the clan stayed within the boundaries set up for them by Zare’s father, Caleb. Sometimes Zare felt as though he was failing his father and that the clan was endangered by the technological advances the world had produced but he had plans, plans that some disagreed with, but still the best plan for the clan. Time was running out on how long the family business could be maintained, the many fronts they’d used over the generations being phased out by computers and cell phones. There weren’t many places left to hide in the world and rather than moving the entire clan to remote part of the world Zare had come up with his current plan. He just had to overcome a few naysayers' objections.

Zare watched as members of the clan counted stacks of plastic wrapped bales and went into the office. Sitting in the chair opposite his desk was one of those naysayers.

“Now, let’s discuss how far down in the ground I’ll bury you if I hear any more about your machinations and schemes, Joel.” Zare sat down, a grim smile on his face as he stared at the black haired man sitting across from him. When the smile disappeared, replaced with a cold malice that was far more threatening, the man began to talk.

ane changed
from the light blue dress she had on and into a pair of yoga pants and a flowing long-sleeved shirt. It was always cold in Charlie’s hospital room. She put her long dark hair in a braid, picked out a new e-book and made sure her e-reader’s charger was in her handbag. She had a long night ahead of her and she was as prepared as she could be from here.

Jane didn’t expect an immediate change in Charlie’s health but she felt something she hadn’t felt in a very long time crowding out some of the fear and heartache. It took her a moment to realize what it was, a moment to process exactly how she felt. She was halfway to the hospital before it finally crystallized, she’d relaxed. She finally had hope, like the band of terror that had wrapped around her chest all of those weeks ago were finally loosening up a little.

Jane smiled as she pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and walked into the wing of Charlie’s ward. She went to his room and her smile, so bright it caught the eye of the nurses, disappeared.

“Nurse? Where’s Charlie?” She called out in a panic. He was just here that morning, where was he at now?

“Oh, he’s just getting a new line, and his room’s been upgraded. He’s in 21C now.” The nurse said with a smile. “We had a call this afternoon. Congratulations on your engagement by the way. I’m so glad you have something to smile about at this time. Cancer is so hard on the patient but I see so many parents and caretakers in here, they run themselves into the ground for their loved ones and have so little to make them smile. I know it’s a tough time but I’m happy for you.”

Jane hadn’t realized that Zare would work so fast or that he’d put out the word. She hadn’t even told Dodie yet! Jane felt her face go pale and knew she had to find her friend. She’d be in Charlie’s new room, waiting for Jane. How to explain this? Jane thanked the nurse and went to find the room.

Her steps slowed as she neared the new room, far more private and spacious than the one Charlie had before. It wasn’t really that different, they still had to be careful about washing their hands before touching him and other protocols were still in place but the room was brighter with a bigger window and a real bed for whoever was staying with him during the night. That was the biggest change.

Dodie was propped in a recliner watching television when Jane walked in. Dodie looked up with a surprised glance then her eyes went wide.

“I think you have some explaining to do, Cher!” Dodie said as she got up and came to hug her friend. “I don’t know how you did it but you just pulled off a miracle!”


ane left
the bedroom provided for her on the day of the wedding, Dodie in a suit behind her to carry the train of the gem encrusted white gown Zare had encouraged her to buy on one of their shopping trips. There’d been many in the month since Zare had made his proposal but today was the day. Walking into the backyard, overlooking the Mississippi River of Maison de Fleur, Jane looked back at the huge white plantation home.

Zare proved to not only be rich, but beyond her wildest dreams rich and from one of the oldest families in Louisiana. The family now kept a low profile but were still tightly knit. Jane saw many of Zare’s family and friends in the seats but only a few of her family members. Charlie was improving but couldn’t leave the hospital still, and the rest, well Jane just hadn’t known or cared enough to invite them.

She and Zare had not been intimate since they’d agreed to this venture but she’d wanted to be with him. Not because of his money but because of the tender care he’d shown and the tempting ways the man had. He’d look at her sometimes and she would wish for a warm bed and their clothes to disappear. Sometimes she even believed that their marriage was a true love-match because he was just so sensitive and caring with her.

She saw him as she came to stand beside him, his dark hair pulled up in its usual knot, his inspiring body hidden beneath a black tuxedo. He made her mouth water with the smoldering look in his eyes and the way his lips parted when he saw her in the halter style dress with the long train. An off-white color, the dress was like something out of her dreams and had cost far more than her car had.

Zare hadn’t even batted an eyelid, just looked at her on the pedestal she’d been standing on when she tried it on, and told her this was the one. Jane hadn’t wanted to try it on but the sales assistant had encouraged her when he spotted Jane’s eyes going back to it over and over. Jane was happy she’d agreed now as she looked up into Zare’s eyes and felt a shiver of anticipation. Those eyes promised he’d try to be gentle in taking it off later but he was holding tight to the urge to just rip it off of her now. Even his nostrils flared as he looked down at her.

Jane returned his smoldering stare as she took his hands and the ceremony began. She barely heard it but spoke up when Zare squeezed her hand and she gave the appropriate response. What had started out as a business proposal, a solution to a problem, had turned into far more than she could have hoped for. She wasn’t sure but she thought she was falling in love with Zare.

