Read Swing Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Swing (9 page)

slumped against Ty, then turned in his arms and kissed him. She led him to the pool's edge and urged him to sit

down, legs draped over the edge. She slipped into the water and slid her fingers into his bathing suit, then

wrapped them around his lovely big cock. She pul ed it out and smiled at it, then licked the crown. His cock

pulsed in her hand. As she wrapped her lips around him, then glided downward, the other two men moved

closer, sitting on either side of Ty, several feet away.

Suzanne loved Ty's big cock. It was friendly and familiar. She dabbed the little hole with the tip of her tongue,

teasing, tasting the salty pre-cum.

The other men had pul ed out their cocks and begun to pump them.

Suzanne slid her mouth off Ty's rod and she tipped her head toward one of the guys and raised her eyebrows. Ty

smiled indulgently and nodded.

"Why don't you two fellows move in closer," she suggested, smiling seductively.

Their faces beamed as they moved closer to Ty. Suzanne sucked Ty deep, then bobbed up and down a few

times. Keeping her left hand wrapped around him, she shifted to the right and wrapped her free hand around

the tawny-haired man. His cock was average length, but broad. She stroked him.

He grinned at her touch. When she leaned forward and swal owed him into her mouth, he groaned. She bobbed

up and down. He hardened within her mouth.

She released him and moved to the other man. She stroked Ty with her right hand while she pumped the dark-

haired man with her left. She licked his cock head then swal owed him deep.

Moving from one lovely cock to the next, she bobbed up and down on each of them, Ty getting double attention

being in the middle. As she sucked on the dark-haired man's cock, he tensed.

"Sweetheart, I'm close," he said.

She stroked his bal s and he groaned, then spurted into her mouth. She released him, smiling, then moved to Ty.

She licked and swirled her tongue up and down, then sucked hard. She switched to the tawny-haired man. By

the tensing of his body, she could tel he was close, too. She sucked him off until he released his load into her

mouth as well.

As she returned to Ty, the satisfied men slipped into the water and came around behind her. They stroked her

breasts and caressed her ass while she sucked on Ty. They drew off her bottoms. Then one slipped his fingers

inside her vagina, and the other slid a finger into her ass. The feel of their fingers stroking inside her sent her

pulse rising.

She licked Ty's bal s, then nibbled gently with her lips as the heat stole through her. The intensity, like steam in a

pressure cooker, built to an amazing level. She sucked Ty deep inside and bobbed up and down, her hand

fondling his bal s as the other men fondled her. One man ducked under the water and a second later, she felt his

mouth cover her clit and suck. She exploded in orgasm, still sucking on Ty. He exploded in her mouth, groaning


Suzanne slid off Ty's member and smiled up at him. He bent down and kissed her tenderly.

The other man had come up for air and both of them came round to kiss Suzanne.

"I hope you guys don't think you're finished." Suzanne pushed herself onto the edge of the pool and ran over to grab one of the foam mattresses by the beach house a few yards away. She dropped it by the pool and lay

down, spreading her legs wide.

The men glanced at each other and, in unspoken agreement, decided Ty would go first. He kneeled on the foam

and kissed her, then shifted downward to kiss her breast. Tawny Hair kissed her other breast.

"Oh God, yes." She loved the feel of two men kissing her breasts. Both nipples covered by hot man-mouth. Ty

released her breast and the third man took over. Ty pressed the head of his cock to her vagina, then thrust

inside in a long, sturdy stroke. She clamped around him. He thrust in and out, stroking her vagina, fil ing her with

his solid length. Rock-hard cock thrusting into her. Excitement rippling through every part of her.

"Ty . . . Oh God . . . yeah . . ."

Pleasure tore through her, shattering in its intensity. She clung to the two male heads sucking her breasts. The

men watched her face contort in bliss as she careened to heaven, and back again.

Ty slid from her pussy and Dark Hair shifted to his knees in front of her. His cock nudged her opening and he slid

inside. He thrust in and out as Tawny Hair pumped his own cock while watching them. Ty smiled and stroked her

hair as she plummeted into another orgasm.

