Read Taming the Wicked Wulfe (The Rogue Agents) Online

Authors: Tammy Jo Burns

Tags: #Historical Regency Romance

Taming the Wicked Wulfe (The Rogue Agents) (36 page)

“Slow down,” Wulfe said as he brushed her heated skin with gentle movements.

When we slow down, you pass out.”

“May I point out that on one occasion you drugged me?”

Rebekah could feel the blush that spread across her skin.

“At least you have the decency to blush,” her husband said before taking possession of her mouth once more.
This time the kiss was different, less hurried and more passionate, if that were even possible.
When he took her mouth it was a sensual duel rather than a devouring hunger.
Rebekah felt herself falling deeper under the spell he wove her in.
He tore his mouth from hers and began laying kisses along her neck until he reached where it joined her shoulder, then he began again with the other side.

Rebekah’s head tipped backward off the side of the bed, stretching her neck to its fullest.
He licked the indention at the base of her throat before dropping kisses across her chest.
She felt his hand cup her breast and push it upwards while his thumb stroked the peak back and forth, causing it to tighten even further.
She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling when he took her breast in his mouth and began suckling as he did that night at the
Lady Luck
The sensation almost overwhelmed her, then he was dropping kisses once more across her breastbone and showing the same attention to the other.
When he began to deposit kisses along her ribs, she found herself fisting her hands in his shirt, trying to pull him back up.

“Trust me.”

“But, I’m…”

“Beautiful, and I will have my way,” he rasped.
“Now, lie back and allow me to pleasure you.”

“I don’t know that I can,” she said looking him in the eyes, as he once more loomed over her.

“Stop being in control for once,” he encouraged, before kissing her deeply once more, then he moved back to where he had left off, at the area right above her belly button.

She quickly slipped her hands over her belly, knowing he would see the silvery, lightning-like scars that showed evidence she had indeed carried a child.
She felt him take each hand and kiss the back before holding them firmly in his, threading their fingers together.
Rebekah squeezed her eyes shut, afraid that he would find her repulsive and pull away from her. Instead, she felt the gentlest of kisses being placed along her lower belly.

“You endured so much,” he said, as he continued kissing what seemed like each individual mark.
“You are so strong,” more kisses, “so courageous,” even more kisses.
“I will always regret not being there for you.”

Chapter 19

Rebekah bit her lip as tears leaked from the corners of her eyes and ran down her temples.
She felt him place one last kiss on her firm belly before skipping over her dewy, aching center.
When he let go of her hands and lifted her left leg and began kissing his way from her toes to her thigh she felt shock.
When he draped it over his shoulder, she quickly made to lower it.

Remember, let go,” he said, before picking up her other leg and following the same protocol.

Then he was there, or rather his mouth was there, doing things she had never dreamed possible.
“What are you doing?” she managed to squeak out before she felt him slowly insert a finger into her sheath as well.
She squealed before covering her face with her hands.
Rebekah could not control the way her body was reacting to this man she had wanted for so long.
This man, who despite the anger she tried to feel towards him in the intervening years, she could never dismiss this need he created in her just when she thought of him.
She felt him pull out and slowly insert another finger, gently widening her channel, while his tongue continue to ply the nubbin he had manipulated so well the other night.

She felt his thumb replace his tongue as he dropped kisses randomly between belly and chest until he reached her breasts once more, letting her legs fall to his sides.
He alternately suckled her breasts while continuing to toy with her nether region.
Rebekah bit her lip as she felt something building within her.
It felt as if would sweep her under, suffocate her, if given the chance, so she fought it.

Thorn could feel the tightness in her body and knew she was fighting the sensations rushing through her.
She did not know how to relax, to give up her control.
It was not in her nature, and too many things had conspired against her in the past, including himself.
Why had it been different at the
Lady Luck
He could not give that to her, but he could do something else—give her control.

Rebekah felt at a loss.
One minute Thorn was there, everywhere, and the next, he was gone.
Her body thrummed with unfulfilled desire.
She eased up on her elbows and saw him standing beside the mattress.
He pulled off his shirt and flung it into the background and then dexterously undid the buttons on the placket of his pants.
She met his eyes, and then he shucked his pants off, kicking them out of the way.
His turgid length bobbed in its full splendor.
Then he was lying beside her, flat on his back.

“What are you doing?” she asked, confusion lacing her voice.

“Letting you take the reins,” he replied.

“Are you comparing me to a horse?” she huffed.

“Perhaps a skittish filly.
Your experiences have not been wonderful, no thanks to me, and the one time it was, you were anonymous.
You like to be in charge of your life.”

“But I don’t know what to do.”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you and guide you, but you are going to decide how and when.”

Tears burned the back of her throat.
Did he know how much this meant to her?
How difficult it was to let someone else be in charge of her body?
“Sponges,” she said.
Although she wanted children someday, if it were possible, now was not the time.
She slipped from the bed and quickly crossed the room before opening a drawer and digging out her reticule.

