Read Strum Your Heart Out Online

Authors: Crystal Kaswell

Strum Your Heart Out (20 page)

"None of your business."

"I make it my business." Drew stares the guy down. "Now, I like this club, so either back off or meet me outside and we'll settle this like men."

The guy shakes his head and shrugs
. I guess that releases me from my obligation not to cause a fight. I return to my mission to get the hell out of here.

I need to breathe again.


I shove my way out a side door. It's dark outside. Late enough into the night that I won't cause a scene.

The music streams through the walls. Still loud as hell, even as the door swings shut.

I press my back against the concrete wall. Deep breath. I'll survive this, somehow.

But there's no time to rest. The door pushes open. Drew.

His eyes are on fire. He wraps his hands around my wrists and pins me to the wall. "What the fuck are you doing, Kara?"

"We covered this."

"You trying to make me jealous?"

"It doesn't take a lot. You ever think you'd be better off talking to me than starting some dumb caveman fight?"

"You want that guy to touch you?"


"Then it's lucky for him we're already out here." Drew presses his hips against mine. "You're going to get hurt."

"I am hurt."

He stares at me like he's challenging me to explain. Fat chance of that. I do my best to hold his stare, but it's too demanding. My gaze drifts to the ground. This is not the way to prove I won't put up with bullshit.

All it's proving is how mixed up he's got me.

He digs his hands into my hair and tilts me so we're eye to eye. "You want my attention, just ask."

"Because that usually works so well." My throats gets ragged. I don't have a clue what I'm doing anymore, but I'm desperate to retain any hint of his attention at all.

"Talk to me."

"I don't want to talk about me. I want to talk about you and why it is you're afraid of the word ‘relationship’ but not afraid of threatening a guy's life for touching me."

"He was hurting you."

"He wasn't."

"You let strangers grope you to make a point?" He squeezes me. "You trying to prove something to me?"

"No. I was trying to dance." I turn my neck, so I'm looking at the street some thirty feet away. It's dark. There are footsteps but no one is looking over here.

He pulls me back to him. Our eyes connect. It's so intense it takes my breath away.

Drew leans in and kisses me. He shifts, pinning me to the wall a little more, rubbing against me so I can feel his erection.

My body responds with a rush of electricity.

Need Drew, need Drew, need Drew.

His tongue slides into my mouth. His hands slide between my legs. Not gentle this time. It's aggressive and rough.

"Is this the reaction you were hoping for?" he asks. "Make me jealous enough I drag you away and fuck you?"

Yes. God yes. Stop talking and do it now.

I hold strong. "That's your go-to move when I ask you about what we're doing here.
Hey, Kara, I don't know, but how about we fuck?

know. I swore off relationships after Vivian. I didn't think we... I didn't think." His hands go to my hips. They skim the waistband of my panties. "And now I can't think. I want you too fucking badly to think."

His breath gets heavy. His teeth sink into my neck.


My body fills with pleasure. It's unconcerned with little matters like Drew's inability to articulate any feelings of a romantic nature.

It only knows how much it hates the layers of clothes between us.

I try to suppress a moan but it escapes my lips. I want him. There's no denying it.

Hell, it goes beyond want.

I need him.

I crave him.

I'm desperate for him.

"Tell me not to stop." He kisses me, hard.

It's still aggressive. Desperate. But there's something protective about it too.

His lips pull away from mine and he looks me straight in the eyes. It's like he'll go out of his mind if I don't answer him immediately.

"Kara." He presses his body against mine. "I'm not going to be like that asshole in the club. Tell me what you want. Now."

I scramble to regain my breath. There are a million things running through my head. But that big flashing sign is knocking all of them aside.

Drew, Drew, Drew.

I shift my hips so I can feel his cock straining against his jeans. "I want you inside me."

He groans. "Fuck yes."

His pupils dilate. He pushes my panties to my knees and drags his hands back to my hips. I kick the underwear off my feet so there's nothing under my skirt.

