Read Taber Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke and Taige Crenshaw

Taber (11 page)

“They what?” Lainey asked.

“Like this.” Candace lifted her hand and a ball appeared, then floated in the middle of the room spreading out like a screen.

Lainey sat up gasping. The wavering object replayed from the time she’d arrived to Candace’s house to how she sat now. Awed, Lainey glanced at Candace.

“You really are like them.”

“Yes. I love Talios and want to be with him forever.” She made a swipe motion of her hand and the screen disappeared. “How about you and Taber?”

“I—” Lainey stopped, feeling a weird sensation then she faded.

When she returned to shape she put her hands on her hips and glared at Taber. “We’re going to talk about you moving me when I’m in the middle of something. Among other things you’ve been doing.”

“I need your help. The animals are all agitated. When we brought the new ones in a newer employee made a mistake and put one of the animals in the wrong enclosure. Both animals were hurt badly as they fought before anyone could realise what was happening. I’m sorry, Lainey. I was at the airstrip unloading the rest and didn’t realise what was happening.” Taber’s expression was grim.

Lainey’s heart pounded and she clenched her hands together.

“If I don’t intercede they might not be able to save either of them. Kali is dying, Lainey.”

She shook her head frantically. Taber gripped her face between his hands, his gaze steady as he stared at her.

“I can save her.”

“Fine. Let’s go.” Lainey turned on her heels then realised she didn’t have on any shoes. Her boots appeared on her feet. “Thanks, Taber. Tell me what you need me to do.” She tried to still her panic and fear.

“I just need you near,” Taber admitted. “I can heal Kali. As well as Zoey. That’s the name of the white tiger that was put in the enclosure with Kali. They might not have fought if Zoey wasn’t so agitated. I can calm the other animals but I need you—”

“I’m here.” She held out her hand and Taber slid his into hers.

She led him outside then squeezed his hand before releasing her grip and going to oversee the placements of their new arrivals.

.” She sent him a feeling of warmth then one to Kali. Lainey gasped as she felt how close to the edge Kali really was.

“I’ve got her

Lainey relaxed, though she kept the link with him as he focused on what he needed to do. She couldn’t see what he was doing but she felt it along her skin. Lainey paused, looking at the others working around her. They didn’t seem to sense or know anything.

“They won’t unless I wish it so

Lainey inclined her head then focused back on the animals that needed her. She spoke with them in her thoughts. Settling them as she kept a sensory awareness for Taber. She could feel the distress of the tiger he was healing. As she worked, Lainey could tell when he brought Zoey back from death. She rolled her shoulders, relieved he had succeeded. Because she knew that if he hadn’t it would have devastated Taber.

“To everyone else they are both dead. Kali and Zoey are like Klu now. It was the only way to save them. I had them agree to it first. I sent them both to the house
.” Taber paused then spoke again, “
Kali wants you to know she loves you and won’t ever leave your side. Zoey hopes you’ll accept the same from her

Lainey locked her knees as the images from both the Eurasian lynx and white tiger flooded her. From Kali she got the love she always felt around the cat. Zoey was more tentative, almost unsure of her welcome. Lainey opened up her mind and returned the feelings to them both. She hadn’t seen the tiger yet but would not turn it away.

“Lainey, I’m so sorry.” Sean’s voice made her look up.

The sorrow on his face confused her a moment then she realised he, like everyone else but her and Taber, thought the cats were dead. Lainey lowered her head and walked rapidly to Kali’s enclosure. No one spoke to her but she could hear them following. Inside she stumbled to a stop as she viewed what was left of Kali and Zoey.

“No,” she screamed tears filling her eyes as her legs gave out.

Arms came around her, holding her up. She recognised his touch. She turned to look at him, baffled, and met Taber’s gaze.

“You said they lived

“They are. But this is for everyone else. There must be proof they are gone

“But it looks so real
.” Lainey focused on the still bodies of the animals.

