Read Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4) (6 page)

She hadn’t heard a sound, but the scent filtering through the room made her falter mid-step. She inhaled deeply as her breasts peaked and her skin pulled tight. Need trailed down her body. The scent was incredible, like some intense narcotic coming to lull her into erotic fantasies. Her pussy grew slick and hot. She heard her beast whimpering and felt the intense compulsion to rub that scent all over her body. That shocked her into stillness. She leaned forward, inhaling more of the earthy aphrodisiac. What the hell was it?

Dark, dangerous and utterly beautiful was the only way to describe the male standing inside the doorway to her bedroom. In her home. Panic warred with her beast’s desire for the male. His dark hair was a little long, and there were black piercings in one eyebrow that framed glowing amber gold eyes. Mesmerizing. His jaw and every inch of his face was masculine chiseled perfection, including his firm lips. Power fell off him in waves as she stood caught inside it all. He wore a dark tee shirt under a green and black flannel, unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up to show strong forearms covered in ink.

Fear that something was severely wrong with her instincts snapped her back. He wasn’t human, that much was certain by all that power rolling over her skin.

She sent a telepathic call to her sisters and threw her power as her beast snarled and snapped, fighting her. He was dangerous whether her wolf believed it or not. A point proven when her telekinetic blast had little effect on his easily six-and-a-half-foot muscled frame. Her sisters were in her head, wanting answers, but she had nothing to give. His heavy lidded eyes flared to another intense level of arousal when her power hit him; it should have knocked him out of the room. Instead he seemed unfazed by it. His nostrils flared, and he smiled seductively at her.

“I’m not going to hurt you, princess.” His voice was deep with traces of a throaty growl that only made things worse.

“I’m not your princess. Who are you?” she snapped, even though the way he said the ridiculous endearment made her blood pulse and her beast roll. Her traitorous animal liked it.

“What does your beast think?” he asked instead of answering her. He knew her animal was compromised.

Her pussy ached, and she couldn’t help inhaling all the earthy decadence, which only seemed to be getting stronger, hotter. Self-preservation kicked in, and she threw more power, this time with all her strength, but he absorbed it. Her eyes widened at his smile.

“Fuck, you’re incredible.” He groaned.

Her wolf mewled for her to go to him, but she knew that wasn’t logical, wasn’t right. Panic was mixing with the uncontrollable lust for the gorgeous male. He’d look dangerous even if she couldn’t feel all the raw power emanating from him, licking at her every nerve ending. She felt wild, charged as she tracked his graceful moves. His muscles were tense as he tilted his head and scented the air like the pure male predator he was. She told herself she studied him to find a weakness, but there was nothing vulnerable about him. What did he want? Not to kill her, no, the scent of his arousal made it clear he wanted her naked not dead. But why her, how had he even found her, and what had he done to make her beast lose control?

“What did you do to me?” She gritted her teeth, fighting her animal. He hadn’t said who he was, just stared at her, his eyes tracing every inch of her body. She couldn’t define the look in his eyes; it was raw and possessive as if she belonged to him, as if he wanted her more than he wanted anything else. Desired more from her than just her body, and that scared her. She wanted to retreat, but her beast wanted to pounce. She tuned out her sisters’ panic coming through their mental link, unable to focus on them and the threat standing in her bedroom. He’d blocked the only real exit route. The only thing she could do was wait and hope the combined power her sisters held would provide a way to hold him and get answers or at the least escape that intensity and power that was threatening to take her over.

Another breath took more of him into her lungs, and she barely contained the whimper as desire fired every nerve. Without conscious thought, her eyes tracked down to the tight jeans, stretched tight over muscular thighs, the zipper tenting. He was barely contained, and she wanted to free every inch of him.

“I love your eyes on me, princess, but it’s only making me harder.”

She nearly moaned at the sexy timbre of his voice. Everything about him scared and tantalized her equally as she ran her eyes back up to his rolled sleeves and wished she could glimpse more of his skin.

“If I take off my clothes, I won’t stop there, and if I touch you, it’s over. Do you want me to claim you, princess?” He paused with his hands on his flannel and a sexy teasing grin on his firm lips.

Claim? His words made her skin tingle and didn’t make sense to her jumbled mind. She needed out of there, fast. Would her mind control work? She doubted it, and she didn’t dare try until her sisters were closer. She didn’t want to give away her only potential advantage. She was already concerned he would be too powerful for the four of them.

