Read Still Hot For You Online

Authors: Diane Escalera

Tags: #Romance

Still Hot For You (10 page)

“I hope.”

“I know.”

Shay smiled. She did have the genes. Her mother looked a decade younger than her real age, and that was without any invasive surgery. “Show me bedrooms next.” She wanted to explore every bit of the palatial palace.

“Ah, my favorite place,” Dylan said. He waggled his brows.

Judging by last night, she would've guessed the kitchen was more up his alley. Thank God the weekend had arrived. Otherwise she might've died. The things they'd done last night. No way could she have dragged herself to work. Her mouth watered just thinking about it. She should've been spent. But her dirty mind already schemed for tonight, the last night of Booty Camp.

The week had had an amazing effect on their relationship. Booty Camp had saved their marriage. Her hunky husband had reverted back to his old self. And they were best friends again. With their souls reconnected, Shay never wanted to feel such pain again. She promised herself she'd work hard for her marriage. When two people were meant to be, they fought with each other, and they fought for each other.

Dylan led her up the lavish circular stairs. “This is the White Rose Room,” he said. “Pretty cool, huh?”

“They have names?” She stepped inside an ivory oasis. The room was beautifully appointed with light vintage furnishings and divine antiques. Old-world charm met modern day conveniences, and Shay found herself hugging her body.

“Wait ‘til you see the Tropicana.”

Her eyes lit up. “Show me that one next.”

The house was a museum. Ceilings were swathed in elaborate gold tiles with ornate details that Shay had never seen, and she'd seen some impressive things in her time. Dylan rattled off his to-do list, pinpointing what needed restoration. With the Barbaritos out of town, Dylan had full access to the place, permission to come and go as needed.

She followed her husband outside to a dazzling garden.
. Her eyes bugged from their sockets. She strolled at a snail's pace, her gaze darting over the sprawling aqua swimming pool nestled amidst tropical foliage. Cobblestone courtyards cut pathways down colorful blooms and manicured lawns. Water dripped from an elegant fountain, filling the backyard with a placid, almost meditating calm.

They came upon a pretty stone bench and she took a seat. She bent her neck back to admire her splendid surroundings. “What a great place to work.”

“Ain't it?” Dylan sat beside her. “See those verandas?” His finger pointed upward. “We're redoing that whole area as well.”

She measured the height from the terrace to the ground. Two stories in this house seemed much higher. “Be careful you don't end up like Nico.” Shuddering at the thought, she brushed his hand.

“No worries. I'm not an adrenaline junkie anymore.”

“Good,” she said. The tip of her shoe toyed with some white decorative garden rocks. “Nico looked a lot better today, right?”

“He sure did.”

“Nothing gets that guy down.” She leaned forward and propped her elbows on her thighs. Resting her chin in her palms, she inhaled the rosy aroma emanating all around. “He carried on like nothing hurt.” Shay laughed. “I don't know about your family.”

“I'm sure the hospital was glad to be rid of him.”

“Not that cute curly-haired nurse. I think she wanted him to stay a while longer.”

Dylan popped a breath mint into his mouth. He offered one to Shay. “No cast ever stopped a LaCosta.”

True. The LaCosta men were extraordinary. Not to mention hot. One more click on the handsome dial, and they'd swing it all the way back to ugly again! “How long will Nico be out of commission?”

“Several weeks. That arm is pretty busted up.”

“Let's see how long he can stay away.”

“Knowing my
, he'll be around here sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. The boy has ADD.”

“Another LaCosta trait.”

Dylan pressed his hand to her back. He traced his finger down her spine, streaming electrical currents over her skin. “Whenever you're around, I can't sit still either.” His hand dipped into the space at her lower back where her jeans gaped.


He snagged her eyes. “Because you make me so hot.”

Shay swallowed the lump in her throat. She knew the feeling. “Why?” She straightened and inched closer to her man.

“Because I can't get enough of that sweet booty.”

“You want more tonight?”

“Tonight. Tomorrow night. Every night.”


