Read Soul Chance Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Soul Chance (12 page)

“I’m sure.”

Ryder studied Ari for a moment, amazed and delighted by her bold response. “Very well. On your knees.”


Was she mad? Asking for punishment?

Ari straightened her posture as Ryder stripped, trying to ignore the curls of apprehension and desire making her wet…wetter. Her eyes widened as he came to her with his thick cock in hand.

Oh, God. Not this again.

Ryder chuckled and Ari thought for a second she’d spoken aloud.

“Hold this.” Ryder held out a condom and Ari took it. “Now, hands behind your back. Good girl. Now, open your mouth and take me deeper, Ari.”

Ari parted her lips and flicked her tongue over the tip of Ryder’s cock. She relished his sharp intake of breath as she wrapped her lips around him. Ari concentrated on getting as much of Ryder as she could with each methodical thrust of her head. Her eyes watered as she fought to relax and accept Ryder’s cock even farther.

“Better than last time, but I know you can take all of me.”

Ari mewled in protest when Ryder wound his fingers in her twists. He pressed her head down onto his cock, entered her throat and stayed there. The intrusion made Ari bring her hands up between them. It was too much, way too overwhelming not to try to push him away.

Ryder removed his dick from her mouth and Ari coughed as he angled her face up to his. “Who asked for this?”

“M-me.” Ari’s chest heaved as she fought to breathe normally.

“That’s right.” Ryder reached down and pulled her tee up over head, revealing her hard nipples. “I want you to return your hands behind your back and keep them there.”

Ari did as she instructed, oddly revitalized by Ryder’s appreciative smile. “I’m ready.”

“We’ll see.” Ryder pressed his cock against her lips and Ari opened her mouth.

She stared up at Ryder, concentrating on her breathing as he edged his thick length deep into her throat. Tears filled her eyes as Ryder fucked her mouth, but she didn’t pull away or push him back when he dug his fingers into her twists and set the pace. Ari whimpered around his cock, adding to the elicit sounds echoing in the room as she savored the taste of his pre-cum.

, Ari.” Ryder’s gruff, pleasure-laden voice thrilled Ari. “You’re doing so damn well.”

Ari moved her hand between her legs and stroked her clit in tandem to Ryder’s thrusts. Her wetness coated her fingers, made her want more than her own touch to get off.

“Are you playing with my pussy?” Ryder pulled his cock from between Ari’s lips.

Ari gulped in air, still strumming her clit with her fingers. “Y-yes.”

“I didn’t give you permission to move your hand.”

Ari undulated her hips, purposefully jutting out her breasts as she fingered herself. “Please, Ryder. I want to come.”

“And you will.” Ryder yanked her onto her feet and guided her into her bedroom.

Ari yelped when he tossed her on the bed. She waved the condom still in her hand as Ryder joined her. He took the condom from her with a wicked grin on his face and put it on. Ryder lifted her legs and parted them into a wide V, making her skirt bunch around her waist. Ari toyed with her breasts, crying out as Ryder guided his cock into her. He gave her no time to adjust, slamming into her over and over again. His possession of her body rendered her boneless, bombarding her pleasure. Ari closed her eyes, falling silent as the erotic sensations consumed her. She clutched at the covers beneath her as her orgasm swept through her, half aware of Ryder’s sharp groan as he climaxed seconds later.

Ari curved her body against his, still trembling from the tiny ripples of bliss fluttering through her as Ryder lay beside her.

“You’re perfect for me.” Ryder’s voice was a rough whisper against her ear.

Ari exhaled as tears filled her eyes again, unable to speak. She refused to tap into the emotions his words stirred up. His declaration couldn’t be real. It was just another strange product of their surreal circumstances.


* * * *


Ari glanced at Ryder over her cup of coffee, almost hating how sexy he made a pair of worn jeans and white T-shirt look in the morning light. She’d thought a good night’s sleep and some strong coffee would help pierce her mind-numbing fog. With Ryder next to her all night, sleep had come easy, but Ari had awakened more than once to see if he’d left her bed. He had, in fact, stayed the entire night.

She’d attempted to seduce Ryder, to get him to take her in a manner reflective of the nature of their arrangement. The goal had been to clarify what they were in her mind, but being with Ryder last night hadn’t cleared up a damn thing.

