Read SovereignsChoice Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

SovereignsChoice (11 page)

I stare at him until I remember I’m
supposed to do more than just look. Awkwardly, my hands still cuffed in front
of me, I slip off the chair and knee-walk over to settle between his thighs.

“Very good.” Aiden strokes my hair away
from my eyes and gives me a look of approval. “Now the main thing is to never
use your teeth but I don’t really expect you to be able to fit much of me in
that lush little mouth at first.”

I’m relieved to hear that. His shaft looks
thick enough to choke me. “But then…what do you want me to do?” I ask hesitantly.

“To begin with, just lick.” He raises an
eyebrow at me. “You did like the honey sauce, didn’t you?”

“Yes.” It was delicious—sweet and a little
tart as though a tiny bit of lemon juice had been mixed into it.

“Good,” Aiden rumbles. Lifting the
porcelain pitcher, he drizzles a thin line of honey sauce over the broad,
throbbing shaft of his cock. “Come here, darling,” he murmurs, beckoning to me.
“Lick me clean.”

I lean forward, more eager for this than I
want to admit. Though it’s never been my number-one fantasy, I’ve always
wondered what it would be like to give a blowjob. To take a man in my mouth and
taste him, master him in a way, with the power of pleasure. And the fact that
it’s Aiden sitting there, watching as I hesitantly put out my tongue to take
the first taste, only makes me hotter.

I lap gently at the thick club of flesh
rising from between his thighs. It’s long and straight and ends in a broad head
with a small slit at the end. Though the rest of his shaft glistens with the
golden honey sauce, there is a small drop of clear liquid beading at that tiny
slit that I know is all Aiden.

He groans softly, deep in his throat, and
strokes my hair gently as I clean him, feeling like a naughty cat cleaning away
cream with my tongue. My hands are still bound in front of me, my head bowed
over him in a submissive posture as I nuzzle close to get every last drop.
Every drop but the clear one, that is. I’m saving that for last.

The skin of his shaft is like warm silk
under my tongue and I can feel him throbbing as I lick. I like his scent, it’s
dark and spicy and utterly masculine. It makes me want to rub my cheek against
him, to somehow mark him with my own scent like an animal might, marking its
territory. I wonder briefly if this is how he feels about me. Is this need to
mark, to claim, the reason he’s so possessive?

“Very good, darling,” he murmurs, pulling
me back to rest my chin on his thigh when I have licked away the last drop of
honey. He caresses my cheek tenderly and looks into my eyes. “Did you enjoy
your dessert?”

“Yes, very much,” I say boldly. “In fact…”
I arch my eyebrow at him. “I want seconds.”

“There’s more where that came from,” he
says softly, his eyes never leaving mine.

“I want to suck you this time,” I say. I’m
not sure where I get the courage to say the words—they just seem to come out. “I
want to take you in my mouth—all the way.”

His eyes are half-lidded with pleasure but
he shakes his head a little regretfully I think. “I don’t want to choke you, my
little virgin.”

I bristle at his words. “Just because I’m
inexperienced doesn’t mean I can’t learn,” I point out. “Please, Aiden…Master.
I-I’ve always wondered what this would be like and so far…well, so far I like

“I see.” His eyes gleam. “Very well, you
may try but you must promise to be careful and stop if I tell you to. I don’t
want to come tonight.”

“You don’t?” I look at him uncertainly.
“But…why not?”

“There are several reasons, the first and
foremost being that I tend to produce quite a lot of cum.” He strokes my cheek.
“I don’t want to shock or frighten you by expecting you to swallow such an

“Oh,” I say softly, biting my lip.

indeed,” he mocks me gently.

“I can take it.” I look up at him. “I-I
want to make you come. The way you made me come last night.”

“That’s a lovely offer but not tonight, my
darling,” Aiden says firmly.

“But I want—” I stop abruptly.

He raises an eyebrow at me. “No, do go on,
Emma. What is it you want?”

What I want is to make him lose control. I
want to see him coming, want to watch the hot, sticky rush as he gives himself
completely to pleasure and know I was the cause of it. I can’t say any of that,
though. It’s too embarrassing. Aiden is still watching me, however, waiting for
an answer.

“I just…wanted to see it,” I mumble at
last. “I never have before. Not in person, anyway.”

