Read Surrept Online

Authors: Taylor Andrews

Tags: #Women Sleuths, #Mystery & Detective, #Fiction, #Literary

Surrept (7 page)

"Excuse me for disturbing your studies, Ahmed, but we are closing a little early tonight and are going home now, so I thought I would prepare dinner for you so that you would not have to take time away from your studies." Ahmed, disarmed by her kindness, takes the tray and forces a smile of gratitude.

"Omar asked me to tell you that the alarm will be set."

"Thank you, Kari, I'm sorry I opened the door like that, but I almost forgot prayers tonight and I have so much to do. Please forgive me."

Kari looks at him and sees the tired look in his eyes.

"I understand, you are so busy with everything here at the store and school, so this is my way of trying to help. Ahmed, you make sure that you do not forget to rest, goodnight." Kari turns and retreats up the stairs.

Ahmed feels like an ass. "Good night, Kari, thank you."

Ahmed closes and locks the door and returns to the table with his tray and turns the laptop back on and begins to eat the meal Kari made for him.

The monitor comes back on and the screen reads in large letters the word "Rusul," which translates in English to "the messengers of God or Allah."

He clicks on the phrase as directed, and the screen reveals public transportation systems in the Denver area such as the Metro train, the RTD bus system, and Greyhound buses.

Ahmed continues to click through the images and finds a formula for gas-related fumigant devices made from household cleaning solutions.

He continues to click, and images of horror and mayhem fill the screen. Images of past horrors reveal themselves on his monitor, such as the Nazi camps in Dachau and Auschwitz, the images of the camps and the gas chambers featured like good examples, including photos of the bodies stacked in piles.

Ahmed continues through the gallery of human cruelty and then comes to photos of thousands of Iranians and Iraqi Kurds in his country who were decimated by the chemical attacks lead by the regime of Saddam Hussein.

The message reminds him that western governments backed Saddam during the Iranian conflict when gas was used as a weapon against his own people, especially against the Kurds.

He realizes the magnitude and horror his part will play in this conspiracy. He is repulsed, and he pushes the tray of food off the table as he views the images of the bodies pushed and loaded into mass graves by tractors.

There were images of entire populations of men, women, and children of all ages strewn like garbage throughout their towns and villages on the streets. Some were lying beside livestock in the countryside, their eyes frozen open in pain and anguish.

Ahmed breaks into tears as he views image after image of the bombing victims in his country as his mind races back to the massacre of his family. He slides off the chair and curls up on the floor, unable to escape the images in his mind as he sobs deeply in uncontrolled grief.

Chapter Six

Early the next morning outside of Damascus, Syria, four men are traveling in an SUV just after sunrise. One of the men is a driver and bodyguard.

The Syrian man in the rear receives a call on a cell phone while the other two talk quietly.

The man on the phone finishes his phone call and interrupts the others. "It has begun; the children of Najiyullah have been awakened for preparation." He looks out the window at the desert landscape as he speaks. "Before the present moon passes, we and the world shall see the Rusul at work."

Across the world, a woman in a dark room in the desert filled with monitors transcribes the conversation into English on her monitor. She documents the GPS locations of the cell towers with the cell phone information and call duration.

She time-stamps the file, attaches the recording, and sends the information as "Priority One."

One of the other men in the SUV is from Afghanistan. The other is an Iraqi. Both of them are pleased with the information the Syrian shares with them.

The SUV turns off the highway as they enter a village outside Damascus. The vehicle pulls into a warehouse and the men get out of the vehicle as the warehouse door closes.

The driver goes to the rear of the vehicle and opens the door. He removes several large duffel bags.

The bodyguard places them on a table in an office area that is low to the floor and surrounded by cushions. Two other men dressed in tribal garb are sitting at the table awaiting their arrival. The men at the table rise as they all gather trading greetings and kisses. The imam motions them to sit.

The Syrian addresses the imam's bodyguard: "Open the bags." The man complies and exposes the contents.

The Syrian man looks at the cleric and his bodyguard and then looks at his driver, all are reviewing the money.

"There is eleven million U.S. One million is my fee. He addresses the imam. "Your plane is waiting, you have a media appearance to prepare for, and you need to leave immediately."

The cleric nods and they all disperse to their vehicles.


That evening in Denver, Dana and David are eating Chinese take-out in the living room while watching CNN. Dana begins clearing the coffee table as David is still eating from a carton with chopsticks. Dana comes from the kitchen carrying the trashcan.

"I really like their Chinese food down there. We should go in and have dinner there sometime."

David says, "Yeah, but if we are going to go out for Chinese I'd rather go to P.F. Chang's or the Imperial on Broadway."

The announcer on CNN sounds off with a breaking news alert.

"This breaking news just in: The head of the Homeland Security Agency, Karen Satriano, has just ordered a nationwide terrorist alert."

Dana stops clearing and sits down to watch.

"For the first time during this new administration, Homeland Security has issued the highest alert status for the United States due to what they say is familiar chatter gained through intelligence gathering agencies and website posts known by intelligence agencies as Al Qaeda and Jihad websites."

"No details have been described regarding these posts, only that the pattern is indicative of past pre-terrorist strike communications between various factions of Al Qaeda."

"The NSA has also confirmed the recommendation for alert upgrade status. All U.S. airports, harbors, ports, and public commuter transportation authorities have all received notification of the mandatory alert upgrade."