“I’m projecting the images to everyone. Including you. I needed your reaction. I’m sorry—I should have thought to warn you
.” Taber held her tight, rocking her.

She distantly heard the murmurs and sorrow like her own among the staff gathered.

“How will we hide them so no one knows they are alive?”

“I am a god, Lainey. Kali and Zoey are immortal and if they do not want to be seen they will not be. They know they can’t be seen by anyone who doesn’t know of them
,” Taber explained patiently.

She nodded not saying anything—her gaze was locked on the forms on the ground.

“Go to the house and I’ll finish up here

Lainey pulled away and walked out. The staff touched her as she passed, expressing their sympathy. They had all grown close to Kali too and loved animals as much as she did. When she was out of view, Lainey started to run to the Jeep to get to Taber’s to see for herself they were alive. The sensation that was becoming familiar filled her then the next moment she was at the lake behind Taber’s house. Before she could speak, a sound she knew so well cut her off. Kali burst out of the foliage at a full run and leapt at her. Lainey wasn’t even afraid—she was so happy to see her. She opened her arms and the cat hit her in the chest and they fell to the ground. Kali nuzzled her neck, sniffing her. Lainey laughed, joy filling her at seeing her alive and well. Some instinct made her look to her left. Lainey’s breath caught as she viewed the regal white tiger sitting silently beside where she and Kali lay. Kali moved back and Lainey sat up and reached out a hand to Zoey. The cat pushed into her hand then tried to climb in her lap.

“You’re too big for my lap.” She petted the cat, settling it by her side.

It laid its head against her left leg and Kali rested her head against her right one. Lainey petted the animals, marvelling that they were fine after what she had seen. The day slowly receded as they sat beside the lake. When it was dark the outside lights came on and illuminated the area. A rustling sound in the brush caught Lainey’s attention. Her eyes widened as a small golden snake flowed out of the trees. She wasn’t afraid, because the lynx and tiger didn’t stir from their position. The closer the gold snake came the larger it became, until it towered over them. It rose, spreading its sides, watching them from golden eyes.

“Taber?” Lainey said tentatively, recognising the gaze.

A golden mist covered the reptile then flowed away rapidly. Taber rolled his shoulders as he strode towards her wearing the same clothing he had been earlier.

“You can be a huge ass snake too. What other animals can you be? How about a tiger?”

Taber changed into one. He cocked his head to the side. Lainey glanced at Zoey by her side, then back at Taber in white tiger form.

“I prefer this form when I run.” Taber’s voice came out of the mouth of the animal before her.

Lainey blinked then laughed. “That’s just freaky hearing your voice from the way you’re looking now.” She gestured.

“Any other animals you want me to become?” The tiger lay on the grass before her.

Lainey thought about it then started calling out names. He changed into each effortlessly. She moved from between the lynx and tiger to him. Lainey sat beside the cave lion—the shape he was in now and petted his back.

“Taber,” she said softly.

The fur flowed away and she was touching bare skin. Taber rolled over, putting his hand behind his head. Lainey looked down his beautiful body.

“I love you, Lainey.”

She jerked her head up at his softly spoken words. The truth was there in his eyes and on his face.

“I know that it’ll take you time to feel the same bu—”

She cut him off. “Shut the hell up, Taber.”


Taber did as she bid, his heart pounding. He wanted her to be by his side forever but knew her accepting it so soon was too much to hope for.

“You’ve been pushing me since we met. Moving me into your house. Making me immortal like you all are.”

Taber was surprised she knew. He studied her and she didn’t seem upset about it.

Lainey pulled down her shirt, showing him the image that looked like a tattoo, just above her breast. “A female and male cave lion. I couldn’t figure out what the matching golden snake and white tiger was for but now I get it. They are all man and woman. Ying for the yang.”

“Yes, I think first and foremost like a cave lion. But the white tiger and snake are sides of me too and my favourite animal to change to.” Taber traced over where his own tattoo was now visible on his chest.

Until now, he’d not let it show and before he left, he’d given her a matching tattoo. Just like his own, on her skin the images cuddled together creating a beautiful design. Lainey traced the tattoo with her finger.