“You’ll simply have to wait, my sweet
little virgin,” he murmurs. “And as for seeing my cum, you’ll be feeling it
soon enough, filling your sweet little cunt the first time I fuck you.”

I feel my hands clench in concern as
something new occurs to me. “Aiden,” I say hesitantly. “I mean, Master, I…I’m
not on any kind of birth control right now. So if you come in me…” I can’t
finish my thought out loud. It’s very rare for a vampire to make a human woman
pregnant but it hasbeen known to happen from time to time. Especially a
woman with witch blood in her background.

He frowns. “We can discuss that another
time. It won’t be an issue tonight.”

I’m surprised at the rush of disappointment
I feel at this announcement. True, his cock is really large and I’m sure it
wouldn’t be easy for him to get it inside me. But some naughty, perverse little
part of me wishes he would try. The stern look on his face, however, tells me
this is nonnegotiable. Well, at least I get seconds on dessert.

I lean forward to take him in my mouth but
he stops me. “Wait.” He rings the bell again and calls for Barnes. “Clear the
table,” he tells the servant when he reenters the room. Though he talks to
Barnes, he looks only at me, cupping my cheek in his hand and looking into my
eyes. “But be quiet about it. My darling Emma is trying to concentrate on a
task and I don’t want her distracted.”

“Yes sir. Very good, sir,” murmurs the
servant. He begins to move in a deliberate fashion, clearing away the dishes.

“All right now,” Aiden says to me. “Suck
me, darling. Suck my cock.”

I feel as if every nerve in my body is on
fire with embarrassment. “I can’t now,” I hiss, my eyes flicking up to where
Barnes is carefully removing a half-full soup tureen. Even though I know he can’t
see me, I’m certain he heard Aiden’s commands to suck him. I’m mortified. Utterly

“Emma.” Aiden’s voice is suddenly stern.
“Pay no attention to Barnes, you’re well aware he can’t see us. You need to get
used to giving and receiving pleasure in front of an audience.”

“Why?” I demand. “Are we going to be putting
on some kind of show?”

“Emma,” he growls softly. “Either you suck
my cock here and now or I will put you on your back on the table and lick out
your sweet little pussy until you cream all over my face—all while Barnes
clears the table and polishes every piece of silver in the house not two feet
from your head.”

I can feel my skin shrinking from the idea
of such shame. And from the look in Aiden’s eyes, he’s serious. He really will
do that to me. Reluctantly I bend my head toward him again.

“That’s good, darling,” Aiden murmurs as I
lap tentatively at the broad head of his cock. That little clear droplet at its
crown is salty and as delicious as I thought it would be. “You’re such a good
girl to suck my cock, Emma.”

Trying to forget that Barnes is there, I
lean farther and take even more. The head alone is a mouthful but I like the
sensation of it filling my mouth. And I especially like the way Aiden strokes
my hair and whispers what a good girl I am and how well I suck him. I don’t know
why his approval means so much to me—honestly, it really shouldn’t. But somehow
it does. Maybe because some deep, buried part of me wants to make my Master

“Oh, Emma,” he groans softly, his long
fingers carding through my hair as I lap and suck the broad head. He has more
clear fluid—pre-cum, I suppose—flowing now and I lick it up eagerly and suck
him, looking for more. I wish I could get all of him in my mouth, that I could feel
him throbbing at the back of my throat, but I know that’s impossible. He’s simply
too big for me to handle. I like trying though.

Soon I’ve forgotten all about Barnes and
found a steady rhythm of licking and sucking and tasting. I want to touch him
with my hands too but they’re still bound in front of me as I kneel naked
between my Master’s legs, pleasuring him with my mouth.

I never want it to end but Aiden pulls me
away long before I’m finished.

“Enough.” He is panting, his large frame
shaking with some emotion. Lust? Desire? “Dessert is over now,” he tells me,
tucking himself away before I can protest and helping me to my feet. “It’s time
for bed.”

My legs are all pins and needles from
kneeling so long and I wobble as I stand. Aiden scoops me up at once, cradling
me in his arms like a small child.

“I can walk,” I protest as he carries me effortlessly
through the house as though I weigh no more than a feather.