He’d been so kind to Charlie, even coming to visit him and stay with him in the hospital so the boy could get to know him. He’d spent those hours when Charlie was being treated with Jane, talking to her about her past and finding out about her hopes and dreams. He’d arranged a position in the family business, apparently the acquisition and sale of antiquities, and Jane was going to be taking up the position as head of the accounting department. She was looking forward to that.

Zare also had a sense of humor that often set her at ease and she admired the fact that the man with unimaginable wealth spent most of his money on giving back to his community and charities rather than pure pleasure. He even spent a lot of time coaching a local Little League team. Jane heard people laughing and wasn’t surprised when she turned her head to see Zare at the center of the laughter.

Jane smiled and thanked people for their well-wishes throughout the night, wondering if there were wolves nearby as darkness fell on the party and she started to hear the howls from the swampland to the left of the property. The plantation home was situated on the banks of the river and surrounded by swampland. Jane had fallen in love with the home immediately and knew Charlie would love exploring the house and the property. Apparently the family members lived out in the swamps in specially built homes high on bracers that protected against flooding. Jane hadn’t seen any of them yet but she knew the houses were lovely from the way Zare had described them.

Feeling as though she was watching someone else that evening Jane knew she’d been married but everything had a surreal feel to it. When the males of Zare’s family pulled her out to a specially erected dancefloor and started pinning envelopes and money to her dress Jane laughed with happiness. She’d heard about the “money dance” but hadn’t seen it really take place. She saw Zare was getting the same treatment as he was passed from one lady to another, much as she was passed from one man to another. She finally ended up in the arms of a man that looked like a much smaller, somehow less handsome version of Zare. This man left her cold, his eyes dead and cruel looking.

“So you’re his bride. He picked an outsider. Never mind, you won’t be around long anyway.” The man sneered down at Jane and dropped his arms before walking away.

Jane stared after the man, wondering what he meant and coming to the realization that not everyone was happy with Zare’s choice in his bride. She stood there, her arms hanging at her sides, her hair done up on top of her head in a chic French knot, staring after the man. Then Zare was there, his arms pulling her close.

“What did Brent say to you, love?” He asked as he guided her around the floor.

“Just that I wouldn’t be around long. I don’t know if that was a threat or if he thought you’d get rid of me. I have no idea but I don’t like him.” She snuggled closer to her new husband and felt her momentary discomfort leave her as his heat replaced it.

“I’ll keep an eye on him. Generally he’s harmless but he’s been causing problems. His mother is my father’s sister. She felt her son should be the Alpha in the clan for some reason. She filled his head with that idea and he’s still trying to take it from me. He’s never understood that position is given, not taken.”

Jane’s head began to swim, a combination of the champagne they’d drunk as they cut their cake, the dizzying amount of dancing she’d done, and the entirety of the day. Brent’s words hadn’t helped but Zare did. Even if his words were just as confusing.

“What’s the Alpha mean?” She asked as he pulled her off of the floor and into the house. She waved at Dodie, happily chatting with a female member of Zare’s family, as he pulled her into the cool house, out of the heat of the night.

“I’ll explain it all soon enough. For now, let’s get changed so we can head off to the best part of this night.”

“Oh, eager are you?” Jane said with a teasing smile as they went into the room that held their traveling clothes. Jane had chosen a white dress with silver embroidery in the shape of hearts and flowers. It looked surprisingly good on the hanger; she hoped it looked as good on her.

“Believe me, I’d tear your clothes off and pull you down to this bed right now if I could but I want you to myself tonight.” He practically growled the words as he pulled off his tie and then his shirt. His clothes weren’t as formal, black jeans and a dark grey shirt that showed off his physique replacing the tuxedo and tie.

“Oh my.” Jane said as she turned so he could undo her dress.

Somehow they’d both agreed that they were going to head into this as a real relationship, though one that was going slower than most modern relationships today. Jane smiled her thanks back at him before letting the heavy weight of the dress slide away. They were kind of going backwards, they’d already had sex but oh well. The smile stayed in place as she put the other dress on over her bridal lingerie and Zare zipped the dress up with a kiss between her shoulders. This wasn’t going to be bad at all.

He took her hand and they went out to their car, the partygoers already assembled to wave goodbye. Jane had no idea where they were going but she didn’t care. Charlie was being cared for and it was her wedding night. She was married.

The words sank in and she looked over at Zare driving them to their destination.

“You aren’t going to tell me where we’re going are you?” She asked.

“Nope. The first part will start in about twenty minutes though.” He promised with twinkling eyes.

Zare had driven them to a private airport where a private jet flew them to a private island off the Gulf of Mexico. Zare never did quite say where it was but there were no officials on the island, just a large home with ocean views from all sides, no roads, no power-boats, and lots of solitude. There was no electricity either but a solar water heater was available and a gas stove for cooking.