Drew's hands sink into the flesh of my ass. He kisses me as he pulls my top down. My breasts spill out. His hands cover me immediately, palming me, teasing me, playing with me.

"You're trying to drive me crazy, aren't you?" He groans.

"You've been driving me crazy for ages."

He scrapes his teeth against my lower lip. It's like he's desperate to taste and touch and feel all of me.

His hand goes to his jeans. Unzipped. He slides them to his feet then grabs my hips and turns me around, so I'm facing the wall.

No wasting time. He pulls me closer. His cock is an inch away from my sex. Almost there. He's almost mine.

I press my hands against the wall. I arch my back to rub against him. Yes. His cock brushes my outer lips. My clit. Every touch is a ripple of pleasure.

His lips hover over my ear. "I'm addicted to you."

My legs go weak. If he wasn't pinning me to the wall, I'd sink straight to the dirty ground.

I shift my hips to rub against him again. It feels damn good but it's not enough. I'm addicted to him too, and I need him inside me, completing me.

I need to be his.

We're thirty feet from the sidewalk.

Two feet from the door.

But I don't fucking care.

Drew enters me. I let out a heavy sigh. All the tense muscles in my body relax at once. He's inside me. Right now, nothing else matters—not the fights or the lack of communication or the jealousy.

This feels too good to be bad.

Drew groans. He pinches my nipple. It's not hard enough to hurt. Just enough I know he feels as good as I do, wants me as much as I want him.

He rocks into me. It's hard and fast and desperate.

I throw my head back so my neck is pressed against his cheek. He sucks on my skin. He plays with my nipple. He slides his hand down my stomach, below my bellybutton, over my clit.

It's a shockwave. He already feels so good inside me, and now he's touching me.

I moan.

He keeps his rhythm. His chest is pressed against my back. His hands are on my skin, stroking me and filling me with the most delicious ecstasy.

I turn my head and lean into the wall, arching my back to give him better leverage. I'm outside a club in Hollywood pressed against a dirty wall, getting fucked by my rock star best friend.

And my life used to be so ordinary.

His breath gets heavier. "Touch yourself. I want to hear you come."

He thrusts into me. So hard and deep it hurts. But it's a good hurt. It's such a good hurt.

I pull my hand from the wall and slide it between my legs. My balance is gone. I'm at Drew's mercy.

No time for teasing today. I'm all out of patience. I stroke myself with slow circles. A little harder, a little faster, until it's just right.

My sex clenches.

He groans. "Kara."

I arch my back to drive him deeper. He feels so good inside me. He feels perfect.

My hand is quick. I'm already close.

I lose control of my breath. All my focus goes to the feeling between my legs. The pressure intensifies with every brush of my hand, with every thrust of Drew's cock.

It builds. Tighter. Deeper. Harder.

And then I'm there. Right at the edge.

An orgasm rocks through me. I scream so loudly it cuts through the music coming from the club. Yes. Hell yes. All the yeses a million times in a row.

Drew groans. "Fuck, you feel so good." His nails dig into my skin again.

He thrusts harder.

He's almost there.

He's almost mine.

Drew kisses me. All this need pours from him to me. Maybe he can't explain his feelings, but they're there. Right in his kiss.

He pulls out, readjusting me so we're face to face again. He lifts my leg, hooking it around his waist.

His eyes find mine. "I want to watch you come again." He kisses me hard. "It's the best thing I've ever seen."

He grabs my other leg, hooks it around his waist, lifts me and presses me against the wall.

His eyes stay on mine as he thrusts into me. He moves with a steady rhythm. Not quite as fast or hard or deep, but just as desperate.

His pelvis rubs against my clit. It's enough to send me to the edge.

I try to keep my eyes open, on his, so I can watch the pleasure building on his face. But I can't manage it. I have to close my eyes to hold on to the sensation.

I gasp. Almost there. I get closer and closer. That knot tightens with every thrust. And then I'm there.

"Open your eyes," Drew groans.

I do. I look right into his gorgeous eyes. They're fixed on me. They're filled with pleasure.