“I don’t want you to.” He smiles at me. “I
want to carry you to the bedroom and tuck you in myself.”

I don’t complain anymore after that. I simply
lay my head on his broad shoulder and wonder if every dinner with my Master is
going to be like this.

Chapter Fourteen


Once in the bedroom, he bustles about,
getting me ready for bed. After removing my collar, handcuffs and nipple
clamps—and pausing a moment to suck my sore, tingling nipples as he does—he
puts me in the shower stall. There he washes me himself, with long, loving
strokes using a big, puffy sponge. He doesn’t seem to mind when the spray gets
him slightly wet.

I wish he would touch me more intimately,
that he would discard the sponge and soap me with his bare hands. But he seems
intent on teasing me, touching me just enough without actually giving me any
satisfaction. It’s maddening but I sense it’s all a part of the game we’re

A game I’m beginning to like much too much.

Aiden washes and conditions my hair, then
gets me out of the shower and dries me thoroughly with a large fluffy white
towel. He dries my hair with another and throws both towels in the hamper
before pronouncing me ready for bed. He’s just about to tuck me in naked,
between the crisp cotton sheets, when I protest.

“But Aiden…Master, I’m not really tired
yet. And it’s only…” I glance at the grandfather clock standing against the far
wall. “Eight o’clock.”

He frowns. “Don’t humans need at least ten
to twelve hours of sleep at night to be at their best?”

“Sure, if I were only three years old,” I
say, feeling slightly exasperated. “I’m twice eleven. I normally don’t go to
bed much before midnight. Six or seven hours of sleep is all I need.”

He raises an eyebrow at me skeptically, as
though I’m a naughty child trying to dodge bedtime. “Are you sure about that?”

“Of course I’m sure.” This time I can’t
keep the exasperation out of my voice. “You were human once—don’t you

He shakes his head. “Emma, it’s been well
over a century since I was human or had anything to do with humans. And when I was
turned, a great many of my mortal memories faded—that is always the way with my

“Well, take it from me,” I say. “I don’t
need to be put to bed early like a child. I’m wide awake. I’d just be miserable
lying here in the dark with nothing to do.” I look at him shyly. “Unless…unless
you were, um, planning to come to bed with me?” My heart beats fast and I’m not
sure how I want him to answer.

Aiden smiles. “My curious little virgin. I
would love to join you in bed and spend hours exploring your body. But not
tonight—you’re not ready yet.”

I want to ask when I will be ready but I
decide not to push it. “What
you going to be doing until bedtime?” I
ask, wondering where he sleeps for the night and for how long.

“I have some work to catch up on. I was
going to do it in the study.”

“Well…can I join you?” I ask awkwardly. I
sit up and snag another fluffy white towel from the stack to wrap around me.
“If you’re busy I promise not to interrupt. I can be very quiet—just give me a
book to read.”

He looks thoughtful. “I must confess that I
usually don’t enjoy anyone’s company but my own. But you are growing on me at
an alarming rate.” He nods. “Yes, you may join me in the study.”

“Thank you…Master,” I say, smiling. It’s
becoming disturbingly easy to remember to call him that. I try not to think
about it.

He smiles back. “We should change clothes
first. I’m nearly as wet as you are from your shower.” He eyes the towel I
wrapped around myself. “And
are very overdressed.”

I bite my lip. Crap. I was just getting
used to being covered again. “Couldn’t I keep it on?” I ask softly. “I’m still
wet and it’s chilly in here.”

“It’s not that chilly—” Aiden begins but I
cut him off.

“Not for a vampire, maybe. But for a
human…” I wrap my arms around myself and shiver theatrically.

He gives me a skeptical look and then
sighs. “All right, I’ll find you something.”

He rummages in the wardrobe, changing out
of his business suit and into a pair of faded, comfortable-looking jeans and a
white T-shirt that shows off the width of his broad chest nicely. For me, he
produces what looks to be a long satin smoking jacket in deep emerald green.

“It’s mine,” he explains, removing my towel
and draping it over my shoulders. “From a time when such things were
fashionable. It’s not the style anymore, of course.”

“Of course,” I echo, smiling. “Unless
you’re Hugh Hefner.”