“I don’t even know who you are,” she stated, and her own voice sounded low. She had to distract him. Come up with a plan. He was not one of the Immortals her father spoke of. This male was more, and he’d blocked her only true exit. She had no idea how quick he was. She was the fastest of her siblings, but if she jumped through the window, it would slow her and he’d easily track the blood. He’d caged her.

Gunn was several states away, but her sisters weren’t that far. She wasn’t on the same level as this male; he’d somehow found a way to affect her instincts. Her beast was compromised, nearly whimpering for her to go to him, and she wasn’t sure how long she could fight the desire to touch him.

“I’m your mate, your male.” His firm words were filled with heat and something else.

She swallowed and took a step back. Mate? His voice alone was making her edgy and needy in a way she’d never experienced in her entire life, but that one word made her wolf keen for him. She felt his power slide over her skin, and she gasped at the electric sparks it left as it trailed over her entire body. It lifted and pressed her body firmly against the wall. Telekinetic ability like hers, but in an entirely different league. She couldn’t trust or believe his words, but he seemed to believe them. It was in his eyes. Hers? She pushed against his invisible hold, but it was strong. She tried using hers, but he blocked it completely.

She sent a mental call for her sisters to stay away; he was too strong. She couldn’t listen to their refusals; she demanded they wait until she knew more and then blocked them, unable to focus on them and him.

She needed to think, but her mind was gone, with every step closer that scent took her further into an erotic haze where only need existed. He scented the air. His wide muscled chest rose and fell much like hers, and his lowered eyes were gliding over her body, cataloging every minute detail as if the sight of her was something incredible, and her wolf rose, basking in his appraisal. His power caressed her body even as he held her in place. Impossible. She felt exposed, hot and more aroused than she ever dreamed possible. She was not a weak female, young, yes, but generally stronger and more powerful than even her eldest sister. He’d said claim. Such a possessive damned word and her beast wanted it, him. Why ask her? He could take anything he wanted, whether she allowed it or not.

It seemed everything was in slow motion. Even her responses were slow. “I’m not an animal to have a mate. What have you done to me?” He stalked closer, his eyes heated, but she didn’t fear him like she should. Panic at his power and the unknown, but her beast’s responses wouldn’t let her fear harm from him. Which wasn’t remotely logical.

“Fuck, your scent makes me lose my damned mind,” he said and ran his fingers through his hair as if he were fighting himself.

When he moved closer, she bit her cheek against the intense desire to lick his chiseled jaw and work her way to the powerful tendons of his neck, to bite. She shook off the thoughts with a force of will that was quickly evaporating. He looked like a pagan God of old. Was he a God? They were supposed to be gone. That sent a chill through her. That could explain his power. She felt his warmth slide through the thin fabric as he came close enough to touch with more than those invisible hands of his ability. It felt as if his fingers were softly stroking her face and neck. She felt the caresses becoming more intimate, licking over her nipples while the other bands of power held her pinned. She wanted to move, fought the hold of his power even though it was weak effort because she wanted him so damned much.

He used the invisible hands to slide her wrists high above her head. The new position pushed her breasts up and out. Her shirt slid up and under her breasts. “Will you let me see, princess?”

Her breath sawed out, but she shook her head, more to test if he would hold back or just take what he wanted. His eyes were filled with heat, but he kept in control with a grin that looked almost pleased.

His voice rumbled, “The term mate pertains to Immortal pairings. It’s rare. We only get one. You’re mine.” Her heart thudded in her chest. Mating? We, as in there were more of him? His heat tantalized her, and he hadn’t physically touched her yet.

“What do you want from me, other than my body?”

His eyes darkened further. He played his power over her nerves, through her clothes, using precision to roll her nipples until she was moaning.

“Are you a God?” She exhaled through clenched teeth.

“Not a God. I’m a Guardian. Your Guardian,” he said softly and continued to torment her erect nipples as she squirmed. He seemed lost in a haze as much as she was as he teased the juices from her body. Her panties were wet, soon her yoga pants would be. She rolled her head as her legs spread with the invisible hands of his ability. That power held her to the new splayed position on her toes, and still he caressed her breasts and now her slit. She panted, angry and aroused at the same time. Being restrained should have sent her beast through the roof, but she was a fucking useless ball of whimpering need inside her. It was fucking terrifying to be so aroused and overpowered.