“What is it?” Ryder lifted his gaze from the financial paper he’d been reading. He cocked his head in her direction and a lock of hair, still damp from showering, fell across his forehead. “What’s on your mind?”

You. You and me. You in me. You. You.

Her mind was a jumbled emotional mess of thoughts which Ari couldn’t bear to share with Ryder. Ari glanced at his lips, curved up in that sexy grin she longed to kiss.


Ari blinked, focusing on Ryder. “More java?”

“No thanks.” Ryder gave her an accessing look as he took a sip from his mug. “That’s what’s on your mind? Coffee?”

“Coffee and yoga.” Ari forced a bright smile. “I bet you’re surprised at how much I’ve improved.”

“No. I knew you were capable.” Ryder sat his cup on top of the newspaper. “I’m glad you realize it now too.”

Ari sat back in her chair, caught off guard by his response.

Ryder skimmed his fingers over her thigh. “Your form is impeccable. You should be proud. I am.”

His compliment warmed her as much as his touch. Ari cleared her throat. She wasn’t sure she could take another sex fest. Her heart had yet to recover from the last one.

“Yoga is so good for the body.” Ryder slid his hand up her leg.

“I had a visitor last week.” Ari straightened in her seat, trying to ignore the heat of Ryder’s hand on her skin.

Ryder raised an eyebrow. “A visitor here? Who?”

“Cassie. She didn’t leave a last name.” Ari searched Ryder’s face for a reaction, wanting to gauge his involvement with the brunette but face gave nothing away.

“What did she want?”

“She mentioned losing a necklace here.” Ari watched Ryder as he got up from the table.

“A gold chain with a sand dollar pendant?” Ryder took his cup over to the sink and put it in.

“Yes.” Ari attempted to keep her own face devoid of all expression when Ryder turned to look at her. Hearing him describe Cassie’s jewelry was all the confirmation she needed.


Who is she?
Ari waited a few seconds for Ryder to say more, to answer at least that one question replaying in her head. She parted her lips to ask when the house phone rang. Ari blew out a breath as Ryder answered, half-listening to him talk. She frowned when she heard her name.

“What’s going on?” Ari asked when he ended the call.

Ryder swore. “Ben had a heart attack.”

“Oh my God.” Ari rose from her seat. “Is he going to be okay?”

“Liza said his family is hopeful.” Ryder shook his head. “It happened this morning.”

“That’s terrible.”

“It is. I’ve known Ben since I was a teenager.” Ryder dragged a hand through his ruffled hair. “I’m going to stop by the hospital.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“No.” Ryder reached for his cell off the table. “Thank you, but his family doesn’t want a lot of visitors at this time.”

Hurt, Ari managed to nod her head amicably. “Okay. What about tonight?”

“Tonight?” Ryder frowned then lifted his head. “I’ll play for you until we find a suitable replacement for Ben. Text me the songs you two were going to perform.”

“Do we need to practice?”

“Probably should but we may not get a chance.” Ryder came over and kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t worry. We’ll be fine either way. I’ve got you.”

“I’ll see you later then.”

“Yes. I’ll call you.” Ryder gave her another quick kiss before pivoting and exiting the kitchen.

Ari sighed, feeling guilty for being upset that she hadn’t got to ask Ryder more about Cassie. This wasn’t the time, she knew that. Ari moved from the kitchen to the window when Ryder went out of the front door and watched him leave with a heavy heart.

“Face it, Ari. You don’t have the right to inquire about a damn thing.”


Chapter Nine




Ryder exited the hospital parking lot in a dark mood. It had been difficult seeing Ben so weak and out of it. The pianist had encouraged Ryder’s interest in pursuing his music more than once. Ryder guided his car into traffic, glad that his presence had at least seemed to brighten Ben’s wife’s spirits. He’d assured her that Ben would have a job at The Cove when he was ready to come back.

The visit had reminded Ryder that life was fragile and time was short, not unlike his run in with riff raff in Vegas had. He wanted to live it to the fullest, share it with someone that truly mattered…like Ari. Ryder tightened his grip on the wheel. The woman kept him on his toes and his cock hard.

Ari wasn’t the first woman he’d spanked but she was the first one who hadn’t wanted it in the beginning. He’d never anticipated her
him to punish her or his intense reaction to doling it out.