He laughs. “Yes, well. I kept it because
it’s comfortable. You may wear it as long as you leave it open.” He strokes my
cheek and then his hand trails lower to cup my breast and casually thumb my
nipple. “Any time I look at you, I want to be able to see your luscious body.
You must never hide it from me, Emma.”

My breath catches in my throat as his touch
starts an all-too-familiar fire under my skin. “Yes Master,” I whisper, almost
without thought.

“Very good. You’re being so obedient all of
a sudden.” He looks extremely pleased. Then he lifts me gently and walks out
the door toward the study.

“Why are you carrying me again?” I ask,
mystified. “I really am capable of walking, you know.”

“I’m carrying you because I can. Because I
like it.” He gives me a warm, lingering kiss on the mouth before setting me on
my feet, just inside the study door. “Because you’re mine, Emma,” he says softly
and then goes to sit behind the huge desk in the big black leather chair. “Now
I must work. Find a book to amuse yourself and don’t bother me.”

The abrupt change takes me aback somewhat
but when I study him under my lashes, I can see that there’s nothing malicious
about it. He simply switches modes with supernatural speed, from pleasure to
work—it’s like a light switch with him. He can turn it off and on whenever he
needs to. Very practical and utterly vampiric.

I can’t help envying him his amazing
concentration and control—my skin is still warm and tingling where he touched
me and I can still taste his kiss on my lips. It’s useless to think of anything
else but his hands on me—still, I do try. I scan the shelves again for
something to read but once again I find nothing.

Finally I settle for the copy of
Handbook of Spells
,which I was perusing earlier. I handle it carefully
but to my relief, there are no shocks from the worn leather cover this time.
There’s a choice of two other seats in the study—one is a comfortable-looking
brown leather loveseat drawn up before the fireplace that dominates one end of
the room. It’s all made up with a stack of logs just ready to be lit but of
course there’s no fire. In Florida’s nearly year-round heat, I bet Aiden
doesn’t get to use the fireplace much.

The other seat is a wooden, straight-backed
chair sitting across from Aiden’s desk. After a moment of internal debate, I
take the copy of
and settle onto the hard wooden chair across
from him.

If Aiden notices my deliberate choice to be
closer to him, he doesn’t let on. His eyes remain fixed on the screen of his
laptop and his fingers keep flying over the keyboard with vampiric speed,
making them look like nothing more than white blurs.

Sighing to myself, I open
read over the familiar spells. This handbook is one of the first that any young
witch is given to study. By the time she’s twelve or thirteen and has started
menstruating, she ought to be able to manage the simplest ones by herself.
the Candle Flame to Life
,is the title of one spell. How well I
remember struggling with that one! My cousins could light candles from across
the room even before they hit puberty. With me…well, let’s just say I never
even got the wick to smolder. Not so much as a wisp of smoke though I tried for
hours upon hours.

There is a pair of ornate silver
candlesticks on Aiden’s desk with long creamy-white candles that have never
been lit. Out of habit, I concentrate on one of the tapering wicks and call for
a flame. I know the secret name of fire—I have known it from the age of eight.
It was one of the things my mother was teaching me just before our house burned
down. I think it now, letting it echo in my head. I close my eyes and imagine a
flickering yellow flame growing just for me, coming when I call like an
obedient pet.

The image is so strong and vivid I’m half
convinced that I’ve finally done it. That I’ve finally called the flame. But
when I open my eyes, the wicks are still as cold and untouched as ever without
even a wisp of smoke or a hint of ash to show for my efforts.

What did you expect? You’re a dud.
But I’m still disappointed. Every bit as much as I was as a child
when I tried and tried and failed and failed over and over until I burst into
exhausted tears and finally accepted my magicless status.

I’m just beginning to feel really depressed
when the soft strains of acoustic guitar reach my ears. Hmm, that music is
familiar…then I realize that Aiden is watching the video again. What was it
called? Something about the gentle dominant, wasn’t it? I must admit that when
I saw it earlier, I was a little too distracted by the vid itself to bother
memorizing the name.

Looking up, I see that he is utterly
engrossed, his piercing eyes fixed intently on the laptop screen. Is he getting
anything out of this? He doesn’t appear to be aroused but then, what do I know?
Maybe he’s seething with lust inside—I know I am. All day long I’ve been teased
in various ways and I still haven’t been allowed to come. I can feel my pussy
tingling at the memory of the movie and suddenly I want to see it again.

