Read Tested Online

Authors: Janelle Stalder

Tested (21 page)

“I need you,” she whispered, effectively wiping the grin off his face, replacing it with a look so intense she knew she was never going to be the same after this. Tyler moved his hips away from her, positioning himself right where she needed him, when a loud ring filled the room. They both froze as the cell phone in her pants pockets rang out.






Every muscle in his body was so tight, he was afraid he might snap. Tyler looked down at Missy, her eyes wide now as the phone rang, but that hazy, well pleased look that had just been there was still lurking. She was by the far the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Seeing her naked and vulnerable, her eyes calling out to him, trusting him – it was everything he’d wanted and more.

Common sense and responsibility called for him to answer the phone, but he found he couldn’t force his body to move away from her. He was poised to enter her body, and right then nothing else seemed more important than being with this woman.

Fuck it, he thought. In one move, he buried himself inside her, ignoring those who were trying to get into contact with them. They both gasped at the sudden connection. Tyler’s arms gave out, his body falling on to hers as he shuddered at the sensations surrounding him. Missy’s arms wrapped around his shoulders, keeping him close to her.

He turned his face slightly, letting his lips graze across the skin on her neck, waiting for her body to grow accustom to his size. She was so incredibly tight and hot, soaked from her earlier climax. If he died right then, he’d die a happy man. It was by far the most amazing feeling he’d ever had. The need to move was becoming unbearable, but he could feel her muscles still flexing around him at the intrusion.

Finally he leaned up a bit, dropping kisses along her cheek bones, down to her lips. “Are you ok?” he managed to get out.

Missy lifted her legs higher on his hips, sinking him deeper. They groaned together. Her hips rotated beneath him, nearly causing him to lose all sense of control. She circled her hips again, her eyes urging him to move. He didn’t wait a second longer.

Drawing out slowly, he slammed back home, sweat beading along his neck and back. Missy’s nails dug into his arms, urging him on. He moved, keeping a rhythm that had them both climbing quickly. Her inner walls quivered around him so he slowed down, wanting to draw out their release a bit longer. He didn’t want this to end, wanted to feel her gripping him as long as possible.

She moaned, her head thrashing back and forth as he forced her body back away from the edge. Those eyes that had captivated him peered up pleadingly, her hands gripping his hips urgently. He moved slowly, rotating his hips whenever he was fully sheathed, his pelvic bone rubbing against her already sensitized flesh.

“Please,” she begged over and over. He moved faster again, harder when she cried out for it. His heart raced, a tingling sensation racing down his spine as he neared his climax. He could feel her body climb and knew they would fall as one.

Both called out as their worlds exploded. Her inner walls squeezed around him as he pumped his release into her, his body shuddering from the intensity. He collapsed, careful not to crush her. She didn’t seem to have the same concern as she pulled him closer, melting into him. Their heavy breathing was the only sound now, the phone no longer interrupting their moment of privacy.

How long he lay like that, his face buried in her neck, breathing in her scent, memorizing the feeling of her skin against his, her soft curves cushioning him, he didn’t know. If he could have stayed that way forever he would have. Eventually he pulled out of her, rolling over onto his back. His arm snaked out to bring her with him, plastering her to his side. She fit perfect, just as he knew she would.

Missy snuggled in closer, in no more of a hurry than he was to separate. Tyler reached down for the cover, pulling it up over them. They would rest for just a moment and then call back the others so they could figure out a way back to the western ghetto. For now though, he would enjoy this quietness, knowing Missy was his, truly now, even if she didn’t realize it yet.

This dream was the best dream he'd had in as long as he could remember. Warm, soft flesh pressed up against his side. The faint scent of vanilla hung in the air. He knew it was Missy with him even though his vision in the dream was blurry. Tiny hands stroked across his skin lazily, almost exploratory. When her wet, hot mouth placed kisses where her hands had just been, he moaned in encouragement.

She nipped and sucked at him as she shifted, making her way down his body. Before he knew what was happening, he felt her delicate hand wrap around the base of him, stroking up to his head and back again. He couldn't stop the pleased sounds escaping him.

Awareness was starting to intrude and he squeezed his eyes shut to hold onto the dream. Her touch felt hesitant, as though she was unsure of herself, only making it that much better for him; knowing she was curious about him enough to step out of her comfort zone. The real world would not keep out though, much to his frustration. As reality broke through, his eyes blinking open slowly, he could still feel remnants of the dream lingering as her tongue flicked out, running up the underside of him before her mouth took him in completely.

God no,
he thought, hating that he was waking up just as it was getting really good. Pleasure zipped up his spine making it arch upwards of its own accord. It was only then, as her mouth sucked on his sensitive flesh, that reality really did kick in and his eyes looked down at a sight better than any dream he could imagine.

Missy looked up through her lashes at him and he almost came right then. His hand reached down to grip her hair gently, making sure she still had full control over the situation. He wanted so badly to lift his hips into her warmth, but fought the urge. Part of him had feared everything that had happened between him and Missy had been nothing but another dream. What if he was still lying in the middle of that white room? But it had definitely not been a dream, and he was most certainly awake. Wide awake.

He thanked whatever god was up there. His fingers stroked through the silky strands of her hair as he watched her, his eyes unable to look away. She continued to work for another minute before slowly releasing him. Without speaking she crawled up his body until her legs were on either side of his hips. He didn't dare speak, transfixed by this beautiful, fragile woman, who was blossoming into a sensual siren right before his eyes.