“And right now. Right here.” The heated look he gave her could've boiled the water in the swimming pool.

Her eyes narrowed. Interesting thought, but then she snapped back to reality. Shay looked around suspiciously. “Bet they have hidden cameras everywhere.”

He laughed. “Yeah. We might give the Barbaritos a stroke.”

“You think?”

* * * *

Think? Dylan couldn't think. Not when he wanted to take Shay in his arms and stop time, because right now nothing could top what he felt. Love. Love for his wife. Love for his life. Love for this house, which he couldn't wait to get his hands on.

With his marriage back on track, he could be again, his world once again Technicolor. His soul was happy, his brain sharp, his body relaxed from so many orgasms. Sitting on the bench, he crossed his foot over one knee and studied the imposing compound. “Would you like to live in a place like this?”

Twisting her diamond eternity wedding band around and around, Shay stared up at the columns and verandas. “It's beautiful.” She slid the ring up and down her finger. “But I don't think I'd want to live here.”

The brilliant stones on her ring glittered like twinkling stars. A simple piece of jewelry, yet so significant. “Why not?” Dylan asked. He marveled at what the ring symbolized. She belonged to him.

“For one, it's too big.”

“A house can never be too big.”

“Neither can a diamond, but I prefer something more subtle.” She took his hand and inspected his wedding band. “Why? You'd want to live here?”

“I don't know. It might be pretty cool.” When he braided his fingers with hers, their rings touched. His eyebrows knitted and he went into thought. Kinky thought. Dylan's brain flooded with raw naked images. Again. “Lots of rooms to do it in.”


“There's enough room for at least ten kids.”

Shay slapped his thigh. “Two will do.”

Clasping hands, his demeanor turned serious. Time to broach the baby subject, negotiate new terms. He wasn't afraid to take the leap if that's what Shay wanted. As long as they were together, as long as she loved him, he wanted to fulfill all of her dreams. “Let's talk about baby number one.”

Her happy grin evaporated. “Let's talk about it.”

“Tell me what you're thinking. Do you want a baby now?”

“I thought I did.”


“Now I'm not so sure.”

“Because of me?”

“Because of


Shay slipped her hand from his. She stood and paced the grounds. “I don't think I'm ready to leave the bank.”

“Why do you have to quit?”

“I don't want somebody else to raise our kids.”

“Neither do I, but you shouldn't have to give up your career.” He knew how important it was for Shay to have her own identity, to make a contribution in some way. That's how she separated herself from the Giordanos. She didn't work because she needed money. She worked because she wanted to feel normal.

“I'd want to. At least for a little while.”

He stared at her backside molded perfectly in form-fitting jeans. She looked like a kid herself in that slim t-shirt and pink sneakers. “You think you'd be happy?”

“Yes.” She turned and locked eyes with him. “But only after I finish what I started at the bank. Erin and I promised big things. I'd like to deliver, make good on my word.”

He wouldn't have expected less from her. It was one of the qualities he admired. “What kind of time frame are we looking at?”

Shay folded her arms across her chest. “Why? Do
want a baby?”

Good question. And after everything, he wasn't even sure. “I'm not going to say that I
want a baby.”

“We're both so caught up in our jobs. It wouldn't be fair.”

“I'd do it if you want to.”

She sauntered back to him and sat on his lap. Hugging her arms around his neck, she kissed his face. “That means everything,” she said, her eyes misting.

“I don't want this to ever come between us again.” He wiped her lone tear. “I don't want anything to.”

She rubbed her nose across the back of her hand. “It's up to us to not let it.”


“Let's make a pact,” Shay said.

“Okay.” He prayed this deal came with a lifetime of sex.

“From now on, our marriage comes first.”


“We'll fight hard to stay happy.”


“We'll be more spontaneous and go out on dates.”


“We'll communicate better.”

Dylan nodded. He'd already vowed to do his best. “Done.”