Next, Tawny Hair entered her and she squeezed him with her inner muscles. His cock stimulated her vagina in

wild and wonderful ways as he swayed his hips from side to side as he plunged inside her. Ty and Dark Hair

stroked her breasts lightly and, within moments, she catapulted into yet another orgasm. Finally she collapsed,

sated, on the mattress.

The men tucked their cocks away and, Ty helped her to her feet. Each of them gave her a long, warm hug, then

kissed her. Her two new friends waved as they continued to the beach.

Suzanne noticed the time on the tal , stone clock tower across the patio. Eight fifty.

"Ty, I'm meeting Melissa for breakfast so I have to get a move on. I'm going to introduce her to some people,

hopefully make her a little more comfortable with the resort. Would you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"I'l get Maurice, the maître d', to cal you when we leave the restaurant. I need you to give me . . . oh, twenty minutes . . . then cal me on my cell phone."

"What have you got up your sleeve?"

She glanced at the clock again. She had arranged to meet Melissa in ten minutes. She was afraid if she was late,

she might lose this opportunity.

"Just call me and I'll explain later."

Melissa followed Suzanne into the dining room. Bright sunlight filtered in from the tall windows overlooking a

fantastic ocean view. A light stream of people wandered along the boardwalk at the edge of the white, sandy

beach beyond.

The maître d' led them past a buffet of fresh tropical fruits, eggs, breakfast meats, breads, pastries, and other

assorted treats. He stopped at a table in the corner of the restaurant with windows facing both the ocean and a

lovely patio garden. A smiling couple sat at the table. The man rose and pulled out a chair for Suzanne as the

maître d" held Melissa's chair, then shifted it forward as she sat down.

"So nice of you to join us, Suzanne." The woman smiled, her gaze falling on Melissa. "Who is your lovely friend?"

"Giselle, Armand, this is Melissa. She's another virgin."

Melissa's back stiffened. What had she gotten herself into?

Armand, a tall man in his late thirties smiled at her. He was very attractive, in a debonair way, with his dark

brown hair flowing back from his face in thick waves, his fine physique showcased in a gray silk shirt that

tapered at the waist, setting off his broad shoulders.

"So nice to meet you, Melissa."

Oh, heavens, he had the merest trace of a French accent. It was sooo sexy. He took her hand and kissed it,

brushing lightly over her knuckles with his full lips. Tingles rippled through her.

"So, Melissa, how do you like the resort so far?"

"It's quite beautiful. A lovely spot."

Suzanne leaned toward Giselle. "She's a little overwhelmed by the goings-on here. I thought it might help if she

could chat to you two, so you could share the benefit of your experience."

"Of course, Melissa. We'd be happy to answer any questions you have."

Giselle's pert nose crinkled with her bright, friendly smile. Melissa felt her tension ease a little.

Giselle's hand stoked over Armand's. Melissa was struck by the physical contrast between the petite auburn-

haired woman with tight curls framing her emerald green eyes, set off by her creamy skin, and her tall and

tanned, dark-haired husband. They certainly made a handsome couple.

The waitress stopped by the table and poured coffee for Melissa and Suzanne. Once she'd gone, they went to

the buffet and filled their plates.

As they ate, they chatted about innocuous things like the weather and the beautiful view. Once they'd finished,

the waitress stopped by and cleared away their dishes and refilled their coffee cups. Melissa had been avoiding

asking them anything about the club, but final y she took a sip of her coffee, sucked in a deep breath, and forged


"Giselle, how long have you been coming to the resort?"

"This place? Only a couple of years, but we've lived the lifestyle for over a decade. That's what you really wanted to know, isn't it?"

The lifestyle. That's how swingers referred to what they did.

"Yes, it is."

Armand slid his arm around Giselle's waist. He smiled at her like golden sunshine on the ocean, and she basked

in the light of that smile. They seemed very much in love.

"So why do you do it?" Melissa asked, quite puzzled.

"Why, honey, that's simple." She patted Melissa's hand. "To keep our sex life exciting."

