Spirit Blade: Book III of the Dragon Mage Trilogy (41 page)


Don’t miss the other books in
The Dragon Mage Trilogy,

Book i:

s Quest

Book ii:

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About the Author


Carey Scheppner is a first generation Canadian who grew up in a remote Ontario community. He was an avid reader of novels since he could read, and his favourite of these was fantasy novels. As an Electronics Engineering Technician graduate, he excelled in the art of electronics. He tutored English and mathematics in college. Carey also went on to become a director of a board at a credit union and the treasurer of a church. Despite this, he still held a strong interest in fantasy novels and games. After reading a number of predictable novels, he decided to embark on writing his own fantasy novels. He wanted to ensure plenty of action and interesting characters to leave the reader thrilled with the unlimited possibilities of a fantasy world.

Carey enjoys the country lifestyle and enjoys fishing and hunting. It is a means of leaving the civilized world behind to breathe in the freshness of the country air. This leads to an unleashing of the imagination and the creation of strange new worlds…

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