Shay's hands went to his shoulders. She traced them through his shirt. “We'll have a baby when we're

When the time came, he would embrace it. Adjusting Shay on his lap, he cupped her jaw and kissed her mouth. “Can we go home now and practice?”

“Done,” she said.

* * * *

Shay wanted Dylan. Emotions on overload, she needed to release the valve on her fiery passion. God, she was happy. Their marriage had been tested. And they'd passed. No. It was bigger than that. They'd opened up in a whole new way. It had taken almost losing each other to realize how much they needed each other.

She attacked him the second they got home. Her tongue hungrily mated with his. Like wanton newlyweds, they ravaged each other mercilessly.

Marriage wasn't easy. The
was what made it all worthwhile. Who didn't want someone to share life's insanities? Who didn't need someone to believe in them? Her hands caressed his wide back. Their tongues unleashed an onslaught of feelings that invaded their souls.

They needed a bed. Now. She broke the kiss and gazed into the depths of her husband's wondrous eyes. So beautiful. And he looked so in love. “Take me,” she said.

Dylan carried her to their bedroom and stripped off her clothes. He spread her neatly on the bed and sat down beside her. With his smoky blues eyes, he ransacked her naked perimeter. He leaned over and gave her a deep, compelling kiss. Shay's nipples hardened. Her knees clutched together.

Dylan put his finger in his mouth and licked it. He rolled the wet tip over her puckered nipple. She felt a stab between her legs and let out a soft moan. She couldn't help it.

He cupped his hands over her breasts, molding them into his palms. He massaged her fullness, pressing, rolling her nipples between his fingers. His head dipped and his mouth took over.

Her body bucked with pleasure. She was so hot, so wet.
Oh, God
. His tongue came dangerously close to that part of her that ached for him. She muffled her groans, gulped for air.

Her hands grabbed his hair as his head traveled south. Every inch of her longed for his touch, begged for it. Lurid sounds escaped her throat. He spread her legs and his masterful tongue flicked over her.
. Her eyes rolled back into her head.

He pressed her thighs down and gave her a tongue bath. Her lower body lifted right off the mattress. His hands anchored her butt while his mouth drove out more whimpers.

Dylan's fingers joined the party. The sensations were surreal. Her legs braced his head to keep him from stopping, keep her from falling into the abyss. “You like that?” His tone was

Shay went beyond desperation. She held on as long as she could because it felt so freaking good. “Yes,” she cried, jamming her hips into him.

When his mouth stopped abruptly, so did her heart. What the ... She practically screamed aloud. He went back to work on her breasts, but that's not what she wanted.

He peeled off his clothes and climbed over her, resting his full weight on top of her. With a severe look, he stared into her eyes. Hooking her leg over his arm, he spread her wide. Dylan entered with one long stroke.

She hissed as her man filled her completely. God, she loved how it felt, how he felt. She swallowed hard. “It's our last night of Booty Camp,” came out breathlessly.

“Who said?” Dylan pumped his body with controlled measure.

She matched him stroke for sumptuous stroke. Maybe Booty Camp was ending. But they weren't. She looked forward to the future, to shifting gears, growing their family. And who said she couldn't have it all? What if she started her own business from home? With today's technology, anything was possible.
Oh God
. His strokes came harder. So did his breaths.

She wrapped him against her, nuzzled his baby-soft hair. Dylan's moans grew wilder, louder. She lifted her husband's head and forced him to look at her. “Love me tonight,” she whispered, piercing him with liquefied eyes.

Dylan pushed up on his arms. Her hands went to his biceps, and she caressed his hard muscles, the manly tattoo. His emotional gaze tore into her heart. “Tonight and forever,” he said, leading them to a new chapter in their lives.

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About Diane Escalera

Born and raised in the Bronx, NY, Diane Escalera makes her home in sunny South Florida. The sultry paradise is a steady source of inspiration for her hot love stories. Diane is married, has two children and a super cute dachshund she can't get enough of.

Please visit to learn more about her sexy tales. Stories that will hopefully touch your emotions, ignite your passion, infuse you with the belief that true love conquers all.

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