“Let me go,” she growled, fighting her arousal, her beast… him.

He seemed almost more lost in the experience then she was. “I’m dying to coax more sweet cream from your cunt, until you get just how good I can make you feel.” He groaned the words out. “I’m torturing myself more, by wanting to know what your come smells like. When you let me touch you, I’ll rub my face and chest in it and wear your scent as I claim your body.”

Her eyes widened, and she nearly came from his heated words alone. What did he mean, when she let him touch her? That was the second time he’d acted as if she really had a choice, even pinned against the wall. Why the tease, the torment?

She narrowed her eyes and panted out the accusation in her mind. “Is this some sort of game for you?”

“If it’s a game, you’re winning.” He let out a self-deprecating laugh.

“Explain what the hell this is.”

He pulled his power back and ran a shaking hand over his face while she ached to have it back. He’d taken her too far to stop. What the hell was wrong with her that she wanted him to continue? She was still restrained and left without release.

“You’re my mate. What we’re experiencing is the start of the frenzy. I underestimated just how out of control I’d get; my beast is at the edge, snapping for me to claim you. Your damned scent is a fucking drug, and I deserve a damned medal for keeping my hands off of you.” He shook his head and frowned, which made her believe he really was holding on by a thread. “My scent is doing the same to you, but when we touch, it starts for real. Any caress of skin will send us over, set it off. You’ll hurt without me fucking you.” He blew out a breath. “I’m giving you a choice now to hold off until you know me or to tell me to claim you now,” he growled. “The second you let me touch you, you’re mine. I’ll have you any way I want you, with my tongue, my hands, my cock buried deep inside that wet pussy. I’ll give you so much pleasure we’ll both be consumed by it.”

She moaned before she could stop it. “But if you do what you were doing, that doesn’t happen?” She needed to come, desperately, but the bastard didn’t deserve any pleasure. He’d tortured her, teased her, and was trying to get her to agree to something she didn’t fully understand. His eyes darkened and his breath sawed out as a wide, pained grin filled his beautiful face.

“You can finish what you started without touching me?” she confirmed in as hard a voice as she could. Her words came out less harsh than husky. He’d left her a wreck, and he needed to fix it. Coherent thought was getting harder and harder, but she knew one thing, if he didn’t finish her, she would lose her mind, she would demand he take her. What did she have to lose in calling his bluff? If he touched her, it was over, but he’d said it was her choice, this was his test.

His eyes lowered. “You want me to make you come without touching you, princess?” He growled when she nodded sharply. It was insane, but she just didn’t care. Would he truly get her off without taking his own pleasure? She would see if he was lying.

“Or let me free and I’ll do it myself,” she said through a clenched jaw. It wouldn’t take more than a few strokes.

“Fuck. I’d love to see your fingers working that wet pussy, but I get to make you come this time.” He groaned and braced his hands on either side of her arms as he leaned into her. His power slid over her nipples and pussy at the same time. His warm breath fanned over her cheek, her ear, then down her neck, sending tingles all over her skin. So close, but not touching as she writhed helplessly against the wall, striving for the release she craved. She had to come before she crawled out of her skin. She cried out as he pushed her further than she’d ever tormented herself.

“I can’t wait to have you naked.” His breath and whisper at her ear made gooseflesh rise everywhere. “I want to learn every inch of your hot little body. I want your come on my fingers,” he growled. Son of a bitch his voice… “Does my power feel like fingers caressing your tight little nipples? Your soaking pussy?” His breath on her skin was too much and not enough. “Do you want more? To be filled? Fucked?” He growled in her ear, and his words and the pressure of what he was doing to her body started setting off light tremors. “That’s it, let go. Come for me.” She started pulsing. “I can’t wait until you’re coming on my lips. I’ll lap up your juices and bury my face in your hot cunt. After drinking my fill I’ll slide my tongue over the nerves of your tiny ass. There isn’t an inch of you that won’t feel my mouth, princess. I promise.” Pressure moved over her pussy and ass the same way he said he’d use his tongue, and she flew. Her restrained arms and legs, his voice, his breath running over her as his scent filled her lungs. It was all so hotly erotic, it sent her over the edge until she was groaning and throbbing. Panting and moaning as the tremors rolled and her body writhed against his invisible touch.

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