Stony Creek Cowboy [Stony Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic) (17 page)

“Billie, let’s walk the boundary of your property. Have you seen it all yet?

“Not yet. I have been so busy that I just take each horse for a run every other day. I have been staying to the same areas, as I am sure of the grounds there. It is so beautiful out here, Jackson. I am so happy to have moved to Wyoming,” she gushed out.

He gave her another heart-stopping smile. “I hope the scenery isn’t the only thing making you so pleased,” he added innocently, questioningly. He was certainly pleased with his new neighbor!

She stopped Sheeza and looked at Jackson seriously for a moment. “Jackson, may I say something without you freaking out or acting all typical male on me?”

“I will try my best to control my Neanderthal,” was all he said in reply while focusing all his attention on her.

Billie looked down at Sheeza’s neck and decided to just say what she thought. She didn’t come all the way out here to hide or be afraid. She came to get what she always wanted.

Leveling her eyes up to his, she moved her horse so close to his that their thighs lightly touched. “I mean this with every fiber of my being. I have never been this happy, in my entire life.”

Jackson reached out and gently stroked his fingers over her jaw line. “Like I asked a moment ago, why?” His look was a mix of tenderness and barely controlled passion. He looked like he wanted to swoop her over to his horse and kiss her senseless. Then Billie glanced down his body and couldn’t help but see his arousal straining against its confines. A ripple of awareness sent her own pulses racing and gushes of moisture to her folds. As though he could sense her own rising desire for him, he leaned a little closer to her. He leaned his hand inside her jacket and moved to stroke the back of his fingertips over the side swell of her breast, causing her to lightly gasp.

“I waited my whole life to feel alive. I think I just did what was expected of me before I got here, but now I can see I was just existing, not living. Then I moved here, to a place I only dreamed of before. To be able to ride on my own property, live in the house I helped design, and practice medicine to people who genuinely appreciate me as I appreciate them. It is amazing.” She paused for a moment as his hand stilled its light exploration, gathering her courage.

“Then you showed up, literally saving me. It was surreal. I never really counted on meeting someone like you. I had hoped, but it was the silly thoughts that all women have, not a real expectation. I am not sure what this is between us, but suffice it to say, you make my pulse leap when you walk in and smile at me while my belly gets that butterfly feeling. I have never felt that. Ever. I have never felt the passion that I feel when you touch me and never felt the ecstasy that you give me when we make love. I am sorry if that is a bit much, but it’s how I feel, and you asked,” Billie said, ending up feeling a bit uncertain and shy after exposing her thoughts.

Jackson was quiet for a moment. Then he tilted his head and effortlessly plucked her off her horse onto Danny to sit across his lap. His erection pressed hard into her hip but didn’t distract her from the intense look on his face. She was suddenly nervous, thinking that perhaps she shouldn’t have expressed herself.

“Billie, you know I was married before to Gwen obviously. Before her, I was a typical young guy. I did a little roping on the rodeo circuit and riding the bunnies that come with the territory. After I settled back in on the ranch, I met Gwen and figured that she was what I needed for a ranching wife.” He paused as though reflecting deeply for once. “I don’t like to be reminded of how much of a mess I made by choosing what I thought I needed instead of what I wanted. Maybe I did it because I didn’t know what I wanted then. However, I do know now. Never be afraid to speak plainly with me, baby. I despise games and I have had enough. What I will tell you is that I want you in a way that I have never, ever wanted a woman, and I don’t just mean for a quick fuck. I can get that anytime, anywhere. You, however, do something to me every time I see you, too. I have been trying to fight it, but yesterday, I just quit. I need
. I am not sure I am a good boyfriend and maybe I cannot get close to a woman, but I promise I will try not to screw it up. I need you so much sometimes that I cannot think or breathe. Shit, now I sound like a girl.” He ended his answer with a small laugh, looking away from her for a second.

