Read Southern Belles, a Novel About Love, Purpose & Second Chances (9781310340970) Online

Authors: Sarah Anderson

Tags: #romance, #love, #god, #humor, #inspirational, #young adult, #teen, #best friends, #purpose, #ya, #second chances, #teen romance, #sarah anderson, #sarah dzuris, #southern belles

Southern Belles, a Novel About Love, Purpose & Second Chances (9781310340970) (42 page)

Her words drifted into my ear and re-ignited
a flame that had flickered only small sparks since that warm summer
night. “It’s very nice to meet you too.”

Emma stayed close to CeCe and I for most of
the afternoon. She, like her brother, gave off a warmth and
sincerity that is hard to counterfeit. I detected that Richie
seemed to take notice of Emma’s beauty too. He was unusually quiet
and observed Emma talk with CeCe and I. Emma shared stories of her
and Skylar when they were kids and of the silly things he’d say and
do. I could tell, by the way she spoke about him, they had a close
sibling bond. She was three years younger than him.

“Emma came in early this morning. They have
a house in Brunswick and she drove down from there.” CeCe

“Oh wow, that’s not that far away.” I said
thinking about Skylar and the beach house he told me about.

“Nah, it’s about 45 minutes for most or
about a half hour for me. I have a bit of a lead foot.” Emma

“Emma, you crazy driver you!” Christine

“I’ve got places to go and important people
to see.” She smiled, clutching on to her mom’s arm before turning
to look at me and CeCe.

After our pedicures and manicures, we were
lead to a large room with 4 large tubs sunk into the floor filled
with what looked like mud and floating flowers.

“Anyone for a swim?” Richie teased.

“I opted for us to have volcanic ash mud
baths. They’re full of minerals and really good for your skin.”
CeCe said, clapping her hands quietly.

“Hmm, really?” I said, thinking about mud
squishing between my toes and other parts.

“It’ll be fun. Besides I want my skin to be
silky smooth for Christian.” She said as she went to her changing

The thought of Skylar touching her silky
skin made my stomach hurt.

“Girls, am I staying or going in another
room?” Richie asked a bit nervous.

“Richie, they provide you with a cover
up—it’s like a Speedo. While you’re changing we’ll get in first and
then you can get in.” CeCe said from behind her curtain.

He looked at me and then over at Emma.
“Really a Speedo?” He mouthed to me.

“If I have to hear about her making out with
Skylar—I don’t want to hear you complaining about wearing a
Speedo.” I whispered back to him frowning.

“Are you girls almost ready?” CeCe asked,
coming out of the booth in a towel.

“No, I was busy listening to Richie whining
about the mud getting in between his toes.”

“I’m ready.” Emma said pulling open her

I peeked around the corner and saw the back
of Emma dip down into the mud. CeCe went in next. I quickly slipped
out with my towel and headed towards my tub. I stuck my toe in and
felt the warm mud. I dropped my towel on the ground and hurried in
before Richie came out of his changing booth. The mud was
surprisingly relaxing and not as gritty as I supposed it to be.

“Ladies, can I come out now?” Richie
hollered from his curtain.

“Bring it on Richie.” CeCe yipped.

“Okay, turn around girls; I don’t want you
to faint over my manliness.” He said, peeking his head around the

“Oh my goodness Richie—your manliness?” I

“Hey now, that’s better than his girliness.”
CeCe joked.

“I kind of like Speedos—all the manly
European men wear them.” Emma smiled.

“See—she knows what she’s talking about.
Listen to the cultured woman over there.” Richie pointed at Emma as
he came out in a towel draped around his waist.

“I want to see the Speedo!” CeCe joked
sitting back in her tub with the mud lying just below her

“Hey, you’ve got your own Speedo to look

Richie’s words stung. CeCe laughed at his
silliness and was still none the wiser of the boiling emotions I
covered up just below the surface. I looked down and thought about
what would’ve happened if Skylar had called me when he promised.
Maybe, we’d be sitting here in my honor. Her joy was choking what
was left of my heart. I sat back and placed the warm wash cloth
over my eyes.

“Good idea Char—you don’t need to see your
brother in a Speedo.”

“Yeah, that would be a bit traumatic for

“Are you okay Char?” CeCe asked.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I said trying to make my
voice sound lighter. “I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last

“She and Eric broke up.”