“How did you figure it out?” Taber slid his hand down his chest.

“I suspected something was off but it was a conversation with Candace that solidified it. That and your statement when I was falling asleep that we would talk about it.”

“You didn’t tell them.” He knew, since Talios hadn’t berated him for not letting her choose.

“I wanted to talk with you first.” Lainey tapped him on his chest. “Doing it without asking me first is wrong, Taber. Just like your insistence on moving me into your house every time I move out.”

“You were being stubborn about moving in. It’s fun thwarting you.” Taber smiled.

“You have a warped definition of fun.” Lainey stroked his chest. “You already made me immortal so what is there to talk about?”

Taber stopped moving his hand, resting it on his stomach just above his groin. “It can be undone. I can become human like you and we can live out our lives as such.”

“You’d give up all the cool things you can do for me?” Lainey rested her hand over his.

“I’m nothing without you.” Taber turned his hand to grip hers. “You are my soul, Lainey.”

She stared at him then smirked. “You’re such a sap.”


“A human lifetime won’t be enough for me to figure you out.” She patted him on his chest with her free hand. “I don’t think our immortal life will be near enough.”

Taber shuddered as joy coursed through him. Lainey rubbed his nipples, playing with them.

“I love you, Taber Ellis and you’re stuck with me forever.” Lainey pinched the nubs.

Taber gripped her hands, pulled her against his chest then rolled her beneath him, using his powers to make her as naked as he was. He thrust into her heat in one motion, then kissed her swallowing her gasp. Taber stroked inside her wet canal, enjoying the slide as she clenched around him. His cock filled even more as he moved inside Lainey. He lifted his head, staring into her glazed eyes.

“Say it again,” he demanded.

“I love you.” Lainey repeated it over and over as he took her.

Taber increased his pace, holding her leg higher on his hip. Lainey’s nails dug into his shoulder and she cried out her love to him breathlessly. He stroked quicker, feeling the ball of heat in the base of his belly. His sac went tight and he shook as he came.

He roared in her thoughts.

Lainey echoed him.

Taber slumped against her, turning his head to meet her lips with his. They kissed—a lazy motion of their tongues. He licked along her lip, then jerked as she nipped his bottom one. Lainey laughed before disappearing from beneath him. Taber rose on his knees with his hands flat on the ground.

“Catch me if you can,” Lainey spoke behind him.

He jumped up, turning in the air and landed in the same position. Lainey’s gaze was wide.

“It’s not nice to tease me
.” He stalked towards her on his hands and knees the tiger just under his skin.

“You’re so sexy.” Lainey backed up.

Taber opened his mouth and roared. She gasped and took off running. Just before she reached the trees she shifted into a white tiger. Taber waited as she seemed to shake herself off.

“How the hell did I do that?”

“Instinct. Now run.”

The tiger looked over her shoulder then lifted her head in the haughty motion that was all Lainey, then turned and raced into the trees. Taber shifted and gave chase to his mate—the woman who had made him feel more alive than he had ever thought possible.



Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:


Seducing Damian

Aliyah Burke




Chapter One



That feeling was back…again. Barely containing the shiver—although not entirely unpleasant—that coursed through his body and made him weak in the knees, the man cleared his throat and swallowed before continuing with his lecture.

“Are you okay, Professor?” a student asked from the front row.

The man nodded his dark head and flashed the students in his class one of his winning smiles. The women longed to have that smile mean more than it ever would. His classes were always full. Both men and women wanted to take his class. He taught with vigour most people didn’t see anymore. He taught about ancient Egypt. Although, truth be told, Egyptian mythology was his true passion.

“I’m fine, thank you.” His voice was deep and soothing; the sort of voice that could offer comfort or bring immense pleasure, depending on how he wanted it to be heard. Blinking, he put his eyes back on his class. “Now, where was I?”

“Just about to tell us about the Valley of the Kings,” the same student spoke.

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