Moving quietly so as not to disturb his
concentration, I put down the copy of
and walk around the desk
to stand beside him and watch.

The Dom is going down on his submissive
again, licking and sucking her little pussy while she moans softly and writhes
against the bonds that hold her to the bed. I feel my pussy begin to get hot
and creamy at the sight. Then I remember Aiden kneeling in front of me and
giving my pussy that long, loving, thorough kiss. Goddess, that was so hot. My
knees feel weak just thinking about it.

“Are you enjoying the movie?” Aiden’s deep
voice cuts into my thoughts and brings me back to myself. I look up to see that
he’s watching me instead of the screen. Feeling embarrassed, I press my thighs
together, wishing I was allowed to shut the green robe I’m wearing and cover my

?” I counter, trying to be
bold. “Why are you watching it? You don’t look very, uh, affected by it.”

One corner of his sensual mouth quirks up
in a smile. “Actually, I’m watching less for pleasure than for information.”

“Information?” I frown. “I thought you said
you’d done this kind of, uh, domination thing before?”

He nods. “I have but it’s been many years.
The information I’m seeking is regarding human frailty. I’m reminding myself,
you see, of how very delicate and breakable you are.”

“Breakable?” I don’t like the sound of

Aiden nods. “A vampire my age is immensely
strong—many hundreds of times stronger than a human man. I could crush your
limbs if I hugged you too hard or smash your skull with a flick of my wrist in
a moment of inattention. I must be always on my guard to be careful,
gentle…tender.” He gives me a little smile. “I daresay you think the
punishments I’ve given you so far have been harsh but I assure you, darling,
each stroke of the belt or hand I’ve dished out is no more than a love tap to a

I put a hand to my throat. “Would it really
be that easy for you to…to kill me?”

“Of course it would—just as it would be
easy for a human parent to kill a helpless baby. But that doesn’t often happen,
now does it?”

“No, I guess not.” I’m still not very

Aiden sighs. “I see I’ve upset you, which
was not my intention at all. I simply want you to know that I’m always on my
guard around you. That I will never be less than fully controlled, never less
than completely careful of your life and well-being.”

“Why do you care so much?” I ask. “If you really
hurt me, I mean?”

“Because you’re rapidly becoming a part of
me,” he says softly. “Every hour our bond grows. I would as soon chop off my
own hand as injure you, darling—even by accident. Which is why I try so hard to
be careful.”

I have to admit he’s done an excellent job
so far. True, he’s inflicted pain on me when he punished me but it was always
in a careful, deliberate way. I never felt, during either of the spankings he’s
given me, that he was in any way out of control.

“Stop worrying and come sit with me,” Aiden
says, breaking my train of thought. He pats his lap. “Come, we’ll watch

Feeling a little shy, I come to settle on
his knee. At first I just perch there but with a little prompting from Aiden, I
relax so that my back is to his broad chest. I take a deep breath, inhaling his
warm cedar and spice scent, filling my lungs with him as I absorb the heat of
his big body.

“Mmm,” Aiden murmurs in my ear. “Now isn’t
this nice?”

I have to admit it is—although a little
uncomfortable. My position on his lap makes my bare breasts thrust out and puts
my pussy on display in a most disconcerting way. I tell myself to pretend I’m
at a nudist camp, to just ignore my nakedness and concentrate on the movie. But
since the Dom currently has his submissive up on her hands and knees and is
ramming into her from behind, paying more attention to the movie doesn’t help.

And then Aiden starts to touch me.

“Look at that,” he murmurs, bringing one
arm around me and casually cupping my breast. “He’s punishing her pussy with
his cock.”

“Is he?” I whisper, not sure what else to
say as he pinches and twists my nipple in a way that sends both pain and
pleasure shooting through my body. “Is…can that be a punishment?”

“Fucking, you mean?” He’s pinching my other
nipple too, now. Teasing it, causing my body to react whether I want it to or
not. “It can, yes. I prefer to use it for pleasure but sometimes, when a
submissive has crossed the line, she needs a harsher punishment. Then it
becomes necessary to fuck her roughly, to remind her who her Master is.”

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