Billie felt so many things at that moment. She wasn’t going to make him any more uncomfortable, however, by saying anything else. Instead, she looked up into his eyes, giving him all the love and emotion that she was feeling at that moment. He gave her back a look of intense heat that shook her insides. Her hands stole up his muscled wall of a chest to twine behind his neck just as he crushed her to him and blasted her with the heat of his kiss as his lips met hers. He masterfully allowed no resistance as he plundered her mouth with his hot tongue over and over again. It was as though Jackson had to kiss her or die of thirsting for her just then. His hand wrapped tightly in her hair, tilting her head to a better angle for him while mashing her breast within his huge hand. His fingers ran over her pebbled nipples that were straining against her shirt. Billie could feel herself start panting into his mouth as their tongues intertwined. She felt his hands suddenly switch to rolling her nipples deliciously between his thumbs and forefingers as she submitted to his assault on her senses. She became soaked within moments of his kiss and began to shift her wet core over his jutting erection. Just as he was about to rip open her shirt, they heard more horses thundering their way.

“Shit, what the hell is this?” Jackson growled out as he cradled her face against his chest while pulling her coat closed. Billie tried to catch her breath as she burrowed her face into his neck. His arms tightened protectively around her as he saw Hunter, Troy, and Brody emerge from the woods toward them.

Jackson came immediately alert and concerned that they would come looking for either him or her today.

“What’s wrong?”

Jackson noticed Troy and Brody smirking as they observed Billie clutching Jackson’s coat to her face and his own very rigid posture. Jackson rolled his eyes in response, hoping that Billie kept her face hidden so she wouldn’t notice their awareness of what they had interrupted.

“Nothing is wrong, cousin. Hunter found some odd horse tracks on the outskirts of his land where he hadn’t been and followed them to our land. They were along the south edge. We saw him and followed them here to Billie’s. Did she get lost and backtrack perhaps? It’s only one set of tracks,” Brody informed Jackson. Brody was the sweet, serious one since his father had passed away. He took the family’s happiness and safety very personally. Jackson inwardly smiled that Brody must have started seeing Billie as family.

Hunter shifted in his saddle and just nodded, very typical communication for the hulking man. His only acknowledgment of the intimate situation that they had interrupted was his comment.

“Billie, you okay?” he heard Hunter grunt out. Jackson knew that Hunter had no misconceptions about why she was on his lap, but probably wanted to make sure that they hadn’t done any permanent damage by coming up unexpectedly on them.

Billie was awash with embarrassment from being caught so aroused and about to somehow fuck the life out of Jackson in his saddle. Practically bursting with her blush, she turned her face slightly to answer Hunter without opening her eyes or removing herself from her safe position on Jackson.

“Thank you, Hunter, yes. I am just fine. Thank you for asking.”

Jackson almost laughed at how polite Billie became when she was embarrassed. Her arms were tight around his waist and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. Thoughts were running through his head for the moment, though as to the broken window at the office, dead flowers, weird phone calls, and now unexplainable horse tracks. He was going to have to have a talk with the men tomorrow at dinner.

“Well, we will get ourselves going as the whole purpose of you not doing any chores was to, um, get to know Doc a bit better. See you both at dinner. Do us proud, Jackson!” Troy chortled, laughing like a loon. Troy took off pretty quickly, probably knowing that either Jackson or Hunter would have hit him in the head had they caught him.

“Idiot” was all Jackson responded. “We aren’t even sure he really is a Powell,” he laughingly leaned down and mentioned to Billie as though to ease her discomfort. “There could have been a mix-up in the hospital.”

“Except that he looks just like all of you, just a bit shorter.”

“That’s why we call him Tiny,” Jackson said with a smile. Light snow began falling as they watched the men ride off toward Powell land. Jackson took one finger and lifted her chin up. He held her gaze as he murmured, “Where were we before the dumbass triplets interrupted us?”

Billie lifted her eyes to melt into his heated expression. She took her hand and cupped the side of his face. She leaned up toward him and lightly kissed his mouth. He felt her tongue softly run along the seam of his, back and forth as though memorizing the taste of him. He groaned in reaction and his hands pulled her tighter against his broad chest. The snow was wet and heavy, creating a romantic picture of the two of them oblivious to the world in their loving embrace. Jackson slowly ended the kiss and looked up in surprise.