It pushes me right over the edge.

I dig my hands into his back. I moan. Hell, I scream.

It's an intense orgasm. I feel it in my fingers and toes. Every part of my body feels good. Every part of it is at peace.

Every part is Drew's.

And even though I'm spent, I need to feel him come too.

He keeps his eyes on mine. One hand goes to my ass and he holds me closer so he can move deeper.

A few thrusts and he starts to shake. He was waiting for me. The man has some serious control over his body.

His lips part. He lets out a low groan and everything in his expression changes. Softer and harder all at once.

He thrusts through his orgasm, sinking his nails into my skin, sinking his teeth into his lip. His breath goes wild. His eyes go wilder. He lets out another low, heavy groan.

He's there. Pulsing inside me. Coming inside me.


He keeps me pinned to the wall until he's completely drained.

And then he kisses me, hard and aggressive and still desperate to possess me.

Still mine.


We drive for what feels like forever. I nestle into the passenger seat, my head resting against the window, my gaze drifting from Drew to the night sky and back again.

It's late. No one on the freeway. No one in our way. Nothing but big, wide open space.

He has one hand on the wheel. The other is intertwined with mine. The crooks of his fingers are pressed against mine. His calloused fingertips are pressed against the back of my hand. He's so soft and hard all at once.

We pass Thousand Oaks and Ventura. The 101 curves so it's nestled up against the beach. The ocean goes on forever—a gorgeous dark blue reflecting a sky full of stars.

Drew gets off the freeway just south of Santa Barbara. He drives like he knows the area well. We take side streets to a wide-open field in the middle of nowhere. It's up on some gorgeous hill across from million-dollar homes. The view is all ocean and sky.

It's perfect.


"I've never actually tried stargazing before." Drew sits on the grass in one smooth motion. He pats his lap.

I sit next to him in a much less smooth motion. The cold night air rushes around my skin. But there's no way I'm getting back in the car now.

He widens his stance and slides me right between his legs.

"I think the point is to cuddle up under a blanket," I say.

"Damn. Should have brought a blanket."

"You need to be prepared. Never know when you'll be taken with the desire to fuck a girl in a field or on the beach."

He laughs. "I can make it work without the blanket."

This tightness forms in my chest. Not thinking about Drew making it work with other girls. It's no secret he's experienced.

He runs his fingers through my hair. "I scared you, didn't I?"

"I know you were a slut.”

"At the show. I don't want to hurt you."

"You've said that a few times." I lean into his touch. "But I'm not sure that you really understand what it means."

"Is that a challenge, Kendrick?"

"Yeah, it is." The muscles in my back tense. "You don't get to string me along then make it better by saying things like
I don't want to hurt you
. If you really want to avoid hurting me, then tell me what the hell you want from this. No excuses about how much you fuck girls up." My voice drops. "Not that I doubt you. You're driving me crazy."

"I want all of you. Whatever that means."

"So you want to be my boyfriend?"

He drags his fingertips across my neck. "Do I have to call it that?"

"How old are you?"

"Old enough to know better." He slides his arm around my waist.

"I need more than 'I want all of you.' Do you want a romantic relationship and all that boyfriend/girlfriend shit or not?"

He presses his lips against my neck. "You make it sound awfully tempting like that."

"I'm not going to beg you to love me." Shit. There's no sense in using the l-word. That's only going to terrify him. I clear my throat. "I mean to be with me."

"Will you beg me to do other things to you?" he asks.

Hell yeah.
I shrug my shoulders like I’m unfazed. "What other things?"

His fingertips graze the top of my skirt. "I'd demonstrate, but then you'd accuse me of trying to distract you with my unbelievably skilled hands." His breath is on my ear. "Or mouth."

Nope. Not going to get distracted. Not going to lose sight of my point here. Though, really, is it better to make a point or to get Drew's hands on my—

I clear my throat. "If you earn it."

He laughs. "Why do you have to go reminding me why I like you so much?" He holds me closer. "Makes it hard to negotiate."

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