She glanced at Armand. How could it not be exciting with a hottie like him?

"But you can do that with fantasies and—"

"Sure, but you must have been there already. You can only go so far with a fantasy. Armand and I . . ." She gazed adoringly at her husband. "We tried them all. But being a harem girl, or rodeo cowboy, or whatever gets your

jets going . . . only takes you so far. Adding a new sexual partner to your bedroom activities, well . . ." She

grinned wickedly. "That's absolutely explosive."

"But going off with another man . . . and don't you get jealous knowing Armand's with another woman?"

"Oh, we don't do it like that." Armand's sexy French accent set her hormones sparking. "We invite one person from a couple into our bedroom and we all make love together."

Melissa's eyes widened. "You mean, three of you? Together?"

"Well, we've tried four . . . two couples," Gisel e answered, "but so often it winds up with two couples side-by-side making love, and what Armand and I want is to be involved together. That's the point of the whole thing for


Armand stroked his wife's hand. "Not that the other ways are wrong. They're just not right for us."

"Are the people you . . . sleep with . . . always women?" Suzanne asked, then sipped her coffee.

"Most often." Armand smiled broadly, revealing straight, white teeth. "But I do like watching another man pleasure Giselle. I like having her sit on my lap while I stroke her breasts and watch another man slide his—"

"Armand." Giselle playfully smacked his hand. "You'll scare them."

Melissa could imagine Armand's long, masculine fingers curled over Giselle's generous breasts, while another

man kneeled in front of her and, to her dismay, excitement trickled through her. In fact, she started to imagine

Armand's hands on her breasts while he whispered sweet, French nothings into her ear.

"So you always share the experience," Suzanne commented. "That's nice." She smiled. "It's good that you know what you like."

"And that's another thing." Armand smiled, revealing straight, white teeth. His blue eyes glinted, like sunlight reflecting on the water on a bright, summer's afternoon. "We have to like the other person. We get to know

them and only go for it if we hit it off."

Armand's gaze captured Melissa's and she sat mesmerized. God, but he was a sexy man.

"And we like you."

Chapter 7


Armand turned his gaze to Suzanne. "Both of you."

"Yes, we do," Giselle added.

"Would either of you—?" Armand continued.

"Or both of you?" Gisel e winked.

"Like to join us?" Armand asked.

Melissa's fingers wrapped tightly around her cup as she waited for him to finish the sentence. In the pool. For

lunch. On a plane to Lithuania. It didn't matter. Anything.

But she knew very wel what they wanted her to join them in doing. Her lungs ached with the need for air. She

released her breath very slowly and drew in another.

"I . . . uh . . ."

Suzanne patted her hand and turned to Armand.

"That's a very sweet offer. I don't think Melissa is quite ready for that, but I would be delighted."

Melissa's eyes widened. Wel , what did she expect? As much as she and Suzanne had hit it off . . . as much as

Melissa considered her a normal person . .. Suzanne was here at a swingers' resort. She was here to have sex

with people besides her husband. She was here to have sex with strangers.

"I have a great idea, though. Melissa is really nervous about this whole thing, so why don't we let her watch?"

Melissa gasped. "What? No, no. " Her head shook back and forth like a bobble head gone wild. "I can't do that."

Suzanne squeezed her hand.

"Sweetie, look. You didn't just come here to ask questions, right?"

"I didn't?"

Suzanne's eyebrows dipped in confusion as she stared at Melissa. Damn, she'd blow this whole thing if she

wasn't careful.

"I mean, no, I didn't."

"Well then?"

"We'd be happy to have you watch." Giselle sent her a smile filled with welcome.

"I just don't think I'm ready yet."

Suzanne grabbed her hand and pul ed her to her feet.

"Come on. You just need to jump in."

Melissa felt herself swept along the hallway toward the elevators, Armand and Giselle, their hands joined,

fol owing along behind them. Two couples chatting by the bar sent them a knowing glance. Suzanne pushed the

elevator cal button and the doors whooshed open. Moments later, they exited the elevator on the fourth floor

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