“It’s a perfect day for the first real snowfall, baby. Do you like it? I never asked. It makes you look like an angel, the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Billie laughed at the sweet things he said while looking around at the amazing wonderland around them, realizing it truly was hers. “Yes, Jackson, I love the snow. Always have. It was one of the big reasons that I wanted to move out here to Wyoming. Maybe I psychically knew you would be out here waiting for me and that egged me on.”

“Glad to hear that you like both the snow and me, but let’s get on home and get you warmed up. Perhaps from the inside out?” he said with a leer. “I think we are going to have to try out that tub together, just to warm up, you understand.” He placed a hot kiss just below her earlobe and sucked lightly. With a demonstration of his amazing strength, he swung her back onto Sheeza and just grinned at her. Billie shook her head and knew he was cracking up. Maybe she would prescribe him some mood-stabilizing meds. Something. Well, he definitely didn’t need Viagra. One look at his groin confirmed for her that it wasn’t a med he required!

Chapter Twelve


They rode back to the barn just enjoying the weather, the ride, and each other. After they slid off the horses, Jackson went into her tack room to get a towel to rub them down. Once the horses were tacked down and munching happily in their stalls, Jackson turned to look at his woman. She was leaning against the inside of the main barn door gazing dreamily out at the sudden heavy snowfall. She appeared lost in what he guessed were pleasant thoughts, based upon the smile on her face. He quietly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She leaned her body back into his and sighed in pleasure. Jackson leaned down to breathe softly into her ear and run his lips down her neck. He felt like he could never get enough of her scent and taste as he sampled his way down the column of her neck to her shoulder. She shuddered in response and tried to turn into his embrace but he wouldn’t let her.

“I want to taste you, baby. No, I am going to taste you. Now.” Billie felt his hands at her waist undoing her pants snap and quickly lowering her zipper. His hand slid roughly down her flat belly, causing ripples of hot anticipation to flow through her. His callused fingers easily slid into her drenched, slick folds, forcing a groan from Jackson.

“Baby, baby,” he groaned out. “You are so wet. I cannot wait another second and I am not going to.” With that, he spun her with her back against the door and pulled her pants down. He sat her on the bale of hay and spread her thighs with his callused palms. He was practically salivating as he took in her soaked thong and glistening juices running down her inner thighs. He hooked a finger under her rose-colored satin, pulling it to the side, and fastened his mouth directly onto her pussy. Billie let out a gasp and clutched at his head as he speared her with his tongue and lapped at her intently. He sucked and tasted her by running his tongue through her folds again and again, causing her to cream copiously.

Billie had never felt particularly sexy before, but since meeting Jackson, she felt like a different being had inhabited her body. She heard the echoes in the barn of her pleasured moans as she glanced down at him kneeling between her wet thighs. Jackson appeared to be thoroughly enjoying his task as he licked her folds from clit to rosette, making delicious sighing sounds indicating his own pleasure. The scene was surreal with the snow falling outside the barn, Jackson’s lips wet with her cream, and her partially naked while her lover gave her more pleasure than she had ever had in her life. Billie knew this was a moment, a changing point, and she had no intention of ever going back to the way she was. At that moment, Jackson thrust three fingers into her and curled them to hit her sweet spot. Billie arched her back in ecstasy as she felt a fresh gush of her juices coat his hands again.

As for Jackson, he growled out his delight at her taste, a tangy sweetness, while reveling at her body’s arch in obvious pleasure. With his thoughts turning possessive, he enjoyed that it was the pleasure that he was giving her. Mine, he thought. She was his and she was going to come, now. With that thought, he sucked her clit roughly into his mouth and lightly bit down. Billie let out a scream as fire burned into her pussy and forced her thighs around his head. Her hands threaded into his hair as she screamed out her incredible pleasure. She felt his lips gently soothing her down with small, soft laps of his tongue. As she began to tremble, he stood her up and pulled her pants back up into place while enfolding her in his embrace.

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