She was throwing caution to the wind, doing exactly what she wanted and not being afraid or scared to do so. He knew this was out of character for her, a huge step into letting go of the past and healing. His heart felt like it would burst from pride and admiration. She didn't hesitate to lower herself perfectly over him, her body already ready enough for him to slide in blissfully. She didn't stop until her hips met his and he was filling her completely.

They both groaned, but she didn't wait long to lift back up and down again as she slowly found her rhythm and pleasure in him. He let her set the pace until he grew closer to his peak and needed to drive in harder. Gripping her hips, he pulled her down as he lifted his hips up at the same time. She cried out, urging him on. It didn't take long, one slight shift in angle to hit the spot he knew would send her over, and then her walls tightened around him, her entire body stiffening in ecstasy.

Growling, Tyler rolled until she was under him and began to move deeply, drawing out her pleasure, finding his own only shortly after. They panted, their faces both turned into one another's neck. Tyler pressed a few kisses there before collapsing further on her, no longer able to hold himself up. She didn't complain as they both lay there, catching their breath.

Finally, he lifted off and gazed down at her. "Mornin'," he said, grinning slightly.

She blushed, making him want to laugh at her sudden shyness. "Morning," she replied, biting her lip.

He leaned down and kissed her deeply. When he pulled away again, she looked more comfortable, her eyes sparkling temptingly. "I'm going to call the others back and then we'll figure out some food, yeah?" he said.

Missy nodded. "Ok."

He went to pull the sheet around his hips as he pushed off the bed, but stopped, knowing she would be embarrassed to lie naked in front of him, exposed. That, and she could get cold. He tucked her in, loving it when she giggled beneath him. He smiled, something he uncharacteristically seemed to do a lot of when he was around her. Kissing the tip of her nose, and noticing that touching her constantly was slowly becoming a must, he straightened and turned to find the phone, buck naked. A man had to do what a man had to do.



He was literally a god among man. Or at least he looked like it as he walked away from the bed completely nude. There wasn't an inch of him that wasn't attractive. It was almost unfair. Her body was still buzzing, making her feeling happily sleepy and comfy in the bed, every limb relaxed. She doubted she could move even if she wanted to, which she didn't for the next 5 days at least.
If only,
she thought.

Her eyes had no problem though, moving down and across his body as he bent to lift her pants off the floor, rummaging the phone out of her back pocket. She watched him hit a few buttons before bringing the phone to his ear, looking over at her. Missy didn't know what her face must have looked like right then, but clearly her appraisal and desire for him was evident.

His eyes instantly darkened and narrowed on her. "Keep looking at me like that, lass, and we won't be going anywhere for days."

The excitement at such a prospect and subsequent smile that spread across her face as she wiggled beneath the covers could not be helped. Tyler growled something, stopping himself as his focus returned to the phone at his ear. "Seamus?" he said, pulling his eyes away from her. "It's Tyler." He paused as Seamus spoke on the other side. "Aye, it's good to hear you. Things have gotten - complicated on this side."

He listened before his eyes looked to her. "I have her here with me." His mouth turned down in a frown. "Watch it Seamus Brown or I'll be ruining that pretty face of yours." His eyes grew angrier as he watched her.

She knew she hadn't done anything so Seamus must have been teasing him about her. For some reason that made her happy, thinking perhaps Tyler had been attracted to her before all this began. She'd be lying if she didn't admit there had been moments where she’d wondered if it was just drugged Tyler that was possessive toward her, and that when he got his senses back he wouldn't be attracted to her at all. From the way he looked at her and touched her, she had little doubt as to how he felt. Not that she thought she meant much to him, or that there were any strong emotions per se, but there was definitely chemistry between them.

"Put Pete on the phone," he said through clenched teeth. A second passed before she saw relief filter through his eyes.

"Pete," he greeted. "You don't want to know, mate. There's still a bit that's fuzzy in my mind." Pete said something while Tyler walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed, angled away from her. "Drugs. What kind, I don't know, but they've done something to me." he paused. "Hard to explain, but certain senses of mine are enhanced. For the most part they had me training." Pause. "Mostly fighting and training like you would a boxer. The General has something up his sleeve but I haven't figured out just what. They had a group of us meet with him and arranged some attack on the headquarters, but intuition tells me that wasn't the main plan. Most likely a distraction of sorts."

Missy noticed how tense his shoulders had gotten since he started going over all their issues. Without stopping to over think, she got up, the covers falling off her. Normally she would have hidden herself but now she decided there was no point. He'd seen all there was to see and had told her how beautiful he thought she was, so why hide? Crawling over to him, she ran her hands across his shoulders, digging into his muscles. She loved the feeling of his smooth skin.

Instantly she felt him relax beneath her touch. He turned to glance at her over his shoulders, his eyes trailing over her naked breasts. She could feel her nipples harden just from his stare. Something Pete said made him snap back to attention - somewhat. She could tell he was still very much aware of her behind him as he tried to keep up the conversation.

"He must have recognized me," he replied. "But I was of no mind to realize it. I'm sure it made him ecstatic to know I was doing his bidding again, without a choice this time. I'm guessing that was why he'd assigned me to a certain death sentence. Why else send a small group of men into the hive of the New World Order?"

He grunted in agreement. "Either way, we'll figure out what he's up to. Something tells me this bombing isn't going to deter Douglas. If anything it will just urge him on. Ludwig is acting irrationally. My main concern is how to get us back over to you." He shook his head at whatever Pete was saying. "The entire building is destroyed. We were lucky to get out ourselves. If the tunnel wasn't destroyed, any access to it was for sure. We're screwed. Everything is a mess over here." He paused. "I'm not sure. I came to my place and only to my place. I didn't want to stay out in the open more than I had to. From what I saw though, not much has survived the blasts."

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