Jane loved it from the moment she stepped off of the plane. The house was lit with oil lanterns, and the house stood out amongst palm trees and rock outcroppings. A white palace, Jane wondered how it had withstood hurricanes but forgot her thoughts as Zare picked her up and carried her into the house.

“Welcome to your new life, Mrs. Mallack.” He carried Jane into the house and set her down in a gently lit room, large glass doors open to allow the breeze to cool the room. Jane loved how the white curtains blew in the wind.

Zare set her down on a settee and walked to a bottle of champagne sitting in a bucket of ice. Jane had no idea where the ice came from or any of the rest of it but assumed someone had brought it in before they arrived. She took the glass he handed her and smiled up at him in an innocent way that she didn’t realize was far more alluring than a sexy pout.

Zare sat down beside her, settling in finally. The day had gone off as he’d hoped, much better than he thought it would. He’d expected some kind of trouble but it hadn’t occurred. He and Jane were finally alone, there wasn’t anyone else around, and the tempting little minx that had filled his dreams nightly for far too long was finally his. But he needed to make sure she was good with that first.

“Jane, I know we’ve kind of had this unspoken agreement that we’re going to try and make this a real marriage but I have to make sure before I do anything more that this is what you want. I don’t want you to feel pressured or as though it’s expected of you. We can sit here peacefully for the next two days doing nothing but exploring the island or we can spend it in bed in that other room. It’s up to you.” He’d looked at her as he spoke but as his words ended he looked down at his now empty champagne glass.

“Zare, you have given me every reason to be grateful to you and I will always feel indebted to you but what we do from here on out has more to do with the person you are than what you can give me. You’ve been a friend and I needed that. You’ve given me the world, I can’t deny that but you are generous, kind, and sexy as hell. I couldn’t say no to you if I tried. And believe me, I tried very hard for a long time. I can’t stop how I feel, though. I want this, all of it.”

Jane’s eyes looked even darker in the lantern light and Zare watched how her lips parted as she watched him. He felt his pulse quickening, his blood pounding through his veins at her merest hint of arousal and hoped he could take his time tonight. He needed her so desperately he was worried he’d rush her.

Jane moved first, climbing into his lap, straddling his hips as her dress pushed up over her hips. Zare’s hands went around her hips, touching her, holding her, as she gently lowered herself to him. His face looked up into hers and then their lips met. Jane heard a moan deep in his throat as her hips pressed down into him and the kiss deepened. She pushed down once more and almost giggled when he pulled away to breathe in deeply.

She allowed her hands to stroke down his neck before stroking further down over his hard chest, his flat stomach, before delving deep between them. Jane had to shift to reach the hard ridge of flesh she found in his pants and Zare took the moment to inhale the scent of her neck, his tongue rasping against the sensitive flesh there. Jane gave an involuntary jerk and her hand squeezed at him.

“Neither one of us is going to last like this Jane. Let’s go to bed.” His ragged breath teased the flesh of her neck and Jane wanted to be naked beneath him on a bed.

“Take me to bed then, Zare.” She murmured, pressing into him once more.

She gave a startled “oh” of surprise when he stood and held her to him with ease, carrying her into the bedroom at the top of the stairs. He leaned over the bed, gently dropping her in the middle. Rather than following her down, however, Zare knelt at the side, pulling her satin covered center to his waiting mouth.

“Zare!” She cried out, surprised and pleased, as he pushed her panties aside and breathed on her damp, waiting sex.

“You’re beautiful. All of you!” He whispered to her before his lips grazed her bare flesh. His tongue delved between the pink lips of her flesh, splitting her open with his tongue.

Jane felt her body shivering in response to Zare’s very intimate touch and sighed. She knew he was a skilled lover but this was beyond anything she’d ever felt before and they’d only just started. His tongue teased her and stroked her, stealing her breath away as he stirred her passions.

Jane’s hips started to move, leaving the bed to press into his face, into his mouth, as she suddenly felt his fingers plunge into her tight wetness. His tongue tortured her clit as his fingers delved into her, stretching her for what was to come. She could feel his tongue making tight circles as her body lost control and her cries of pleasure escaped her throat. Jane felt her nipples tightening, abrading against the lace of her bra, teasing her further as Zare’s fingers fucked her body, quickly finding her most sensitive spot.

As her breaths came closer together and she started to gasp Zare moved his hands spreading her lower lips to push her clit from its hood. Jane’s head thrashed on the bed as Zare sucked at the sensitive button, the sensations almost more than she could bare but she didn’t want it to stop either. She’d never felt anything so primitive, so sexually satisfying, as Zare’s lips sucking at her clit!

Jane’s body tensed and she stopped breathing for a moment as her body contracted from head to toe. When the wave finally broke over her she gave a harsh cry of pleasure, far more guttural than anything she thought she could ever make and she lost herself to unstoppable pulses shooting through her.

Zare watched her writhing beneath him and had to stop himself from getting up and plunging his hard flesh into her soft, giving flesh. His cock hardened even more, watching Jane as she came apart above him. He’d never felt anything so stirring as watching his wife coming. He felt a tingle in his chest as he realized she was indeed his wife, and sucked hard once more to let her keep riding the waves.

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