She was his match, creatively and sexually. Last night had proven that to him, made him wish he’d never accepted their present deal. Pride had been the only reason he had. Ari’s lack of interest in exploring anything more between them without changing the terms of their previous arrangement had prompted him to accept her new one without truly thinking through the pros and cons.

The pros made his cock twitch but the cons felt like a knife slowly twisting in the gut. Ari wanted him—that was undeniable—but would she still be in his bed if it were not for their deal? When she was debt free, would she go back to Vegas to party and gamble? Ryder didn’t like the answers that popped into his head as he turned off the main road.

He glanced out of the window at his old neighborhood, surprised to see how much had changed. Ryder confirmed the address he had for Carrie on the mailbox then pulled into the driveway. He shut off the engine, got out of the car and locked it. Hearing that Cassie had been at the beach house had thrown him for a loop.

Ryder walked up to the front door and rang the bell, determined to get some answers. He glanced around the manicured lawn to the neighbor sitting on the porch watching him with unabashed curiosity. He lifted a hand in a greeting then heard movement from inside Cassie’s home. Ryder turned his head to the door as it opened. He blinked in shock at the young man who was a spitting image of him.
What the fuck? It can’t be.


The teenager seemed unfazed by Ryder’s presence.

“Hello. Is your mother home?”

“Yes, she is.” The young man smiled at him. “Hang on a se—”

“Nathaniel, who is it?”

Ryder shifted his gaze off of Nathaniel as Cassie appeared in the door. “Hello, Cassie.”

Cassie’s eyes widened. “Nathaniel, go finish your lunch. I’m going to take a walk around the block. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”



Nathaniel frowned but kept his mouth closed as he went to finish his meal. Cassie waited until he’d walked away to step outside. She closed the door then whirled on Ryder. “What in the
are you doing here?”

“Is Nathaniel your son?” Ryder noted all of the blood draining from Cassie’s face.

“Please”—Cassie glanced back at her home—“let’s take a walk? There’s a park a few minutes away from here.”

Ryder nodded and followed her, a bad feeling settling in his gut about whatever Cassie was about to tell him. He waited until they had entered the deserted playground to turn to her. “Okay. Tell me the truth about Nathaniel, Cassie.”

Cassie drew in a shuddering breath. “Nathaniel is my son.”

Her confession stunned Ryder. “
Holy shit.
And you didn’t tell me? Is
why you ran off?” He cursed, feeling as if the entire world had flipped on its axis. “Because you were pregnant? I was young but I would’ve stepped up. Surely you knew that.” Ryder shook his head. “Fuck, Cassie, why didn’t you tell me?”

Tears glistened in Cassie’s eyes. “I— I didn’t tell you because Nathaniel isn’t yours.”

“Jesus, stop lying to me,” Ryder scoffed. “Other than your hair color, he looks just like me. After all of these years, I need to hear you say it. Nathaniel
my son.”

“Not yours, Ryder… Your father’s.”

Ryder froze, trying to hear Cassie over the roar in his head. “
Excuse me?

“Nathaniel…” Cassie shook her head as if what she was about to say still stunned her. “He’s Nathan’s son.”

Ryder frowned as he stared at Cassie. What she was saying was ludicrous, could not be true. His dad having sex—and a
—with his high-school sweetheart? It was unfathomable.

“I’m sorry to be the one to give you such shocking news.” Cassie wrapped her arms around her chest. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness for my betrayal. I won’t even ask. I just want you to know we were together one time and—”

want to hear the damn details.” Ryder rubbed the back of his neck. “Does Nathaniel know the truth?”

“He knows. He used to be happy when your dad would come into town to check on the resort. He’d bring him expensive gifts, but that’s all changed now.” Carrie blew out a breath. “Nathaniel’s older now. I think he resents Nathan not taking a more active role in his life.”

“I don’t blame him.” Ryder glanced at a SUV moving down the street. “Did your mom know about you and my…my—” Ryder shook his head. “Goddammit, this is
fucked up.”

Cassie’s expression was bleak when she looked up at him. “My mother did know.

“Wow. Just wow.” Ryder looked up at the sky then back at Cassie. “Why were you at the beach house?”

Carrie stared at him for a moment. “To talk to your dad about seeing Nathaniel before we moved. Things got heated. I lost my necklace and the cottage was the only place left I hadn’t looked for it. I remembered your dad liked to keep a key under the rock by the porch and I let myself in.”

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