“Richie!” I said, removing my washcloth so
he could see my angry disposition.

“What? Char, why?” CeCe looked

“CeCe this is about your day. I don’t want
to spoil it with my depressing life.” I said, trying to get her to
talk about something else besides Skylar.

“Sweetie—maybe if you talk about it you’ll
feel better. I want to hear what happened.” She leaned towards the
edge of her tub in my direction.

“We just aren’t meant for each other. He’s
really incredible in all ways but he’s just not the one.”

“In all ways?”

“Yes, in all ways.” I looked at her as she
raised her eyebrows. “CeCe, no—not that way; we’ve never…”

“Never, really?”

“No, never! Skylar was the only one. I’m not
willing to give what’s left to anyone unless he’s the one and puts
a big ring on this finger.” I said, holding up my mud-covered hand,
wiggling my ring finger.

Richie and Emma looked over at CeCe and

“So, what would you do if you ever saw
Skylar again?” Emma asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve thought about it so many
times, I just never thought it would happen.” I said, losing my

“What?” CeCe asked. “Did you see

“Oh. Oh no. I meant I’ve thought about what
I would say or do if I ever saw him. I don’t think it’ll happen
besides I’m pretty sure he’s moved on with his life—wherever he

“Christian has some pretty cute friends I
could set you up with.”

“Thanks CeCe. Don’t bother. The right guy
will find me one day.”

“Well I hope that you find a guy just like
Skylar—kind, handsome, funny, and just completely wonderful.”
“Thanks Ce,” I managed to get out.

I sat back and listened to Richie, CeCe, and
Emma talk the remainder of the time. My heart continued to sink in
the mud feeling helpless. CeCe was so happy and although Emma
seemed to give me hope I still felt that telling CeCe was not an
option. CeCe’s wedding was going to be the biggest party of the
year for St. Marys. Her parents spared no expense in all the
details to bless their daughter. Our mud baths finished and we met
back up with the other girls and the mothers for afternoon tea
before leaving for Cumberland Island for the wedding rehearsal. My
mother met us at the harbor to drop Lucy off for the practice.

We boarded a ferry to get to the old
beautiful Greyfield Inn that CeCe’s parents booked for the entire
weekend. It was a short fifteen minute ride to the Inn. Our boat
was packed with all the ladies and Richie. As we got closer to the
dock I could see the rest of the wedding party. Standing at the end
of the pier was Skylar and a few of his friends. I watched him
silently as I leaned over the side of the boat. He looked like he
had in my dreams. His hair was blowing in the wind. He was dressed
in flip flops, a pair of relaxed jeans with a white tee shirt and a
blue fitted sport coat. His eyes were covered up by his sunglasses.
As we neared the dock he looked over at me and smiled out of the
side of his mouth. His smile made my heart sick. He was like a drug
that made me dizzy and weak in the knees.

“Auntie Ce—there’s Christian!” Lucy pointed
with her tiny finger while she pulled on CeCe with her other

Skylar’s attention changed to CeCe as she
waved him down with air blown kisses. I prayed diligently, in my
head. Please Lord, please help me. I don’t want to be here. Not
here and not in this life. I can’t handle this and I need you to
carry me. I can’t do this. I’ve been strong for everyone else but I
need you. My world is crashing down and there’s no one to hold it
up. Please, I prayed.

“Hi ladies.” Skylar greeted all of us.
“Emma!” He reached for her. “I see you met all of CeCe’s

“I did. They all seem really nice.” Emma
beamed as Pinky perked up in awareness of all the guys standing
around Skylar.

“Hey, you look familiar.” One of Skylar’s
friends pointed in my direction.

“I do?”

“Yeah, isn’t she that girl at the party?” He
looked at Skylar.

“I don’t go to any parties—it wasn’t me. I’m
a mom.”

“Oh, it must have been someone else.”

“They say everyone has a twin.” I

“Yeah, Char is the best mom. She’s always
with Lucy. And now she’ll be with her even more.” CeCe said,
rubbing my shoulder mimicking a sad face.

I looked at CeCe wanting to duct tape her
mouth. Although she was being a good friend in any other situation,
she was driving me nuts.