“Bring the whole bloody lot of them,” Thorn called from the bed.

She felt excitement enter her veins, causing her pulse to race.
She grabbed both the decanter of brandy Thorn had brought to the room to help her sleep and a glass.
Rebekah poured some brandy in the glass before tipping it back and taking a drink.
She poured more and held it out to Thorn.

“I’ll pass this time.”

While she had been across the room, he had shifted so that his head rested on several pillows like he was a reclining sultan.
She nodded and dropped a couple of the sponges with long strings attached to them into the glass.
“Can you cover that?” she asked nodding to his member.

“For now,” he said, pulling a corner of the coverlet over just his hips.
The rest of him remained uncovered.

Feeling more confident, Rebekah climbed up on the bed beside him.
She reached over him and placed the glass with the soaking sponges on the bedside table.
She felt his heated breath on her puckered nipple and could not help the moan that escaped her lips.

“You are in control,” he reminded her.

She crawled onto his thighs, straddling him, facing him.
Rebekah kept a distance between the covered part of his anatomy and hers, remembering the pain of last time, her only time.
She linked her hands behind his neck and tried to pull him forward, but he would not budge.

“No, you have to tell me what you want.”

“I want you.”

“To what?”
He watched a blush cover her body.
He hated putting her through this, but her father had made her hate herself in so many ways, and he had stolen from her the one good memory she should have.
This was his opportunity to help her find her sensuality and explore it.
“What do you want?”

“I ache,” she said, becoming frustrated with him, her eyes becoming glassy with tears she refused to let fall.

“Where do you ache?”
He studied the firm line of her lips.
“Tell me, Rebekah,” he pulled her down and gently kissed her lips.
Thorn whispered the words against her soft, wet lips, “Where, sweetheart?”

“Here,” she said taking his hands and bringing them to cover her breasts, grinding her tips in the center of his palms.
She sighed against his lips when he gently squeezed her breasts before teasing the nipples as he had earlier.
Rebekah returned to his lips, playing with them as if she were a child and they were her toy to do with as she wanted.
When she broke through the barrier of his lips, it was to duel with him in a kiss more passionate than they had yet shared.

Between the sensations he was causing as he stimulated her breasts and the kisses they shared, Rebekah began to squirm.
Her apex had begun to weep at his masterful touch.
She felt herself inching up, until she felt his cloth covered length against her stomach.
Feeling empowered, she slowly pulled the cloth away and felt Thorn groan against her lips as she pulled back.
He moved his hands around to her back to steady her and let his lips replace what his hands were doing.
Feeling brave, Rebekah reached between them and gently let her fingers glide up his length.

“Stop,” Thorn croaked.

“Why?” she asked innocently.

“This will be over before it has begun.”

“Oh,” she paused a moment, and they looked into each other’s eyes.
She relished the feel of his palms sliding up and down her back.
“Perhaps you should help me with one of the sponges then.
I’m not quite sure how it all works,” she said honestly.
She watched him reach over with a shaky hand and take a sponge, brandy dripping from it.
Rebekah could not help the smile that touched her lips.

“You are even more beautiful when you smile,” he whispered, kissing her once more.
“Now, lean back on your hands and widen your knees for me a little more.”

She did and went breathless when she felt his fingers gently entering her.
Her head dropped back, and her hair brushed his thighs.
He flicked that little bud as he withdrew his fingers, and she could not resist the shivers that ran through her body.

“Help me,” Rebekah pleaded, sitting back up, a tremor in her voice that had not been there earlier.

“Help you what?”

“Please, don’t tease me.
Not now,” tears clung to her lashes.
That quickly her body had turned into a bonfire, because this man had allowed her to control the situation.
Her nerves thrummed with sensations.

“Lift up.”

She did as he instructed then felt something much bigger than his finger at her entrance.

“Remember, you are in control,” he said hoarsely.

One hand gripped her hip, not hard enough to bruise, but she knew how much this was a struggle for him and how much it was costing him to concede control to her.
She bravely looked down to see his other hand held himself still for her to do what she must.
Rebekah leaned forward and kissed him softly before resting her forehead against his.
She gripped his biceps, her nails biting into the backs of his arms.
Her eyes never lost contact with his.
She forced her body to lower itself, inch by slow inch, twisting occasionally to help the journey until their groins were mated.
They sat there for what seemed forever until Thorn broke the silence.

“We’re not finished,” he said.

“I don’t know what to do,” she confided.

“Think of it as a battle.”

“What?” she laughed.

“Lord, Bek, you’re going to kill me,” she felt his stomach muscles contract against hers and his head fell back.
Sweat beaded his forehead and upper lip.

“Are you ill?”

Now, where were we?”

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