"A worldwide travel advisory has been issued to all those traveling to expect delays in pre-travel check-in and international customs inspection delays up to five hours."

"The TSA has issued an advisory that travelers should expect delays at all U.S. airports for domestic and international flights. Extended delays are imminent due to the alert upgrade."

"TSA Chief Wayne Aldrich has placed all TSA staff on the highest alert status."

"A press release is scheduled for eight A.M. eastern time at the White House, which will be held by White House Press Secretary Mark Castle. CNN will keep you up to date as to any new developments."

David grabs the remote and mutes the broadcast. "Here we go again, God, does it never end?"

David throws his Chinese food in the garbage can that Dana brought out to clear the table. "That's just great, I leave for South Korea in two days, and I will probably spend a full day of the seven days in airports. So much for Adriana's great planning."

Dana looks at him. "What do you mean, Adriana's great planning?"

David realizes he started something. "She put together all of the itinerary, ground transportation and my presentation format for the Kiatsu account and had every detail handled. It was flawless."

Dana senses his high regard for her work. "Boy, I have to meet this new personal assistant of yours, since the only thing I know about her is that every time I call she sounds like a cat with her ass up against a tree. I thought Betty Reynolds handled all of the company travel stuff?" He looks at his girl, trying to minimize his comment.

"Come on, Dana, she's the new girl at the firm. She is trying to make an impression and has been kicking ass since she got there, and she has made my job a lot easier."

Dana clears the table in a huff.

"You know I needed help. Shit, you're the one who complained that they should get me a personal assistant so that I could have a life."

Dana sits down on the couch, crossing her legs like a whip snapping, to demand David's attention.

"How old is this chick that has enriched your life so much?"

David looks at her knowing where this is going, "Jesus, Dana, she is in her late twenties I guess. Let's not do this."

Dana knows that she will get nowhere if she goes too deep.

"I'm sorry. I got a little weird when I hear you praising her plans for you. I will try to get used to you having another woman in your life that attends to your every need at the agency."

She continues to placate him putting on her cute voice, "I am human you know, I just have one question and then I'll drop it."

David answers, "What's that?"

Dana looks him straight into his eyes. "Is she hot?"

David's head falls with his chin to his chest. He shakes his head knowing he is not getting laid tonight. "Most would say she is hot. I did not interview her. Marci recruited her from PBS for her language skills, and she was assigned to me by human resources."

Dana tries to keep a calm face and maintains her insecurity regarding this chick. "Well then, I guess the well qualified Miss Adriana Pucci is no dog. Thank you for being honest with me." Dana gets up from the couch. "I have to do dishes and clean up." She tosses the remainder of the food in the trashcan, and quietly walks into the kitchen carrying the can.

David sits there staring at the muted television and rubs his face with both hands, disgusted where the evening has evolved to. David hits the remote to shut off the flat screen.

He walks to the door of the kitchen, watching Dana process dishes as if she is on a mission.

"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. Are you coming?"

She shoots him her "Can't you see I'm busy look" with no verbal response. He rolls his eyes and walks on down the hall with his head tilted upward in frustration as he scratches his ass and turns off the hall light. He disappears into the master bedroom.

Dana comes out of the kitchen with a hand towel and hears the shower running. She heads over to the computer, sits down, and logs on.

Her home page comes up and she types in
"Adriana Pucci Denver Colorado"
in the Google search window.

The results pop up and Dana begins to scroll,

"Honor Student Lands PBS Post"



Dana clicks on the cheerleader post and three photos pop up of the dark-haired, dark-eyed Italian bombshell.

Dana's fear is validated. She reviews the photos of Adriana Pucci. She bites her bottom lip as she thinks, and this chick is dangerously gorgeous. She clicks on the PBS post to see if she can find a more up-to-date photo.

The article comes up with two photos. Dana goes quietly ballistic and lifts her feet off the floor and throws an air crib kick so she doesn't alarm David that she now knows what and who awaits him at work each day.

Dana whispers, "I'll check this chick out until I know how many times she craps if she eats well." She mocks and mimics Adriana's voice while bobbing her head, "One moment I'll see if David is available for you Miss Underwood."

She clears her search and shuts off the computer. She turns off the kitchen and living room lights.

Dana goes into the guest bathroom and closes the door. She drops her jeans and pulls off her sweatshirt. She grabs the lotion on the counter and begins her ritual placing one leg on the sink.

She looks at herself in the mirror in her panties and bra and seductively says, "Let's just see who has David's attentions tonight? What do you say we give Mr. Wonderful some very fond memories?"

Dana shuts off the bathroom light, opens the door, and she walks down the hall carrying her clothes. She opens the bedroom door quietly, she sees David's face down silhouette under the sheet, his tall thick body always intrigued her senses.

She drops her clothes, allowing her bra and panties to drop as she slides under the sheet at the bottom of their bed. Dana places her lips on his ankle and works her way up the back of his calf.

David is now awake, due to his girl's stealth attack. He tries to roll over, but she grips the back of his upper thighs, pinning him in place as her lips pass over his ass. She grips his butt and rolls him over when she is ready, and he complies.

She drags her lips over his upper thighs as he rises. She moans with pleasure and takes him all sides, pressing her nails into his ass as she takes all of him and nuzzles the scent of his shower.

David looks down at her blond hair covering his waist, and the images of her lips fill his mind as a rush overcomes him. She picks up her rhythm as if she has hungered for years and again he is overwhelmed with the rush of desire for her attention that she demanded.

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