“Really, why is that?” Skylar looked

“She and Eric broke up last night.” CeCe
said with a sad face, again.

“What happened?” He asked with a strange
grin-like frown.

“My life is not that exciting. We should get
going.” I said turning towards the Inn.

“I’m sorry I’m not embarrassing you, am I

“I just don’t want to talk about
it—especially in front of everyone.”

“I know. Maybe you’ll meet someone this
weekend. You are my best friend and you deserve to be happy.”

“We’ll see.” I said avoiding eye contact
with her and Skylar.

I endured the painstakingly romantic vows
during the rehearsal. Father John officiated. I watched silently as
CeCe gazed into Skylar’s eyes. She had remembered every word of her
vow. Skylar stumbled a few times and seemed distracted—this was a
side of Skylar I hadn’t seen before. He seemed less confident
during the reciting of his vows. I couldn’t tell if it was my
presence or the fact that his daughter was running all around,
pretending to be a butterfly in flight. Bev tried to catch her a
few times to get her to land but she kept dodging her arms and
Bev’s heels did not lend her any assistance. Several times, I
caught Skylar laugh as Bev tried to lure her over. Emma watched the
spectacle in delight. I wondered what all Skylar had told her other
than he
loved me. She seemed to enjoy watching Lucy’s
free-spirited self-run around with no care in the world as did her
brother. She only bothered to stop running when dinner was served
and she was promised a decadent strawberry-lemon crème cake
sprinkled with white chocolate shavings.

After the rehearsal, I followed behind CeCe
and Skylar towards a large outdoor patio, complete with an
elongated table draped in white linen and enough silver and crystal
to cast a glow, noticeable, across the river. Everything was
dripping in luxurious detail. It was elegant just like CeCe and
Bev. The evening sky lit up a beautiful array of colors over the
water. There was an orchestra playing music during dinner and
servers stood nearby, with water pitchers and champagne bottles.
Nothing had been over-looked. I paid close attention to Lucy and
eluded any interactions with CeCe and Skylar. Father John sat next
to Lucy during dinner. As I cut up her food, I felt a warm hand on
my back. Father John leaned over to give me a smile and a pat on
the back.

“How are you doing?” He smiled. “I hear
you’ve got a book that’s about to be published.”

“Oh yeah, my parents must have told

“They did. They also told me other things
when they asked for prayer for you this morning.”

“I’m fine Father.” I said in

“I’m here if you need to talk.” He patted my
back as he looked me in the eyes. “If you change your mind…”

“If I change my mind, I’ll let you know.” I
said, before thanking him for the thought.

“Can I get your attention everyone?” Bev
asked, clinking a spoon against her champagne glass. “These girls
and guys have got to get going for their night out on the town.”
She smiled. “But before they go—maybe a toast from the Best Man and
the Maid of Honor to send them off?”

Great, I thought to myself. I was already
emotional. Now to stand in front of all these people and wish my
best friend and the love of my life a happy ever after was too much
to bear. I looked over at Richie. He leaned his head to the side
and attempted a smile. I looked down to gather my composure and to
figure what I could say that was truthful and believable. We were
just about to the point of no return. My time was running out as
each moment passed.

“Since the Maid of Honor is a chatterbox
over there, I’ll go first.” The Best Man joked, striking up
laughter from the table.

I sat still, trying to figure out what to
say as the Best Man continued.

“In front of us, sits a great man—a selfless
and better person than most.” He said with his hands on Skylar’s
shoulders. “I’ve watched as my best friend suffered through almost
losing his mother-the great Mrs. La Fleur right over there, three
times. Then he met a girl he thought was the one before she
disappeared. After a few years of hard times and moping, something
brilliant happened one day.” He continued, “In the words of my best
just when times get too dark and you feel all alone, God
sends signs and people to help lift our spirits and direct our
. That was the day he met Cecilia Crawford and his life
forever changed. You’ve made him a happy man CeCe. Please raise
your glass to this very wonderful couple. This one’s for you my
little Sky Flower.” He finished by raising his glass as the table

Sky Flower—this is what his friends use to
call him. He told me about that at the beach that night. I tried to
think back to see if I had ever shared that to CeCe. I looked over
at her to see if anything registered. Her champagne glass was
raised to her mouth still.

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